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Everything posted by Liibaan

  1. Yaa muj biixi asbir... Here is my question; A great sahabi may Allaah be pleased with him, was sitting with a group of his companions. He asked them: “Make a wish…” Who Was That Sahabi?
  2. World's greatest warrior Salahuddin Ayyubi
  3. Let the fights begin May the winner be south of mogdishu Ninyahow, qabyaalabdanidaa? What is the difference between south and north Mogadishu? Now you admitting that ICU = south mogadishu, then, Why did they started this war? why they waged a war against many Somali cities and regions May the winner be all Somali people, cities, regions including south and north mogadishu, jowhar, Baydhabo, Boosaaso, etc
  4. NC, Maybe you talking about this Great Qari Sh. AbdulBasit AbdulSamad Allah knows best
  5. Qabiil Ubaahne What do we do if the war turns out to pure Qabiil vs. Qabiil? qabyaalad uun baa u cad, wax uu ka hadlo majiro I am asking this question because much of the regulations in this site don't allow an explicit qabiil usage Kolay wax xun baa soo wadaa What you have in mind? Your empty threat of N Galkacyo or more evil intentions
  6. Kashafa This topic took 12 pages, because you want to justify the unjustifiable like defiant sect, drug dealers as clerics, making excuses for those committed the shocking crimes, emulating Alllah ubaane Good muslim should stand against deviant sects and their leaders more than gaalada I see followers (criminals) of the defiant sect mutilating dead bodies, some one should teach them how to fight like men, hada sidii bahalo ayeey u dhaqmayaan, You and your likes shouldn’t even talk about Daraawiish, Sayidku munaafiqiinta waaa necbaa, aktiisana kamey soo dhowaan jirin
  7. faarax waa ku sidee?ma kaa run baa I don't believe its typo xox ogaal baa ku kashifay I will accept your apology, but please lets us discuss in a civilized way, and not personalize the discussion Lets talk about the issues not individuals like duke, faarax, or Garaad Mida kale in politics section nomads are very divided, wax isdhaamana ma jiro
  8. ***********, Horta duke waa ku dhaama saa kaamaba hadlo, Nin aad ********** baa tahay waayo shaqo waxaad ka dhigatay qof aadan aqoon inaad ka hadashid [ March 23, 2007, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  9. this deviant sect/icu and its misguided followers are more dangerous then former warlords, African version of kkk is in making War waxani xoolana ka daran, dadkan uu meydku ka baxsan waayey Qaadisiya is worst Somali site, even worse then dayniile, dadkan ku farxaya meydka sida xun loola dhaqmayo, weliba ku doodaya inay ku raaxeesanyaan Dayniile hada noqday wax nadiif ah, Nin adduun ku noolow maxaa, aragti kuu laaban
  10. Xox ogaal Aduu qabiil kaa hadalsiiyey waxa aad aduu tahay dad kale haa ku sheegin
  11. Abwaan waad jirantahay qabiil daraadeed ayaad duke ugu kacsantahay xitaa heer waxa aad gaadhay inaad thread gaar ah u furtid duke
  12. Kashafa You need more to educate yourself, since you lying about Rasool (PBUH) and Sahaba, wal ciyaadu bilaah It’s not my fault that you couldn’t defend your lies, Sxb, no one wants to discuss with you, when you trying to justify the unjustifiable, I have no compassion for the deviant sect and its followers Runtana horaa loo yidhi wey qadhaadtahay
  13. Somali Rebels Drag Corpses Through Streets Militants Set Bodies Of Soldiers On Fire During Fierce Fighting In Mogadishu MOGADISHU, Somalia, March 21, 2007 (AP) Islamic insurgents dragged soldiers' corpses through the streets of this bloodstained capital Wednesday and set the bodies on fire, drawing crowds who threw rocks and kicked the smoldering remains during a surge of violence that killed at least 16 people and wounded dozens. Wednesday marked some of the heaviest fighting in Mogadishu since a radical militia known as the Council of Islamic Courts was driven from the capital in December after six months in power. But the group has promised to launch an