Truth Seeker

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Everything posted by Truth Seeker

  1. THis discussion is open to everyone, i try to keep my posts as short as possible. However if there are any points that you require more detail on then i am happy to oblige. I will attempt to answer the question or find out the answer.
  2. Yes Allah (swt) promises the state as he promised the Prophet (saw). For arguments sake lets say i agree with culturing people with tawheed, okay the people have Iman now, how now are you going to get the authority? what is your method here at this stage. Thats all im asking. However what we see is the Prophet (saw) took particular steps to get the authority, he (saw) went to tribes to seek the authority from them to rule over them - this was the practical step the Prophet (saw) took to get power, what is your method? If you can address this point only rather than any other.
  3. Frankly i am disapointed with Ngonge, i have written on numerous occasions the three stage methodology that the the prophet (saw) used to estyablish the state, culture, create public opionion, seek the authority from those with influence and rule. This is the method of hizb ut tahrir, never once have you challenged this or bought a counter argument. What are your specific issues, read a sample of the books of the party on, these are the ones translated - just look at the depth of the culture - how can you say its vague. If you have specific issues raise them but lets not make general statements that portray the hizb in a negative light which can influence people against them when they are undertaking a noble task. I dont mean dont question, but lets not make statements whilst we dont have the knowledge. The specific book on methodology is " The Method to Establish the Khialfah State" avalible under books at If you have specific issues raise them, lets hear your solution?
  4. U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan By Amiram Cohen The United States has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request came in a telegram last week from a senior Pentagon official to a top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem. The Prime Minister's Office, which views the pipeline to Haifa as a "bonus" the U.S. could give to Israel in return for its unequivocal support for the American-led campaign in Iraq, had asked the Americans for the official telegram. The new pipeline would take oil from the Kirkuk area, where some 40 percent of Iraqi oil is produced, and transport it via Mosul, and then across Jordan to Israel. The U.S. telegram included a request for a cost estimate for repairing the Mosul-Haifa pipeline that was in use prior to 1948. During the War of Independence, the Iraqis stopped the flow of oil to Haifa and the pipeline fell into disrepair over the years. The National Infrastructure Ministry has recently conducted research indicating that construction of a 42-inch diameter pipeline between Kirkuk and Haifa would cost about $400,000 per kilometer. The old Mosul-Haifa pipeline was only 8 inches in diameter. National Infrastructure Minister Yosef Paritzky said yesterday that the port of Haifa is an attractive destination for Iraqi oil and that he plans to discuss this matter with the U.S. secretary of energy during his planned visit to Washington next month. Paritzky added that the plan depends on Jordan's consent and that Jordan would receive a transit fee for allowing the oil to piped through its territory. The minister noted, however, that "due to pan-Arab concerns, it will be hard for the Jordanians to agree to the flow of Iraqi oil via Jordan and Israel." Sources in Jerusalem confirmed yesterday that the Americans are looking into the possibility of laying a new pipeline via Jordan and Israel. (There is also a pipeline running via Syria that has not been used in some three decades.) Iraqi oil is now being transported via Turkey to a small Mediterranean port near the Syrian border. The transit fee collected by Turkey is an important source of revenue for the country. This line has been damaged by sabotage twice in recent weeks and is presently out of service. In response to rumors about the possible Kirkuk-Mosul-Haifa pipeline, Turkey has warned Israel that it would regard this development as a serious blow to Turkish-Israeli relations. Sources in Jerusalem suggest that the American hints about the alternative pipeline are part of an attempt to apply pressure on Turkey. Iraq is one of the world's largest oil producers, with the potential of reaching about 2.5 million barrels a day. Oil exports were halted after the Gulf War in 1991 and then were allowed again on a limited basis (1.5 million barrels per day) to finance the import of food and medicines. Iraq is currently exporting several hundred thousand barrels of oil per day. During his visit to Washington in about two weeks, Paritzky also plans to discuss the possibility of U.S. and international assistance for joint Israeli-Palestinian projects in the areas of energy and infrastructure, natural gas, desalination and electricity. Source: Haaretz
  5. Can we have a full methodology, what are the practical steps you are going to do to get the leadership after tawheed is established?
  6. Its interesting how when somebody talks about establishing Khilafah that they are accused of being in some fantasy world - yet when some Muslims take part in Kufr Politics saying they are going to change the system from within it is percieved as realistic. A position of 0.0001 of the senate and they think they are going to change things, yet mention Khilafah where we have 1.6 billion Muslims your told its impossible. This shows that Muslim thought has been infected by these kufr ideas and how they have distanced Islam form the people to make it seem an impossible reality. Yet allow them to beleive that kufr political participation will solve their problems. Who's telling who what? come on people can we not solve our own problems with out turning to the "solution" offered to us by the Kufr.
  7. What are the hurdles, why is it not acheivable you need to give your reasons, what is practical then? How will education solve the problem?
