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Everything posted by Liibaan

  1. Happy 10th Anniversary Puntland State of Somalia By the grace of Allah, Puntland enjoyed 10 years of peace, progress, and development. I agree with Peace Action,lets pray and ask Allah another 10 years of peace and development for Puntland & Somalia, Insha Allah AllahGod Bless Puntland & Somalia, Long Live Puntland & Somalia
  2. Al Bawaba: Dubai World Subsidiary Buys Daallo Airlines In Joint Venture With Founders, Djibouti Government dubai world subsidiary buys daallo airlines in joint venture with founders, djibouti govt New airline to be re-branded as national flag carrier of Djibouti Dubai World company Istithmar World Aviation (IWA) Holdings has announced that it is joining with founders of Daallo Airlines and the Government of Djibouti to create a new holding company which will acquire all the shares of Daallo Airlines. The deal will see the New Daallo re-branded and named as the exclusive National Flag Carrier of Djibouti, enjoying all routes and traffic rights held by Djibouti. IWA Holdings is an Istithmar World company formed by the consolidation and enlargement of Dubai World's aviation investments. Daallo currently has a fleet of 10 aircraft including Boeing 757 and Boeing 737 aircraft, and has interline agreements with leading world carriers like Emirates, Qatar Airways, Saudia, Delta Airlines, Srilankan, Alitalia and Ethiopian Airlines. The airline has 16 years of experience operating scheduled passenger flights, cargo and charter flights to major destinations in Africa, Middle East, Asia and Europe. It has been flying to the UAE since 1992, to Paris since 2001 and London since 2002. Mr. Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Chairman Dubai World said: “Africa’s aviation industry can play a major role in the socio-economic development of the countries. In an environment where most air routes are dominated by foreign carriers, we see great potential in a home-grown airline like Daallo, which can provide safe and reliable air transport services, and facilitate the growth of trade and tourism.” “Dubai World has been a major partner in the development of Djibouti’s infrastructure, where we already operate and manage a number of leisure and business projects. Daallo’s strong base in the Horn of Africa gives us the required leverage to make this region a top-notch travel and business destination.” “We are very pleased to enter into this venture with the founders of Daallo Airlines and the Government of Djibouti. With our combined efforts and the resources being allocated, Djibouti will emerge as a valued destination for tourism and Daallo will spread its wings to become the leading air carrier in the Horn of Africa.” Tom Ronell, CEO Istithmar World Aviation Holdings said: “The acquisition of Daallo Airlines, is a reinforcement of Dubai World’s commitment to Djibouti, and reflects the importance of the country and the region in our business strategy. With the combined efforts of all parties, the airline is well positioned to serve the business and tourism needs of the Horn of Africa and beyond, providing safe, reliable and affordable air transport services on Africa’s lucrative intercontinental routes.” Mohammed Ibrahim Yassin, Founder and CEO of Daallo Airlines said: “We are gratified at the confidence placed in Daallo Airlines by our Government and by Istithmar World. With this backing and the expertise being added, we will take the New Company to a higher level, flying to more destinations and supporting the economic development of Djibouti and our neighbouring countries in the Horn of Africa, where we are the Number One airline already.” “Teaming up with Dubai World will enable us to pursue our ambition to provide a world-class air transportation service to the continent of Africa”. © 2007 Al Bawaba (
  3. The New Airline Will Be Re-Branded And Named The National Flag Carrier Of The Djibouti Reuters: Dubai's Istithmar To Buy Stake In Djibouti Airline Tue 13 Nov 2007, 15:27 GMT Dubai-government investment agency Istithmar said on Tuesday it has agreed to invest in Djibouti's Daallo Airlines to help the company expand in east Africa. Istithmar, a sister company of Dubai's DP World -- which manages a port terminal in Djibouti -- joined with the founders of Daallo and the Djibouti government to buy the airline and make it the national carrier of the east African state, it said in a statement. Istithmar did not say how much it would invest. "With our combined efforts and the resources being allocated, Djibouti will emerge as a valued destination for tourism and Daallo will spread its wings to become the leading air carrier in the Horn of Africa," Sultan bin Sulaymen, chairman of Dubai World, is quoted as saying in the statement. Dubai World owns Istithmar. Daallo Airlines operates 10 aircraft and flies to destinations in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and Asia, Istithmar said.
