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Posts posted by Aisha

  1. Thats interesting. I heard something like that awhile ago but didn't really believe it.


    ...there is no real laws of what and who owns the lands of this world in most countries!

    How can that be? I though the ownership of land is automatically given to the government!


    In fact they're only leasing the land and can be evicted any time with no judicial defence as it all belongs to the 'Queen'!

    That's just not right! I actually find this hard to believe. How can you get evicted when you legally bought the land? Just doesn't make sense.

  2. ....poured boiling liquid over the child's hands, ripped out her hair, kicked her repeatedly in the groin and locked her in the toilet over seven terrifying weeks of the worst abuse experts said they had ever seen.

    :eek: :eek: :eek: .......poor baby!!! No sane person will ever do such a thing. Clearly these ppl aren't right in the head!!!!!

  3. But I am not going to start eating couscous and riding a camel."

    lol...This cracked me up!! He doesn't know that black people in Africa are soooo poor they can't even afford a freakin camal!


    That was an interesting article, bizarre actually! What a shock it would be to find out that your something your not. How bad would he feel now if he was a racist to blacks! That sure would be a kick in the butt!!!

  4. The only characters I have seen to exist are; 'The Nice-Guy' and 'The Mysterious guy'. Not really sure about the other characters though!


    So Ameen, tell us what category you fall under?? Wait....let me guess! I think you would fall under 'The Mysterious guy'!

  5. Is Aisha Black or white horta ??????

    What does horta mean??? Jacal you know I'm not somali so why are you using somali words when refering to me?? I assume it means girl........right? If so, I'm a black girl(remember my post telling you all that I'm Eritrean!)

  6. loooool......u all crack me up!!!


    ibti, thats' a good one! Jacaylbaro, I think it was you that I saw. I do seem to recall that ugly green hat and that white corny smile lol



  7. Please, isku noqo oo quraan isku aqri and thank allah that these pple ineynan ku cayuumin.

    Can you please translate this sentence?


    ...i didn't know a post can anger some ppl.....relax, was just venting...

  8. I hate it when white girls think I'm mad at them, or even worse, 'after their man' when they're dating a black guy!!! So they start glaring me off and being rude to me! Whats the deal with that???


    Like awhile ago I went shopping with my girfriends, and there happened to be a white girl with a black guy in the same store we were in. I didn't even notice her until she walked past me, clutching her boyfriends arm, giving me the worst look!!! I was like whatever, just let it go! The funny thing is, for the rest of the day we just kept on bumping into them which made her think we were following them, hence the attitude we were receiving! To piss her off even more, me and my friends would check out her boyfriend infront of her(even though there was nothing to check out which ment we had to resort to our imagination).


    More recently, I was at work and was serving a black guy. While I was serving him, his girlfriend appeared out of nowhere and put her arm around him(aggressivly might I add which actually scared him), giving me the 'yeah,I'm with him' look! So I turned around and gave her the 'do you want me to smack you out' look!!!


    I do not give a damn sh*it if a black guy wants to date a white girl!!! I don't understand why these white girls that I've seen think that I actually care who a black guy is dating. Don't you think ppl should be over this issue already???? I thought they were until now! :rolleyes:

  9. ...last time she was talking abt how she kisses her bf front of somalis and how she doesnt giva dam :rolleyes:

    :eek: oh, hell no!!!!lol


    By the way Tone, I forgot to tell you that you (and the rest of us brothers) need to become more romantic (not like Usher or Tyrese romantic, but just "a faraax romance") if we want to succeed with these sisters than we need to bring out our skills (HA romance, more like a date at Subway lool).

    lol, Ameen, all you guys need to do to succeed is just be yourselves! It's these so called "skills" thats holding you's back lol ;)

  10. i got married, and had my wedding cermoney held at the masjid.. and fed the people at the masjid and had a ducaa hold for me and my husband... and that is the best choice that i made in my life..

    fartun, sis, I'm so proud of you! You really had your wedding @ a masjid? Well done. How did your parents react? If I do that, my relatives will be so cut and just to spare their feelings my mum wouldn't want to do it that way :rolleyes:

  11. I see us, the people of this world, wake up every morning, get into our pathetic routine, rush through the day hoping time flies, when time's already flying, not knowing/realizing whats really important to us, dangerously neglecting the chance, the opportunity we've been given to succeed in the hereafter, thinking 'there's always another day'.........until death creeps up from behind earlier than expected.......then what??? No more hope, No more chance, No more pathetic routine.....only destiny!

  12. Allah will grant whoever recites this seven times in the morning or evening whatever he desires from this world or the next, Ibn As-Sunni(no.71), Abu Dawud 4/321. Both reports are attributed directly to the prophet (pbuh).


    Hasbiyallaahu laa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul-'Arshil-'Adheem.

  13. That was a good reminder mujaahid! It was pretty graphic for me though. And just before I clicked on it I ws complaining about how I purchased the wrong books............some ppl haven't even got the chance/opportunity to read subhaanallah!

  14. Good topic commonsense! We really do need to find an answer to this frustrating Q!!


    I remember I was talking with a family friend that I went to primary school with. She was 3 years ahead of me. Somehow her age came up in the convo and she said "I'm the same age as you." I just thought to myself nooooooooooooooooo.............. she's one of them!!! The way these ppl think is just too twisted for me to analyze!