Iraq-style guerrilla war, and mortar attacks pound the capital nearly every day. An Associated Press photographer saw six corpses — all either Somali soldiers or their Ethiopian allies — burned and mutilated while masked men shouted "God is great!" Women wearing head scarves and flowing dresses pounded one of the corpses with rocks as a handful of young men looked on, cheering. "They were shouting, 'God is great' and 'We don't want infidels,"' Abdi Jimale, a resident of Mogadishu, told the AP. A similar scene grabbed the world's attention after Somali militiamen shot down a U.S. Black Hawk helicopter in 1993 during a failed mission to capture a warlord. The images of American troops being dragged through the streets led to the eventual withdrawal of U.N. forces and years of anarchy in Somalia. Abdinasir Hussein, who said he dragged one soldier's corpse from the back of his motorbike, told the AP he wanted to show that Somalis will defeat the "invaders," referring to the Ethiopian troops. "I'm happy to drag an Ethiopian soldier on the Mogadishu streets," Hussein said. Ahmed Mohamed Botaan, a clan elder whose neighborhood was turned into a battleground Wednesday, said he counted 16 bodies, seven of which were government troops. Mogadishu's three hospitals reported at least seven dead and 36 wounded. The fighting began before dawn Wednesday when Somali and Ethiopian soldiers entered an insurgent stronghold in southern Mogadishu in an attempt to consolidate their power over Mogadishu. But hundreds of masked men were waiting for them, prompting an hours-long gunfight. An insurgent group linked to the Islamic courts, called the Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the Two Migrations, claimed they were the target of the government offensive but that they had repulsed the attack. "They were unable to bear the pain of bullets coming from all four directions," said a statement from the group posted on the Islamic courts' Web site. A government official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the ongoing operation, said Wednesday's offensive was focused on parts of the capital controlled by the Habr Gedir clan, which was a major supporter of the more radical elements of the Islamic courts and remains opposed to the government. "The next week will be very hot in Mogadishu," the official said. The operation was meant to start Sunday, but was postponed so President Abdullahi Yusuf could make a final attempt to reach an agreement with Habr Gedir elders. Instead, militant clansmen used the time to prepare for the siege. Yusuf's ***** clan and the Habr Gedir are traditional enemies. Habr Gedir elders have accused Yusuf of favoring his fellow ***** clansmen and recruiting only ***** into the new Somali army, transforming the conflict a complex mixture of clan, political and religious disputes. The U.S. Ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger, who also represents American interests in Somalia, condemned Wednesday's violence but said the U.S. government believes things are generally improving in Somalia. The United States had accused the Islamic courts of having ties to al Qaeda terrorists. "On balance we do feel that the situation in Somalia is moving forward in a generally positive way," Ranneberger told reporters in Nairobi, Kenya. Somalia has been without an effective central government since 1991. The current administration has failed to assert control throughout the country, and the African Union has deployed a small peacekeeping force to defend it. But daily violence has continued in the capital, with civilians caught in the crossfire taking the brunt of the violence. "The government should learn from today's defeat. Its soldiers were dragged through the streets," said Zainab Abdi, a mother of two children. She urged the government to reach out to the Islamic leaders, who are in hiding. "Otherwise, civilians will keep dying," she said. "Who will the government rule if their people are killed every day?"