  8. Il give an example through the recent issue of triple talaq, a divorce in one sitting. This problem raises a number of issues: - Attack on Islam The triple talaq is a valid opinion from Islam, as used by Umar bin Khattab during his time as Amir ul Mumineen. This therefore has to be seen in the ongoing attack on Islam to reform and abandon its rules because "society" of today seems to think it has progressed and this is no longer acceptable. Using this premise homosexuality has become acceptable, and inevitably so will paedophila. Islam derives its rules from the creator who knows what is best for us and is permanent and does not change with the times. - Lack of Islamic Awareness Due to the absence of Islam as an Idoelogy that exists on the state level we have very few Islamic laws being enforced hence we see many problems in society. The sexual insticnt is portrayed in society in an unpredented manner and family values such as marriage are belittled, this contradiction in society has lead muslims to misunderstand the value of marriage in that it is about companionship, love, act of worship, rights of husband and wife as laid down by islam etc... not just sexuaql satisfaction, lust, no repsonsibility etc... hence we have these problems. This therefore does not mean we try to distnace ourselves from these laws that society tells us are not acceptable rather it is upto the muslims to articulate that the real problem is the corrupt systems in place that give rise to these contradictions in society and inevitably cause such misery. Clearly the solution is one where society is taught the responsibilities Islam lays down on husband and wife and where society aids this harmonisation. This will only happen when Islam is implemented as an ideology throught the khilafah and the rights and duties are enforced by the khaleef. Clearly the Muslim lands do not implement islam and therfore give rise to these problems and by continuing to adopt kufr we will see escalation of the problems. As seen in the western world (the model that the muslims are given to emulate) with record divorce rates, single parents, teenage pregnancies, one night stands, rapes, sexual assault etc.... No this is a practical solution and no other "short term" solution is going to solve it, the Islamic way of life through establishing Khilafah is the only practical step. Show me a more practical step? As to saying eduication is the solution, its not, education is about preparing somebody to gain employment in society, not about changing it. Look at the reality who controls the education system, the government, is it going to educate people to over throw it? course its not. This will only be achieved a political party that is working to a poltiical change.
  9. I dont think you have read my posts nor have a clear idea of what Hizb ut Tahrir say, however since you are against the work of the HIzb i would like to know your method on establishing the khilafah?
  10. This problem raises a number of issues: - Attack on Islam The triple talaq is a valid opinion from Islam, as used by Umar bin Khattab during his time as Amir ul Mumineen. This therefore has to be seen in the ongoing attack on Islam to reform and abandon its rules because "society" of today seems to think it has progressed and this is no longer acceptable. Using this premise homosexuality has become acceptable, and inevitably so will paedophila. Islam derives its rules from the creator who knows what is best for us and is permanent and does not change with the times. - Lack of Islamic Awareness Due to the absence of Islam as an Idoelogy that exists on the state level we have very few Islamic laws being enforced hence we see many problems in society. The sexual insticnt is portrayed in society in an unpredented manner and family values such as marriage are belittled, this contradiction in society has lead muslims to misunderstand the value of marriage in that it is about companionship, love, act of worship, rights of husband and wife as laid down by islam etc... not just sexuaql satisfaction, lust, no repsonsibility etc... hence we have these problems. This therefore does not mean we try to distnace ourselves from these laws that society tells us are not acceptable rather it is upto the muslims to articulate that the real problem is the corrupt systems in place that give rise to these contradictions in society and inevitably cause such misery. Clearly the solution is one where society is taught the responsibilities Islam lays down on husband and wife and where society aids this harmonisation. This will only happen when Islam is implemented as an ideology throught the khilafah and the rights and duties are enforced by the khaleef. Clearly the Muslim lands do not implement islam and therfore give rise to these problems and by continuing to adopt kufr we will see escalation of the problems. As seen in the western world (the model that the muslims are given to emulate) with record divorce rates, single parents, teenage pregnancies, one night stands, rapes, sexual assault etc....
  11. I will reply in detail later. Victory is from Allah (swt) he (swt) will grant it when he (swt) wills. Is the creator of all, Allah (swt) not capable of this? Tawakkul. The reality is that all it needs is a general in the armies to realise their duty and we could have Khilafah tomorrow. Musharraf came into power due to two generals who were playing tennis and then decided to do a coup.
  12. Ive made it clear that Khilafah is the solution, you have not bought any points to say it is not. Then you say dont mention khilafah without bringing forward your own solution!
