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Zack As I said last night you are good brother, we are on same page as well I have huge disagreement with Farah macalin and his cheerleader in sol Dajiye Dajiye keep defending the indefensible, just because Farah Macalin is your uncle or share your qabiil, you shouldn't make excuses for Farah Macalin You said there is no more somalinimo, but I am telling because of somalinimo I believe Faroole was wrong to handover our somalis brothers to xabashi , and because of somalinimo I will never ever support your enemies the xabashi and their aggression against people of western Somalia, although you and your uncle farah support the division of Somalia and established unholy alliance with snm militia (snm is a product exported by Ethiopia) My advice to you is two Wrongs Don't Make It Right, iyo soomaali maahmaah oo leh waan baahnahay bakhti looma cuno
Ducaysane walaal you see, you are smart somali I don't understand What exactly is Farah Macalin's beef with SSC people? why he visited Laascaanood and praise the occupation of Las Anod and SSC regions by snm militia, what is wrong with this man?
Farah Macalin and Faisal are the enemies of SSC people, what you expect Faisal Waraabe is a notorious warlord, who called for genocide against people of SSC for many times Faysal's [in] famous saying was “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.” Now Faisal added Nairobi Kenya “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa and [Nairobi] than one in Mogadishu.”
Zack, I think you and Farah macalin are fighting wrong war when you guys sided with snm militia against SSC people its not fair for Farah and his cheerleaders to complain about Faroole handing over few individuals to Ethiopia, when at the same time they publicly support the occupation of SSC by snm militia,thats hypocrisy
Zack, If making excuses for Farah macalin is ok, you shouldn't have problem with those who are making excuses for Faroole At least Faroole receives support From Ethiopia, what will Farah macalin benefit from his unholy alliance with snm/somalidiid and his support for the occupation of SSC by snm militia
Somalia is already divided is not an excuse, does that mean Faroole is right for handing over somalis to Ethiopia ? and macalin is right for publicly supporting the division of Somalia and the aggression of Snm militia against the people of SSC? People of SSC have no choice but to support the enemies of Farah macalin and his cheerleaders
Originally posted by Dajiye: Maxaa meel cidlo ah laga laaqiyey ,,, Adeerayaal Faroole haduu LA wax u qabanayo wataas afka kala haysa. Cabaadka iyo calaacalka la gabada Dajiye, I think you need to stop claalka iyo oohinta, SNM iyo soomaalidiid aad taageersantahay mee wax kuu qabtaan 200 sano ayaa xabashi guumeesanasay soomaali galbeed Mida kale kan maangaab ah ee Faarax macalin waaba beena waas gaboobay, maxaa beenta weyn ku kalifay yuu ka baqayaa? People of SSC more Farah macalin and his cheerleaders than snm/soomaalidiid
If Puntland state of Soamlia paid $2 million, wow that means Puntland is rich, and Mr. Wetang’ula is a smart man But Maalim is dumb,by accepting few dollars and bribes from Somalidiid
Maalim is the enemy of SSC people, and people of SSC will support the enemies of the dumb Maalim in Kenya and ouside Kenya It doesn't matter who complained
