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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. hmmmm...I guess the new style for ADMINS here is "half banning" peepz...Maybe those banned could share what they did to get back in...Might be useful to others here...bee bye
  2. These are some movies i had seen recently and didn't think weren't that bad at all: 1. Chori chori...Ajay devgan+rani mukrajee...a remake of an american movie by steve martin+goldi hown 2. chalte chalte...if u like this movie check out also saathiya too 3. Qayamat...another american re-make film..nice action sequeence though and a well performance by ajay devagan 4. Ishq Vishk...enjoyable teen movie with a good performance by the leading newcomer actor 5. Armaan...i quiet enjoyed this film, it was different than boy loves girl and parent against it movie...a fantasic performance by preity zinta...definitely is worth ur time to check out 6. the hero...although long movie, it has a great action and cinematography that is worth watching...and also a good performance over all 7. Praan Jaye par shaan na is a film dominated by women and it does have a social issues and messages in it also makes fun of their own movie industry...enjoyed watching it myself 8. Darna mana hai...suppose to be scary movie but isn't really scary...i am liked it not for scaryiness but the story it presented...and had a lot of cast in it 9. Koi mil gaya...a sci-fi film sor to thing...i hadn't seen it yet, but intend seems finally Hirthik Roshan has a worthy act to see...and it has good melody too i guess that's all i can think of for this year...bee bye
  3. hmmm...When adam was lonely, Allah didn't create a mother or a dad or a child or even give him money to take away his lonliness...He made a partner "Hawo" for him...So that's the answer...what a woman/man can offer a man/woman is to be their true partner...A person to make the success sweeter and bitter days tolerable and etc...anyways, if u new to SOL Bishaaro then welcome...bee bye
  4. Princess_sexy it is wonderful to have u back...I understand a girl got to take a break from SOL from time to time...So hope u enjoyed ur time off and happy to see u replying again...bee bye P.s. i had to come back, i couldn't have another outlet...I know u will understand
  5. hehehehehe hahahahahahahaha
  6. Runaway^Virgin i have been around (although posting once in couple of days) but i know it's hard for you to see me while u running ...But i am glad to see u getting back to posting more as in the old days...u style has been missed, at least by me...bee bye
  7. loooool i remembered the first time i did this was couple of years ago at my friend's wedding...I was pushed in and i didn't know a damn thing...all the ladies just laughed they couldn't even play the drum anymore, cause they were laughing so sister said i danced like native indians...But it was the most memorable thing of the whole wedding, so i wasn't that upset...Although i vowed i would how to do this dance if it killed me...So i asked my aunts who showed me for one day how to do it...2 things i learned: 1. it's more shoulder work than foot work, 2. it's an attitude dance...If u get those two and u have a rythem it shouldn't be hard to know...Best of luck...bee bye p.s. although i like the style of this dance, I don't like that they mention stuffs about "qabiils"
  8. u know what flying-still for the strangest reason i am getting a bad gut feeling about the guy...I don't think it has to do anything with his schooling, but more like his personality...I am no miss.cleo mind you, but i am strongly suggesting that your cousin ends or puts this developing story on hold for a period...I seriously hope she would consider that... As to her fear of giving someone a chance and not working out, i think she would need to get over that...I mean even if i knew half the people i met and known wouldn't have worked out, i would still become involved with them...Cause with each person, i had grown as a person...Not everything we participate in works in a good ending way, so she just has to get on and live life...Of course, this advice is for the next guy insha allah... Bee bye
  9. hmmm well i think i need a bit of clearification about the guy's background...Does he have no college education or no acedemic education at all? Does he seem to her as someone who is motivational about their future, meaning does he intend or tries to improve his educational/economic situtation? why he never got education? One thing i have learned and continue to learn is that as we grow up things are not as black and white as we had seen them in youth...The older we get the more gray there is...What i mean is, the list of expectation or qualification your friend had about "the one" is probably long...But what is important is that she realizes what are the things she needs and what are things she wants from her future mate...When she really knows what is really important(need) and she can't live without, u would see those qualifications in the list shrink tremoundously...We think a lot about love at times, too much thinking, but once in lifetime one should let their heart make a decision, instead of planning love...Take a leap of faith and a risk...Another possibility to your cousin's worrisome is that she is more concerned with what the society would think of her marrying someone with no acedemic knowledge or sort of below her status rather than how compatiable they would be or wouldn't...If she truly and honest to god love this man, she would arrive at the right decision...We have only one life to live and love doesn't knock on the door daily...In between, not too much would matter...bee bye