  13. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says in His Glorious Book, æóÇááøåõ ÌóÚóáó áóßõã ãøöäú ÃóäÃõÓößõãú ÃóÒúæóÇÌðÇ æóÌóÚóáó áóßõã ãøöäú ÃóÒúæóÇÌößõã Èóäöíäó æóÃóÃóÃóÉð "And Allah has made for you wives of your own kind, and has made for you, from your wives, sons and grandsons". [TMQ An- Nahl: 72] æóãöäú ÂíóÇÊöåö Ãóäú ÎóáóÞó áóßõã ãøöäú ÃóäÃõÓößõãú ÃóÒúæóÇÌðÇ áøöÊóÓúßõäõæÇ ÅöáóíúåóÇ æóÌóÚóáó Èóíúäóßõã ãøóæóÃøóÉð æóÑóÃúãóÉðó "And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy." [TMQ Ar- Rum: 21] Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) in all His Wisdom gave for mankind a system to organise their affairs and relationships based upon the attributes that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has accorded them in their quality as human beings. These attributes are the instincts (sexual, survival and spiritual) and the organic needs. Regarding the satisfaction of the sexual instinct, the interaction and regulation of men and women by Islam is such that on the one hand, Islam did not deprive men and women of the fulfillment of these instincts, which otherwise would result in depression, anxiety and frustration. This fulfillment is through the institution of marriage and what can be discerned from the Islamic texts to represent the Islamic social system. Likewise, Islam did not leave men and women to freely satisfy these instincts without restriction that results in the sexual perversion and the social ills that one can easily identify today. Rather Islam provided mankind with a system that ensured tranquility in the fulfilment of the sexual instinct without the denial, or frustration as in religious denominations in the Church nor the 'animalistic unchaining' one finds in decadent western culture. Therefore it would come as no surprise that when you bring together the two extremes of dealing with the sexual instinct into a society (the church and 'western culture'), problems would inevitably arise… and the casualties will be the 'holy ones', victims are the innocent and the suffering will always be societal. The church today stands embroiled in priestly sex scandals. These are not just a few 'new' priests in a reclusive location. Rather it is an epidemic that encompasses all denominations, all priestly hierarchies and most if not all countries of the world. Recently, photographs have appeared in the Austrian media of clerics at St Poelten seminary kissing and fondling student priests. This is after the appointment of Bishop Kueng, of the Austrian city of Feldkirch, by the Pope, and following the criminal charge made against a seminary student in possession and distribution of child pornography. While Austria comes to terms with this scandal, a Roman Catholic archdiocese in the US declared bankruptcy because it could not meet the cost of claims by people allegedly abused by its priests. The Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, was the first in the US to do so and has already settled claims by some 130 people who say they were abused by priests, paying out more than $53m. In February 2004, a report commissioned by the Church said more than 4,000 Roman Catholic priests in the US had faced sexual abuse allegations in the last 50 years. It said more than 10,000 children - a large majority boys - were allegedly abused, but victims' representatives said this was an underestimate. Throughout the US, sex abuse cases have cost more than $650m. These statistics may appear shocking, but it represents the direction of the world that has either willingly embraced western capitalism or has been forced to embrace it under the guise of 'freedom and democracy'. Societies where the naked flesh of the two sexes is plastered in every place and corner…where sex, body-beautiful and love dominates the lives of the people, where sex before marriage and teenage sex is rife and the average number of sexual partners per person has exponentially increased (as has sexually transmitted diseases) – it is inevitable that while the 'temporal' succumbing to these perversions of western 'civilised' culture, that the clergy, who deny the natural aspect of satisfying their sexual instinct through marriage to the opposite sex, themselves satisfy their frustrations by sexual perversions. While adultery, incest, pornographic traffic, child abuse, rape, teenage pregnancies, anorexia etc…increase year on year – it is not only the unholy priests, child molesters and rapists that need to stand trial…but it is the very secular western system and values such as 'freedom' which has created these monsters, that needs to be put on trial. To this end, Muslims must realise that these problems that embroil and are creating havoc in the church and western societies, are diseases that will spread amongst the Muslim Ummah as 'western culture' seeks to take a grip and control over the whole world. We are not immune to its clutches and must safeguard ourselves and our families from its lure. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says, íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÃöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ ÞæÇ ÃäÃÓßã æ Ãåáíßã äÇÑÇ "O you who believe, protect yourselves and your family from the hellfire…" (TMQ Al-Tahreem:6) Truly, to ensure the tranquility and virtues that Islam brings between the sexes, in all aspects of life and to protect it from the pollution and corruption of priestly and western values requires the Khilafah. Without doubt it is the Khilafah that will ensure the creation and safeguarding of a society that will enhance life, both for Muslims and non-Muslims. Source: KCom Journal