Faarax Macalin Oo dhagartiisii Qirtay & Been Qaawan oo uu ka sheegay SSC. Written by Jidbaale Tuesday, 02 March 2010 14:46 Nairobi(Jidbaale):-Faarax Macalin Dawaare oo ah Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Barlamaanka dalka Kenya ayaa wuxu qiray in uu doonayo in maamulka Hargaysa u ugu Ololeeyo Gooni goosadka ay la daala dhacayeen mudada 20ka sano ah. Faarax Macalin Daawaare oo ah Gudomiye ku xigeen barlamaanka Kenya ayaa waxaa uu BBC da Laanteeda afka Soomaaliga ah siiyey waraysi ku saabsan Dacwo ka dhan ah oo uu amray wasiirka Arimaha debeda ee Kenya Moses Watungala. Faarax macalin wuxuu si cad u sheegay in uu Barlamaanka Kenya hordhigi doono warbixin ku saabsan waxa uu ugu yeedhay xaalada Somaliland, taasoo uu ula jeedo in uu ka helo barlamaanka Kenya taageero oo ku fushado marshuuca uu ka soo qaatay Hargaysa. Faarax macalin oo la sheegay in uu soo qaatay lacag $250,000 ah ayaa waxaa kaloo loo balan qaaday lacag intaas ka sii badan haduu ku gulaysto qorshahiisa. Been cad Wuxuu sidoo kale hadal been iyo gaf ku ah ka sheegay shacabka SSC oo uu sheegay in ay kaga horyimaadeen Burco agteeda taasoo ah hadal meel ka dhac ku ah shacab ka la hasyto ee reer Laascaanood iyo sidoo kale bulsho weynta SSC. Mar wax laga waydiiyey in uu diidan yahay in *********** ka soo horjeedo maamulka Gooni goosadkla ah ayuu si jees jees ah islamarkaana yasi taan ah ku yidhi Meel kastaba mucaaradku waa ka jira iyo hadal Dulucdiisu ahayd in aysan saameyn lahayn dadka ka soo horjeeda Maamulka haysta Laascaanood oo la ogyahay in *********** dhaqan iyo shacab Caruur iyo Ciroole ka mideysan yihiin Midnimada Soomaaliya iyo iska dhicinta Maleeshiyada haysata Laascaanood. Maxaad ka taqaana Faarax Dawaare? Faarax Macalin Dawaare waa nin ku caanbaxay Dilaalnimada iyo danaysiga. Wuxuu can ku yahay in uu isticmaalo wajiyo badan oo dhawr nooc ah, wejiyada uu Isticmaalo wuxuu ku saleeya marba qolada uu la joogo. Waxaa la xasuustaa in uu 2006kii amrkii Maxkamaduhu qabsadeen Koonfurta Soomaaliya uu halkaas tegey isla markaana uu sitay Weji ah Soomaalinimo iyo in uu caalamka iyo Maxkamadaha isku xidhayo. Wuxuuna halkaas ka helay lacag aad u fara badan oo uu ka qaatay wadadii uu ku yidhi waa la idin Aqoonsanayaa. Lacag taas la mid ah na wuxuu ka diirtay Maraykanka iyo reer galbeedka oo uu u siday Magacyo dad ay doonayeen oo uu ka soo xuuraamay Mudisho. Taasi waxay dhaxal siisay in uu lacag badan ku bixiyo Dorashadiisii Xildhibaanimo iyo Gudoomiye ku xigeenimo taasoo uu ku gulaystey. Wajiyada kale ee uu isticmaalo waxaa ka mid ah, Daarroodiya, Kablalaxiya iyo ********iya. Dhamaana arimahaas wuu ku qidhaabtaa mana jirto cid uu wax ugu qabto in uu ku dilaalaysto mooyaane. Sidoo kale wuxuu Faarax Macalin caan ku yahay in uu iibsado sheekooyinka Siyaasadeed ee dhexmara asaga iyo qolyaha markaas uu isku Maansuukhinayo ee uu ka doonayo Sandareerada. Safarkiisii Hargaysa Safarkii uu tegey Magalaada Hargaysa wuxuu ahaa mid aan sharci ahayn, isla markaana aysan la ogeyn Dawladda Kenya sida hadaba soo baxday. Wuxuu safarkaasi ka danbeeyey ka dib markii uu helay mashruuc ah in xoolo dhaqatada ******** ay u yeedheen sidaasna uu kaga fasax qaatay dawladda Kenya. Qorshihiisii ahaa xoolaan soo kala gadayaa wuxuu is rogey markii meel kale wax iska tusay toosoo uu ugu sheekeeyey Maamulayaashya maamulka Waqooyiga Soomaaliya in hada xisbiga uu ka tirsan yahay ee ODM oo lee yahay aqbaliyad Barlamaan ayna u meel mari karto dacwadiisa ka dhanka ah Midnimada Soomaaliyeed. Taasoo ay madaxa