  14. ICU is celebrating when their followers mutilated dead bodies ICU is trying to be like KKK,this devient sect grossly violated all islamic principles
  15. Crowds in Somalia Mutilate Bodies of Soldiers By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN KIWAYU, Kenya, March 21 — The chaos in Somalia took an ugly turn on Wednesday when full-scale fighting broke out in Mogadishu and furious crowds mutilated the bodies of government soldiers, chanting, “We will burn you alive!” The scene was reminiscent of 1993, when Somalis turned on American peacekeepers and dragged their bodies through the streets. Those images and the loss of 18 American soldiers in a single battle, the infamous “Black Hawk Down” episode, led to a swift American withdrawal. This time the targets were Ethiopian troops and the soldiers of Somalia’s transitional government, both reviled by many people in Mogadishu, Somalia’s chaotic capital. Residents are now beginning to fear that this transitional government is headed in the same direction as the 13 transitional governments that came before it — into a vortex of clan violence and anarchy that has made Somalia an icon of a failed state. The recent injection of a small force of African Union peacekeepers does not seem to have made a difference. At dawn on Wednesday, Ethiopian and government soldiers stormed into a neighborhood in southern Mogadishu to disarm gunmen there. Instead, witnesses said, they were greeted by dozens of masked insurgents who blasted them with rocket-propelled grenades. More than 15 people were killed, including several government soldiers and possibly two Ethiopians. The neighborhood is home to several clans that feel alienated by the transitional government and was a stronghold of the Islamist movement that took over the city and much of south-central Somalia last year, before being defeated by Ethiopian and government soldiers in December. Witnesses to Wednesday’s melee said a frenzied crowd seized the bodies, dragged them through the streets and set them on fire. Some residents said that when gasoline was poured over the bodies and matches struck, a few of the soldiers were still alive. “It was disgusting,” said Nura Maalin Mohammed, a shopkeeper who works near where the soldiers were burned. “If these people are trying to say this was done in the name of Islam, it’s a fallacy. May God have mercy on them.” Somalia was not supposed to be like this anymore. Over the past several months, Ethiopia, the United States, the United Nations and the African Union have invested more hope and resources in the country than at any time since the failed peacekeeping mission of the early 1990s. It was only with Ethiopia’s military might that Somalia’s transitional government was able to overthrow the Islamist movement. The United States provided intelligence to the Ethiopians and sent in a small contingent of Special Forces ground troops after American officials labeled the Islamists a terrorist threat. Since then, though, Mogadishu seems as unsafe as ever. The Islamists had managed during their short reign to stop the clan bloodletting and provide a modicum of security. But the transitional government has had a difficult time replicating this. In the past month, Somali hospital officials say, more than 100 civilians have been killed across the country in battles between insurgents and government forces. Assassinations are on the rise. In the capital, thousands of residents who have lived through years of mayhem are choosing to pack up their things and leave now. “We can’t live like this,” said Rahmo Dahir, a mother of four. “My children will be in shock.” Analysts say the problem is that despite all the talk of the transitional government being a multi-clan enterprise, it is dominated by the ***** clan, which hails from northeast Somalia, and it has marginalized many branches of the ****** clan, which traditionally controls Mogadishu. Elders on all sides agree that until there is genuine reconciliation, there will be no peace. “We don’t want to get consumed by these rivalries,” said Ahmed Hussein Sheikh, an elder of the Galgel clan. “We want a government.” The transitional government plans to hold a reconciliation conference in April and has said it wants to disarm Mogadishu before then. That was one reason why 1,500 Ugandan troops, working under African Union auspices, were airlifted into Somalia earlier this month. So far, though, the Ugandans have steered clear of the street fighting and have been reluctant to get between Somalia’s heavily armed clans. On Tuesday, African Union officials pleaded with member states to contribute more troops because only a handful of nations — mostly American allies, like Ghana and Nigeria — have answered the call. Yuusuf Maxamuud and Mohammed Ibrahim contributed reporting from Mogadishu, Somalia.