  4. Watch this inspiring video about a Somali boy who made it against all odds.
  5. SNM vs Mujaahidiin It is no doubt in these days that the word Mujahid has become a favorite word in the minds of many. Every where I go I hear the word or some body calling himself or being called a Mujahid. The word has become fashionable particularly in some parts of Somaliland. I hear Mujaahid dhagax, Mujaahid qudhac or Mujaahid qansax, etc. In the past couple of years, this never bemused me, as to my ears, it just sounded as a jargon full of sarcastic, metaphor, irony or figurative in a sense. Astonishingly, I began contemplating about it from many sides. As wake-up call, a very outstanding quotation by Tolstoy bunged the central nerve of my brain. The quotation reads as follows: "Hypocrisy in anything whatever may deceive the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide-awake of children recognizes it, and is revolted by it, however ingeniously it may be disguised." Then I concluded that this is an conspiracy by the SNM to vitiate our relative perception and to influence us to submit willingly, and belittle ourselves by calling them the champions of our freedom and integrity. The idea has an strategic relevance for them to corrupt our moral standards and be the co-signers of their fabricated history that has no basis and to accept a psychological defeat and overwhelmingly enthrone them over us with less resistance. More often than not, I got confused and lost to determine why the fuss the word Mujahid. On the other hand, I thought I might be out of touch and I am a yesterday’s bygone generation whose lost interest and blocked his mind from this fast changing millennium. But then again, I say to myself, “Waite a minute, Osman!, Don’t make an irrational judgment and take a disagreeable stand on the matter”. I try to make an effort aimed at assessing the real qualities of a Mujahid. I begun research to figure it out what are its definition in the Holy Quraan and description by Islamic scholars. My dear readers, allow me to share with you about my findings. The meaning of Jihad: Jihad means "to fight to make the word of Allah supreme and the word of the disbelievers low and despised." (Qur’an): Allah said in his holy book, "Behold, God has bought from the believers their lives and their possession, promising them paradise in return, (and so) they fight in God’s cause, slay, and are slain: a promise which in truth He has willed upon Himself in (the words of) the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who could be more faithful to his bond than God? Rejoice, then, in the bargain which you have made with Him: for this, this is the triumph supreme!" (At-Tawbah 9:111) The characteristics of Mujahid: The characteristics needed for someone to be called a Mujahid are: “The Mujahid has certain qualities that are manifest in his personality which distinguish him from the others. For Mujaahid, the actual symbol of Islam is the blood of the Muslims; if you touch that, you are pocking a stick at Islam…..” “A Mujahid respects the words of the Prophet(scw) who said “The blood of a Muslim is worth more than the kaba’’. (Sunan Ibn Majah; Silsilah El Saheehah: hadith #3420; Saheeh El Targheeb wal Tarheeb: hadith #2441) As such, I believe, the concept of being a true Mujahid is on a personal level. In other words, it is an inner struggle against evil within oneself; struggle for decency and goodness on the social level; and struggle on the battlefield for the cause of Islam if and when necessary. To a Mujaahid, Jihad refers to any and every effort, mental, moral or physical, that is made to make God’s Word supreme. It covers a wide range of activities, from personal struggle against one’s own evil promptings to being engaged in war for the cause of Islam. The levels of Jihad that magnify the deeds of the Mujaahid are as follows: It is the intimate struggle to purify the soul of satanic influence — both subtle and overt. It is the struggle to cleanse one’s spirit of sin. This is the most important quality of a Mujahid because one fights against ones own temptations, ignorance and weakness. My distinguished readers let me turn your attention to the following. According to Mujahid Abu Abdel Aziz: “Belief in Allah, praised be He (comes first). He should be in our sight, heart and mind. We have to make Jihad to make His word supreme, not for a nationalistic cause, a tribal cause, a group feeling or any other cause. This matter is of great importance in this era, especially since many groups fight and want to see to it that their fighting is Jihad.” Now, the question is, does any one who calls him self or is called Mujahid possesses the above characteristics? Then do those, among those individuals in the SNM and their members, who call themselves Mujahidiin, are real Mujahidin???????? As a Somalilander and having known how the word Mujahid or Mujahidiin is popular to the SNM let me focus and spell out if those groups qualify to be called Mujahidiin. To refresh our minds, the real