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Everything posted by ailamos
Originally posted by Maaddeey: Isticdaad, then Jihaad There jihaad then there's jihaad... care to explain yaa Maaddeey?
Originally posted by nuune: ^^ yep, right on, mee aayar iska dhahaan wax Muslim sheegta ma rabno wadankana ha ka tagaan including the nationals who became Muslims. Ailamos, what do you think of the article It's a complicated thing adeer, on the one side I don't think it's fair and an infringement on people's rights because this "forceful emancipation" is an unwanted one. On the other hand if a majority of people vote for such a measure then it's their country and the people have spoken. The rights of minorities labelled as "the other" are infringed on both sides by people who don't understand their religion very well. People who vote to restrict others' rights are the ones who are confused, afraid, misguided and who think that their entire country will one day turn into "the other". Education is the key, inter-religious dialogue is the key so both entities can understand one another inside out and see that there is no threat. Deep inside practicing Christians, Muslims, and Jews have the same values and morals, but they're just afraid of one another. I think an ideal scenario would be one where people have the right to worship and practice their religion without harassment and where they can intermingle and associate with one another without being afraid.
"Once we solve the burqa problem, we'll still have the problem of polygamy, of praying in the streets of big cities, of banning pork from cafeterias, in short all the sectarian demands the French are confronted with daily," French far-right leader Marine Le Pen said.
PARIS (Reuters) - Belgium's vote to ban full face veils in public is the furthest any European country has gone to confront a tiny minority whose choice in clothing has come to symbolize the issue of integrating some Muslim minorities. The issue is being debated elsewhere in Europe, especially in France, and the example of two countries moving toward a ban has raised the stakes in a dispute pitting politicians and public opinion against Muslim leaders and human rights groups. The lower house of parliament in Brussels passed the draft law almost unanimously Thursday evening. It could become law in the coming months as the Senate is not expected to block it. France, home to Europe's biggest Muslim minority, is next in line, planning to debate a draft law from mid-May and ban all face veils in public within months. Polls say about 70 percent of voters want some ban, but not all back a complete one. Full facial veils -- known as niqabs or burqas -- are extremely rare in Europe, but the number of women wearing them is rising. No exact figures exist, but estimates put the totals at about 2,000 in France and a few hundred in Belgium. Promoters of a ban denounce the veils as a threat to public security, an affront to women's dignity, a negation of gender equality or an intrusion of religion on public life. Concern over radical Islamism echoes through their arguments. In France this week, both the communist deputy Andre Gerin and the far-right leader Marine Le Pen used the same term -- "the tip of the iceberg" -- to urge a full ban on the veils. "Once we solve the burqa problem, we'll still have the problem of polygamy, of praying in the streets of big cities, of banning pork from cafeterias, in short all the sectarian demands the French are confronted with daily," Le Pen said. ELSEWHERE IN EUROPE Bans are under debate in several other European states. Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said this week a veil ban was "conceivable" there and his minister for women supported one in public buildings, banks, hospitals and offices. Far-right leader Geert Wilders, whose political clout could grow in the Dutch general elections in June, advocates outlawing face veils there. Right-wing groups in Switzerland and Italy have also urged bans, but no action seems likely there soon. The moves toward a full veil ban have evoked protests from Muslim leaders in Europe, many of whom do not consider veiling obligatory in Islam but resent laws that single out Muslims. "We have to condemn both the notion of imposing and the notion of banning," said Isabelle Praille, vice president of the Executive of Belgian Muslims. In Paris, M'Hammed Henniche, head of a civic group called UAM 93, told officials the planned ban there was spreading "panic" in the city's sensitive northern suburbs. "The community feels like this is a rape," he said. "The Belgian move to ban full face veils, the first in Europe, sets a dangerous precedent," said John Dalhuisen of Amnesty International. "Restrictions on human rights must always be proportionate to a legitimate goal. A total ban on full face veils would not be." DETAILS OF BANS Under Belgium's draft law, wearing a full facial veil could lead to fines of 15-25 euros (about $20 to $33) and imprisonment for up to seven days. According to the Paris daily Le Figaro, Paris plans to slap a 150 euro ($200) fine on women wearing full veils, with stiffer penalties for people who force others to veil themselves. Le Figaro said the government's draft bill, which has yet to be presented to the cabinet and parliament, says people who use "violence, threats, abuse of power or authority" to make women cover themselves would face a 15,000 euro fine. "Nobody can wear a garment in public aimed at hiding their face," reads article 1 of the French draft bill, Le Figaro said. Article 2 says "instigation to hide someone's face because of their gender" is a criminal offence. French officials say the law could include a six-month introduction period, during which police would stop veiled women on the street and explain the law but not fine them. President Nicolas Sarkozy has described the full veil as demeaning to women, and most French are in favor of outlawing it at least from certain public spaces such as town halls, opinion polls have shown. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/30/AR2010043001527_pf.html
^^ looool, I see you've started to imitate me yaa Tuujiye, come on be original for once one more time, read what I wrote carefully: enough with the blah blahs Tuujiye, you sound like the sheep come ciid al-adxa ee doqonimada naga daa ... I know I'm the center of your world, but following me around won't do you any good awoowe, you're just getting yourself worked up because you like to create conflicts and insist on others agreeing with your convictions. Please stop embarrassing yourself, Islam can stand on its own merits and doesn't need bigots like you defending it, you're doing more harm than good yaa ahbal.