  16. Militants Drag Corpses in Somali Streets Wednesday March 21, 2007 2:46 PM By MOHAMED OLAD HASSAN Associated Press Writer MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Masked men believed to be Islamic militants dragged the corpses of two soldiers through the streets of the Somali capital and set their bodies on fire Wednesday during fierce battles with government forces trying to consolidate their control of Mogadishu. Medical officials at Mogadishu's three hospitals said they had recorded at least seven dead and 36 wounded by early afternoon in some of the heaviest fighting in Mogadishu since the Islamic forces were driven out in December. Dahir Mohamed Mohamud Dhere of Medina Hospital said doctors there were treating 36 wounded government soldiers. An Associated Press photographer saw insurgents drag the bodies of one Ethiopian soldier and one Somali government soldier through southern Mogadishu and set them on fire. The men dragging the corpses wore blue and white scarves to mask their faces, something characteristic of Mogadishu's insurgents, who normally carry out their attacks with their faces masked. Women pounded one of the burning bodies with stones as a handful of young men watched. A similar scene grabbed the world's attention after Somali militiamen shot down a U.S. Black Hawk helicopter in 1993 during a failed American mission to capture a warlord. The images of American troops being dragged through the streets led to the eventual withdrawal of U.N. forces and years of anarchy in Somalia. Dahir Mohamed Mohamud Dhere of Medina Hospital said that his institution was treating 36 wounded government soldiers. Ahmed Mohamed Botaan, a clan elder whose neighborhood was turned into a battleground, told the AP by phone that he counted 15 bodies, seven of government troops. Ethiopia sent soldiers into Somalia in December to help defeat an Islamic movement that threatened to destroy the internationally recognized government. The defeated Islamic forces started an insurgency to overthrow the government and drive out the Ethiopian troops, firing mortars and rocket-propelled grenades at the Somali forces and their Ethiopian allies almost daily. Somali leaders have said in recent weeks that they were preparing a major offensive to stop the growing insurgency. Somali and Ethiopian forces supported by tanks and armored vehicles entered an insurgent stronghold in southern Mogadishu before dawn and were met by hundreds of masked insurgents. ``Ethiopian tanks rolled out of the former Defense Ministry and moved into the nearby Shirkole area, which is seen as the stronghold of the insurgent groups, and they met with stiff resistance,'' said Ali Haji Jama, a resident of the southern neighborhood at the center of the fighting. Other witnesses said minibuses filled with insurgents were racing through the city to reach Shirkole and defend against the Ethiopian advance. The same minibuses were used to carry away casualties, said Muqtar Abdulahi Dahir, a Mogadishu businessman who witnessed the fighting. Somalia's government began the operation about midnight Tuesday at the former Defense Ministry headquarters and plans to move forces into other parts of the capital, said Mohamed Ali Nur, Somalia's ambassador in neighboring Kenya. Nur said that the government push was aimed at stopping insurgents attacking government buildings. He denied that any Ethiopian troops were involved in the operation. A group of insurgents, Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the Two Migrations, claimed they were the target of the government offensive, which has also been reported in northern parts of the capital. The group said in a statement posted on the Web site of Somalia's routed Islamic movement that it had repulsed the attacks and an unspecified number of government soldiers had surrendered. The group said that it expected ``decisive'' fighting in coming days. Security officials arrested two journalists working for local Shabelle Radio when they went to Mogadishu's main airport to attend a news conference with Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi, said Mohamed Amin, the station's editor. Amin told the AP that he did not know where they were taken or why, adding that other journalists who went to the venue were threatened. Some fled when their two colleagues were arrested, he said. Salah Abdikadir, a senior intelligence officer, confirmed that security officials had picked up the journalists but declined to give any details. The African Union has deployed a small peacekeeping force to defend the current government.