u ruxeen qolyaha aan waxbadan siyaasada ka aqoon ee maamulka Hargaysa Hogaamiya uuna ugu horeeyo Daahir Riyaale. Wuxuu halkaas kaga soo qaatay lacag dhan labo boqol iyo konton kun oo Dolar. Wuxuuna u balan qaadya in uu Barlamaanka Kenya uga ansixin doono in Urur goboleedk IGAD ay u gudbiyaan dacwada maamulka Riyoonaya ee uu wato ina Riyaale. Wuxuuna sheegay in uu IGAD na ka baas garayn doono isla markaana uu wadi doono Ilaa AU da. Wuxuu sidoo kale tegey Laascaanood mana jirto cid ku soo dhaweysey amrka laga reebo dhawr odey oo Calooshood u shaqastayaal ah isla markaana caan ka ah Laascaanood oo qol loogu xareeyey, halkaasoo ay ugu sheegeen been aan sal iyo raadtoona lahayn. Waxyalaaha uu ka soo qaybtay ee kale isla markaana uu u soo ansixiyey waxaa ka mid ah in Hooyo Soomaaliyeed oo beeshiisa ka dhalatay uu u saxaaxay maamulka in ay u gudbiyaan Cadawga Amxaarada. Taasoo hada garteedii uu weli madaxa kula jiro isla markaana uusan ka Jid bixin. Siyaasada Kenya iyo Awooda ODM ee hada? Sir ma qabe Allaa u sahan ah. Markii Ololaha Doorashooyinku ka socdey Kenya Novernber 2007kii ayaan Horufadhi.com waxaan ku arkay qoraal ah Raila Odinga oo lacag looga soo diray Hargaysa, waxaana aan warbixintii xasuustay maanta markaan dhagaystay waraysiga ina Dawaare, hadaba aan u soo Noqono Siyaasada Kenya iyo xiligan. Kenya waxaa ka talisa Dawladd Wadaag ah isla markaana ku timid joojinta dagaal lagu hoobtay oo mudo labo bilood ah ka soconayey gudaha dalka Kenya . Barlamaanka Kenya markii hore waxaa u badnaa xisiba Faarax Macalin ee ODM. Waxaase is bedeley siyaasadii rag badan ayaa halkaas u boodey, waxaa dhacay isdaba gal abdan iyo isku fiirsasho , waxaana dhinaca PNU oo ah garabka Madaxweynaha laga Eryey wasiirkoodii lacagta mudo hada 11bilood laga joogo ka dib markii lagu qabtay fadeexad Hotel uu Qiimo jaban ku iibiyey oo Dawladdu lahayd. PNU waxii maalintaas ka danbeysey waxay waden in ay kala fur fruaan xubnaha badan ee Barlamaanka ODM. Maadaba ay noqdeen Cudud adag, Kibaki iyo ragiisii ayagoo in badan la wareegey xubnihii 109ka ahaa ee ODM lahaayeen ayaa dhawaan waxaa dhacay arin aad moodo in SSC xaga Rabbi looga hiiliyey. Ra'iisal wasaare Odinag wuxuu caydhiyey oo shaqadii ka joojiyey labo wasiir, waa William Ruto oo ah wasiirka Beeraha iyo Sim Ongeri oo ah waxbarashada. Arintaas waxay keentay in wasiirka beeraha oo ka soo jeeda Gobolka ugu xildhibaanada badan Kenya ee Riffti Valley ay raacaan kala badh xubnihii barlamaanka Kenya. Isla markaana ay la garab noqdaan madaxweyne Kibaki oo ah PNU. Barlamaanka Kenya tiro ahaan hada waa 210 xubnood, isku dar dhinaca PNU hada waxaa ka soo jeeda 154 xildhibaan waana aqbalayda ugu badan ee hada Barlamaanka Kenya. Raila Odinga iyo Faarax macalin maanta cidley taagan yihiin maadaba xisbigooda ay ka baxeen xubnihii ugu badnaa ee ay isku halaynayeen. Waxaana hada taagan wakhtigii PNU ka aargoosan lahayd ODM oo bedelkii wasiirkii lacagta ee ay caydhiyeen barlamaanka ODM ay uga aargoosan lahaayeen, waxaana PNU soo celiya waa iyagoo maanta Jaaniskaas Faarax Macalin ka faa'ideystan kana erya shaqada Gudoomiyenimada iyo xubinimada Barlamaankaba. Hadaba Maxaa arinta SSC ka qaban kartaa? Si hadaba looga Faa'ideysto Dacwadan ku socota Macalin ee ah in wasiirka arimaha debedu amray Baadhintaan lagu sameeyo Socdaalkiisii Waqooyiga Soomaaliya, waxaa la gudboon Aqoonyanada SSC ee uu ugu horeeyo Halyey Cusmaan Xassan X, Cumar{Badawi} in ay xidhiidh la soo sameeyaan