meaning of jihad as explained above is: "To fight to make the word of Allah supreme and the word of the disbelievers low and despised." (Qur’an). How did the SNM conceive in their minds that they had every right and a divine license to use violence to impose their will on anyone they could brand as an enemy (Awdalites). To the SNM, are the Awdalites infidels who went astray ? or are they included to the definition of fellow Muslims who may not fit their self-proclaimed categorization of right and wrong? Based on the above characteristics of the Mujaahid, I totally reject the SNM’s equation of claiming that they are mujahidiin. First, how dare could they make a proclamation as being mujaahidiin, while they behave in satanic vandalism, commit injustices and heinous crimes, act in tyranny, genocide and looting. Secondly, is the SNM group claiming that they fought to make the word of Allah supreme? The undeniable is that they ventured into Awdal where they massacred innocent people in their homes, burned their farms and looted their possessions. After such malicious acts, then, they are NEITHER Mujahidiin, NOR their actions were not jihad. In effect they fought for tribal cause, then again that is not Jihad and their members are not Mujahidiin. Therefore, what really hammers the final nail in the coffin of this fact is that their devilish deeds has disqualified SNM to share the name with the Muslim Mujahidiin. Indeed, that will make SNM and supporters sinners and Mujaahiliin. It is also a sin to participate in the gatherings and festivals that praise SNM Mujaahillin. To my best friend Dougsiiye and Caateye To err is human, to forgive is for God. No matter how intelligent and a smart one can be the inherent human nature will never spare us all from committing a mistake. To make the matter worse, such an unanticipated incident would often occur at the wrong place, in the wrong time, and mostly when unwanted. After things turn tipsy nervy we all repent, regret, spend many sleepless nights, and wish if one could only reverse the clock. My friends, do you have any doubt that it was a slip of the tongue what my cousin the Mr. President said in his speech on May 18, 2007, the 16th anniversary of the breakaway state of Somaliland. Remember he is the president for almost a decade and all of sudden a degrading foul language was witnessed on that occassion, when only less than 6 months left of his term. You were the first to respond, rather angerly. However, let me assure all and take my word for it, that there was certainly, without a doubt, an error in the pronunciation of the word he meant to say. Friends and readers, do you know what? Just look at these two words: M-u-j-aa-h-i-l-ii-n &M-u-j-aa-h-i-d-ii-n. Open your eyes wide and make careful observation very closely. The only dissimilarity you will find out is “l” and “d”. Mr. Rayaale never meant the “diin”, but the “liin”. Now, is it very obvious that the President misspoke with the word Mujaahid (with the “d”), while he meant the one with the “l”), the Mujaahil. For sure, that was the unpredicted and totally out of context. To sum up, he meant Mujaahiliin and not Mujahidiin. My dear friends and readers, now, do you see what and how I see? Do you get what I mean and how!!!!!!!!!!!! The reply is definitely yes. I hope so. An uga beydho qoraalkan afka qalaad ah keenii macaanaa ee hodanka ahaa. Akhristoow, SNM inay mujahidiin meelaba ka soo gali karin xadiis, Quraan iyo aragtidaydu si wacan oo hufan kor idiinku xuse. Waxayse dhibi haysataa inta ay duufsadeen ee waxaan jirin lagu fooftan habawshay ee hiil iyo hooba siiyaa ma ogsoonyihiin inay muggdi gudayaan, Ilaah weynena ka f-oogaa-deen oo isla markaana ciqaabta la wadaagi doona maalinta xisaabi timaad. P/S…… Taageerida SNM waa Dambbiye ogoow oo aakhiradaada ha seegin!!! Osman A.Haji Bahdon Ottawa, Canada Email:
  6. Mujahid Riyaale Maalintii Shuhadadii Mujaahidiinta SNM Oct 17 Xuskii 17 Okt Iyo Fagaaraha Beerta Xorriyadda 'Mujaahidiinta Iyo Saraakiisha Cusub Waxa Ugu Horreeya Daahir Riyaale Kaahin,' Tallaabo Somaliland.Org 18 October, 2007 Hargeysa ( – Munaasibado loo sameeyey xuska maalinta Shuhadadii SNM ee 17 Okt. ayaa xalay iyo shalay lagu qabtay meelo kala duwan oo magaalada Hargeysa ah. Xafladda rasmiga ah ee xuska maalinta Shuhadada SNM oo shalay lagu qabtay Fagaaraha Beerta Xorriyadda ee magaalada Hargeysa ayaa wasiirrada xukuumaddu si ballaadhan uga soo qaybgaleen, isla markaana ay si dhiirran uga hadleen arrinta gobolka Sool iyo guulaha ciidanka qaranku ka soo hooyey dagaalkii Laascaanood iyo hareeraheeda ku dhexmaray toddobaadkan ciidamada maamul goboleedka Puntland. Munaasibaddaas oo uu soo qabanqaabiyey ururka Jamciyadda Mujaahidiinta Sooyaal, waxa aan ka muuqan hoggaamiyayaashii milateri iyo kuwii siyaasadeed ee ururkii SNM, marka laga reebo Guddoomaha ku-meel-gaadhka ah ee SNM, Muj. Xasan Ciise Jaamac. Wasiirkuxigeenka Caddaaladda, mudane Yuusuf Ciise Ducaale (Tallaabo) oo ka mid ahaa halgamayaashii ururkii SNM ayaa isagu ka warramay taariikhda maalinta 17 Oktoober ee lagu KULMIYEy xuska dhammaan halyeeyadii SNM ee ku shahiidey halgankii ururkii SNM la galay taliskii cadaadiska ee Siyaad Barre, iyada oo xuskaas lagu suntay dagaal ka dhacay Burca-duurrey 17 Okt 1988, kaas oo uu ku shahiidey Alle ha u naxastee Marxuum Maxamed Xaashi (Lixle) oo hoggaaminayey ciidankii Sayid Cali oo ahaa ciidankii u horreeyey ee SNM loo tababaro. Mudane Tallaabo, waxa uu ka warramay marxaladihii SNM soo martay iyo maalinba halkii uu taagnaa halganku, waxana uu xusay marxaladdii ku dhawaaqista ururka iyo raggii ku dhawaaqay oo uu ka mid ahaayeen Muj. Xasan Ciise Jaamac oo xafladdaa fadhiyey iyo Inj. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi oo muddo saddex bilood ku dhow ku jira Jeelka Mandheera. Mudane Tallaabo waxa uu sheegay in halgankii SNM ee ka soo bilaabmay kooxdii u horreysey ee ku dhawaaqday uu ilaa iyo hadda socdo, marxalado badanna uu soo maray oo ay ka mid yihiin dagaalkii Buuraha, gudagalkii magaalooyinka Burco iyo Hargeysa ee May 1988, qabsashadii Somaliland, nabadayntii Beelaha iyo dhismaha maamulka dowladda iyo weliba tallaabada hadda ciidanka Somaliland ku gaadheen magaalada Laascaanood. "Taariikhdu intaa way is qoraysaa, mujaahidiin cusub iyo taariikh cusub ayaa soo gelaysa. Kuwo cusub oo markii hore aan waxba ku lahaynina halkaas bay ka soo gelayaan, " ayuu yidhi Tallaabo. "Maanta Mujaahidiinta cusub iyo Saraakiisha waxa u horreeya Daahir Riyaale Kaahin, " ayuu raaciyey. Muj. Xasan Xiise Jaamac oo ka mid ahaa aasaasayaashii ururka SNM oo isaguna xafladdaas ka hadlay ayaa ku baaqay in xabsiga laga siidaayo siyaasiyiinta xidhan ee ururka Qaran oo uu ka mid yahay Inj. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi, isaga oo ku waaniyey xukuumadda inay u dhaqanto si masuuliyad iyo waayeeltinimo ah. Muj. Xasan Ciise, waxa uu ku hambalyeeyey ciidamada Qaranka iyo Xukuumaddaba guusha ay ka gaadheen gobolka Sool, halkaas oo maamulka Somaliland uu la wareegey, Isniintii, kadib dagaal dhexmaray ciidanka Somaliland iyo kuwa maamulgoboleedka Soomaaliya ee Puntland. Waxana uu sheegay in laba arrimood oo uu badiyaa ka hadli jirey munaasibadaha noocan ah aanu soo qaadayn munaasibaddan, isagoo sababta sharraxayana waxa uu yidhi, "Maantana waa Bacaluul is qaadey [xukuumadda] oo dheg la qabtoba malaha, " Xasan Ciise wuxuu had iyo goor munaasibaddan oo kale ka hadli jirey daryeelka Mujaahidiinta iyo sidii qaranka loo midayn lahaa, meelna loogaga soo wadajeedsan lahaa gaadhsiinta dalka iyo dadka himilooyinkii loo soo dagaalamay, isaga oo taas dhalliilo kulul ugu soo jeedin jirey xukuumadda, balse, waxa uu sheegay munaasibaddaa shalay in aanu arrimahaa soo qaadayn, maadaama xukuumaddu dagaal ku jirto, isla markaana ay waxoogaa guul ah sheeganayso. Waxase uu uga digey xukuumadda in la dago ciidanka Somaliland. "Dhawr goor oo hore ayaa la dagay ciidanka Somaliland, yaan la idin dagin, " ayuu yidhi. Xasan Ciise, waxa uu xusay in xusaska noocan oo kale ah ee SNM xukuumaddu ay u soo diri jirtey hal wasiir, waxana uu sheegay in sababta wasiirrada tirada badani uga soo qaybgaleen xuskii shalay ay tahay iyada oo haya ayuu yidhi wax ay dadka la hor yimaaddaan, taas oo uu uga jeedey gaadhitaanka Laascaanood. Munaasibaddaas waxa kale oo ka hadlay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda, mudane Cabdillaahi Maxamed Ducaale, Wasiirka Hawlaha Guud, mudane Siciid Sulub iyo Wasiirkii hore ee Gaashaandhigga, mudane Aadan Maxamed Mire (Waqaf) oo ka socdey xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee UCID, waxayna dhammaantood si dhiirran uga hadleen xaaladda Laascaanood, iyaga oo isla markaana digniin iyo jawaabo kulkulul ka bixiyey hadallo ka soo yeedhay maamulka Puntland, gaar ahaan eedaynta ku saabsan in Somaliland ay xidhiidh la leedahay maxaakiimtii Islaamiga ee Muqdisho iyo dowladda Erateriya. Munaasibad kale oo lagu soo bandhigay sawirro iyo taariikh laga ururiyey halgamayaashii SNM ayaa iyana xalay lagu qabtay Hotel Imperial ee magaalada Hargeysa. Xafladdaas waxaa ka qaybgalay, hadalona ka jeediyey guddoomiyayaasha labada xisbi ee Mucaaridka ah, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) oo ahaa hoggaamiyihii muddadii ugu dheerayd hoggaaminayey ururkii SNM iyo Faysal Cali Waraabe, qaar ka mid ah hoggaamiyayaashii milateri ee SNM, qaar ka mid ah aasaasayaashii ururka, wasiirro, aqoonyahanno, culima-udiin iyo marti sharaf kale. Waxaana si ballaadhan looga hadlay halgankii SNM, taariikhda laga hayo iyo midhaha ka dhashay oo ah Somaliland. Cabdirisaaq M. Dubbad, Hargeysa. E-mail:
  7. sh j, Maxaad la cabadasaa, maad wacno led ku hadashid soo baro sida loo hadlo
  8. wali miyaad hadlasaa, waxaan ku oran lahaa ‘Af daboolani waa dahab’ Adaa is kashifay inaad tahay hypocrit
  9. Thanks Brother Caamir for the article and your sincere concern about the humanitarian situation in LA and Sool region Northerner, You didn’t show slight concern for the people of LA? Who are you to question others? Just enjoy your temporary celebrations