... just give me a sec ...
I wonder if this movie will be released in the US, or be available through not-so-legal means, I would love to see it...
^^ Are you saying Hargeisa is not well planned Mr.B?
Ibti where are the photos and captions??
and by the way yaa Tuujiye, Ibti bit your head off and spit it out like a used piece of gum that was fun to read... I think Islam allows the consumption of illegal substances for medical purposes, perhaps you should have some marijuana to alleviate the pain I keep causing you
^^^ it's not just Ibti that's telling you to stop your stup*dity, a quick look around the forum posts and how you've been following me around will shed some light odaay yohow... keep shadowing me, I don't mind the attention besides you're the one whose reputation is at stake, not me again see below for the modified version enough with the blah blahs Tuujiye, you sound like the sheep come ciid al-adxa ee doqonimada naga daa ... I know I'm the center of your world, but following me around won't do you any good awoowe, you're just getting yourself worked up because you like to create conflicts and insist on others agreeing with your convictions. Please stop embarrassing yourself, Islam can stand on its own merits and doesn't need bigots like you defending it, you're doing more harm than good yaa ahbal.
Araqi? ... I wonder if it's the same as the Araq in Lebanon/Syria, the Raki in Turkey or the Rakija in Bosnia? They all sound the same.
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: I would advise against abortion in any society but exceptions must be made in cases of incest, rape, and when the mother's health is at risk. Abortion and ultrasounds in some societies are used for all wrong reasons-it's creating population imbalance in India and China. Word.
Originally posted by General Duke: I am Muslim its Haram for me to Drink Alcohol, its Haram for me to also purchase Alcohol for my co worker who is not a Muslim. No disagreement there Duke, but you're talking about action, C&H never said she will assist in an abortion, all she said was: I think it is wrong because of my beliefs. Diinteyda ayaa ka soo horjeeda but that doesnt mean people who dont have the same beliefs as me should be stripped from their rights to their bodies. which is the same as what I had stated: ^^ yeah but Mary Jane doesn't believe in what Xalimo believes and couldn't care less, MJ is not a Muslim so that illegality does not apply to her...
^^ yeah but Mary Jane doesn't believe in what Xalimo believes and couldn't care less, MJ is not a Muslim so that illegality does not apply to her...
Since we're on this topic, what do you think of abortion in cases of rape?
Originally posted by General Duke: If your belief prevent you from doing it. It is also wrong for anyone else to do it. If you can justify someone of a different faith carrying it out, then you can also justify it for someone of your faith. That doesn't make sense Duke.
banning abortion will only increase illegal underground abortions
^^ monkey see monkey do if you are going to follow my lead yaa Tuujiye you'd better start behaving
Originally posted by Tuujiye: Ailamos know that in filinkaada aan la socdo saaxiibo and i'm not the only one...rag badan iyo dumar oo wax garad ah ayaa kuu jeeda... oooooo... I am sooooooo SCARED, even more so than when I heard my first dhegdheer story when I was a child .. haha.. Let me remind you once more of what I said earlier yaa Tuuj: enough with the blah blahs Tuujiye, you sound like the sheep come ciid al-adxa ... Islam can stand on its own merits and doesn't need bigots like you defending the religion, you're doing more harm than good yaa ahbal.
Originally posted by Gheelle.T: somalia, Upper cut al Manny Pacquiao style. oooo yeah Pacquiao!! the super-duper #1 pound4pound boxer in the world at the moment
Originally posted by Tuujiye: ^^ I am no body and yes you don't have to tell me anything... laakiin gaalnimadaada iyo buufiskaada in aan markaste kugu fashili doono ogoow hee adigana.. anaga na iskaga keen soo dhig cilmaani oo nala soo raadso buufiskaada iyo munaafiqnimadaada....Ganbar gaaban lee kuugu fadhiyaa ogoow.. Wareer Badanaa!!! ahem, ahem :rolleyes: ... see below yaa Tuuj: enough with the blah blahs Tuujiye, you sound like the sheep come ciid al-adxa ... Islam can stand on its own merits and doesn't need bigots like you defending the religion, you're doing more harm than good yaa ahbal.
Originally posted by Tuujiye: loool@Ailamos saaxiibo you know i'm never bored and i'm not here defending Islam because you are right, Islam can defend it self.. laakiin I told you many times, come up with a topic that has nothing to do with Islam because all you do in SOL ever since you came is mocking Islam and questioning our faith... Don't get mad when we question your faith and why you are doing what you are doing simple... Ailamos if you tell me you are a Muslim and believe in Allah I'll leave you alone and take back everything but till then, aslong as you are questioning my faith, I'll question yours cunug yahoo buufiska qaaday... Tuujiye, you're a nobody and I don't have to tell you anything ... Again, let me remind you: enough with the blah blahs Tuujiye, you sound like the sheep come ciid al-adxa ... Islam can stand on its own merits and doesn't need bigots like you defending the religion, you're doing more harm than good yaa ahbal.
Originally posted by nuune: Ailamos, ma aniga xataa, can't believe you fall for Gheelle ^^ loool@Nuune.. that was reserved for Tuujiye my Irish friend