  10. hmmmmm.....You got me good kaafi...ciao
  11. looooool underdog, if i learned one thing from this topic was I need to start writing my essay late at night...Actually i am glad to see that long reply didn't have so much errors as i had anticipated...Anyways, reading again what i wrote and what others had discussed had really began my thinking juices...It reminded me an idea once told to me by a guy i used to know...He was playing around with the idea of opening a community center where kids would get help with their homeworks and english learning...Now thinking more about it, i think it would be great also to include cultural learning aspect...I mean there are many somali writers (knowlegable of old somali language) who are doing nothing or just wasting time in cafes...But i believe the idea wouldn't be as effective as if parents really participated and forced their children to be part...oooh zut, i got a class to catch...Bee bye
  12. U know what i found funny...I was browsing somalinet for the first time in years, and guess what i read in their forum...This excate topic posted there by non-other than our own mizz-unique and just one day apart...caajaib people need to stop making up stories and just be real
  13. I got 51 out of 100 and said i was a "Knight Rider" beats me what the hell that means...But it was fun game...Bee bye
  14. Not bad suggestions…I left Somalia when I was about 10 yrs old, and even then I would probably be correct in saying that women’s situation was difficult prior to war…I remember my aunt who wanted to become a doctor or a professor of medicine at this university, but because she was a female, a man with a lower grade point had her position…And there were many stories I remember being told about what job women would or could have done or not done those times…Do u think many men during those times were concerned about the improvement of women’s social situation? But it is good to see at least one man concerned with it today, could it be possibly the western influence on you…Let me see if I can give a bit of feedback of what I feel in regards to these issues at the moment…So first of all, personally I feel Somali can do these to improve our social situation: 1. Forget about how your parents raised children back in Somalia. Become an active parent in your children’s upbringing and education. Mind you this goes for both man and a woman. 2. Don’t practice double standard of treatment and expectations from female and male…Treat your children as equal, if a girl needs to learn how clean or cook, a boy should be taught the same. 3. Educating daughters to think for themselves. Do things at their own time, not like everyone else…A little of independent and individuality doesn’t hurt anyone. 4. Understanding Islam and explaining it to children rather than passing on practices (including misconceptions) so that we have a better equipped Muslims… 5. Most important I feel, teaching our next generation TOLERANCE… 6. Stop providing excuses for men to not participating in the process… 7. Behaviors such as women sabotaging other women, partying every night, taking welfare, not communicating with their own children, are some of the things I feel needs to be immediately addressed… Hmm I think that’s what I have on that part for now… As to second question…I guess I really can’t say what exactly a “Somali Culture” is for definite…But when I think of culture, I think of language, arts, institutions, beliefs…Therefore I answered as such: 1. The way we celebrate Eid…At least how my family did it was different than Arabs celebration way. 2. Introduce them to type of clothes we have…Although I would have hoped our clothes were more decent especially dirac and more confident so it’s wearable to schools or what not like Indian clothes are now…. 