  10. Somalilander “The recent Somaliland victory in Las Anod seems to be a hollow one” HIIRAAN: Las Anodis by a substantial majority do not want to be part of Somaliland Blues skies thinking on somaliland borders The recent Somaliland victory in Las Anod seems to be a hollow one. Puntland may have been militarily defeated but by all accounts the locals simply failed to throw flowers at the liberating forces from the west as Hargeisa had hoped. The fact that the take-over was accomplished by local Las Anodis lead by pro-Somaliland men made little difference. The victors are largely seen by the overwhelming majority of the population as self-serving individuals at best and outright traitors at worst. This is not quite fair but since when fairness mattered to the Somali? Puntland, which ran the place since it took over in 2002 breaking a gentlemanly agreement with Somaliland that neither side takes overall control of the disputed area, failed to govern the region properly. Locals point out that when Somaliland was in control in the 1990s, teachers and police were paid on time, streets cleaned and burglars kept at bay. Under Puntland law and order broke down, schools closed and business came to a halt. But Somalis are not influenced by these mundanely practical things. Clan sentiment overides everything and on this overwhelmingly powerful indicator, Somaliland, largely seen as an I-clan entity, is on a losing card in Las Anod: the locals are D-clan and their loyalty lies with their D-clan brethren in Puntland. Somaliland’s claim on Las Anod is based on the legitimate case that it was within the borders of Somaliland under colonial rule and on independence from colonial rule in 1960. Every African country claims its borders on the same colonial map. But the fact remains that Las Anodis by a substantial majority do not want to be part of Somaliland. But there is another fact: Las Anod does not matter to Somaliland. It does not matter economically or socially and it ruled itself out politically thus forfeiting the only card it could have played in Somaliland politics. The solution for Somaliland is simple: let Las Anod go. It has no economic value to Somaliland and the locals are troublesome. It simply does not deserve the trouble let alone the lives of our kids. Withdraw from Las Anod now and negotiate on demarcating the border. The locals can join whoever they like. Ahmed Mohamed
  11. Somalilander “The recent Somaliland victory in Las Anod seems to be a hollow one” HIIRAAN: Las Anodis by a substantial majority do not want to be part of Somaliland Blues skies thinking on somaliland borders The recent Somaliland victory in Las Anod seems to be a hollow one. Puntland may have been militarily defeated but by all accounts the locals simply failed to throw flowers at the liberating forces from the west as Hargeisa had hoped. The fact that the take-over was accomplished by local Las Anodis lead by pro-Somaliland men made little difference. The victors are largely seen by the overwhelming majority of the population as self-serving individuals at best and outright traitors at worst. This is not quite fair but since when fairness mattered to the Somali? Puntland, which ran the place since it took over in 2002 breaking a gentlemanly agreement with Somaliland that neither side takes overall control of the disputed area, failed to govern the region properly. Locals point out that when Somaliland was in control in the 1990s, teachers and police were paid on time, streets cleaned and burglars kept at bay. Under Puntland law and order broke down, schools closed and business came to a halt. But Somalis are not influenced by these mundanely practical things. Clan sentiment overides everything and on this overwhelmingly powerful indicator, Somaliland, largely seen as an I-clan entity, is on a losing card in Las Anod: the locals are D-clan and their loyalty lies with their D-clan brethren in Puntland. Somaliland’s claim on Las Anod is based on the legitimate case that it was within the borders of Somaliland under colonial rule and on independence from colonial rule in 1960. Every African country claims its borders on the same colonial map. But the fact remains that Las Anodis by a substantial majority do not want to be part of Somaliland. But there is another fact: Las Anod does not matter to Somaliland. It does not matter economically or socially and it ruled itself out politically thus forfeiting the only card it could have played in Somaliland politics. The solution for Somaliland is simple: let Las Anod go. It has no economic value to Somaliland and the locals are troublesome. It simply does not deserve the trouble let alone the lives of our kids. Withdraw from Las Anod now and negotiate on demarcating the border. The locals can join whoever they like. Ahmed Mohamed