  14. For more than a decade Muslim women activists in India have been demanding a ban on what is known as "triple talaq" or instant divorce. The issue has been highlighted recently after several Indian Muslims have taken to divorcing their wives by mail, over the phone and even through mobile phone text messages. The practice of instant divorce is banned in several Islamic countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. But it continues in India. 'Life ruined' Jahanara's house lies off a narrow lane in Old Delhi. Narrow steps, barely a foot wide, take you up to the first floor where she sits huddled in a corner of her tiny two-room home, mourning. Jahanara's parents got her married when she was 15. Now, two years later, she is back with them because her husband has divorced her. Saying that he was setting her free he repeated the words "Talaq" (divorce) three times and left. Rehana doesn't take her husband's calls anymore "My life's ruined. What can I do with myself now? I had hoped to spend the rest of my life with him and look what he did to me," she says. "I gave up everything to go with him - I thought we'd be together through thick and thin, but he clearly had other ideas." Jahanara is a victim of what is known as the triple talaq, where a husband exercises his right to divorce his wife within a matter of minutes. Islamic scholars say the Koran clearly spells out how to issue a divorce. It has to be spread over three months which allows a couple time for reconciliation. But today, many men use the post, the telephone or even the short messaging service (sms) to divorce their wives. Instant divorce Rehana does not answer her mobile phone when her husband, Akram, calls. She has been married for 20 years and has four grown up children. The clergy is trying to spread the word In January this year, Akram threw her out of their house and got married again a month later. Rehana now lives in constant fear. "He might say 'talaq' on the phone to me," she says. "I don't answer my phone when I see his number. I want to spend the remaining years of my life as his wife. I don't want a divorce." Muslim women's rights activists are outraged by such incidents. "There's nothing in the Koran that allows triple, verbal, instantaneous talaq. There's no greater anathema than the kind of talaq that has now become the greatest black mark against gender in Islam," says Sayeeda Hamid. Raising awareness There have been attempts in the past to focus on the ills of instant divorce. The clamour to ban the practice has forced the All India Muslim Personal Law Board to take up the matter at a recent meeting. A spokesman, Syed Qasim Rasool Ilyas, says the board does not have the authority to ban the practice. "The majority of the ulema [clergy] thinks that it's legal, it's binding. They say it's according to the Sharia [islamic code]. "Now how can the Muslim Personal Law Board take a unilateral decision? The board cannot go against the Shariat." Majid Siddiqui thinks Muslims should be flexible "But," he says, "there's a consensus among the board that it's a sin and we'll try to discourage it." To spread the word, mosques have been roped in. During Friday prayers at a Delhi mosque, more than 1,000 men, young and old, kneel on the floor, listening to Maulana Jalaluddin Umri's sermon. He devotes two-thirds of the 45-minute-long prayer to talk about the issue. And it appears to have made an impact on the congregation. Naseemuddin says the clergy should find a way to ban the practice. "If you're Muslim, you have to follow the Koran. We have to face the reality and tackle it constructively," he says. Majid Akhtar Siddiqui, a mechanical engineer, says society must be flexible. "I have seen real experiences in life, where sometimes problems arise between couples. Now, we have to sort out these problems, not create more problems." But Sayeeda Hamid thinks an awareness campaign is not enough. "The first thing that should be done is that they should completely, totally ban triple, verbal, instantaneous talaq. They should simply say it's cancelled, it cannot happen. So the men cannot treat their marriage as something that can be trifled with." That's little consolation for women like Jahanara and Rehana. For them the Muslim Personal Law Board's awareness campaign is too little too late.
  15. BEIRUT, Aug 1 (Reuters) - A London-based Islamist group that wants to create a pan-Islamic state in Central Asia has denied involvement in Friday's suicide bombings against the U.S. and Israeli embassies in Uzbekistan. Uzbek President Islam Karimov blamed Hizb ut-Tahrir on Saturday for the explosions that killed three people and also targeted the state prosecutor's office in the capital Tashkent. In a statement delivered to Reuters in Beirut overnight Saturday, Hizb ut-Tahrir said it was committed to using only non-violent means to pursue its goals. "Hizb ut-Tahrir does not use physical actions in its calling but intellectual battle and political struggle," said the statement, which was typed in Arabic and dated July 31. "When it does not use physical actions in its calling it could not have done this out of fear of anyone." Karimov's government had also blamed Hizb ut-Tahrir for bomb attacks in March that killed nearly 50 people. The latest blasts came four days after the authoritarian ex-Soviet state put 15 suspected al Qaeda supporters on trial for the March blasts. Media reports had implicated another group, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, blamed for a series of bombings in 1999. But Karimov, who tolerates only state-sponsored Islam and has cracked down on any unauthorised religious or political activity, pointed the finger squarely at Hizb ut-Tahrir. Police have arrested several suspects and Karimov cut short his holiday in Crimea to head a government commission to probe the bombings, which drew U.S. and Russian condemnation. Hizb ut-Tahrir criticised Karimov, who has crushed any challenge to his authority since Soviet times, as an American stooge who had killed and tortured its members. "Yes, Karimov who collaborates with head infidel America, has used every criminal means to torture the young men and women of the party," the statement said. "If using physical means for revenge was our way, we would not have resorted to an explosion here and there but would have entered his palace and killed him." Source: Reuters
