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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA
SOL Nomads, come and take a look at my Hotmail account :)
SCORPION_SISTA replied to Jaabir's topic in General
Tell me how many times U go out.... I will tell U ur age!!!
SCORPION_SISTA replied to Legend of Zu's topic in General
Coooooool banana....I know it's rigged but hey It works -
Hi there...Have you thought about stem cell research...it would be quiet an interesting discussion...i would check later to see if you decided to discuss that topic...bee bye
Hi there...Have you thought about stem cell research...it would be quiet an interesting discussion...i would check later to see if you decided to discuss that topic...bee bye
loooool nah Ilhaam i am not...But i do still check joke section cause everyone needs a good laugh everyday...And my input isn't necessary anymore...How could u possibly miss me with all these peeps here :eek: :eek: :eek: but thanx for saying it ...Take care...bee bye
No problemo SEXY
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: SUCH A JUVENILE TOPIC...AND IF REALLY MUST THROUGH WITH THIS THEN CHECK THIS LINK... http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=000639;p=5#000073
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe I had to sign in just for this, last one educational too by the way ...It really made my day...Thanx a lot Sexy
Hello Modesty my sister told me about this topic and it sounded so serious and scary that i came back from retirement just to try give u tips: 1. First of all get an answering machine because u need to keep all ur conversation with him documented. 2. Buy pepper spray and carry it with u all the time. 3. Inform you neighboors of your sitution so that they would be more aware and helpful. 4. Take a picture of him if possible when he is following u or something. 5. Program in your cell 911 as a speed dial, therefore it's easier for u to contact the police quickly. 6. Have a system where ur friends in town call you on a regular basis say like every 3 hours. 7. If he attacked you, most common women go for groin area to hit, but poke his eyes with your fingers, therefore if he had his hands around u neck or something, he would let go. 8. Again use those documented messages or calls from him and take them to police, even if they would not do something immediatly, u would have a record in the worest case scenario. Alright, i am going back to my hiding place, but i do hope these suggestions helps u anyways possible. Take care of yourself bee bye.
someone posted this joke almost a year ago and they had this other funny parts about Bush included in it...So you might want to check it out too...goodbye. http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=000273#000000
Are we better off in Qurbe than we were back home?
SCORPION_SISTA replied to Gediid's topic in General
"you What % of Somalis living in the diaspora would you think go to school or have businesses?" I don't know an accurate % of how many people had taken advantage of the opportunities offered to them in diaspora world...But i look it this way, at least we have option in terms of going to school or business...Because really, back home, i remember all the women who worked either were school teachers or owned a little shop somewhere...But now you see so many more women being doctors, enigneers, psychologist, computer science majors, and the list goes on...How many of them do you think would have had that option avaliable...The knowledge that we choose to abtain in these foreign countries allows us to compete on the world market, which i don't think would have be either possible or encourged by society structure back Somalia. And as to those people that aren't taking advantage of the type of education offered in some countries, then it's unlikely for them even back home to be interested in acquiring higher education...So really the education part(percentage wise)has to do with one's hunger to learn and ambition...But foreign countries are better, in my opinion, because they offer so many options and diversity in educational fields, which i wouldn't think would have been avaliable back home. At least that's my take on it...GOODBYE -
hmmmm Alwayslearning i like your name so here is something i hope u would learn from....This same topic was posted 4 months ago"Topic: Questions to make you think" in general section...So please do try to use SEARCH option therefore we can avoid repetivitness around here...bee bye
hmmm since i know you can respond to a topic, i would go out on a limb here and assume that you can read as well...First of all, you can see what my name is because IT'S RIGHT THERE duh....And second of all, i said i read all your recent jokes and these ones aren't in ur recent posts, means that this guy had posted 3 jokes and you didn't post two of them...I don't need to speak to you like a child and spell everyword out and say "oh yeah i read 'silent treament topic' you posted but the other two jokes u never posted" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: And lastely, your first statement,"i could have sworn i posted the same thing couple of days ago" clearly implies, in my opionion, you were claiming you had posted all those same jokes not long ago. Maybe u needed to make the distintion to yourself rather than to me.... And as final thought, non of us here has a claim to jokes because all we do is "copy and paste" therefore there is really no "orginality issues" here or "claim rights" So as an advice, which i am sure will not be heed, I would say relax, take a deep breath and enjoy the jokes...YOU WOULD LIVE LONGER...Bee bye
hmmmm Guled now you giving me the instruction :mad: :mad: :mad: Man i needed help like when i was starting to get older but it's okay...I am happy to report that without this vital instruction i have been able to achieve some of those objectives mentioned there...Although there is still quiet some to do..."12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life." i couldn't stress how this one is a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG ONE..bee bye.
