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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. It's a catchy little bugger isn't it, I heard it one time, and found myself singing it too.
  2. Alright C&H, it's offical with this comment now I demand to see a picture of you to ascertain you are as beautiful as you seem to be. As to this topic, honestly ladies, I don't think guys care that much to wait around and in your weak moment to fall into his arms...So if they stay around after not hitting it with you then it's because they just consider you a friend bee bye SS
  3. lol C&H, you cracked me up there...Ibti is saint eh, unless she is a true angel on earth, she has been in that boat too...Maybe she just rows at a different speed Ibti, Hmm let me ask you what you think an erotic scene is or would be if it was in a movie?...I didn't say getting off, that's not any where near to what I was saying, I merely said you never reacted to a scene!...You mean the adreline is so high in chick flicks as it is in action films, but adreline is not the only kind of stimulant wouldn't you agree bee bye SS
  4. C&H, lol@sly fox...Okay let me clearify it for you, hope I can do it well...His perspective hmm for example the online relationship example from Underdog's post, I look at why he is communicating with this person...Maybe as a female I feel like he is being emotionally involved with this person, but from his side he can be just merely being friendy, someone he is comfortable, and save to say things to because he wouldn't be judged...Now does that make sense?...His intentions are important and him communicating this to me and being honest about everything allows us to create a dialogue for our relationship to build on. So the gentelman mentioned from my past, he had this woman who was completely in love with him and was really pushing him to get married to her, and he was keeping in touch and speaking with her whenever she contacted him...To me, I would have handled it differently if it was me, but I had to hear from his side why he was engaging in this behavior and once I understood it I was not bothered by it. Let say he shared something private about himself with another woman, instead of getting mad about it as to why I might not have known about it, I took the opportunity to find out more about it...And later it was helpful because he felt he can say anything to me and I wouldn't go on the defensive. GlassEyegirl, I was not in an open relationship where he and I could have dated whoever we wanted...I was in a relationship that had open dialogue where we could share everything...There is a difference Ashkiro, ah the Somali system of doing things I never got that lecture, so I just did things that felt right to me Underdog, I don't think you got the right analogy there...He is done shopping for a romantic partner so there is no point window shopping in that department now is there Bee bye SS
  5. lol C&H it is not as bad as you think...First let me define what I consider cheating in a relationship when one of the partner is not forthcoming/cheating out of the truth. The relationship boundaries had to be discussed explicitly before hand definitely as I was vetting the gentleman for a husband's position...And to use Underdog's examples, they all happened to certain extend, and I was aware of it all and once I understood why he was doing it, I didn't care...I guess I had to look at things from his perspective and not mine all the time to understand. Hope that makes sense C&H, bee bye SS
  6. Salaam Ladies, hope your day is going well Thank you Blessed, I would definitely check out that website. Ibti, That male friend was the first and the last, I never took another friend or any male for that to the movies, so no need to scout a film out before...I mean that could get expensive :eek: :eek: Ps. I don't think they are dogs, but its human nature I guess you telling me you haven't ever reacted to an erotic scene in a movie!!! Talk to you ladies later bee bye
  7. Ibti, Well you remember how that movie begins with them making out with all those ladies and there were couple of shot of breast so there is a moment of like oh god I hope he has a great sense of humor instead of being weirded out...I mean who knows what men think when they see sex scenes on TV or in movies. As to the joke oh good to hear that because I was thinking it was my whacked hormones that making me see things that weren't there Buuxo, 400 :eek: never spent that on a dress, not that I can think of, but think of it this way if it is a long term good investment I say go for it Bee bye ladies
  8. I found a guy that didn't care about cheating and I didn't care so we both forgive and forget
  9. It seems this topic is dying down again, I hope it wasn't me II, why did you remove the movie's name??? I think I can guess, but not trying to assume ...Imagine sitting in a movie theater watching Wedding Crasher with a male friend bee bye SS
  10. One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob: 'If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.' "Nuts" doesn't seem like the right word for this joke....It conjures up completely different image II, yeah I have seen that movie You know for these past two weeks I have been having a hankering for a new friend, does anyone every had that happen to them?
  11. Salaam Everyone, I love food so starving myself is out question but I guess I can understand why some girls might go that path...My mom is very slim, and I am not actually I would say I am fat but I heard thick might be more appropriate, so my mom constantly suggests for me to lose weight Blessed, no I haven't seen that movie, is there a place I might check it online? bee bye
  12. Leo Getz I think he said it best
  13. Salaam Ladies hope everyone is doing well. lol C&H I guess your groceries have made it to the big league eh and who knows this could be a recurring role ...I have a friend, who got married and moved away , that would get these Somali films and she bought that Rajo film and let me tell you it was hours I still wish to get back...So this past holiday I was online catching up on every show and movie I missed when I decided to check out the Somali films on youtube, and this "Ambd" film was being advertised for by the same film makers as Rajo...Now what surprised me were the reviews from people as they walked out of the theater...I can't trust it so I thought so see if someone I am familiar with had seen it. Ps. How did you know he was flirting with you!!!
  14. Howdy ladies, hope everyone is having a great and wonderful day, Insha Allah Alright then I think I am going to read the Twilight book and C&H if you read it too then we can discuss it later on. I am not here often so I check which topics been actively viewed that day...And there is one topic that is always on top called "help me find some Somali..." and no one posted anything there for a year...So finally I decided to check it out today...I guess I figured out the secret Oh yeah C&H, since you are in MN, I wondered if you seen Somali films (newer one there) shoot I can't remember the name of it, but it was released sometime last year by this guy who made another Somali film called "Rajo"?
