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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. Malika, I do agree with you that is daunting to a teacher to adapt their teaching styles to each individual students, but if there are observing students who are smart but not doing well academically, maybe they should consider teaching that student in a different manner after class or something...I am a visual learner if I was in memorizing teaching style I don't know how successful I would have been. You are right India and China pupils are excelling when it comes to science and math subjects in comparison to USA...The parents are stressing it but I think the children are realizing that for them to succeed in the world is to be educated well, that is the drive from within, which is the success of the children...In the documentary I mentioned earlier, most of the students coming from poor family had to be separated from their families from early age, only saw them on special holidays so the sacrifice is more realized by the student and pushes them to excel...But also you would notice in countries like China, India, Korea there is a high number of suicide related to academia...I went to school in Egypt and I can tell you the stress students felt when they had the final grade of their high school determine what college they can get in and how one could have repeated a whole year for failing one subject
  2. I was reading the news today and they had an article on states trying to include autism in insurance coverage...There is only 6 states in the past two years that offer some coverage for those cases where the cost can reach $50,000...I mean think of it, if your child is diagnosed with autism, you probably are looking at behavioral therapy somewhere along the way and depending on the state you are in you can pay between 1,000 to 3000 per child per week...So autism have economically effects on the family overall. I think people who are planned on getting married or planning on having children should at least take couple of parenting courses, to give them an idea of what to expect or look for...Not every child develops at the same rate, so a parent should always be communicating with their pediatrician, so that when there is a problem they can address it quickly and efficiently...Behavioral problems do not always translate into academic problems or development issues so we should engage the children and as I said always seek the advice of someone knowledgeable in the field. Chinese educational system basically stress memorization, just like dugsi, and for some students that is fine for other students not so much...I think engaging a child's nature intelligence can be done in a variety of ways instead of standardize system...You can teach your children while at the grocery stores, you can teach them while walking in a part, you can educate through books...Personally I like diverse teaching styles being available to students. bee bye SS
  3. Sarah Palin on SNL...Amy is so hilarious (specially the moose part) definitely one of the finest moment for me in this show...Enjoy it Video
  4. Although I don't live in largely Somali populated cities, I have been thinking about this subject early this year...Because I know two people who have children (boys) with autism and that just seemed alarming to me and here is an actual observation made in large population showing the high prevalence of the autism in it's Somali members...There definitely is a need for more research on the topic because it is touching our lives in large ways, raising a child with autism, specially the severe type is not a walk in a park and we should know what is causing it.
  5. We were full on going at it in the back of the lounge and, at one point, I had my hand so far up her skirt I think my fingers got tangled up in her fallopian tubes Needless to say I couldn't go on reading any further, it was just getting ridiculous... Woman's internal anatomy...As it is obvious in the picture, not only is it impossible to do it with fingers I can't imagine anyone woman finding it arousing or stimulating...So DQ aka fearing wadaad I can't even commend you on the effort because you didn't write this but merely copied and posted here on SOL and neither would I recommend as a education/interesting/engaging read for someone of your innocence because it is so outrageously filled with misinformation.
