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Everything posted by Aisha

  1. ....he sounds soooooo annoying!!
  2. ^^How the hell did that happen???? Thats strange! I found out a couple of years ago that my real name is actually spelt differently and that devastated Imagine if I find out my bday is really not my bday........I would feel like my identity has been stolen! lol.....poor rudy!
  3. Aisha

    Islamic Quiz

    Aisha, your question is even tougher ! How are you supposed to know/find out besides opening a musxaf, read the whole Quran, and count each ayah that starts with "O you who believe". Did you do that ? Loooooooooool, is it really that hard? I thought it's a known fact! opps! And no I did not count each ayah that starts with "O you who believe" lol! I attend a study group & we are going through these ayahs. That was one of the questions on the test we had. These ayahs are important because Allah is specificlly addressing the mu'minuun, us inshallah!
  4. Aisha

    Islamic Quiz

    Cambarro, I think I finally got the answer(thanx to my dearest friend.) It was so difficult to find the answer! Is it- Sura al-baqara: Also called fustaat al-quran and sanaam al-quran Sura al-Imran: Also called tayyiba Ok......time for my question!!!! How many Ayahs in the Quran begin with "O you who believe"?
  5. ^^the term "suffer" is an understatement!!!!!!!
  6. That is indeed a powerful, moving story Ameen! I came across this a couple of years ago and it really got to me. This story actually changed me! Because that boy, was me. I used to pray my isha in particular, really late. And so ever since I've read that story, I have made it my number 1 goal to pray on time. I used to use the excuse: "I'll just pray when I get home". But then that story would creep into my mind and I would think to myself, what if I don't make it home? What if I die on the way and then I will be questioned:"Why have you not prayed?" What the hell would I answer? I got burnt the other day, and thought to myself, if I can't handle this little burn, how will I handle the fire of Allah?? Authubilah! May Allah have his mercy and Rahmah upon us! Every muslim should read that story! Truly inspiring.
  7. Aisha

    Islamic Quiz

    ^^aaaaawwwwwwww, thats a hard question Cambarro!!! I'm gonna have to "dial a friend"! I get really frustrated when I don't know an answer coz I'm used to being one of those "know it alls". Clearly I've got ALOT of work to do!
  8. originally posted by Ameen: From the women, Aisha mos def because of her efforts in the Islamic section and Haneefah. Thanx Brother Ameen, I'm really flattered!!! By the way congrats rudy for being given the title of "nomad of the month". I was a bit late but you would've gotten my vote!
  9. Aisha

    Islamic Quiz

    originally posted by Ameen: So what was the name of the uncle of the Prophet (saw) who assisted him for 40 years but died as a Kafir? I think it was Abu Talib!......this is fun!!! originally posted by Kashafa: Who led the army that stopped the Mongol annihilation of the Islamic world, and what was his fate. No idea! I give up, Kashafa if someone doesn't come up with an answer soon, just let us know.....I'm dying to ask a question!!!
  10. originally posted by me: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "You are the final of seventy nations, you are the best and most honored among them to Allah." Salams Khalaf.......I've never heard of that hadith too! Sorry, I forgot to post with it who narrated it! According to Tafsir ibn Kathir, Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Al- Hakim recorded that Hakim bin Mu'awiyah bin Haydah narrated that his father said that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said the above hadith. At-Tirmidhi said it's "Hasan". I think "Hasan" is one level below "shahih". Something like that, I'm not sure maybe someone else knows what "hasan" means.......Allahu Alam! By the way Khalaf nice hadith! I really enjoyed reading that. How beautifully Muhammad (pbuh) answered the Bedouins questions, full of wisdom mashallah! originally posted by Ameen: Aisha sister I wanna thank you and may Allah reward you for your efforts. No need to thank me brother Ameen, i have alot of free time on my hands!lol Not for long though.....uni starts next week so my presence here may cease!
  11. ^^Your right, 2 days with no hadiths posted is a long time! I came across this Ayah and found the meaning in Tafsir ibn Kathir: You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma'ruf (all that Islam has ordained) and you forbid Al-Munkar (all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allah. And had the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; amoung them are some who have faith, but most of them are Fasiqun (rebellious). [3:110] Allah states that the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh) is the best nation ever. The meaning of the ayah is that Muhammads ummah is the most rightous and beneficial nation for mankind. Hence Allah's description of them : you enjoin Al-Ma'ruf and you forbid Al-Munkar and you believe in Allah. [3:110] The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "You are the final of seventy nations, you are the best and most honored among them to Allah." This is a well knwon hadith about which At-Tirmidhi said "Hasan".The Ummah of Muhammad achieved this virtue because of it's prophet (pbuh), the most regared of Allah's creation and the most honored messenger with Allah. There are so many other hadiths that talk about the virtues of this ummah. Will be back soon with some more 'stuff' inshaallah.......
  12. originally posted by Johnny B: Arab woman is hot ? so is a traffic-light pole. Lol........thats harsh dude!
  13. What would you consider your favorite Surah to be? The Surah that I'm drawn to is Surah-Al-Ikhlas! I love it because it talks about the oneness of Allah and some of his attributes. Another reason why I like it is because of the reward behind it: Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported; The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said; "Surat Ikhlas is equivalent to one third of the Quran". [Muslim]
  14. Ameen, you sound like a teacher! lol I don't really know how to explain the 1st hadith that I posted about greed! I thought it pretty much explained itself. And if I do explain a hadith I try to be really carful not to make a mistake. The 1st hadith basicly has more than 1 message. It shows how bad it is to be greedy. To the point where Allah will not bless the thing which you have recieved! The hadith also stresses the fact that it is better to give than to recieve! What I understood from the 2nd hadith is that it showed the importance of generousity. That it should be a characteristic of a true beliver. And Allahu Alam.......I hope I didn't say anything wrong.
  15. Aisha