  12. The major differences between SSC people and Somaliland stems from the Somalia’s acrimonious tribal history. Las-anod; Outlined Facts The capture of Las-anod by Somaliland along with local militia has generated mixing feelings and contradicting messages. Viewing from the lenses of Somaliland leaders and sympathizers, this capture was the most after sought victory for their entity. For most ******** people—indigenous people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions—this is the beginning of an atrocious period in their territory. As for Puntland, the loss of Las-anod to Somaliland is a big threat to the existence of this tribal-based regional state. Before we discuss the reality on the ground let us briefly state how Somaliland has embraced this hazy victory, and how Puntland is preparing to counter attack and recapture the city. Immediately after the fall of Las-anod, the president of Somaliland, Riyale, and leaders of Somaliland opposition parties, Siilanyo and Warabe, have jointly thrown a party in the presidential square in Hargaysa and publicly praised what they have called liberation of Las-anod, what is liberation for some one is invasion for others. According to Somaliland’s Jamhuuriya Newspapers, In order to further motivate Somaliland forces, traditional leaders of the Awdel region, birth place of Riyale Kahin, have devoted their monthly pay-checks to Somaliland forces fighting at the front line (Las-anod). Similarly, all employees of several Somaliland ministerial departments have sacrificed their entire quarterly salary for Somaliland fighters. These are hawkish endorsements that are conspiring civil war and ethnic displacement. Even some Somaliland Civil-society organizations have rushed to glorify what could be the cause of the already looming humanitarian disaster in the region. Moreover, during SNM meeting in Hargaysa last week, friends and foes of this organization have gathered at the same place to congratulate Riyale and his latest development in Las-anod. No single Somaliland politician, traditional, or tribal leader has denounced the war, meaning the whole self-declared republic is in celebration for the capture of the city. Meanwhile, Puntaland, surprisingly, has accused Eritrea and remnants of Islamic Courts of fighting alongside with Somaliland, a foolish acclamation! The president of Puntland, Adde, has publicly declared war on Somaliland and recapturing of the city by force. Leaders of Puntland warned that a sporadic civil war is imminent. The public is demanding that Puntland has to act now while Somaliland is responding with tart provocations. Somaliland and Puntland are sandwiching the city by massing their troops from the west and from the east respectively. The Situation is spinning out of control. Somaliland and Puntland forces are trampling on the civilian populations in their quest to capture the city, creating displacement of tens of thousands of people, who fled from their homes to far rural areas. The disturbing news is that these people are facing famine, malnutrition and epidemic diseases as the harsh and dry winter is on the way. The other distressing news is that humanitarian and human rights organizations are not aware of that the humanitarian crisis is emerging from SSC regions of Somalia. The growing tension in SSC regions is a clear marker indicating that the chaos of Somalia has rolled toward the northern Somalia, which is an area that has enjoyed peace for the last decade. The city of Las-anod is serving today as an arena of a battle of gladiators, Somaliland forces intimidating local people who are still in the city. Mobilized with armored vehicles and heavy artilleries, Somaliland forces have surrounded the city and are psychologically frightening the civilian populations. Chains of demonstrations and popular civic actions triggered by the presence of Somaliland troops in the region have being taking place on the streets of Las-anod. The primary goal of the demonstrations is the withdrawal of Somaliland troops from the SSC. Contrary to what the public is demanding, Somaliland is determined to stay on its current course. In addition, one of the discouraging outcomes of the destroyed socio-economic systems of Las-anod is that thousands of young students have become susceptible to be taken as child soldiers after their schools have been completely shut down. Many of these young students are now roaming on the streets of the city, throwing stones at Somaliland troops and burning tires. Many others have set aside their books and pencils and, in turn, took guns to kill or to be killed. The future of entire generations is in jeopardy. Who will be held accountable for any probable wrongdoings done by these dislocated generations? The great irony is that survivors of ethnic displacement (not long ago, people of Somaliland had been displaced and traumatized by the military regime, which ruled Somalia form 1969-1990) are eager to displace their brothers and sisters. For Somaliland leaders to claim that SSC shares colonial borders with Somaliland cannot justify military offensive stands logic on its head. It is also a great paradigm that Somali people who are under Ethiopian incursion are occupying each other. Any one who has a head on his shoulder sees that the whole Republic of Somalia is being swallowed by Ethiopia. The core value of Somaliland, separating from the rest of Somalia, does not sound as the best interest for the people of SSC. In an attempt to convince Somaliland to withdraw its troops form SSC regions, traditional leaders and most SSC people have reiterated how important it is for them and for Somaliland to remain subjects of peace. The standpoint of SSC people deserves to be respected as they are proceeding to take an oath to uphold their rights. Thanks to those who are organizing the grand meeting of SSC traditional leaders in Buuhoodle. The main agenda of the meeting should be the uniting of SSC people and restoring of the hope of the region. The major differences between SSC people and Somaliland stems from the Somalia’s acrimonious tribal history. Since the arrival of the British colony to Somalia in late 19th century, people of SSC have lost half of their land to the people of Togdheer and Western Sanaag. It was not a naturally evolving occurrence, when in 1954 the people of Togdheer had seized Caynabo, a former (or may be future) SSC town. It was a well planned mission performed under the shadow of the British colony. This indicates that dislocating of SSC people has been taking place for more than a century. Moreover, there are some other persisting issues, which are diverging SSC people from joining Somaliland. For instance, the Independence Day, June 26th, of the British Somaliland had been changed. Memorial days have been assigned to those who had fought in the name of SNM, an armed organization that had never been popular in SSC territory. The legacy of the British Somaliland’s true freedom frontiers, Dervish revolution, SNL, USP, etc—have been blackmailed. This modified Somaliland, upon which interests of certain people are based, is not a beneficial sovereignty for the eastern regions of the former British Somaliland, masterminds of the true freedom. These examples and many other unhealed historical wounds have been the dogmas, which reside in the cerebellum hemispheres of the brains of SSC people. There is no doubt that different versions of these dogmas occupy in the heads of many others. The roots of these wounds need to be diagnosed before the colonial borders of the modified British Somaliland have been secured. Therefore, not only the people of SSC are skeptical about the modified Somaliland but they are also strongly warning any grave consequences that could follow if Somaliland keeps turning deaf ears to their demands. According to Puntland, let us make long story short, Puntland ought to have strong leadership that has clear and constructive agenda for the people of Puntland State. The current administration led by General Adde has inflated the economy. General Cadde has made political mistake by sacking Xaabsade, the former interior minister of Puntland. Being a prominent politician hailing from SSC region, fired and thus disappointed Xaabsade has alternated his political view and catalyzed the fall of Las-anod in the hands of his former opponents. Is he politically disadvantaged now? The time will tell. Xaabsade was performing his ministerial duties, assisting the reconciliation efforts in Buuhoodle last summer, when he was sacked. If general Cadde had presented plausible reasons of why he sacked his former interior minister, the reputation of Xaabsade would have been in question today. Somalis say “Rag ciil cadaab ka doorey,” Xaabsade is a man who knows what his is doing, meaning that there should be some thing that has forced him to do what he has done. The tranquility of Puntland would be sustainable if there is a fair president who is capable of leading this tribal based administration. To conclude, Somaliland has glorified displacing of tens of thousands of SSC people, who are facing hunger and diseases in the remote areas of Northern Somalia, which have no access to humanitarian assistance. Somaliland and Puntland are determined to stay on their current course, which is undermining the stability of the region. The SSC people are quite skeptical about the modified Somaliland, upon which interests of certain people are based. The rudimentary outcome of the upcoming SSC traditional leaders’ meeting in Buuhoodle should be the uniting of the SSC people. By Mohamed Hassan [ November 03, 2007, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade oo u waramay idaacada Radio Horyaal S: Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade, waxaad nooga warantaa, xaalada Gobolka Sool sida ay tahay wakhtigan? J. Xaalada Gobolka Sool aad iyo aad bay u fiican tahay, dhibaato ma jirto, waad ogti-hiinoo dagaalbaa dhacay dagaalkii hada wuu dhamaaday. Way iska jiraan dad weli iska ciil qaba. Hase yeeshee hada wax dhibaato ah oo weyni ma jirto S. Laakiin dad badan oo adiga ku dhaliilaa waxay yidhaahdaan Axmed Xaabsade maaha nin mabda leh, ee waa nin kolba u carara meesha uu ka cadhoodo mooyee meesha kale. Ma laga yaabaa hadana inaad dib u noqotid mar kale? J. Warkaasi waa war aad u jaban, kaas oo kalena dadka inaad ku tidhaahdo maaha.
