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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. looooooooooooooooool NG that's classic... :confused: :confused: :confused: hmmm wait a minute did u insult the somali woman :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. looooooooool nah i don't think u should worry about that for now...Before u teachers at high school or what not always determined what u should write about, so it takes time to adjust making ur own topics to write about...Like waiting for the green light for long time and suddenly it turns green and ur reaction is slower than u wanted to be...hmm i don't even know if i made sense there ...Anyways, time for advice...First what's the class u need to write the paper? Write down any topics, good or awful, down and then look around to how much information is avaliable...Then through ur research u can eliminate some of them and in others u can find a direction u might become interested in taking ur paper toward...But most importantly write about something u would like to know about and u can learn something from at the end...hope i helped in some way
  3. looool well at least i am in an elite group...I am 24 yrs for now
  4. You scored a 36% on the "How Somalian are you?" Quizie! 18 people had a score lower than yours 268 people had a score higher than yours 3 people had a score the same as yours hmm that should be about right
  5. me going to take break at same time...see u around
  6. "My line is: Actor: Fix your tail lights! some bad guy: what's wrong with it? Actor: wabam!!!!!! I broke it!!!!!" A-Walking tall
  7. "My line is:**ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS!** " I don't know if this has been answered yet or not...But i thought it was one hundred million dollars...if that is the case, then it was SWAT "The almighty says he can get me outta this, but he's pretty sure you're f#$ked" A-Braveheart Mine is "I've never really killed anyone before. I mean I've dropped bombs on Baghdad, but never face to face. I don't know what the big deal is, I really don't."
  8. "Forgiveness is between them and God, I'm just here to arrange the meeting." A-Man on Fire "u want the truth,well u can't handle the truth." A-A few goodmen My Quote "Oh you want to come and play...okay here is a little bit of thunder and little bit of lighting..."
  9. As a member of this supposed jurorer which i consider to be made up of SOL members, i have few comments to make...First of all, in general i am bored with this drama... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Second of all, the whole proceeding so far seems like a horse cart put in front of the horse...Meaning this no direction nor a benefit to personally me to find the end result of this "rubbish" issue... Third, there should be certain guidliness to hopefully conduct what someone of u seem to be enjoying otherwise most of the people in couple of more pages couldn't tell **** from head... Fourth, straighter approach would be more appropriate for this issue...For example, Lakkad (accused) should indicate in clear words whether he is quilty of the plagarasim charge...And whether he spoken and was confronted by Darman (accuser) as was stated by the later...If Darman is telling the truth about this meeting, did he receive an opology from lakkad for taking not only his topic but also his response... Fifth, If an apology was rendered then this issue is done and over with...And any SOL member can take their own course of action toward the accused...But in the case opology wasn't rendered or the meeting didn't take place, or even VEVE isn't Lakkad, and Darman did this whole thing as a publicity stunt, maybe the admin can step in and revoke Darman's membership... Sixth, If plagarism charges are true, i am certain this isn't the first time for someone to do this, and i am sure many others are doing it...It is a sad fact but nontheless a fact...At the end of this pro-longed mocking trial the end is the same...Admin wouldn't do anything because there is nothing to do, anyone can past and copy without even being registered or can re-register anytime...So what's the final point, Each one of us i am sure is capable of making their own decision in regards to this subject and take a course of action they are comfortable with and accept... Seventh, let's stop this before we turn it into "who sides with who" sort of contest
  10. looool OG-girl i am sorry i didn't mean to burst the bubble...I guess i am used to leaving guys in my dust...But i will try to wait next time Shabeella, woman it took me 3 hours to figure out the answer for three question...Damn i was thinking at a turtle's speed :eek: :eek: :eek: ...But glad i didn't miss it all after that time...I don't know how to get riddles or anything like that...So why don't u post them for me or anyone else would be fine CUTE_LILGIRL it's always good to have another fan in my folds