3. Sending kids to duuqse (sp)…It was an experience I enjoyed tremendously myself… 4. Respecting elders or anyone older than oneself by 10 yrs or more…Meaning a person should be polite at all time, if possible, to someone who they might not personally respect or gained their respect yet… 5. Expose them to Somali music, dances, and embroidery…Hopefully by then, someone might open a Somali dance classes for next generation… 6. As to cultural institution, the one institution I would not expose them to, is “Tribalism”…It’s enough for them the Somali identity no need for more than that… I believe that’s all I have in this category…Maybe I will have more when I think of marriage and children… Now as to one of the finale question, I personally can’t claim I had helped any Somali woman back home and even here, beside translating and providing transportation I can’t claim anymore…It is not that I have tried, but I am ideologically not in the same dimension with most of Somali women…Therefore sometimes I am viewed as too westernized by others for my ideas…But I am going to share them regardless now: 1. Health: complete education of women in regards to women’s health issues…Starting with educating women about their own anatomy and body functions. Providing classes that would teach women about birth and early parenting skills necessary, so that women wouldn’t have to run to their mom’s when they have babies, they would now and learn on their own… 2. Encourage young women age 15-18 to seek higher education levels…So that we can decrease early marriages level and early child bearings… 3. Women who live around same neighborhoods or community, should create organizations or clubs so they can speak to other women about problems their community or their own children and themselves face…Sort of like an advice or support groups…Of course first they have to get rid of the fear of gossips and bad mouthing… 4. As a daughter, what I do for my mother/father, or others can do, is always ensure your parents continue with a yearly medical check-up and be aware of genetically susceptible diseases that might exists… I should stop now, I already written too much…Hope this makes sense or is useful…Bee Bye
  15. loooooooooooooool underdog...So i guess from reading those topics, u figured women in SOL (if not all but majority) are suffering from inferiority complex...Let me see, u mentioned something about useful questions, so since u are accusing women in this section of complaining too much, what do u think are useful questions women should have or ask about their own genders so that they can get on with their lives? And since u seem to be trying to learn a thing or two about somali sisters, why don't u share with us here those things u were looking forward to learn about the ladies? bee bye
  16. Well i feel worse for the guy who married her, because he is stuck with her and before marriage she was already cheating on him...As to your friend, he got out much better, even with the few bruises on him...Personally, i think acts like these by both men and women clearly shows the morality those individuals have...For one to participate in "playing" someone, they have had to morally believe that it was right or maybe they have no strong moral concious...So again, your friend missed out on a moraless girl...He should celebrate after he gets over his dillusions...Bee bye
  17. hmmm "rayaana" i like the sound of that name...And knowing the meaning behind the name helps...I have to say, that's the name for our second child Kaafi...BTW, he doesn't make me change the diapers all the time ...We kind of divided the week between us, for 3 days he takes care of the baby's needs except breast-feeding of course and I do the house work on those days and vise versa for the other remaining 4 days...Bee bye oh yeah Che_Guevara u most certaintly missed a major something, but not to worry at all, i will keep u posted on the next event...Promise
  18. "*WHITE* You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes weird, but everyone loves that in you." So true
  19. Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions...Kaafi and I decided to name our baby girl "Sofia"...But atleast we have enough names here for the next 6 more children...Bee bye
  20. It seems you have lost faith...Faith in yourself and that one day a man will come who says to you "you are that one special woman for me"...There comes a time in our lives, when all of us, well at least me, question some decisions I have made in my life...But i always never regret them, because a road not traveled doesn't always lead to better life...So what if u had married young, i mean u would have miss out on the things u had done, and consequently the person you are today...Maybe your friends are getting married and your own loneliness is having you doubt that one decision which had made u want to wait in the first place for getting married...It is tempting the idea of having someone know you intimately and vice versa but desperation and aging doesn't make a marriage work but hard work and commitement does...And if u had felt, as a younger woman, you couldn't put that commitement, then i would say u had made the right decision to wait...As to having a less qualified men approaching you, maybe they are smelling your desperation and fear, and bouncing on it like a dogs...U see if you urself don't believe that you deserve someone especiall or respect your own pervious desires even when your age is increasing, it's hard for anyone particuarlly men to respect you...Simply you give the vibes that any guy off the street would do therefore they are knocking on your door...I am a firm believer that "Good things come to those who wait"...So my advice to you is have patience, relax, and enjoy yourself...It isn't like you going to be 26 yrs every year...Bee bye
