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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. Sheh, you know where to go for a dose of that eye candy
  2. Pokemon is going to have a face-to-face meeting with Hottie Sheh :eek: :eek: :eek: Man this totally sounding like a hot carton now, me getting my popcorn
  3. lol Ibtisam, sorry for the delayed reply, I had to get something eat after all that energy expenditure. Hmm well I don't want to explain more in fear of being accused as nuune's promoter but the SOL picture isn't the one that caught my eyes
  4. lol Nah I don't want you to lay claim on someone else facebook profile. We shall see if your prediction comes true, I don't think it would, let see who wins Ibtisam are you telling me now that the ladies might be taking a second look at him because of my line You have a suspicious mind
  5. lool Ibtisam now you telling me you aren't there :mad: :mad: When it comes to nuune no worries Val, haven't you heard, nothing stays in place now a days
  6. How come no tries to make great fashion for Muslim gals!!...I seen the collection and it is nice but totally not what I could wear...Best of luck with their futures. They PHAT what you talking about, if you should have a complaint, it should be that they are too young for you
  7. lol Faheema go ahead and use your poke power
  8. lool nah I am not but my name is Khadra
  9. looooooool Valenteenah, what would I give to see the expression on your face and hear your thought You know what all this discussion got me to go back to SOL's page on Facebook and try to see if I can figure out the faces of the ladies been chit-chatting back and forth. Not to invade anyone's privacy, but curious to see if my guess are right, should I threw names out?
  10. lol Lily me too works wonder...Although sometimes I meet up with old acquaintances and can't remember them to save my own life, could be awkward at times Ibtisam, hmm that seesm to be on other extreme as you said, I guess I never inspired such devotion, I blame it on my warrior face Okay Sheh I am going to give a chance to prove yourself...Although you seem to be heading the stalker ville rather than casual acquaintance...Be careful
  11. lool Faheema nah we ladies can't let go that far...Although I agree it is a good sign he actually writes well Wow googling them up well that's an interesting concept, I am going to definitely try employing this skill next time someone snares my eyes You know Lily I was talking to a male friend and he told me something I thought sounded weird...He said a guy who is interested in a girl would behave in manner that a woman would think he wasn't...Like he wouldn't talk to her much or he would seem to ignore her...Where as if he wasn't interested in you, he would be totally friendly with you...Doesn't that seem backward :confused: :confused: Sheh I am feeling you going to chicken out on us and not do anything
  12. Alright then it's time for Action...Pokemon, nice nickname, is about to be poked...Keep us updated. lol sheh you are an oldie and a hottie Good luck Lily tell me about it...You know what my trick is put all men on short term memory so that when they drag their feet's I have already forgotten about it
  13. Ibtisam where is your sense of adventure woman!!!!...As a recent MBA graduate(btw congratulations) you know we all have to strategies to get to our goals...It's no different when it comes to gaining the attention of a particular man...Sometimes you got to do the leg work either in starting the conversation or extending a hand when he approaches you first...Yes I agree with you that not every man deserves the same approach so therefore you only apply the process to those few men. Speaking of men, maybe Sheh, you can rummage through your personal experiences, and see what worked in gainning your attention and reverse it and use it on the new guy...Ps. we should give him a nickname
  14. lol Ibtisam I know you were, that was me kidding, Well according to my social experiment I have realized that men don't think like us ladies, so if you think lying doesn't work you are wrong...She isn't going to lie much, she is just going to use a hook, to bait him...Something interesting to grab his attention and allow him to investigate further their interaction...So Sheh need to strategies and have a game plan before making the move to contact him...If my suggestion isn't her way then she can come up with something else...But she can't make a move without planning....I just hope he doesn't disappoint I so hate those ones :mad: :mad: and actually has intelligence and personality to go with the looks Ps. Faheema, see he gives that impression doesn't he, i hope the label was right on facebook
  15. lool go ahead and make fun of me that's what I get for sharing with you lot Well if you send that poke Sheh, you can tell him the truth in a joking manner and a lie in a serious manner...Like maybe saying "you might think I just poked you to check you out but I actually think you might be a childhood acquaintances...." make a story up so that you can exchange little quick e-mails and if there is a spark the rest will take care of itself. bee bye SS
  16. Well Sheh, you can poke him, and if he pokes you back you would get an access to his profile for a week...You can check him out to your heart's content...Maybe he would have other non so great pictures of him that would give a better idea of what he looks like. Sometimes if you give your self a time you find yourself no longer impressed as much...So maybe wait it out for a while and then poke him...And if he doesn't so what you wouldn't wonder A while back, Caadan posted pictures of his trip, and I saw nuune in one of them (i think) whom I was surprisingly found good looking...Thought to add him as a friend to check him out but then I was like I totally don't know the dude and the madness passed
  17. lol sheherazade, how good looking are we talking about here??...I wouldn't recommend stalking, although you can check his picture in the album, as much as you would like Facebook where art thee be without it!!
  18. Hey Norf, I checked the website, some of the activities and events they have already passed or wouldn't happen till next year in Jan...But the hotel section wasn't helpful because no one rated the hotels, no pictures, and nothing really more than a number to call...But I would keep checking it out maybe I would find more information. Baashi, It must been a long time because I have no idea what you mean by "you two, how did it go?" refresh my mind...As to not hearing from me, I think it was the other way around!!! :mad:
  19. Welcome back Baashi and congratulations on the new job and the new adventure...I wish I was like Nuune (a man) so that when I am there this December I could stay at the villa too...But alas, hey Norf, could I get recommendation for hotels and sights in Dubai please!!!!!!!
  20. Actually Roobleh, It doesn't require multiple partners to contract STD or HIV, it only requires one partner who has the disease, to contract it from...I think the problem is that people who are in monogamous relationship think their partner is healthy or not straying...And the other problem is that people thinking they know someone makes them believe they would be save with that person or that person would have told them if they had some STD prior to engaging in unprotected sex. Reality is you never really know so therefore you have to protect yourself always. bee bye SS
  21. That's a true tragedy...Makes one hesitate the next time they want to post something eh!!!
  22. lol NG, I was disturbed by the article's comment on how they don't use condom even when they have HIV...Even if you are older the desire to have a physically intimate relationship with someone is still there and I don't begrudge seniors anything It's one of those morning it seems I have run into the topic of sex 3 times already and it is not even 9 A.M. yet Whatever JB
  23. I agree with Ibtisam that is not a friend you should have, like it or not the people we surround ourselves with tell a story about us...What was interesting though was how cautious he was with his Khat but not with his own life...Even with the condom, the risk of all the sexual transmitted diseases that person can have, I am always shocked by the people's disregard to life in this instances. bee bye SS