hmmm when i first read this topic, it seemed she was talking about spelling "your real name" backward but maybe i am mistaken...continue on.
Hey man i just catched this program early in the morning talking about how Bush adminstration might actually be using this model in USA too...I really didn't catch everything they were saying as i was chasing my own tails :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: like every morning, but i did hear something about a billion dollar figure might be set for this program...I am sure though that information can be found in "NEW YORK TIMES" paper...I will see if i see anything else around this issue...bee bye
"safaarada carabta, an egyptian school, near the Sayid statue...oh there was a great burger place near it too, boy did i like their burgers, i think it was called aaran.." WoW Nafisa me too :eek: :eek: :eek: Actually i never went to a somali school i only went to arabic school...And you are right that burger joint was the best...I remember me and my friends used to escape by the back wall near the bathroom area, i do believe they had the hand washing area outside not inside of the bathroom...Oh my god i missed that place It's great to see someone from there though
"safaarada carabta, an egyptian school, near the Sayid statue...oh there was a great burger place near it too, boy did i like their burgers, i think it was called aaran.." WoW Nafisa me too :eek: :eek: :eek: Actually i never went to a somali school i only went to arabic school...And you are right that burger joint was the best...I remember me and my friends used to escape by the back wall near the bathroom area, i do believe they had the hand washing area outside not inside of the bathroom...Oh my god i missed that place It's great to see someone from there though
loooooooooooool it's soo sick that it is funny...I hope that sitution in real life is remedied in catholic churches anyways...nice one
WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN WOMAN/MEN???????????????????
SCORPION_SISTA replied to sofine's topic in General
Hey sofine we had discussed this topic and many more similar to it to death ...So here they are: 1.Topic: What do u want in a mate? 2.Topic: What are the most attractive qualities in a woman 3.Topic: WHAT DO U GUYS (BOTH MALE AND FEMALE) FIND SEXY? 4.Topic: WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? that's just to start off with...just enjoy the reading...bee bye -
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool smart man...Just how revenage should be.....hehehehehe good again underdog
loooooooooool that's funny, i really liked the second one with the scuba diver hehehehehehehe I meant to reply a while back but it's just got busy...bee bye P.s. nivia i read all the jokes u did post and if you go back right now to your recent jokes, u wouldnt find these ones there...So please check your facts before saying to someone "they lack orginality" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
"Are you worried you wont find that special person when you are finally done with school and understandably is older in age? Do you fear having to lower your standards because your clock is ticking and your chances are not as good as before?" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO One quick comment, not all women want to have children!!!!
YOUR NICK tells something about u.. guess what?
SCORPION_SISTA replied to OG Moti's topic in General
looooooooooooool HU HA :eek: :eek: :eek: i can't believe u changed that awsome name to this :mad: :mad: :mad: ... -
I can't tell you how many times i had seen this riddle in SOL just in the last year...Last one i remember was under "Topic: Missing pound Riddle" difference is just using pound than a dollar...It would be nice if people tried to use the 'SEARCH' button from time to time... just an advice...bee bye