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Posts posted by Aisha

  1. aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww Kimiya, may Allah reward you for trying to get everyone involved. It's a really good idea though. I've always wanted to learn the names of Allah! I'm gonna try & memorize at least a little. I've never even heard of some of them!

  2. ......if he's a religous man with good reasons, can afford it and will treat us equally, then why not? It's part of the deen. We can't pick what we like and leave what we don't like. I know it's easier said then done but thats the truth. I will try my hardest to accept it knowing that I will be pleasing Allah.

  3. Maashallah........that was well written. I love the part when she says:

    "But truly, we are the ones who are oppresseded..."


    Allahu Akbar! I am going to send this to a non- muslim lady who is currently reading the quran. She's the life guard at the place I go swimming at(there's a sisters nite every week)and she loves us muslimahs. I wonder what she'll think of it. I'm also going to send her a video of a muslim revert hope im not bombarding her with too much info!

  4. um..........actually, it was one of those shows thats called a 'documentary'...........but you wouldn't really know anything about that since cartoons are the only shows you watch!

  5. Nearly everyone I've met have said to me that I look exactly like someone they know. I would love to see my look alike......I bet I would be the better lookin one ;)


    I remember I was watching a show on tv awhile ago and they brought all the look alikes 2gether. There was a set of look alikes that absolutly had everybody stunned!!! They were two 8 year old girls who looked like they were separated at birth.They looked identical. They had the same birthday and I think they actually had the same birthmark!!They even had the same interests. Whats more freaky is that both their parents look similar, have the same name, got married on the same day and had there daughters, not only on the same day, but they were born within the same hour!! Now thats freaky

  6. Assalamu Alaikum,


    Just wanted to remind everyone that death comes when we least expect it. this video and im sure it will move you the way it moved me. May Allah forgive him and have mercy on him.



    So.........are WE ready to die??

  7. I second that Jimcaale!!


    Taliban, I can understand their justification but I don't think it's acceptable. People can come out of ignorance by getting off there lazy *** and actually seek the truth. It's not that hard!

  8. Endeavour, I like your topic! I would of defiantly seen this as a major dilemma a while ago and I would have told him to go jump :mad:

    ...........but now..............I have reached that stage where this life does not really matter to me............and I feel that work for me is pointless because it’s not my would be the husbands responsibility.


    If I was presented with that offer from my dream guy right now..............I would take it no questions asked, and enrol myself in one of the top Islamic schools and learn my deen! Thats a great opportunity right there!


    Ladies....don't bite my head off......coz I understand your point of veiw too ;)