wasarada Arimaha debeda ee Kenya isla markaana ay cabashadooda iyo Tafaasiisha Booqashada Ina Dawaarle ku soo bandhigaan. Waxaa sidoo kale arintan wax weyn ka qaban kara ayna tahay in lala xidhiidho wasiirka Arimaha debeda ee Soomaaliya Cali Axmed Jaamac Jengeli oo oo ay hubaal tahay haduu waraaq cabasho ama Dacwo ka dhan ah u soo diro dhigiisa Kenya in taas wasiirka ay ka saacidi doonto arintan. Waayo Soomaaliya waa dal madax banana mana kala go'in in dal deris ah ay fara gelin ku sameeyaan dal kalena waa ka mamnuuc Dastuurka Midawga Afrika , IGAD iyo Qaramada Midoobeyba. Arintaas waa in laga hortagaa ka hor inta uusan Barlamaanka Horkeenin waxa uu ugu yeedhay warbixinta oo run ahaantii ah fara gelin uu Faarax macalin ku samaynayo arimaha Soomaaliya. Dhamaan Aqoonyahanka SSC iyo kan Soomaaliyeed ee jecel Midnimada Umadda Soomaaliyeedba waa in ay la xidhiidhaan wasaarada Arimaha debeda ee Kenya iyo tan Soomaaliyaba si looga hortago shirqoolka kala goyneed ee Faarax Macalin. Hadaba si aad ula soo xidhiidho wasiirka Arimaha debeda Ee Kenya Hon: Moses Watungala. Halkan ku dhufo, ka dibna ka hel Telefoonada iyo Emailada wasaarada iyo wasiirkaba. Halkan ka Dhagayso BBC Faarax Macalin http://www.mfa.go.ke/mfacms/index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=3 Ibraahim Mohamed Hersi. Nairobi Kenya.
Adaa iska hadlayaa
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^[Puntland] are his cousins Che is correct, people of Puntland, SSC, Western Somalia are all cousins, in general all somalis are cousins and related in one way, one nation, one religion, one language, one culture, etc Somalis are the most homogeneous peoples in all Africa and the world. Even if Faroole fires Ilka-jiir like haabsade and others, people of SSC will always have a soft spot for their brothers/sisters from Puntland, and Western Somalia For that reason we don't care 1 individual like moalim or Ilka jiir Now, alhamdulilah people of SSC have new leader Suleiman Xaglotoosiye, we don't trust anymore Faroole
Zack, As long as you believe that Maalim's visit to Las Anod and his unholy alliance with somalidiid is big mistake and fundamental error of judgment, you are good man there is ongoing conflict in north Somalia between those who support United Somalia (SSC the home of Daraawiish), and those who support the secession (somalidiid). And in this conflict Moalim is with somalidiid Without Reservation, regardless people of SSC will always support 100%, people of Western Somalia waayo halganka soomaali galbeed, waa halgankii somaliweyn
Anwar, Stay on topic, gabdhana amaan sii JB, Waxaa laga hadlayaa horumarka Buuhoodle iyo SSC, xaasidnimada jooji,
Zack, Maalim is a public Enemy # 1 of people of Las Anod and SSC in Kenya , when he supported the snm militia, and praised the occupation of Las Anod by snm militia Maalim is mentally retarded individual, because his support and friendship with Somalidiid backfired, and now he has more enemies within Kenya and Somalia It is very obvious Maalim's support for snm militia is only for two reasons, first few dollars and bribes he received from somalidiid-land, and his hatred for Puntland clans I don't see how any pro-unity somali like Zack can make excuses for Maalim's support for those who want to divide Somalia according to imaginary colonial maps Zack should know the reason why Ethiopia and Kenya claim Western Somalia and NFD is because of colonial maps as well.