  17. Meeshan niman isku heystay, markaa sababta aad u soo kale dhex gasho waa caqli xuma Your qudhun and nifaaq dhoesn’t belong this section, I see you emulating qabiil ubaane…very sad really Don’t make any similarities between the Companions of our prophet (PBUH) and drug dealers of ICU Stop making lies about our beloved prophet (PBUH), he never tolerated munafiqiin and their evil intentions. Allah ordered the prophet (PBUH) to fight munafiqiin just like kufaar ‬قوله تعالى‮: ﴿‬يا ايها النبي‮ ‬جاهد الكفار والمنافقين واغلظ عليهم ومأواهم جهنم وبئس المصير‮﴾ {O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed).} Surah 66. -9 there is no place for munafiqiin in Islam If you truly support Islamic movement, you should speak against the outrageous crimes of ICU and their leaders aweys and his lieutenant druglord indhacadde like looting properties both private and public, tyrannize the minorities people, waging unnecessary wars to spill the blood of muslims. It’s obvious that ICU wasn’t an Islamic movement and faraway what Islam is all about, thus ICU was deviant sect that incited hatred between Muslims, oppressed the weak, basically clan courts were the African version of KKK I have no compassion for deviants sects they more dangerous then kufaar I am not a fan of the current president and disagree with him the Ethoipian involvement in somalia However I believe ICU - defient sect that has clan supremecy agenda is more dangerous then a mere puppet regime, according to the principle "lesser of two evils" Yusuf,Aweys,and Indhacdde are all warlords, but those who lie about islam and act like clerics and at same time commit shocking crimes against people are worse Stop hypocrisy and fear Allah
  18. How to gain Khushu in Salat By Dr. Mamdouh N. Mohamed Associate Professor at the American Open University What is Khushuu’? Khushuu’ during Salaat is misunderstood by some people as crying and weeping. Rather, it is the presence of the heart during an act of ‘ibadah. When a person’s heart is fully occupied of what he says or hears, he is in a true state of khushuu’. The concept of Khushuu’ in Salaat is very essential. 1- It is a vital factor in making a person successful in this life and in later life. “Indeed, the believers, who have khushuu’ in their Salaat, are the winners.” قد أفلح المؤمنون الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون 2-It is a contributing factor for the acceptance of Salaat. 3- It is a way to gain more rewards from the Almighty Allah; the more the khushuu’ a person has, the more rewards he gets. 4- Without Khushuu’ the heart cannot easily be purified. Ways to Gain Khushuu’ A. Pre-Salaat 1- A Muslim should know his Lord very well. Knowing whom one worships makes a person a better worshipper. Having clear and authentic knowledge about Allah increases His love in our hearts. Consequently, faith also increases. 2- Avoiding major and minor sins is very helpful in gaining Khushuu’, as the heart becomes more receptive to the words of Allah during and after Salaat. 3- Reciting the Qur’an frequently and consistently softens the hearts and prepares it for Khushuu’. Hard hearts do not gain Khushuu’. 4- Minimize attachment to worldly matters. Gearing one’s intentions towards the Afterlife helps against the temptations of life. 5- Avoid excessive laughter and useless arguments as they harden the heart and lead to heedlessness. 6- Stop working as soon as you hear the Azaan. When you listen attentively to the call of Salaat repeat after the muˆz-zin then offer the relevant supplication. This prepares you for a smooth transition from the business with worldly matters to the business with Salaat. 7- Performing wuduuˆ immediately after hearing the Azaan prepares you for the pending Salsat. Wuduuˆ also works as a buffer zone before engaging in Salaat. 8- Going to the mosque early for praying and continuing mention of Allah drives Satan away and help gain concentration. 9- The waiting time for the congregational Salaat helps create a buffer zone between the state of mind before Salaat and the state of during Salaat. B. During Salaat 1- The Iqaamah itself is a final signal to the mind to be well prepared for performing the actual Salaat. Remember what the messenger of Allah said to Bilal (ra) “Let us enjoy the comfort of the Salaat.” 