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Everything posted by Se7en

  1. HaHaHa What A Action
  2. Se7en

    Sci-Fi Friday

  3. Originally posted by SomericaN: So what the f^^k is this supposed to mean,some of you need someone to ram an 18wheeler into u'r rear end. u know what....**** off
  4. ofleh why dont you pray to allah to take ur life away cause you dont really know how lucky you are.
  5. Originally posted by Fyr-Kanten: LOL Skön låt! Se7en va hände! Skulle inte du ringa mig? Men skit samma jag ska om en stund åka till hassan i alla fall, men vi ses imorgon. hehe jag pallar inte.....jag e för trött ändå aha ok ha det bra.
  6. haha
  7. Se7en

    Car accident!

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH FUNNY AS HELL! Thats what I call some action
  8. Those who I hate more then Arabs are those black people claiming that they are Arabs. That makes me furious. If you are black then STAY black, it’s a simple rule.
  9. Tahliil u are 110% right!!! What scares me most is that we Somalia people are very racist to each other but when it comes to whites, then we are down on our knees and cleaning his shoes. Whats wrong with us?
  10. Originally posted by Shirwac: I'm not a soccer fan but how good do we play soccer? My older brother calls the way somali plays the soccer "chase the monkey". They don't play positions, the fastest guy kicks the ball and runs after it while his teames cheers him on and the opponents try to catch him or break his skiny legs "lafta ama lacagta". That is my two cents in SOCCER. HAHHAHAAHHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAHHAHAH........THAT'S SO TRUE HAHAHAHAHAH FUNNY!!!
  11. plz someone tell me where I can send some help to this poor girl.
  12. Originally posted by Amethyst: Hizbollah ... Do you see the irony in discussing music with that nick? HEHEHE what can I say....ey I like the name
  13. HAHAHAH sick people. They do everything for money!!! ******
  14. Originally posted by Lidia: I don’t know if you guys are into this kind of music, but I thought I’d share with you this beautiful song by damien rice. Enjoy! Lidia you have a good taste for music. damien rice what can I say about him.....the guy is a music genius
  15. Se7en

    Help me!!!

    Hi Where can I find Somali Ringtones?? Plz help me out with that!! THANKS
  16. hehe them will never catch him cause this guy knows what his doing!