  16. Muhammad ( Sallallahu alaih wasallam) said when ordering the killing of Abu Shayyr, who had repeatedly insulted him by poetry: "A believer does not get bitten from the same hole twice." It is obvious that this advice and warning from Muhammad (Sallallahu alaih wasallam) has repeatedly fallen on deaf ears in the Saudi government and the treachery of Al-Saud family against the noble Islamic Ummah has a well established history. It was with the support of Britain, who had supplied them with weapons and money, that the Wahhabis, led by Muhammad ibn Saud and later by his son Abdul Aziz, organised their armies to deal a treacherous blow against the body of the Muslim Ummah. In 1788 they raided Kuwait then they marched northwards until they besieged Baghdad. All these expeditions, under the false pretence of purifying the Islamic lands from 'bidah' and 'shirk' knowingly facilitated the shirk and taghoot of the occupation and control of the Islamic lands by the colonialist powers. So like every generation and every decade that has passed since, the illegitimate creation of Saudi Arabia from the ashes of the Ottoman Khilafah, it should not have surprised anyone when the announcement was made by senior Saudi officials of the proposed international military force drawn exclusively from Muslim countries to be sent to Iraq. The claim was to bring stability and peace to Iraq by a force that would be deemed legitimate by the Iraqi people and particularly the 'insurgents'. The plan was raised in talks between US Secretary of State Colin Powell and senior Saudi officials in the city of Jeddah. It has come under the backdrop of the increased US casualties (900 US troops have died so far), regular 'suicide bombings' as conveniently termed by the western media and the increased resentment targeted against the current US appointed Iraqi government. Among the Muslim countries being approached for contributions to a Muslim force are Pakistan, Bangladesh and Morocco. However, when the Muslims scrutinise this proposal, the 'false pretence' created by the Saudi government, like their treacherous forefathers, becomes evident. This proposal of an international Muslim force has nothing to do with the security of the people of Iraq and nothing to do with the preservation of the honour and dignity of the Iraqi people. Likewise it has nothing to do with either the implementation of the Islamic values, rules and system nor the protection of the people of Iraq from the political, military and economic influence of the vultures that sought to control and consume Iraq and its wealth. On the contrary, just like the undying loyalty to the interests of colonial Britain in the late 18th century, the Saudi proposal represents the government's undying loyalty to its current master, the US. Such a proposal would go far to help protect US interests, personnel, presence and control over Iraq by remote control – now making the Muslim armies become responsible to justify US butchery, control and domination over the political landscape. How much of a humiliation is this to the noble ummah and the Muslim armies. Allah ( Subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in the Quran: يَا أَيّÙهَا الَّذÙينَ آمَنÙوا لَا تَتَّخÙØ°Ùوا عَدÙوّÙÙŠ وَعَدÙوَّكÙمْ أَوْلÙيَاء تÙلْقÙونَ Ø¥ÙلَيْهÙÙ… بÙالْمَوَدَّة٠وَقَدْ ÙƒÙŽÙَرÙوا بÙمَا جَاءكÙÙ… مّÙÙ†ÙŽ الْحَقّ٠"O you who believe, do not take my enemy and your enemy as allies over you, giving them your love, when they have rejected the truth that has come to you." (TMQ Al-Mumtahina:1) This does not at all mean that the recent counter proposal by Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, represents the interests of Islam and the Iraqi people either. He urged all Muslim countries that, “Arab and Muslim troops should not be sent to Iraq unless the occupation forces withdraw.†This statement represents nothing more than the current treacherous status quo where the armies in the Muslim land are chained and prevented from engaging in the fight to remove the aggression and occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan or Palestine etc… and liberate its people under the banner of Islam. Armies are established to protect the people they serve and to protect the values and systems they believe in. The basis for the Muslim armies in the Muslim world is Islam and must only be Islam. It is Islam and their undying loyalty to Islam and her people that would give these soldiers honour and dignity in the Duniya and in the Akhira. It could never be the shameful implementation and pursuit of securing western colonial interests. The Saudi regime, like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Morocco show no shame. When the Islamic values and her ummah are being slaughtered in Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Gujarat (India) and Afghanistan, their armies are chained to their barracks and prevented from fulfilling their Islamic duty. Yet when the US calls for the protection of her soldiers and her interests, only then do these governments come running and unleash their armies. How clear is the treachery and humiliation. Does the leadership and general body of the Muslim armies not realise the treachery of their rulers and how they willingly succumb to the words of their master, the US, and ignore the words of the Master of the universe and of life and death, Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)? Does the leadership and general body of the Muslim armies not remember the strong hadith of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaih wasallam) when he referred to following the kuffar down the lizard's hole - is that not what the Saudi government and all governments in the Muslim world do? Does the leadership and general body of the Muslim armies not realise that the actions of their governments is to weaken them and make them succumb to the western military leadership? Surely it is time for the Muslim armies to unearth their creedal foundation and show loyalty to Islam and her ummah. And surely it is clear for the armies to engage in the obligation (wajib) to establish the Khilafah that will also give them the sincere Islamic leadership under which they would fight and defend Islam and her people. And Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) says, يَا أَيّÙهَا الَّذÙينَ آمَنÙواْ اسْتَجÙيبÙواْ Ù„Ùلّه٠وَلÙلرَّسÙول٠إÙذَا دَعَاكÙÙ… Ù„Ùمَا ÙŠÙحْيÙيكÙمْ "O you who believe, answer the call of Allah and His messenger to that which give you life…" (TMQ Al-Anfal:24) Source: KCom Journal