    Islam and Race

    ^^Well said. And you get such a beautiful feeling to be united by islam!! The islamic classes I attend has so many sisters from different backgrouds, all having the same goal! You don't even feel different because the unity amongst us is so strong alhamdulilha.
  16. And we are still awaiting our daily doss of Aisha's hadeeth, so share with us one (from among the thousands of hadeeths) that you have in your hadeeth library. Lol.....that made me laugh! So, you want a hadith to do with greed huh?....ok, inshallah! Narrated Hakim bin Hizam: I asked the Prophet (pbuh)for some money and he gave me, and then again I asked him and he gave me, and then again I asked him and he gave me and he then said,"This wealth is (like) green and sweet (fruit), and whoever takes it without greed, Allah will bless it for him, but whoever takes it with greed, Allah will not bless it for him, and he will be like the one who eats but is never satisfied. And the upper (giving) hand is better than the lower (taking) hand." [sahih al-Bukahri, vol 8, Book 76, #448] Here is another's short and sweet: It was related that Abu Huraira said that the Messenger of Allah(pbuh) said;"They say 'Al Karm' (meaning the generous), while 'Al Karm' is the heart of the beliver. [sahih Al-Bukhari, The book of manners, hadith No.1958] So people when you recieve anything(from Allah) don't forget to say the magic word (not really magic) ---------> Alhamdulilah!!! So it's your turn! Why don't you give us a hadith! Most ppl don't understand the significance!
  17. ^^After all.....Allah is called AL-GHAFUR and AR-RAHIM!!!! Nice hadiths FF.
  18. Aisha