  11. hmmm let me embarass myself with silly it goes 1. "Here on earth it is true, yesterday is always before today; but there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where?" It took me ten times to re-read carefully this problem...And finally their play with words hit me...So i am going to say Dictionary!! 2. "2) Girls have it but boys don't. Billy has it but kelly doesn't. What is it?" when i read it first, i thought maybe breasts but then billy has it and kelly doesn't...Is it the letter "I"!!! 3. "A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?" First i thought she shoot him with ketchup and then watched the shirt...But i read it again and i guess it was the guy himself not clothes...Well my brain can only come up with one scenorio for this and that is this woman is a photographer... Well i gave it my best shot...bee bye
  13. I had good time meeting new peepz...But the fellaz need to step-it up...Or i would forever think of them as cowards
  14. "XENA_FAN man i soo agaree i used to love the pretender, i still remember his eyes, there was something about his eyes." Intuition you are on the money line...I was crushing on him major time...It was like he can see deep into your soul, our atleast mine ...For me he would always be one of the hottest tv guys
  15. oh my god Tru-Nomad, i loooooooooooved "the pretender" and still watch some of the re-runs on TNT channel...Jared was just awsome...And thanx for reminding me a show i also enjoy "Wild card" i love Zoe and her corky ways of solving crimes...I can't waite till her and Dan become involve the sparks been flying for two long between those too
  16. "Xena fan..I also love watching CSI las vegas..(one word..Warrick)" Shax_01 looool my sis thinks he has beautiful eyes...But my one word Grissom...What can i say i always had something for older guys Mr. Gentelman, those were the old shows dude...We trying to be in 2000 yrs only...Although i think "wonder years" were more boy coming of age than female...But i enjoyed early edition...If i am not mistaken there is a new show with similar idea but different called "Tru Calling" on fox channel on might like it
  17. 1. Monk 2. Dead Zone 3. CSI-las vegas only 4. Without a trace 5. O.C. 6. Law and Order--CI and SVU 7. Everwood 8. Charmed 9. Strong medicine 10. Sex and the City 11. The 4400 12. Wild Card
  18. Q1: No Q2: either A or B...I can't trust C, seem too perfect for politician
  19. "Xena_Fan I guess so but once the individuaL is a part of your famiLy its hard to just say goodbye and Leave at that because they wiLL aLways be famiLy and I suppose distance may the answer...but who knows." Well if the person you speaking of is like sister, brother, uncle, aunt, etc then for me usually honesty works for me...You should be straight with that person...Like let them know you love them but there are things about them that makes you uncomfortable or unacceptable characteristic or traits and those things cause you to not trust them...And if they can't change then you might be able to limit your interaction with them...Maybe they would understand...On the other hand, if you feel you can't do or say anything then yourself would have to make adjusment in your dealing with that individual...Either way you got to make choice or plan of action...bee bye
  20. loooooooool filsaneey it still cracks me up too...And you didn't even notice what you said then till i was like you realise you told him you were 13 yrs...The dude wasn't even smart enough or fast to notice it :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ...Man i used to laugh so much just watching you chat Darbi i can understand what you saying, but if a person feels not capable of multiple conversations at the same time why spread themselves and sound so repeative and non-stimulating!!! As to the book well my whole point was not to have structured or outlined one way or something to start conversing making guidliness i would eliminate spontaneity now wouldn't I
  21. "Abaayo macaan I'm sorey maybe i took my kaftan to the wrong person.." Since i have somthing important to study for i will only say this...Allhamdullahi i was the wrong person atleast that means we wouldn't cross paths again ...And your sorry is accepted.. Goodbye
  22. If you can't trust your loved ones then you just got to fly solo...People are faulty but some faults an individual might not be able to tolerate, like dishonesty or extreme-selfishness...You just need to distant yourself from that or soon you find yourself being like them to others who don't deserve it...For self-presercvation "goodbyes" are necessity
  23. Dr. Zu how can you ask me whether you should book me for next week when you just made fun of me and then tried to speed through my psychiatric session :mad: :mad: :mad: I am avalible next thursday would that work for ya ...I could have sworn when i walked through your office i didn't have issues :confused: :confused: Lack of creativity and imagination are the light bulbs missing from majority of our chatters...May Allah help us exposed to such travesty.