AT, General Duke waloo duceenayaa, iyo dhamaan muslimiinta oo dhan, ducada iyo naxariista Allah waa loowada baahanyahay Meel loogu hanbalyeenayo nin reer hargeysa ama reer dhagaxbuur ah oo aqal galay ama wiil u dhashay, hadii uu nin Puntland ah layimaado meesha kaftan rakhiis ah, Anuu waxaan oran lahaa war jooji oo dadku haa kaa amaan helaan, waana u duceen lahaa inuu Allah soo hadeeyo, G. Duke uma maleenayo inay kasuurowdu waxaa inuu ku kaco Way fiicantahay in la kaftamo, lakiin waa inoo noqdaa mid wanaagsan oo ku haboon marba wixii laga hadlayo, anuu waxaan kulahaa qabyaalada jooji, waayo hada Walaalkeen Emperor baa loo hambalyeenayaa, markaa hada cidna kama hadlaso pirate, somalidiid, olf,etc There is a time and place for everything, Markaa kaftanka soo baro, baan ku oran lahaa Mida kale, sabab aad wax uga sheegto Las Anod majirto, waayo shacabka Las Anod, SSC, Puntland, iyo dhamaan Somalia waa taageersanyihiin Soomaali Galbeed, WSLF iyo ONLF Khusuusi is a serious business, Khusuusi waa Golaha barlamaanka ee SSC, Magaca waxaa isticmaali jiray Daraawiishtii hore1900-1921
Dadka qaar sida AT & qudhac, cadaawad iyo cuqdad baa ka buuxda, Allah baanu uga baryanaa inuu ka daaweeyo xanuunka lafaha ka galay iyo inuu u danbi dhaafo danbiyada ee ka galeen dadka muslimka ah
Mudane Saleebaan Ciise Axmed Kaar ayaa waxuu ku sugan yahay magaalada Nairobi & madax sar sare oo ka tirsan hogaankan lana filayo in ay halkaa iska soo raacaan yimaadaana iyaga oo ka soo qayb geli doonaa shirka ka furmaya magaalada Buurowadal.
Getting away with murder Israel has been caught with a smoking gun in Dubai, but Washington is turning a blind eye, writes Aijaz Zaka Syed Check this out. Here's a story of two countries from the Middle East. One is an ancient civilisation with a rich history that goes back 5,000 years. It's a functioning democracy with free elections held at regular intervals. It's a huge country of 70 million people. It has remained within its borders and hasn't attacked any country in the last 100 years. It is pursuing a nuclear power programme, which it insists is for peaceful purposes. The second is a country that also claims to be a democracy. In this democracy you get citizenship and voting rights not on the basis of your origins, even if you were born in this land, but on your ancestry. This country was founded on land stolen and forcibly taken from its original inhabitants. It has fought at least three wars and is locked in permanent conflict with its neighbours on all sides. It has a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons and other state-of-the-art killing machines. It pursues assassination as a state policy and regularly sends death squads around the world to take out people it doesn't like. Which do you think is a threat to world peace? The first country that has no history of aggression, or the second, that has killed tens of thousands of innocent people in wars of aggression against neighbours and in coldblooded executions? No prizes for guessing that the two countries in question are Iran and Israel. And if anyone had any doubts about the evil and criminal nature of the state of Israel, they should have been cleared after what happened in Dubai. Sending death squads into a five-star hotel in posh and peaceful Dubai using European passports and IDs -- the whole business reads like a John Le Carré or Robert Ludlum potboiler. But, as they say, reality is more curious than fiction. International media and diplomatic circles are buzzing with stories and theories about how the Israelis planned the whole thing and executed it with professional precision. Typically, the entire European press has been obsessing over the forged passports and fake IDs, totally ignoring the real issue at the heart of this unfolding crisis: another coldblooded murder of a top Palestinian leader by Israel. The UAE authorities, especially the Dubai police, deserve a pat on the back for not only cracking the murder but also having built a solid case against the Israelis with credible and irrefutable evidence. They virtually caught the killers with blood on their hands, thanks to the solid security structure in place. It was this watertight case that forced the British, Irish, German and French authorities to summon Israeli envoys to "explain" the affair. But is it enough? Imagine if such a thing had happened in any other city or country and the finger of suspicion had been pointed at an Arab or Muslim country, not Israel. All hell would have broken loose and ambassadors of the concerned country would have been thrown out within hours. In fact, as The Guardian 's Seumas Milne argued in a brilliant piece this week, imagine what would have happened if it was not Israel but Iran that had sent in the killers and the assassination had taken place in a Western country using the passports and IDs of Western citizens? By now US and NATO jets would have bombed Iran back to the Stone Age, just as they did in neighbouring Iraq, with the UN and its movers and shakers passing a dozen resolutions against the Islamic republic. But now we are talking about the almighty Israel. And when it comes to Israel, there are different laws and rules of engagement. It can get away with anything, even murder. And it repeatedly has. This isn't the first time Israel has sent killer squads to take out its detractors and individuals who refuse to accept its tyranny or stand and stare while it kills at will a helpless and defenceless people. Steven Spielberg's Munich, a glorified version of Mossad's murderous operations against Palestinian officials in 1972, is only one chapter out of Israel's long history of crimes against Palestinian people and its Arab neighbours. How can we forget what happened in Lebanon in the 1980s and as lately as 2006? What about the carnage in Sabra and Shatila, Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon that saw the killing of at least 3,000 Palestinians? And what about Gaza in 2008-2009? Israel has gotten away with all that. And in all likelihood it will get away with the murder in Dubai as well, no matter how forcefully the UAE authorities demand the arrest of Mossad's chief and action against the killers. Hillary Clinton was in the Middle East when this whole thing blew up in Israel's face last week. However, the top US diplomat who would have been president remained focussed on Iran's ayatollahs. She repeatedly warned the Arabs against the "clear and present danger" presented by Iran, accusing Tehran of building nuclear weapons and "sponsoring terrorism" in the Middle East, a new charge to the long litany of charges against the Islamic republic. We have been here before -- and not very long ago -- in Iraq. And of course there was no reference to the threat Israel poses to its Arab neighbours. Nor any reference to its continuing persecution of Palestinians and the blaze it fuels across the Muslim world. Secretary of State Clinton couldn't have chosen a more appropriate platform to launch the offensive against Iran. She chose the US-Islam Dialogue Forum in Doha to strike at Tehran, concluding it rather nicely in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It's Iran, she warned the Arabs ad nauseam, not Israel that poses a grave threat to peace and security in the Middle East. So what if Israel is still squatting on Palestinian and Arab land! So what if Israel continues to send killer hit squads into Arab cities! So what if Iran hasn't attacked any Arab or Muslim neighbour in a long, long time. The Shia Iran must be a threat to Sunni Arabs because the US, Israel and their Western allies say so. If this is a breathtaking example of hypocrisy and double standards, so be it! No matter what ordinary Arabs and people across the Muslim world think. What matters is what Israel wants and how far the West will bend over backwards to humour it. If this isn't true let Israel's friends prove it so. I would love to get corrected. The Sunday Times has disclosed that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu personally visited Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv to give his blessings for the Dubai operation, just as his predecessors had blessed the killing of other Palestinian leaders, including Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and, very possibly, Yasser Arafat. The question is: How long will Israel get away with murder? And how long will its Western friends and allies protect it because of their own so-called historical guilt or whatever? Why do we have two sets of laws and standards for Israel and its Arab and Muslim neighbours? Secretary Clinton was confronted with these questions during a Q&A session with Arab students in Doha. Not surprisingly, Clinton had no answers to offer. Instead she introduced her audience to new US envoys to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and Muslim world, Rashad Hussein and Farah Pandit, both Indian Americans. Why is it so hard for Washington to see that it is not cosmetic gestures like this but real justice that can bridge the widening gulf with the Islamic world? * The writer is opinion editor of Khaleej Times.
This is no ripping yarn, but a murder to fan more conflict Israel's Region-wide Underground War The media may revel in a Mossad hit, yet Britain's response to a plot that could threaten its own citizens has been craven Imagine for a moment what the reaction would be if Iranian intelligence was almost universally believed to have assassinated a leader of one of the organisations fighting the Tehran government in a western-friendly state. Then consider how Britain, let alone the US, might respond if the killers had carried out the operation using forged or stolen passports of citizens of four European states, including Britain, with dual Iranian nationality. You can be sure it would have triggered a major international storm, stentorian declarations about the threat of state-sponsored terrorism, and perhaps a debate at the UN security council, with demands for harsher sanctions against an increasingly dangerous Islamic republic. Substitute Israel for Iran, and the first part of that scenario is exactly what happened in Dubai last month. A senior Hamas official, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, was murdered in his hotel room in what was widely assumed from the start to be an operation by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. Less than a month later, strong suspicion has turned to as good as certainty with the revelation that the hit team had used the passport identities of six Britons with dual nationality and currently living in Israel. But instead of setting off a diplomatic backlash, the British government sat on its hands for almost a week after it was reportedly first passed details of the passport abuse. And while the Foreign Office finally summoned the Israeli ambassador to "share information", rather than protest, Gordon Brown could yesterday only promise a "full investigation". In parallel with this languid official response, most of the British media has treated the assassination more as a ripping spy yarn than a bloody scandal which has put