  14. Aragtida Hargeysaawi yaaban Halkee lagu arkay Dunida magaalo la qabsaday oo ciidankii qabsaday ay magaalada hareeraha ka joogaan. Kuwii laga qabsadayna magaalada [ Reer Laascaanood]iska mushaaxayaan iyaga oo dagaal toos ah kala hor imaanaya markay ciidamadu galaan magaalada ama maamulka. Tani waxay ka taagan tahay Laascaanood. Waxayna ka mid tahay talo xumada Dawlada Somaliland iyo qorshe la, aanta...
  15. shaydaanka Jac waxuu noqday tuug la qabtay talo malaha, Ma anaan garan Jacweynaaa, big time looser
  16. Sheekadaa waa mid aa aduu aliftay oo been abuur,sida aad caan ku tahay Cid ku cayday majirtu, waxa uun ku idhi aflagaada iyo cay ka jooji gabadha, taasna waa talo (Nin kuu digay kuma dilin ) Hadii aad aduu utimi meeshan shukaansi iyo wax aan loo jeedin, waxaa cad in aad meeshan kusoo luntay oo aad haboobsantahay Markaa badbaa ku jirtaa If you have anything meaningful to contribute this thread, say it, without personalizing the debate Really, no one cares whether hebel is from Xtown or not
  17. Ma sidaado kale baad imooday, shaqa laawe waaxid Waxa aad qasanasid jooji
  18. wax weyn baa kaa si ah ninyahow, miyeey ku diiday waan ka xumahay Shaqo laawe waaxid, learn how to debate, instead of taking personal shots at people because they disagree with you
  19. waar niyow anagaa iska kaa naqaan You wish sxb, I don't think she knows your kind, beenaale ka jooji qashqashaada iyo faduusha aad qabdhaha ku heysid, aduu magac qabadh hadii aragtid miyaad taqaan? war orodoo isku xishood, oo wax isku fal There is zero tolerance for personal attacks and harassment in this site, you certainly breaking the golden rules of SOL
  20. Beenaale shaydaanka jacaylka ,, you are not from Hargeysa or from so-called somaliland ,, plz stop pretending and lying ,, no one can tolerate this anymore sorry, you really need to learn how to debate, sida wax nool u hadal ama iska aamu You really need to learn from Plato; “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.” But fool never understands anything, Marka la xishoonwaayo, waxii rabo ayaa lagu hadlaa wuxu caqli xumaa, illeen waa shaydaan, shaqo la'aan weynaa, gabadho shaqo ka dhigtay, maxaa laga siiyaa? You have said many times that she is not from Laascaanood, why you care if she is from Laascaanood or not, no one can tolerate this behevior anymore, markaa edeb yeelo, Waxaad keentay inaad gabdhaha faduulisid,
  21. Originally posted by rudy: still ma xaafadihii aa laga hadlaa! ... whats up with short sightedness? Adiga xaafadaa maxaa kugu diray? Get a life, orod oo shaqo yeelo Wuxu caqli xumaa
  22. why don’t you get a life? or is your life is insulting certain Somali people and regions, by exposing yourself, the fact that you suffering a disease called a hate/cuqdad You are nothing but a criminal/qaad addict who spreads hate-filled propaganda Aduu tuug waad ka darantahay waayo bakhti baaba tahaye, Insulting others will not benefit, sadly thats the only thing you know, lakiin la soco adey kugu soo noqonasaa No more patience waryaa, keep on mind that others can insult you as well