  17. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says in His Glorious Book, وَاللّه٠جَعَلَ Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙÙ… مّÙنْ Ø£ÙŽÙ†ÙÙسÙÙƒÙمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَجَعَلَ Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙÙ… مّÙنْ أَزْوَاجÙÙƒÙÙ… بَنÙينَ ÙˆÙŽØ­ÙŽÙَدَةً "And Allah has made for you wives of your own kind, and has made for you, from your wives, sons and grandsons". [TMQ An- Nahl: 72] ÙˆÙŽÙ…Ùنْ آيَاتÙه٠أَنْ خَلَقَ Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙÙ… مّÙنْ Ø£ÙŽÙ†ÙÙسÙÙƒÙمْ أَزْوَاجًا لّÙتَسْكÙÙ†Ùوا Ø¥Ùلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكÙÙ… مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةًَ "And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy." [TMQ Ar- Rum: 21] Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) in all His Wisdom gave for mankind a system to organise their affairs and relationships based upon the attributes that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has accorded them in their quality as human beings. These attributes are the instincts (sexual, survival and spiritual) and the organic needs. Regarding the satisfaction of the sexual instinct, the interaction and regulation of men and women by Islam is such that on the one hand, Islam did not deprive men and women of the fulfillment of these instincts, which otherwise would result in depression, anxiety and frustration. This fulfillment is through the institution of marriage and what can be discerned from the Islamic texts to represent the Islamic social system. Likewise, Islam did not leave men and women to freely satisfy these instincts without restriction that results in the sexual perversion and the social ills that one can easily identify today. Rather Islam provided mankind with a system that ensured tranquility in the fulfilment of the sexual instinct without the denial, or frustration as in religious denominations in the Church nor the 'animalistic unchaining' one finds in decadent western culture. Therefore it would come as no surprise that when you bring together the two extremes of dealing with the sexual instinct into a society (the church and 'western culture'), problems would inevitably arise… and the casualties will be the 'holy ones', victims are the innocent and the suffering will always be societal. The church today stands embroiled in priestly sex scandals. These are not just a few 'new' priests in a reclusive location. Rather it is an epidemic that encompasses all denominations, all priestly hierarchies and most if not all countries of the world. Recently, photographs have appeared in the Austrian media of clerics at St Poelten seminary kissing and fondling student priests. This is after the appointment of Bishop Kueng, of the Austrian city of Feldkirch, by the Pope, and following the criminal charge made against a seminary student in possession and distribution of child pornography. While Austria comes to terms with this scandal, a Roman Catholic archdiocese in the US declared bankruptcy because it could not meet the cost of claims by people allegedly abused by its priests. The Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, was the first in the US to do so and has already settled claims by some 130 people who say they were abused by priests, paying out more than $53m. In February 2004, a report commissioned by the Church said more than 4,000 Roman Catholic priests in the US had faced sexual abuse allegations in the last 50 years. It said more than 10,000 children - a large majority boys - were allegedly abused, but victims' representatives said this was an underestimate. Throughout the US, sex abuse cases have cost more than $650m. These statistics may appear shocking, but it represents the direction of the world that has either willingly embraced western capitalism or has been forced to embrace it under the guise of 'freedom and democracy'. Societies where the naked flesh of the two sexes is plastered in every place and corner…where sex, body-beautiful and love dominates the lives of the people, where sex before marriage and teenage sex is rife and the average number of sexual partners per person has exponentially increased (as has sexually transmitted diseases) – it is inevitable that while the 'temporal' succumbing to these perversions of western 'civilised' culture, that the clergy, who deny the natural aspect of satisfying their sexual instinct through marriage to the opposite sex, themselves satisfy their frustrations by sexual perversions. While adultery, incest, pornographic traffic, child abuse, rape, teenage pregnancies, anorexia etc…increase year on year – it is not only the unholy priests, child molesters and rapists that need to stand trial…but it is the very secular western system and values such as 'freedom' which has created these monsters, that needs to be put on trial. To this end, Muslims must realise that these problems that embroil and are creating havoc in the church and western societies, are diseases that will spread amongst the Muslim Ummah as 'western culture' seeks to take a grip and control over the whole world. We are not immune to its clutches and must safeguard ourselves and our families from its lure. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says, يَا أَيّÙهَا الَّذÙينَ آمَنÙوا قوا أنÙسكم Ùˆ أهليكم نارا "O you who believe, protect yourselves and your family from the hellfire…" (TMQ Al-Tahreem:6) Truly, to ensure the tranquility and virtues that Islam brings between the sexes, in all aspects of life and to protect it from the pollution and corruption of priestly and western values requires the Khilafah. Without doubt it is the Khilafah that will ensure the creation and safeguarding of a society that will enhance life, both for Muslims and non-Muslims. Source: KCom Journal
  18. I did not say that all the problems of the muslims would disappear rather what I said was that the solution to the problems is the Khilfah because it is his duty to protect and provide for the people. Creating the Public opinion ofr Islam is the work of the party – until we have this opinion we cannot have khilafh. We highlight the attacks from the West because it is fact – we attack our leaders because they aid this attack and subjugation. Thisis the reality, this is what America and the like do. Unless we know this clearly i.e. we don’t go to them for our solutions such as the two state solution for Palestine the Ummah will be fooled, we show that Islam should solve all these problems so call for Islam, not the UN to intervene etc… If Pakistan was to becoame the Khilafha you would have a domino affect with all the other Muslim countries falling into line, all through the state using its resources to show the Ummah that they need to unite behind it. I think you will find that the West does control our thoughts when you find that much of the Muslim world calls for democracy, and runs to every solution it offers, without even thinking of their own never mind refereeing back to islam.
  19.,,1273982,00.html The mask of altruism disguising a colonial war Oil will be the driving factor for military intervention in Sudan John Laughland Monday August 2, 2004 The Guardian If proof were needed that Tony Blair is off the hook over Iraq, it came not during the Commons debate on the Butler report on July 21, but rather at his monthly press conference the following morning. Asked about the crisis in Sudan, Mr Blair replied: "I believe we have a moral responsibility to deal with this and to deal with it by any means that we can." This last phrase means that troops might be sent - as General Sir Mike Jackson, the chief of the general staff, immediately confirmed - and yet the reaction from the usual anti-war campaigners was silence. Mr Blair has invoked moral necessity for every one of the five wars he has fought in this, surely one of the most bellicose premierships in history. The bombing campaign against Iraq in December 1998, the 74-day bombardment of Yugoslavia in 1999, the intervention in Sierra Leone in the spring of 2000, the attack on Afghanistan in October 2001, and the Iraq war last March were all justified with the bright certainties which shone from the prime minister's eyes. Blair even defended Bill Clinton's attack on the al-Shifa pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan in August 1998, on the entirely bogus grounds that it was really manufacturing anthrax instead of aspirin. Although in each case the pretext for war has been proved false or the war aims have been unfulfilled, a stubborn belief persists in the morality and the effectiveness of attacking other countries. The Milosevic trial has shown that genocide never occurred in Kosovo - although Blair told us that the events there were worse than anything that had happened since the second world war, even the political activists who staff the prosecutor's office at the international criminal tribunal in The Hague never included genocide in their Kosovo indictment. And two years of prosecution have failed to produce one single witness to testify that the former Yugoslav president ordered any attacks on Albanian civilians in the province. Indeed, army documents produced from Belgrade show the contrary. Like the Kosovo genocide, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, as we now know, existed only in the fevered imaginings of spooks and politicians in London and Washington. But Downing Street was also recently forced to admit that even Blair's claims about mass graves in Iraq were false. The prime minister has repeatedly said that 300,000 or 400,000 bodies have been found there, but the truth is that almost no bodies have been exhumed in Iraq, and consequently the total number of such bodies, still less the cause of their deaths, is simply unknown. In 2001, we attacked Afghanistan to capture Osama bin Laden and to prevent the Taliban from allegedly flooding the world with heroin. Yet Bin Laden remains free, while the heroin ban imposed by the Taliban has been replaced by its very opposite, a surge in opium production, fostered by the warlords who rule the country. As for Sierra Leone, the United Nations human development report for 2004, published on July 15, which measures overall living standards around the world, puts that beneficiary of western intervention in 177th place out of 177, an august position it has continued to occupy ever since our boys went in: Sierra Leone is literally the most miserable place on earth. So much for Blair's promise of a "new era for Africa". The absence of anti-war scepticism about the prospect of sending troops into Sudan is especially odd in view of the fact that Darfur has oil. For two years, campaigners have chanted that there should be "no blood for oil" in Iraq, yet they seem not to have noticed that there are huge untapped reserves in both southern Sudan and southern Darfur. As oil pipelines continue to be blown up in Iraq, the west not only has a clear motive for establishing control over alternative sources of energy, it has also officially adopted the policy that our armies should be used to do precisely this. Oddly enough, the oil concession in southern Darfur is currently in the hands of the China National Petroleum Company. China is Sudan's biggest foreign investor. We ought, therefore, to treat with scepticism the US Congress declaration of genocide in the region. No one, not even the government of Sudan, questions that there is a civil war in Darfur, or that it has caused an immense number of refugees. Even the government admits that nearly a million people have left for camps outside Darfur's main towns to escape marauding paramilitary groups. The country is awash with guns, thanks to the various wars going on in Sudan's neighbouring countries. Tensions have risen between nomads and herders, as the former are forced south in search of new pastures by the expansion of the Sahara desert. Paramilitary groups have practised widespread highway robbery, and each tribe has its own private army. That is why the government of Sudan imposed a state of emergency in 1999. But our media have taken this complex picture and projected on to it a simple morality tale of ethnic cleansing and genocide. They gloss over the fact that the Janjaweed militia come from the same ethnic group and religion as the people they are allegedly persecuting - everyone in Darfur is black, African, Arabic-speaking and Muslim. Campaigners for intervention have accused the Sudanese government of supporting this group, without mentioning that the Sudanese defence minister condemned the Janjaweed as "bandits" in a speech to the country's parliament in March. On July 19, moreover, a court in Khartoum sentenced six Janjaweed soldiers to horrible punishments, including the amputation of their hands and legs. And why do we never hear about the rebel groups which the Janjaweed are fighting, or about any atrocities that they may have committed? It is far from clear that the sudden media attention devoted to Sudan has been provoked by any real escalation of the crisis - a peace agreement was signed with the rebels in April, and it is holding. The pictures on our TV screens could have been shown last year. And we should treat with scepticism the claims made for the numbers of deaths - 30,000 or 50,000 are the figures being bandied about - when we know that similar statistics proved very wrong in Kosovo and Iraq. The Sudanese government says that the death toll in Darfur, since the beginning of the conflict in 2003, is not greater than 1,200 on all sides. And why is such attention devoted to Sudan when, in neighbouring Congo, the death rate from the war there is estimated to be some 2 or 3 million, a tragedy equalled only by the silence with which it is treated in our media? We are shown starving babies now, but no TV station will show the limbless or the dead that we cause if we attack Sudan. Humanitarian aid should be what the Red Cross always said it must be - politically neutral. Anything else is just an old-fashioned colonial war - the reality of killing, and the escalation of violence, disguised with the hypocritical mask of altruism. If Iraq has not taught us that, then we are incapable of ever learning anything. · John Laughland is an associate of Sanders Research Associates
  20. You have still not proved that they did not rule by Islam and the people had not given the bayah.
  21. No it doesnt, if it did it would not recognise the borders between itself and other Muslim nations, it would not seek the judgement of Taghut, it would not support the jufr against the Muslims, would not take usurious loans, would carry the Islamic dawah to the rest of the world etc.......................... I do not disagree with you the khilafah state was in a pittiful state and the final nail was nailed by that traitor - but it was still khilfah and it was the duty of the muslims to reawakenit but due to the delcine which happpened over centuries (as you righhtly Stated) this did not happen. For you now to sayt that it was not khilafah you must say when it ruled by other than what Allah (swt) revealed?
  22. You make a valid point that the Muslims have a big misconception about. The Khilafah ended in 1924. The reason for this is that up until this point the Khaleefs were ruling with the Quran and Sunnah, yes they neglected some aspects but nothing other than Islam was used for ruling. This came to an end by the Traitor Mustapha Kemal. As to the point of hereditary rule, this is where the ummah neglected its right of bayah, this does not void the khilafah. Yes we had good khaleefs and yes we had bad khaleefs but also does not void the khilafah.
  23. Read the book How the Khilafah was Destroyed by Abdul Qadeem Zaloum or Islamic State by Taqiudin an Nabhani.
  24. Everyone preaches about unity but never gives a step by step process (derived from Islam) of achieivng this. I dont see how you can say the method of Hizb ut Tahrir is confused (when i have given an overview) when you cannot give a counter argument or one from what the "MOsques" have have so called been pushing for years? what is confused about the method, explain! Im getting confused as to your points on one hand your saying we need to call for unity then you are saying khilafah is unity, you need to make your position clear. I apologise if i have misunderstood you. The reality is that the Khilfah will be established in one place and will then encompass all the muslim lands - a good example would be Salahuddin Ayubi, he achieved the same, took authority and then one by one retook controol of the muslim lands. I am encouraged by this discussion because this is what the vital issue for the Muslims is, however if we want to achieve something from this if we can stick just one point at a time , that we can address and then move on from their. This will allow us to take more from this discussion.
  25. This is not a cospiracy theory it is political analysis, yes it could be false, but you have to show where. All analysis aims to be the most accurate and to prove it you must test it against the reality. So if you look at the various evidences used to support analysis we can see that this is typical colonial policy - divide, rule and exploit. The SPLA are backed by America and they are against the Khartoum government, they were the reason for the Government to back its own militia the Janjaweed. Typical get others to do your dirty work. The Muslims were untied until the British came and implnated the seeds of nationalism, they encouraged the Arabs to disassocite themselves from the Othmani (turk) Khilafah, they used a number of styles including there agents and NGO's. As to the Somalian problem, im not really aware of its realtiy other than when it Africa was ruled by Islam it was known as the bread basket of the world, there was no such thing as famine. Yet as soon as the colonialists entered into the region they encouraged them to produce cash crops such as cotton rather than food and when the cotton market dried up so did the wealth of the nation and they were not produicing food themselves hence they were reliant on the west - allowing permanent subjugation.