OD Motti .. hi bro the best somali man are in bush (badhiyaa)
looking after the camels goats and cows, but those one in the town are rubish ,i thing saw
remember when old day mens were men and woman were woman , not know?
but sual??????
salaams first of all ...walaashiis good question where are the good Somali men? I asked also myself too , but i think it depence with your family background how they broutht you up..hadii diin iyo respect lagugu sookooriyo waad wanaag sanaayeeysaa, lakiinsee kii hooyadiisa iyo aabadiisa kahiilmaameey bisinka intuu fiicnaan ka keenaa hee..............All men are same black ,white and asian . The women are same too in kastoo eey kuxiran tahay siduu ilaahay kuu sameeyeey ...................peace :eek: