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Everything posted by Liibaan

  1. Garoowe iyo Hargaysa yeey u heshiiyeen? GAROOWE: Diyaarada ay shirkada ku yihiin Qoyska Reer Faroole iyo Itoobiyaanku ayaa hada waxay bilaabaysa duulimaadyo joogto ah oo ay u kala gooshayso Asbuucii dhowr jeer magaalooyinka Axis of evil oo kala ah Garoowe Hargaysa iyo Addis ababa.[/b] Maalmahan danbe waxa socda xiriir aad u wanaagsan oo ka dhaxeeya labada Beelood oo kal degta Gobolada Waqooyi bari iyo Gobolda waqooyi galbeed waxaana ugu danbeeyey heshiiskii ay ku kal galeen magaalada Laascaanood oo ay isku waydaarsadeen Gawaarida iyo Ragii ka soo jeeday Beesha Faroole oo horay loogu haystay xabsiyada waqooyiga in ay yihiin Budhcad badeed,halka wiilashii laga afduubay Xeebaha Laasqorey wali xabsiga ugu jiraan maamulka SNM Sidoo kale waxa xabsiyada Mandheera iyo kuwa kale oo gobolada waqooyi galbeed ka buuxa dhalinyaro laga afduubay Magaalada Laascaanooda oo shalay labada Beelood ********** iyo SNM isku dhaafsadeen ragii ay iska haysteen oo qaarkood ahaayeen Budhcad badeed hase ahaatee uuna ka mid ahayn hal qof oo ka soo jeeda Gobolka Sool. Ugu danbayntii maatadan is mahadisay oo in badan magacyo maamul goboleed oo wada shaqayni ka dhaxayso ku dhibaataynayey Bulshada ku nool Sool iyo Sanaag ayaa arintani waxay noqonaysaa mid la soo afjarayo dhowaan ka dib markii bulshadii goboladaas ku nooli ay intoodii badanayd ay hada la socdaan waxa dhacaya
  2. Arrintan yaa meesah ka saaraysa in labada maamul ay dhex taalo wax colaad ah, waaana markii labaad ee labada maamul is dhaafsdaan maxaabiis ay kala haysteen. Waxaa iyana xusid mudan in Xabsiga Mandheera ya ka buuxaan dhalinyaro iyo shacab reer Laascaanood ah, cidina ayan kaga jirin maxaabiistan maanta lasoo daayey. - - - - Maamulada Somaliland Iyo Puntland Oo Is Dhaafsaday Maxaabiis Iyo Gaadiid Garoowe,(lasanod Online)- Maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland ayaa isweydaarsaday Maxaabiis iyo gaadiid ay labada maamul kala haysteen, Kadib munaasabad ka dhacday meel u dhaxaysa Garoowe iyo Laascaanood. Puntland waxaa ay maamulka Somaliland ku wareejisay 7-gaadhi oo nooca xamuulka qaada, iyo shan qof ahaa dareewalada gaadiidkaas oo mudo badan afduub loogu haystay gobolka Mudug. Somaliland ayaa waxaa ay xorriyadooda dib ugu soo celisay 11-nin oo ay xabsi ku xukuntay dhowr bilood ka hor oo ay kasoo qabatay badda kuna soo eedeysay in ay yihin Burcadbadeed,waxaana lagu xidhay xabsiga Mandheere kadib markii maxkamad ay xukun ku riday. Munaasabada xil wareejinta ayaa waxaa ka qaybgalay madax ,Odayaal, iyo Waxgarad ka kala socoda labadda dhinac,wuxuuna kusoo dhamaaday jawi wanaagsan iyo is afgarad. Arrintan yaa meesah ka saaraysa in labada maamul ay dhex taalo wax colaad ah, waaana markii labaad ee labada maamul is dhaafsdaan maxaabiis ay kala haysteen. Waxaa iyana xusid mudan in Xabsiga Mandheera ya ka buuxaan dhalinyaro iyo shacab reer Laascaanood ah, cidina ayan kaga jirin maxaabiistan maanta lasoo daayey. Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online.
  3. Naasir, You correct "Puntland" Sub Sub-Clan Militia is a carbon copy of the "Somaliland" One-Clan Militia Similarly "SNM" Clan Faction was a carbon copy of the "SSDF" Clan Faction
  4. Originally posted by Xudeedi: Adeer your frustrations with SSC is not unique to you. Xudeedi, Waa runtaa ha la yaabin , he is not the only one, many are suffering from this disease
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: Though we are deviating from the topic somewhat. The mans face Liiban ina adeer, dont get me wrong no one minds the SSC. Xaglatosiye with all his short comings is playing real politics, creating a movement, a brand a bargaining chip and a power base for his sub clan. He does not hide his face and loves the blue flag. Our differences are minimal and our commonalities are many.. Duke, I hope we have many commonalities and small difference, I am not so sure but its good to be optimistic The problem between SSC & Puntland started when the leader of Puntland Faroole refused any negotiations with the unsatisfied SSC people, used the cheap terror card against SSC movement, and expelled SSC MPs because they were working for SSC Interests What majority of SSC people don't understand is why is Faroole waging war against SSC movement? Puntland doesn't control Buhoodle, Las Anod, and most of SSC regions, also Faroole doesn't want to fight with Somaliland and liberate SSC regions anyways I think there can excellent relations between SSC and Bari, If Faroole ends his war against the SSC movement, if he is not willing to help the movement, at least he shouldn't interfere with SSC affairs Xaglotoosiye is true wadani who loves the somali blue flag, when he traveled to Buhoodle and Widhwidh to build new a army to liberate SSC regions, he became very popular among SSC people because of his his courage and bravery.
  6. Good Interview, Great Job Somali Public Radio Thank You Xudeedi for sharing
  7. Originally posted by Xudeedi: Insha’allah, SSC and Makhir will soon emerge, and I’m confident that they will leverage their commonalities as a source of union. Xudeedi Well said, I agree with you 200% SSC and Maakhir States of Somalia is the future for our regions People of SSC and Maakhir don't need Somalidiidland or Puntland in their territories As Taleexi said Somalidiid and Puntland is like "kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur"
  8. PIS is minor problem, the problem is bigger You should say Faroole's Poor Imitation of Mogadishu Antiterrorism Alliance, for example Galgala will backfire, and Faroole will pay a heavy price
  9. Taleexi, I see one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
  10. Duke , Pirateland/SSDF = Warlord Abdulahi= Cade Muuse Buur = Fool Faroole = Duke cousins = criminal organization SSC is freedom movement, totally different story
  11. PIS is one of the names of Pirateland PIS = Faroole = Pirateland = SSDF Same thing
  12. Manchester Welcomes SSC Garaad (Daawo) Manchester ( The Somali people and SSC people across the North West England region gathered to celebrate the welcoming of Garaad Jaama Garaad Ismaiil to Manchester. Children, elders, youth and people originating from all over Somalia attended the event, some even participating in the organisation and welcoming of the guests. The purpose of the event was to show ‘England’ and beyond the love the people in the Northwest of England precisely Manchester have for the SSC peace and progress leader Garaad Jaama Garaad Ismaaiil and all the efforts he has put into making the SSC progress. People young and old showed their unilateral appreciation and support for the work the Garaad has made possible during his time in the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions of Somalia. Thanks to the SSC leadership and their strong commitment to the SSC mission, SSC has become a world renowned and joyful term to rhyme, as even non-Somalis across Europe and America say SSC with a big smile on their face. The clothes worn by the supporters at the welcoming event of the Garaad say it all, this event has no explanation, see the images and you will see the immense common patriotism of the Somali expats in Manchester, SSC is by the people and for the people, SSC is a shared dream of patriotism. Somali: Xaflad aad u balaaran ayaa loo dhigay Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil magaalada Manchester eek u taalo Waqooyga Bari ee dalka ingiriiska, xafladan oo diyaariyay Somalida ku nool magaalada Manchester ayaa noqotay mid aan loo kala harin oo yar iyo weyn, aqoon yahan iyo hooyooyin, caruur iyo dhalinyaroba kasoo qeyb gasho. Waxaa si weyn ugu dadaalay xaflada jaaliyada SSC iyo dad badan oo kale oo jecel Somaliya, ayagoo muujiyay inay taageero weyn ku garab taagan yihiin shacabka SSC ee taagan nabad iyo Somaliya oo dhan sidii loo midayn lahaa. Quruxda dharka la xidhnaa iyo calamadi la sitay ayaad ka dareemaysaa siday ahayd xaflada iyo sida la yaabka leh ee loo soo qaban qaabiyay oo ay dadka ka wada heleen.
  13. Originally posted by Libaahe*: Captain_Mike20 , leave xudeedi and Makhiir alone, they don't need an extra hassle when they are having problems with Faroole and his buntiland crew, however you can handle SSC entity, they are the ones inneed of karbash. Actually it is the snm/somalidiid that needs another big Karbaash Now you admit that you fear the 11 month old SSC, SSC movement already proved to be the greatest threat to the Secessionist Mafia USP Alliance is made up of SSC and Maakhir
  14. Originally posted by Xudeedi: ^Captain Puntlander, your cover was long blown so go entertain yourself. SSC will co-exist with Somaliland and develop to be a among the powers of Somalia. Xudeedi Excellent Job, you exposed Cowke Puntlander Waa nin waalan oo falan, lama hadlano
  15. Boqolaal Ciidan Cusub ah oo Is Qoray, Kuna Biiray Ciidamada SSC Buhoodle,(Lasanod Online)- Boqolaal shacab ah oo isugu jira rag iyo dumar, dhalinyaro iyo waayeel ayaa shalay isugu yimid xarunta Hogaanka SSC ee Magaalada Buhoodle. Dadkan ayaa u taburucay naftooda si ay uga mid noqdaan Ciidamada SSC ee u taagan difaaca iyo xoreynta Gobollada SSC. Madaxda Hogaanka SSC ayaa goobtaas kusoo dhoweeyey ciidankan cusub, uguna qaybshay agabkii ciidan ee ay ku hawlgeli lahaayeen, iyadoo kadibna loo furay tababar ciidan oo muddo socon doona.