  6. And here I thought we were going to be a bit risque
  7. FirstLady, Glad to have the follow up and Insha allah it works out...I can't believe a healthy marriage can survive without passion or dose of lust...Best of luck with the rest, bee bye SS
  8. As I am about to turn 29, I can't believe I would say this but nothing has changed about my dressing habits...I have always went for comfort rather than style, when I go shopping I go straight to the stores I like and if I can't find anything, I am done for the day...I don't think about what I am going to wear or plan it, It just depends on what calls to me when I am dressing...When I buy new clothes I like to wear them right away and once they go to the laundry room I completely forget about them....But I am getting an appreciate for having several good pieces that fit well and allow variety in mixing and matching...So I feel as I get older I am going to be more improved in my dressing styles and hopefully become smart dresser and shopper. As to breast removal ouch too extreme for me but I do definitely understand the desire and when I get it I go without. bee bye SS
  9. Salaam C&H There can be several different reasons why certain people behave differently at sometime than other times...Everyone grieves differently and just because someone grieves silently or doesn't cry in front of other or even cries in privacy doesn't mean they feel no pain or loss...Some friends feel that giving their friends helpful advice (there would be another a guy a possibly better one) are just ways of uplifting the spirit of their friends...Sometimes they can be harsh because they don't feel their friend should waste valuable times on someone who they haven't considered to be worthy of their friends...And other friends who are experiencing their own loss try to come across as brave or that they weren't effected by their "break-ups" because they don't want their friends to think less of them...Or again they like to grieve truly in privacy and don't their vulnerability exposed to their friends...Because let's face they feel already raw by the experience and can't imagine lying their feelings like that out to their friends whom they knew might not understand where they coming from at that time. Some might not know that kind of loss and when they experience it changes their own perception. I don't believe people think it is ceeb to discuss the pain but again I think certain individuals feel more private about things like that...I have a good friend who was in a long term relationship that lead to marriage where she and I never discussed her husband...I think you have to allow your friends a little leeway to be who they are and maybe find other friends for "break-up" discussion who are more like you. I wonder you are though surprised by the pain you are experiencing obviously you were in a serious relationship and therefore you have invested time and yourself into it to cultivate it...So to me it's natural you would feel the loss but at the same time don't let it consume you and distract you from the reason you first wanted the "trial separation" for...Grieve as you want and for as long as your think is healthy for you, but don't forget we human are resilient beings and this shall pass too. As to my personal story, nothing much to share really...I can't say I suffered a devastating pain, because when my "break-up" happened I knew that he and I weren't the right people for each other and our needs were different...I felt peace really and bit of relief because now he could have seek the person he can be happy with...My philosophy is staying in a bad relationship to avoid pain and devastation is a time you wasting in meeting the right man or woman for yourself. bee bye SS
  10. Did you take these pictures JB?...Is it always like that, or this was special holiday, and that's why there are several people milling about there?...Since I plan to go there on my visit, how is the weather at the beach, in December? You know I been thinking about the preparation for my trip to Hargeisa, particularly the clothing options but seeing these photos kind of puts me in a completely different frame of mind.
  11. This guy, in the first relationship, came through the door of the house and then tried to sneak in through the window, which absolutely made no sense…It is normal for people to fall in love with someone else when they are in a relationship…Having said so, he should have been honest and told the older sister that he had developed feeling for her younger sister and that he couldn’t honestly make her happy…Instead he went with the cheap manipulation technique of trying to push the woman to make sacrifices and finally when she is pushed too far to break up the relationship…Obviously he didn’t understand the older sister and therefore didn’t know how far she was willing to go to keep their relationship alive…Then he proposed to run away with the younger sister, cowardly behavior (not surprising based on his conduct), and then he became obsessive with “betrayal” give me a break…And then came the pitfall that is unavoidable in relationships that are built in that fashion…He married the woman he loved but then he couldn’t stop thinking about how she betrayed her sister and then dishonored her family by eloping, I mean wouldn’t she be capable of doing it to him!!!!! The younger sister, hmm what could have she thought when her sister’s fiancée came onto her!! Her behavior isn’t surprising there always seem to be this tendency of competition among women and even some sisterly relationship…It isn’t always loyalty and honky dory out in the world…Maybe if she truly loved her sister, despite falling for the guy, she wouldn’t have done anything about it…Kept her secret severed in silence and rejected the guy outright when he tried to flirt…But she didn’t did she, so what sort of mental state was she in, can’t know for sure…As to running away, it probably seemed romantic to her and again let’s not forget she was 16 years old, imagine yourself at that age and your mentality…And again came the pitfall of her story, she married the man she loved, but he was the man who while dating another woman began a relationship with her…He was the man who didn’t speak his intention and cowardly went about his courtship to her…He was the man who asked her to elope with him, what does that say about his moral character or his character as man over all!!! The older sister she was blessed in two ways in my opinion…First she was able to forgive her sister and realize that because of the age she probably didn’t think things through and made a mistake…To have that kind of nature of forgiveness is not easy and understanding…Second blessing, Allah was looking out for her, that he saved her from a marriage to a man such as the one she was engaged to…Imagine what kind of marriage life she would have had obviously his character wasn’t going to be different and someday he would have flirting and pursued another woman and in the process destroyed her self-esteem beyond repair. bee bye
  12. Red Sea is right JB has been extremely busy but alive and well...It is weird though despite not being here it shows his name in the list of people currently navigating SOL!!! :confused: :confused:
  13. Stoic, I figured out the trick on how to do both...It finally hit me, it's cool.
  14. Samira found herself facing unwelcome attention from a much older Somalia man, who wanted to marry her so that he could get to Europe When I got a visa to come to the USA, and Egyptian man (not old) proposed to me so I can bring him to America with me. Best of wishes to the Young lady and hopefully it works out as she wished. bee bye
  15. I heard about this, a friend of mine's friend is married to the guy setting this up, and it seems like they looking for people with all sorts of talents...bee bye
  16. I have had the opportunity to see the first season of this show, definitely enjoyed it and looking forward to the following seasons....Dark side yummmy
  17. Cara does it annoy you!!!!Well I felt "bye bye" was redundant so I wanted something still close to that, and somehow "bee bye" was born from it...That's the best I can say for it. Maryan Run, well you said in the question part that they were not having children because of Allah's will, therefore I assumed they were not stopping themselves from getting pregnant, but more like they were childless...I would disagree that in our Somali culture there are no couples who are childless by choice...Now we are talking about two couples choosing not to have children so a scenario I can think of would be a couple who might have some kind of genetic defect and know they have a great chance of passing that defect to their child and choose not to have children because of it...Another scenario would a man who might have children with a previous wife but wishes to have no more children with his current wife, and she is fine with that as well. loool@insinuation, oh gosh I hope I am not corrupting you, but what I said was the same dish meaning over and over(not the same plate) that two people would not want to have sex the same way every time they have it. bee bye
  18. "however what i was implying was in regards to a couple that are unable to have children, let's assume this is a good couple that are committed to each other (not the loser guys the abandon their wife/and marry behind her back so many stories i have heard, that sometimes i start to hate all men and want to chop them to pieces LOL, jking) but a good man, what's the likelihood that this sort of couple would be happy if they couldn't produce a child together (by Allah's Will of course)? How many guys would stay with their wife through thick and thin, if they were unable to have children together? Wouldn't this scernio ruin a marriage or cause unhappiness? I would say yes (for the vast majority), and anyone whom implies to the contary is deluding themselves. Wouldn't this scernio ruin a marriage or cause unhappiness? I would say yes (for the vast majority), and anyone whom implies to the contary is deluding themselves." Not necessarily in this scenario you are assuming the husband or the wife want a child, what if they don't want a child or they decide to raise adaptive child!! The only time it might be difficult is when one of the partner wants to have a child very badly and the other is unable to, but still there are alternative. They can separate amicably and pursue other partner. If the man wants a child and the woman is the one who can't have a child, maybe she would agree for him to take a second wife. There is no reason to be unhappy in the marriage because one can't conceive. Couples who truly want to be together or love each other figure out a solution that works for them. bee bye Ps. I would have asked a question Castro but I don't want to distract from this topic. So check your PM.
  19. lool Castro "most of the time" eh well at least that's better than half of the time I was checking my e-mail and I found an article related to this topic. Having kids makes you happy Malika, I feel worse for parents who had children, and their children ignore them and treat them shabbily
  20. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by SCORPION_SISTA: Although I must say if it is sex it has to be a variable sex Ok, I'll bite. Tell me more. It means that people aren't staying together just because they are having sex, they are staying together because they are having amazing, fanstastic, phenomenal, and variety filled sexual relationships...Despite man and woman marrying for different reasons, neither one can stand eating the same dish over and over and over again. But by then in the marriage most of them have already had their first child if not the second one and then afterward it's just for comfort and fear of raising a child on your own.
  21. Salaam and welcome Maryan, My parents only have two children(both are girls) and most of people are always surprised by it and often ask if my father has another wife with other children Castro, you would think that, but according to married people that doesn't seem to be it...Although I must say if it is sex it has to be a variable sex
  22. I think you are talking about Hera Pheri and if it is there is a sequal to that movie as well...bee bye
  23. I haven't watched it yet but I know it is available on several websites, the best copy was on zshare, but no subtitles...As far as I saw there weren't any copies with subtitles on it.
  24. Zola, Thank you for your kind words and good to see you are working it too...You might be retaining more water too...I didn't go to the gym because I have the same issue you do, I go work out and do weight training and bam I am more muscular but not lighter...So I am thinking to hit the gym for one day next week and just hit the treadmill (of course not singing that song)and maybe aim for 300 calories loss...Here's to hoping