  15. C&H, I was just wondering where you been lately, usually you around daily, well it's good to see you back...Hope you didn't get ill. Well since you are an avid reader, and it seems like you have read the Twilight, do yo have another book recommendation or you want to read the John Grisham book? Ps. I just saw this awesome film called "Eagle Eye" definitely recommend it, just in case you are into movies like I am.
  16. Hey Guys, Buuxo, you are very welcome, and right now I was thinking about either the appeal by John Grisham or Twilight by Stephanie Meyer(the one the movie is bad about) I heard a lot of good reviews for it...Do you have some books in mind? Malika, one item hmm I would say shoes, and that is a quiet surprising answer for me...But really looking at my shoes collection I can see my personality trait in them.
  17. Buuxo, welcome to the club, the more the merrier and it would be wonderful to have another sister's input into things So you have any book in mind to read, the club might only have you and me, as it's first members. Ibti, looool you know what I have the same image of me too Hmm that's an interesting one it definitely would be useful to have. Neph, when it comes to cell phones, I wouldn't go through it that's only because I wait for the billing statement there...I probably be managing the bill payments in the household, so when I get the cell phone bill, I can check all the incoming calls and outgoing calls to numbers I don't know and can probably have them access the text messaging for me too. You know last year I worked with this woman who had a common law marriage and her in USA it is recognized in all states even if they don't have...So they file their taxes together and everything but they really are not married...Weird huh :rolleyes: ...Speaking of article, last night while waiting for my sister, I saw this one about a woman who is auctioning her virginity and guess what the bid was up to 2 million dollar I think. Talk to you ladies later, you all have a great day, bee bye SS
  18. Ah Faheema one of the other regular responder in this topic WELCOME BACK ...I watch too much cop shows, always investigating and looking for the clues, even my pops was like you going to become a cop!! ...Maybe I am just going to be those wacky older woman you see around, but let me tell you, there are cool spy techno (very basic kind) like glasses that act as a video camera just something to have around...You never know when you might need it. You know what maybe we should a monthly book club here!!
  19. C&H, how have you been lately and what's new with you?...Me as you can see just chit chatting with the ladies of SOL and just having a good day...Everything else is well...Now since I remind you of her then in term I am your dear friend as well ...You know couple of days ago I was reading a response of yours in cheating topic I think, where you mentioned the uncle of your future hubby cheating, and I thought how you are surrounded by these people with wild stories...Made me smile which in my book is a good thing And C&H nothing wrong with having a trusting nature . Ibti, maybe that's why I shared that childhood story, I felt your behavior might be seeped in your childhood but didn't want to just seem like I was generalizing...Interesting you mentioned spying, because couple of days ago, I was thinking if I was to settle down I should let my husband know I intend to spy on him maybe occasionally or all the time (don't want to tell him the specific) but I tell you that would be a fun exercise. You know what I have always thought in another life I might have been something like La Femme Nikita or Xena warrior princess, because espionage and just kicking *** makes my heart pound mad
  20. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo l
  21. Good morning ladies and I hope everyone is doing well today. Malika, you are absolutely right and God bless them . Ibti, Ah an strong attempt to hold to our own sense of absolute control over our decisions in life…Things aren’t so clear cut, I mean even if you were not to share things with your friends, your decision is still influenced by other people…And once you make a decision and act on it , you really took responsibility for it, regardless of who influenced you directly to make that decision…As to the woman in the story, honestly she was already suspicious of her husband strange behavior, and what those women did for her with their stories was just speed up her facing that suspicious and taking action…Maybe if she didn’t say anything, she was continued to monitor him, because her instinct as a woman told her something was up, but was afraid to rock the boat and let that suspicion continue to eat away at her…Her chit chat with the ladies merely made her face it and once that happened that husband was going to be stormed in on…I say ye have faith in yourself ibtisam . When I was a child, probably about 7 or 8, my uncle asked me if I wanted to see gold and being the kid I was I said hell yeah (not those exact words)…He told me to hold one my hands up and make a fist and right there on the top bone that sticks out he began rubbing it…Almost close to an hour, and me sitting there patiently, my uncle got tired and stopped so I was like where is the gold…And he held up my hand and where the skin used to be now all I saw was white piece of skin…He held it up and said “there can’t you see the shimmer!!”…4 years ago I reminded him of the story and he was like wow I thought you had forgotten about it and I was like nah but what I wanted to know was the purpose of it…You know what he said he wanted to teach me to never trust anyone…Looking back in life I guess I never took to the lesson but can’t help feel I walked away with a much valuable lesson. Oh god I hope I didn’t sound like I was lecturing I do so hate to sound like that :mad: …Bee bye, SS
  22. I don't think sharing with friends and having friends discuss things with you in terms means you make your decision in a group...You friends can make suggestions and share their own personal experiences but in the end of the day you make decision about your life on your own. I think true friends push you toward your potential best self and I think that's one benefit of being a woman.
  23. lol every time I suggest some effort you say it's too much work or trouble ...To me personally your way sounds harsher but I have learned over the years not everyone has the same expectation of friendship
  24. Wait are you serious :eek: :eek: Friends are there when you don't even know how to ask for their support...True friendship is a bond that does not go by the code "wait until asked" it is given automatically.
  25. Ibti, I was more in tuned to the interaction, between the women...I mean I think most of us can find friends like that in our circle and what I liked was how women just air things out rather than just keep it inside...I am surprised you guys found it boring, I thought the dialogues were witty and funny, and made me laugh couple of times. You know I just realized that I talked about men more here online than in real life so don't feel too bad Malika