  16. Zack, I agree SSC have accomplished so much in so little time. the movement is not even 1 year old Xudeedi Xina Xiiray is very wise man waa runtii xikmad badanaa "Deeqi waa tan ilaah, Duca waa nabigii, doodi waa nin yaqaan, Diin’a waa tan Islaamka, Dalna waa iska nugaal, Dowaldina waa SSC "
  17. Amazing video Thank you walaal, you are right SSC STATE OF SOMALIA is reality today, because of the SSC people and the brave SSC Army Thank You Xudeedi
  18. Originally posted by Libaahe*: This is SSC business is getting boring , buhoodlba ma so dhaafayan. Don't worry about about SSC, in 1981 when few men from Woqooyi Galbeed created SNM in their small apartment in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for the first 2 years they never came out of the apartment SSC achieved so much more than what snm achieved in 11 or 15 years, people of SSC are proud of SSC movement In 11 short months: - A new freedom movement born inside Somalia, with millions of supporters - A Leader/President was elected, Deputy Leader was elected, - A parliament/Khusuusi was formed, - A Council of Cabinet Ministers appointed, - A new Strong SSC Army was build, in additions to thousands of SSC volunteers, and those left Puntland/Somaland to the new movement - SSC people have raised millions of dollars to support SSC movement - SSC movement established good relations with TFG Government, Djibouti, Kenya, UN, AU, AL and EU - and most importantly the SSC Freedom Movement gained the of the vast majority of SSC people both inside Somalia and worldwide, Thousands participated in demonstrations were held inside SSC Somalia in towns like Buhoodle, Laascaanood, Widhwidh, Horufadhi, Yagoori, Xudun, Talaah, Boocame, Buurawadal, Tukaraq, Kalabaydh, Saxdheer, Dharkeyn, Holhol, and Balcad to support SSC Movement - Thousands more participated in conferences held in Minneapolis, Seattle, Los Angles, Columbus, Washington, Virgina, Atlanta, Toronto, Ottawa , Edmonton, London , Manchester, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, Riyadh, Damascus, Cairo, Khartoum, Dubai, Doha, Kuwait, New Delhi, Islamabad, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Melbourne, Nairobe, Djibouti, Kampala, and Johannesburg So much progress has been achieved, and a lot to be done
  19. Taleexi, No more Puntland na dhaaftay, Allah ha u naxariitu In 1998 people of SSC supported Puntland including current SSC leaders, do you know time changes things? Today people of SSC don't want to be part of so-called Puntland anymore, because Puntland like Somalidiid is fighting with SSC people and SSC freedom movement Puntland is NOT holy or sacred, people have right to leave a political entity, nothing is written in stone Most of secessionists including their leaders,before 1991 were supporters of Somaliweyn Riyaale was a spy for siyad, and the 80 years old warlord siilaanyo was minister for Siyad
  20. VIDEO: Qoristii Ciidamada SSC oo Kasocota Buuhoodle SSC STATE OF SOMALIA
  21. Waan Guulaysanay DR Xaglatoosiye ! Maanta oo ay taariikhdu 19/9/2010 ayaa Maamulka SSC shir isugu yimaadeen Shirkaasi oo uu soo qaban qaabiyay Hogaanka Midaynta badbaadada SSC Dr saleebaan ciise axmed kaar (xaglatoosiye ) Shirkan oo ay wadayeesheen hogaanka iyo golaha khusuusiga ayaa waxaa lagaga hadlayay sharci cusub oo loosameeyay maamulka ssc kaas oo loo xilsaaray gudi Ayna kusoo guuleesten samayntisa axdiga cusub,isagoo intaasi ku daray hogaanku In uu u soogudbinayo khusuusiga maalinta talaadada ah simarkaasi ay u eegaan Kadibana ay usoo ansixiyaan sidoo kale waxaa uu hogaanku intaasi kudaray in ay dardar Galindoono hawlaha oo dhan haday tahay tan gobolka cayn iyo ta ciidankaba Intaa kadib waxaa uu hogaanku sheegay in uu maamulka ssc ka horyimaaden caqabado badan ayana udhabar adaygeen uuna kudaray in loobaahan yahay hadana samir badan iyo dulqaad hadii taalahelo waalagaarayaa hadafkii aynu doonaynay, ayaa yiri hogaanku SSC News
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: If I had that power I would remove you adeer. Because I said something about Pirateland/SSDF militia, just admit that you removed your post, other members cannot remove their posts when they want Originally posted by General Duke: Now compare your response to sister Aaliyah and you see why she is a much better advocate for the cause.. You worry too much about SSC movement, take my advice don't worry about SSC movement or Xaglotoosiye Just worry about your so-called Puntland , your Adeer Abdulahi Yusuf who is now a refugee in Yemen Camp, and Abdurahman Fool who is now in Garowe