  21. Nomadrebell: I think personally this topic can only be answered in terms to when couples are getting down and dirty...Either way, a guy can't know if a female is a virgin unless he has sex with her...But woman's virginity (maidenhead) is abvious give away at those circustances, where the men don't have one...Therefore i only answered the question in terms of woman knowing whether a man is a virgin when they are intimate with them...Anyways, it seems these days, virginity has a new whole definition than it used to...Bee bye
  22. First of all Darman i don't see the purpose for this game...And second of all, i think some people's egos will be hurt by playing such a game...either when they aren't bid on or when no one put them up on selling block...So I dissapprove of this topic...Bee bye
  23. First of all, guys are not virgins in the first place, they are simply inexperienced...U can't for sure know until it is action time...The way he reacts to your body, his movement, Knowing more than where to put what in what, how fast he has an orgasim, the way he talks, all those things can be an indication of whether he is experienced guy or inexperience=virgin...It's like watching someone drive a car, one can tell who has a driving experience(by how they comfortable, confident, manufer tactics) and who this is their first driving time...Bee bye
  24. First of all, exceptional_by_nature, i don't know you or know your friend, but in my dictionary a friend who post personal stuffs about their friends does not have a character of a good friend...Even if she told others it was her personal choice, but u had absoultly no right to air her personal sexual story on a website, regardless of your annonymosity and hers...Second thing, it seems people, here and your community, are throwing the stones and bringing out the whip to punish this girl, but what about the guy she committed this sin with? I mean doesn't the phantom lover join the name calling ceremony...Shouldn't his marriage prospect be questioned...Third, if this was her first time, how the hell she is a "dillo"...I mean with labels like that and the people in your community already assuming she would be doing it again, is it hard to believe she is not repenting...Maybe she thinks if people already labeling her as "h.o.e" for being in love and acting irrationally and therefore making one mistake she as might as well just continue on the path to "whoring"...When one repents a sin, in my opinion, it means that person has no intention or will put best effort not to repeat it again...I had seen people ask for forgivness and just go back to doing the same thing over and over, maybe she is honest with herself and isn't ready to repent yet...Each person to their own pace...And lastly, it isn't in your place to deal with your friend's sexual intimacy, you believe what u believe and take care of not breaking your own believes...In no way is it your job to deal or handle your friend's intimacy issues for them...You either be there for your friends when they have fallen, without judgemental mind, or join the hollier than anyone else league...To me your choice seems clear and made...That is my 1 1/2 cents on this topic...Bee bye.
  25. "My main concern is; "is it lately on the rise for some reason or did people suffer/die from it but no one was aware of it?" I don't live around an area with large Somali population so i really don't know about statistics and what not...But one reason for supposdely the increase in liver diseases seen is due to the awarness of younger generations of Somali therefore forcing elder generations such as their parents to go for medical check-ups and what not...At times maybe older generation go to doctors for something else and when a full check- up is done or screening occurs they might find they are suffering from liver disease which they didn't know about...I do also believe(no scientific knowledge) that older generation are not as active as they had been back in Somalia...For example, many now choose to sit in cafes or homes to talk instead of how many people, my recollection, back in Somalia used to go for long walks around the areas after eating meals and what not...Another reason could be even though we are eating the same type of foods the ingredient or the level of fat or unsaturated fat is not the same...So our bodies might not react to it the same...Or we can't take the increased unhealthy food levels and metabolize...So probably people should not eat the same food as much as they do now, espically elder generations...That's all i could thing of as a cause for the rise in liver diseases...Hope i helped, bee bye.