    Islam and Race

    I though this was an excellent article!! It's a bit old but everything he said is so true! It's full of meaning and depth. Maashallah.... Alhamdulilah I'm not a traditional person at all. My parents aren't aswell. If I ever brough home a non-Eritriean guy my parents will happily accept him providing he follows the deen! I don't understand whats all the fuss about when there's an inter-racial marriage!!!
  19. Imagine living, in this day and age, in a world in which people were not judged on the content of their character, but on the color of their skin! Sounds pretty awful, right? To think that in the 21st century, with all our progress as a civilization, we could still be so primitive in our beliefs. No! That must be a thing of the past. To believe that in the year 2000, a good portion of our society could still be so uneducated as to think that the color of one’s skin or the nationality of an individual, could really equate to one being lesser of a person than another. Well that is what I thought. But to my dismay, I realized that a good percentage of our population still, to this day, judges an individual not by their merits, but indeed by the color of their skin. In America, we have in our history encountered our own fair share of racism. However in our society today, we have strived to educate our people that it is wrong to judge someone based on where he or she comes from. Over the years our society has made a great improvement in their thinking. Now however with a new global civilization, we have a whole new set of problems to deal with in regards to racism. We can now through technology, with the touch of a button, communicate with someone clear across the world. In just a half of day’s time, we can find ourselves walking on foreign soil we could only have read about in the past. With these amazing improvements in technology, we have opened the door to a world of options, but also a world of problems. It is now, that we can find ourselves socializing with people from other countries. Here is where the problem lies. In a world in which the children of this generation, will grow up socializing with people from all over the world, it is inevitable that these young adults will be educated enough to be able to see past the color of one’s skin. With this education, new light will be shed when it comes to the prospect of marriage. Now it has become very accessible for young men and women, from other countries, to be able to meet and find many qualities in which they admire in one another. Even to the point in which they would consider one another for marriage. I believe that this is a blessing from Allah. To think that Allah has now opened the doors for us to actually be able to meet someone from another country that could make us feel complete. We are no longer limited to the city or country in which we live to find our companions for life. We now have a whole world of options. What a blessing Allah has given us to be able marry someone in which each of you could bring to the marriage the best parts of each culture, in which you other wise would not have been able to experience. All I can say to this is Humdillilah. However, many Muslim families from all over the world, are everyday making it impossible on their children to enjoy this blessing that Allah has given us. These Muslim families allow the children to go abroad, whether it be for studies, holiday, or business, but yet expect them never to marry anyone from another country, even if he or she is Muslim. This is not Allah’s will. Islam says that we should come together as a Muslim community and leave behind our cultural differences (Surat.6 A. 159; Surat 21 A.92-93). Furthermore, Islam also says that a Muslim can marry with a Muslim, Christian, or a Jew. Also Allah says it is wrong to discourage your children, who are of age, from marrying. Myself being of the Muslim faith, I first and foremost submit to the will of Allah. When I have any question on what is right and what is wrong, I turn to the Holy Quran or the hadiths for wisdom. And just as Allah promised, there it is. The words of wisdom on how one should live and advise others on how to live their lives. So tell me then my fellow Muslims.Which do you put first, your God or your culture and traditions? Furthermore, anyone who professes to be a Muslim should really stop to think about this question. Because if your answer is God, then my fellow Muslims, you must think twice before you forbid your son or daughter to marry someone based on the color of their skin, and not on their character. I write this article for myself and for all the men and women out there in the world, whose families has either made it impossible, or almost impossible for them to marry with someone from another country, even though both of them are Muslims. I ask of my fellow Muslim brother and sister, from this day forward, as parents and as a Muslim society, to stop putting your children and fellow Muslims through agony and heartache simply because they choose to marry with someone from another country. Be open minded enough to realize that just because it wasn’t done in your culture in the past, doesn’t mean that it is wrong. So the next time your son or daughter comes to you with the proposition of marriage, be fair enough to judge your son or daughter’s future spouse not on the country in which they were born, but on the person in which they are. My fellow Muslims, the next time your striving to be the best Muslim you can be by performing salat, giving zakat, fasting, and doing all these other things that makes us good Muslims, lets not forget that being a good Muslim is just that, Being a good Muslim. So lets recognize that no matter what country we come from, or what color of skin Allah may have given us, that we are all Muslims. We should stop segregating ourselves based on our culture and come together as a Muslim community. We need to help each other live a righteous life and set a good example for other non-Muslims as well. If helping each other live the righteous life of Islam happens to mean your son or daughter may want to marry some one from another county, then this is Allah’s will, and who are you to say that Allah is wrong. So my final plea to my fellow Muslims is that this life is hard enough, please, InshaAllah, don’t make it any harder on ourselves by letting race get in the way of us uniting. One day we will all have to answer to our maker. Do you really want to have one more, bad thing written down about your life, all because you were too loyal to your cultural traditions to change? In shaAllah I hope not. In shaAllah, we can all unite as Muslims all over the world, and put our cultural differences aside, and really accept each other in all aspects of life, even when it comes to interracial marriage. You be surprised what you can learn and gain from someone from another culture. If we could only truly put our cultural difference aside and first and foremost be Muslims, we would set an example for everyone across the world, who are not Muslims, and then Islam would really begin to flourish. By J. Reddeck
  20. We all know we as muslims don't celebrate our birthday but I thought it was interesting to find out the day you were born using an islmaic calender! I don't even know the islamic months. Your islamic birthday I was born on: day - 22 month - Dhu'l-Qa'dah year - 1404 It sounds weird! (You don't have to post your birth-date, this is just for you to know)
  21. I think this is a very important hadith. These days alot of people neglect As-Salah........I think alot of people just don't understand the significance of it! Buraidah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said; "That which differentiates us from the disbelievers and hypocrites is our perfofmance of Salat. He who abandons it, becomes a disbeliever" [At-Tirmidhi] It doesn't get any clearer than that!!!
  22. what do you exactly do in a 'gap year'? (sorry for being so thick!)
  23. I'm 22 ---> 23 in August inshallah!
  24. ^^ Howard is an embarressment to Australia! I hope Democrat Senator Barack Obama wins the election!!