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Posts posted by Aisha

  1. I don't know if these classify as an O.C.D or maybe I'm just in denial:


    1. I brush my teeth 5 times a day....thats a must!


    2. I will not go to sleep untill my room is clean


    3. My wardrobe has 2 sliding mirror doors. When they're closed, the right one has to be over lapping the left one at all times!!! If I go to bed and later notice it's the other way round, I'll get up and change it.

  2. I go swimming every fortnight. They've got a sauna, spa, steam room & the pool. It's sooooooo relaxing!!! All I wear is board shorts (that cover upto my knees) and a singlet or a small t-shirt. If you wear loose clothing, it will float up once your in the water and can get pretty uncomfortable! Although alot of the women that attend wear their long skirts and over sized t-shirts! There's one girl who's brave enough to wear a bikini. All the older ladies give her the LOOK! She's known as the wild one lol.

  3. On a side note...Did you know ... that you as a woman, by virtue of your femininity, have in your hands the delicious power to make a man fall in love with you, influence a man to your way of thinking, bring him to his knees, make him want to spend his life with you -- and want to fulfill your every desire?

    Nicely said Cambarro

  4. What is sushi ??

    You've never heard of sushi before???? Strange! Sushi is Japanese food. It's rice, seafood (or a filling of your choice) & vegies wrapped in seaweed. It's served cold.

  5. I had one called california rolls (it 's vegiterian), and it tasted soooooooooooooooo gross that I just gave it away. My friends love it!


    I still say give it a go and see if you like it. No harm in that!


    PS. Is it allowed religious wise?

    I don't see why not. As long as you have fish like salmon or tuna. I don't think they will use halal meat so I would stay away from the chicken.

  6. Nice topic Mujaahid! Well, I was born in Riyad, the capital city of Saudi Arabia ---> Then I came to Melb, Australia with my family at the age of 5. And thats it! Pretty boring I know.

  7. Originally posted by Mantra:

    ...but I quite honestly find the idea of getting married to be absolutely terrible. This never quite disturbed me before, but now i've started to question this normal?

    OMG!!!! I'm going through the same thing! ok.....I work with lebanese and Albanian girls. They all got married at a very young age(16yrs & 18yrs old, now they're 25yrs old). The other day at work they were asking me if I have anyone in mind, blah, blah, blah & when I'm going to get married(mind you I'm 22 yrs old). I said to them I'm happy being single and love living at home with my family and I also told them that I'm scared to get married. should have seen the looks on their faces. They were like :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


    One of them said to me that I'm sick and need help (she ment it)lol!!!!!!! She also said that I'm the only girl to ever say such a thing. So ever since then I feel soooooooo abnormal.


    I think the difference b/w me and you Mantra is that I don't like the whole life changing aspect of marriage rather than "finding nothing desirable in men". Maybe you have similar fears to me about marriage but in your mind you think you "find nothing desirable in men" when really thats just an excuse your using. There just has to be an underlying issue. Or maybe you've just had a bad experience with guys in your past and so thats what's causing you to feel this way. I can't think of anything else :confused:


    Try and get a different mentality about marriage. Just think that when you get married, you will be completing half your religion.....WOOHOO!! Doesn't that sound good? Well...thats what i'm trying anyway ;)


    I hope I helped you out a little Mantra. My heart goes out to you

  8. orignally posted by MC Xamer

    Anyways, another non-Somali in here, now I don't feel like such an outcast :DJust kidding, but most people in here know that I'm white, so just to let you know you're not alone.

    I would never have guessed it!! You got the whole black theme going on.....with the name and the aviator. If you don't mind me asking, what made you want to join a somali forum?

  9. aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww Sheikh, that was really nice!!! I knew once you understood what I was saying you would come around. I forgive you. It was just a misunderstanding. You know, I really admire you for admitting your mistakes. Thats a brave thing to do. And also, during this misunderstanding, I liked how you stood firm on your ground, and stood up for what you believe in regardsless of all the negativity that was thrown at you! I also seek your forgivness for upsetting you.....and I was kinda rude(I called you a fool, sorry).


    Tukaale, your right. Ethio's don't speak arabic while we do.


    Whenever I see them on the streets or train stations and ask them their country, they claim to be Eritreans, could it be that you population is a lot bigger than theirs, or may be its because they have this instinct that the Somalis don't like Ethiopians and thus claim to be Eritrea...

    Thats interesting.........they have a bigger population by far. You could be right in saying that they have this instinct that the Somalis don't like Ethiopians and thus claim to be Eritrea..........that does sound funny though!

  10. Aisha,can I pet you too?lol..

    Not if your life depended on it ;)


    Do you hate your own tigrey President that is from Eritrea? I doubt it!

    I hate his guts thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't even know me to assume what opinion I have about the Eri government!


    Do you hate your fellow citizens, if not don't ever try to tell us we share common hatred for Xabashis if you are not willing to hate/condemn your own filthy habashi chrisitans, who you so proudly claim to be your fellow brothers and sisters!