2- When you stand facing the Qiblah remember the following: a. It might be the last Salaat in your life. There is no guarantee to live longer to catch the next Salaat. b. You are standing between the hands of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. How can you be busy with something else? c. The angel of death is chasing you. 3- Do not forget to make isti’azah. It wards off Satan’s whispers. 4- Keep your eyes focused on the place of sujuud. This helps you gain more concentration. 5- When reciting the Fatiha, try to recall the response of Allah to you after every ayah you say. (When you say: ”al-hamdu lillahi rab-bil ‘alamin) Allah responds: “My servant praised me.” etc. This feeling of speaking to Allah puts you in the right mood of khushuu’. 6- Beautifying the recitation of the Qur’an has a positive impact on the heart. 7- Recite the Qur’an slowly and reflect upon its meaning deeply. 8- It is recommended to change the suras that your recite from time to time to avoid the mechanic-like state of repetition. 9- Alternate between the various authentic sunan such as proclaiming a different opening supplication in every Salaat. 10- Undoubtedly, understanding Arabic helps you focus on the intended meaning. 11- Interact with the recited aayahs; a. if you hear an ayah about Allah, glorify Him by saying “Subhaana Allah”; b. If you hear an ayah about Hellfire, say “a’uuthu billaahi mina-n-naar”. c. If you hear a command to make istighfaar, do it. d. If you hear an ayah that requests tasbiih, make tasbiih. 12- These forms of interactions are very helpful in keeping you focused. 13- When you prostrate, remember that this position brings you closer to Allah. Seize the opportunity to make sincere du’aaˆ. Invest these moments in making sincere supplications. C- Post-Salaat e. When you make tasliim, make istighfaar to Allah as you might have made during Salaat. f. When you praise Allah, thank Him from the bottom of your heart that you have experienced the beauty of Salaat in your heart. Getting used to this habit prepares your for the next Salaat, as you will always be eager to focus in your prayer. g. One perfection leads to another perfection. If some one perfects his Salaat once, he would be self-motivated to continue on the same level. May Allah fill our hearts with khushuu’ - Aameen.
  19. This is not the act of a brave man. This is the act of a coward, and those who excuse such barbaric acts are uncivilized savages Some people are justifying unislamic act - the burning of the dead subhana Allah, This is not the first time so-called ICU carried out a barbaric act of cruelty, they committed such outrageous crimes before in Mogadishu, Shebaelle, and Kismayo So-called ICU/Munaafiqiin, their leaders mainly druglords carried out frequent barbaric acts to achieve their evil plans like to loot properties both private and public tyrannize the minorities people, and wage unnecessary wars to spill the blood of muslim people Insha Allah the almighty Allah will hold them responsible in this dunya and in Akhirah
  20. ^^Taako Man, maxaa isku tihiin adiga iyo GD? I am currious here, laf hoose kama hadlaayo, yacni ilma adeer maa tihiin, mise waa walaalkaa kaa weyn? Qabiil ubaahne, maxaa laga filayaa?
  21. looks good inrpessive reer puntland allah haa idunku wadda sidaas Seylici yaa manta ka fiican, Tahliil, Good leadership is required in Puntland and Somalia, however your remarks were unconstructive Boosaso is a somali city, keep in mind Jimcaale In Somalia, maintaining peace and stability is good enough Some people in here they making a big deal of an office building, what’s motivation tolow? Qabiil ubaahne, Ma sidanaa kuu danbeesay ninkii diinta ku dhuuman jirey?
  22. looks good inrpessive reer puntland allah haa idunku wadda sidaas Seylici yaa manta ka fiican, Tahliil, Good leadership is required in Puntland and Somalia, however your remarks were unconstructive Boosaso is a somali city, keep in mind Jimcaale In Somalia, maintaining peace and stability is good enough Some people in here they making a big deal of an office building, what’s motivation tolow? Qabiil ubaahne, Ma sidanaa kuu danbeesay ninkii diinta ku dhuuman jirey?
  23. JB, sheekada nagadaa baraley baad meesha ku heysaa ninyahow adaaba taadii meel u'la... oo wax jira ma tihid your mafia iyo ani shaqo iskuma lihin mida kale ani iyo adigu waanu simanahay markaa badeeda ka bax war gaalka cad soomaaha kan suntan ku galiyey