British citizens at greater risk by association with Mossad death squads. It was an "audacious hit", the Daily Mail enthused, straight out of a "Frederick Forsyth page-turner", while the Times revelled in an attack that resembled nothing so much as a "well-plotted murder mystery". Running throughout all this is a breathless awe at Mossad's reputation for ruthless brilliance in seeking out and destroying Israel's enemies. In reality, the Dubai operation was badly bungled, as the Israeli press has already started to acknowledge. Despite having the relatively easy target of an unarmed man in a luxury hotel in a non-hostile Gulf state, Mossad managed to get its agents repeatedly caught on CCTV and effectively exposed Israel's responsibility through the hamfisted passport scam. Dubai follows a long history of Mossad bungles, from its accidental 1970s killing of a Moroccan waiter in Norway, mistaken for a Palestinian Black September leader, through its failed assassination attempt against the Hamas leader Khalid Mish'al in Jordan in 1997, when agents had to take refuge in Israel's embassy and the US forced Israel to produce the antidote for the nerve toxin used in the attack. In that case, the would-be assassins were carrying the Canadian passports of Israeli citizens, apparently with their knowledge. But while Mossad has used British documents in other attacks, it has naturally steered clear of faking the passports of its US sponsor. So at the same time as Israel is demanding the British government change the law without delay to prevent the arrest of visiting Israeli leaders on war crimes charges, what is Britain planning to do over the abuse of its citizens' identity to carry out state-directed murder? Very little, it seems. Part of the explanation has to be that Britain and the US have of course been carrying out their own assassination campaigns, in violation of the laws of war, in Iraq and Afghanistan. In his new book on secret SAS operations in occupied Iraq, Mark Urban estimates that 350 to 400 were killed in covert British attacks. The Joint Special Operations Command run by General Stanley McChrystal, now US commander in Afghanistan, was responsible for perhaps 3,000 deaths. In Pakistan, US drone assassination attacks are now routinely carried out against Taliban and al-Qaida targets, real or imagined. And since launching its war on terror, the US has also adopted Israel's practice, stretching back decades, of carrying out killings far from the theatre of war. First, Israel's attacks were targeted against PLO leaders; more recently against the Islamists. But since the fiasco of the Mish'al plot, its assassinations have mostly been confined to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where Israel made a determined attempt over the past decade to decapitate Hamas of its entire leadership. Now that focus has again widened. Under the direction of Mossad director Meir Dagan, Israel is running a region-wide underground war against the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas – which have both maintained an effective ceasefire for more than a year – and their Syrian and Iranian backers. Since the killing of veteran Hezbollah leader Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus in 2008, Israeli-hallmarked assassinations have multiplied in Lebanon, Syria and Iran. But coldblooded killing isn't only a morally repugnant crime. The lesson of colonial history is that decapitation campaigns against national resistance movements don't work. In the short term they can disrupt and demoralise, but if the movement is socially rooted, other leaders or even organisations will take their place. That was Israel's experience when it killed the Hezbollah leader Abbas al-Musawi and his family in the early 1990s, only for him to be succeeded by the more effective and charismatic Hassan Nasrallah. Such campaigns also tend to spread the war. Unlike the historic PLO factions, Hamas has always confined its armed attacks to Israel and the Palestinian territories. Writing in the Guardian in 2007, Mish'al confirmed the "principle that the resistance should only be fought in Palestine". But in the aftermath of the Dubai assassination, Hamas leaders have started to hint strongly that policy could now change, and that they could respond to Israel's attacks in "the international arena". If so, it would give an added dimension to the assessment by Ben Caspit in the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv yesterday that the Dubai killing had been a "tactical operational success, but a strategic failure". So far the response of British ministers to Mossad's provocation has been craven. Unless that changes fast, they can only increase the risk of being drawn further into a conflict ready to erupt again at any time. - - - Seumas Milne is a Guardian columnist and associate editor. He is also the author of The Enemy Within: The Secret War Against the Miners. This article was first published by the Guardian on 18 February 2010; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes
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"My wish for Somalia is to experience freedom. To become free from poverty, free from hunger, and free from the violence which imprisons it's people. I hold a vision of peace for Somalia." Amanda Lindhout Amanda Lindhout addressing the crowd. Lindhout wipes tears from her eyes after viewing a slide show depicting the violence in Somalia. Lindhout poses for pictures after receiving a framed portrait. Lindhout being presented with a necklace with the words 'hero' on it. Former Canadian hostage speaks for first time at Somali dinner in Calgary By Shannon Montgomery (CP) – 2 hours ago CALGARY — A woman who was held hostage for more than 15 months in lawless Somalia says that while she can't forgive the horrors she endured, she understands her captors have never known a life without war. Amanda Lindhout spoke publicly for the first time Sunday night at a dinner in her honour held by Alberta's Somali community. She spoke warmly about the people she met before she was snatched off the side of the road outside the capital of Mogadishu in August 2008, and expressed compassion for the Somali youth who have grown up both the victims and perpetrators of violence. "It's obvious that decades of war are producing generations who have never known anything but conflict," she told the crowded community hall in Calgary. "Despite my own suffering and without condoning what was done to me, I feel those inflicting the violence, while certainly not innocent, are deeply wounded and war traumatized individuals." Seated at a table with four friends and her mother and father, Lindhout looked poised in a black blazer and green scarf but declined to speak with assembled media. Lindhout and Australian photographer Nigel Brennan were abducted together while working as freelance journalists. After the Canadian and Australian governments failed to secure their release, their parents hired a private hostage negotiation group. Several months later, Brennan and Lindhout were freed for a ransom that has been reported at $500,000 to $1 million. Lindhout has not spoken publicly about her ordeal, beyond a statement before Christmas that thanked those who helped her. She revealed little more on Sunday about the more than 15 months she spent in captivity, other than to thank a Somali woman whom she said risked her life in an attempt to free her. "Her courage is a stunning example of one human being's instinct to protect another. She did not know me, yet she called me her sister," she said. "And while she was ultimately not able to save me, she did touch my life in a profound way that I will never forget." Lindhout remained composed throughout her speech, but wept as she watched a video put together by the Somali community thanking her for her bravery and calling her a hero. She said she continues to think of those who suffer in the country and wants their story to be told. "I have the unique chance to actually experience what freedom itself feels like, but you can only feel freedom if you know what it feels like to not have it." Simple things such as seeing the sky and feeling the sun on her face are filled with a new joy, she said. Lindhout was cheered by her audience as she concluded her speech saying "My wish for Somalia is to experience freedom. To become free from poverty, free from hunger, and free from the violence which imprisons it's people. I hold a vision of peace for Somalia." Amanda Lindhout speaks publicly for first time since kidnapping Updated: Sun Feb. 21 2010 22:51:35 ctvcalgary.ca On Sunday night, freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout made her first public appearance since returning to the country after spending 15 months in captivity in Somalia. Alberta's Somali-Canadian community hosted a dinner in honour of Lindhout in northeast Calgary. Lindhout's arrival at the Pineridge Community Centre was highly anticipated. With a number of her friends and family members at her side, including her mother and father, Lindhout walked in the front door surrounded by the local media. Everyone was clamoring to get pictures of the woman at the centre of an international news story that dates back to 2008. Lindhout was kidnapped while on a freelance assignment in Somalia in August of 2008. She was ambushed and taken hostage along with Nigel Brennan, a freelance Australian photojournalist, and Abdifatah Mohammed Elmi, a Somali journalist, as the trio made their way to a refugee camp near Mogadishu. Elmi was released in January 2008 after spending 146 days in captivity. Lindhout and Brennan were released on November 25, 2009 after their families were forced to pay ransom to their kidnappers that reportedly was around the half million dollar mark. At Sunday's event, Lindhout addressed the crowd, speaking publicly for the first time since her ordeal. Lindhout spoke of her reasons for traveling to Somalia, saying she was touched by the humanitarian crisis in that country and the lack of media attention. She spoke of her desire to help in her own "humble" way to which the crowd of Somali-Canadians in attendance erupted in applause. When Lindhout spoke of that fateful day on August 23, 2008, she said she does not think the brutal actions of the men who kidnapped her are reflective of the Somali people as a whole. She had to pause from continuing on in her speech as the crowd finished clapping. Lindhout said that despite her suffering, she does not hold any hate in her heart for the men who kidnapped her. While she does not condone their actions, Lindhout says decades of war and suffering in Somalia have produced deeply wounded and traumatized individuals who know no other way than violence. The Somali-Canadian community thanked Lindhout for her efforts to expose the plight of their people and presented her with a necklace, a portrait, and flowers. They called her their "hero" and those words, written in a Somali language, adorn the necklace she was given. While the media was invited to the event, Lindhout did not make herself available to answer any questions.