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Fool..........did'nt I mention earlier that I'm ashamed to be Eritrean. If I'm not proud to be Eritrean, do you think I'll be proud of my fellow Eritrean citizens and share nation pride????? You do the math


    Habashi to me means a christian Ethio or Eri!And I don't like both. The habashi Ethio's killed my grandfather, and the habashi Eri's made life extremely difficult for ppl back home. I think that they're just as bad as each other and don't like either of them SO YES I can tell you that we share a common hatred for habashis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And when did I claim..........oops..........I mean PROUDLY claim the habashi chrisitans to be my fellow brothers and sisters????????????? I rather die a thousand deaths them make such a false claim!!!!!I consider allllllllllllllllllllllll the muslims around the world to be MY FELLOW BROTHERS AND SISTERS who I love dearly!!!!!!!


    If there was a habashi Eritrean and A Somali muslim and I could only save 1 could bet your sorry *** that I'll rescue my Somali bro/sis!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You really upset me with your comments Sheikh. I'm ment to be your sister in islam, but your treating me like a non muslim or something. We're on the same side!!!! Get that through your head.

  11. I wanted to reply when I get back home from work but.........Sheikh are you serious????'ve got me confused! I have no idea where this resentment is coming from. I mean, I was going to tell you off and put you back in your place......but


    1. ibti's already done that(thanks girl) and

    2. I just feel sorry for you


    You clearly have some issues! I suggest you go talk to somebody!


    ".....luring helpless terrorists"...WHAT THE?????

    I'm not even going to attempt to figure you out cause I haven't got time for it! Although it would be an interesting study!!!!!



  12. aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww thanks for the warm welcome guys.......that was really nice!


    So Mujaahid, you say there's an Eritrean guy here? How interesting..............i'll be sure to keep a look out!


    Conspiracy, thanks for the tip! When I feel like having fun, I guess I know where to go now lol


    Lander you impressed me..........& made me laugh!!!! How did you know how to say that? You say "Kafoheleki"(how are you) to a girl and "Kafoheleka" to a guy.


    Originally posted by Castro:

    lol = lol

    Door knob = Yeey

    Clan bigot = General Duke

    Traitor = Geedi

    Imbecile = Caydiid Jr.




    Originally posted by Castro:

    The boy can hit you with weaponized boredom, can't he?

    That was funny! I nearly choked on my food Castro.

  13. thanx Al Burcaawi.....I'll try not to be ashamed!

  make me laugh. And yes I am from Melb!


    Sheikh Fiqqikhayre.....I never said I want war. :rolleyes:

    Anyway no offence intended but your lecture bored me a little so I kinda didn't finish reading it.


    I speak Tigre at home and understand arabic since my parents and relatives can speak, read and write arabic.


    oh...and brown, no I'm not Dendan. Is that even an eritrean name?


    So where's Jay gone.......does he still think I'm a somali pretnding to be eritrean lol? Like I said, some of my closest friends are somali. These are the somali words I know:


    gaargos- hungry or somthing like that

    farah- guy

    halimo- girl

    adaan- white

    chaaat- the thing you chew


    Any way gotta to go to work

  14. looooooooooooooooooool, oh you guys crack me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Jay, I was gonna write dira but then I copied nomadic princess and wrote dirac. And Jay, I have a hard time understanding some posts coz some of you mix english with somali. The posts that are written in somali....I dont even look at coz I don t understand the language!wow, your a very suspicous person.


    femme_fatale.....why would I lie about something like that? I'm actually ashamed to be an eritrean!


    oh this is too funny......I luv you guys!

  15.'m not a New Zealander, not Chinese, Im not from Papua New Guinea, not Samoa either.

  the hell did you guess it???? Yes Im Eritrean!!!! Damn that was fast.


    The other clue that I was going to give you was:

    one thing we have in common is that we hate the habasha!!!! Lol


    Good job NervGas!

  16. ........shock, horror.......yes, I am not a Somali!!!! Your probably wondering what I’m doing at a Somali forum. It’s because I absolutely adore the Somali ppl. I think you guys are great! And because some of my closest friends are Somali (one of them taught me it’s "Somali" not "Somalian"


    Anyway, let me give you some clues:


    I am a Muslim (although my great x 7 grandfather & upwards were all Christian)

    My country has a population of about 4,786,900

    And there's.......actually I better not. If I give u this clue, you'll guess it straight away!


    That’s all I’m going to say for start guessing!!!!!!!!!!!!(I bet the 1st guess is gonna be right.....coz ur all a bunch of smartie pants!)


    ps: those that know what nationality I am, keep quiet ;)

  17. One thing I hate about myself is that I have a fear of change. I get too comfortable the way things are and find it hard to adjust to new things. I don’t know what I’m gonna do when the time comes to move out, get married, start having, I get stressed out just thinking about it!

  18. I see you've started a whole new topic on the whole cooking thing :rolleyes:


    Let me ask you something. What is so wrong about a women wanting her man to know how to cook??? It's not like we want him to cook us a meal every nite. It's just handy for him to know because lets just say the wife is feeling sick and has young kids to look after.............he can quickly whip something up instead of ordering in or ringing your mother to bring you some food!


    And before you even have kids, lets just say you just dont feel like cooking............he can do it.


    I can't beleive that this is an issue to you!!! Some girls like to cook while some girls hate it...................get over it!

  19. lol @ gotta prove it first!


    And Jacaylbaro, just because someone doesnt like to cook, it doesnt mean they're lazy!!! I know how to cook thank-you very much but I just don't like it.


    Lets say someone doesnt like to read........should I call them lazy???