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Everything posted by Aisha

  1. ..some of them spoke swahili and said^naa midaan cusubna maxay ahayd? si xun bay ii fiirinaysaa malaha may arag wax surwaal qaba? reer dhoore waaxid... Can you translate that please? I'm curious to know what they said!
  2. ^^No, I haven't been "brainwashed by the taliban"!!! I am simply obeying Allah because it is one of his commands!! That a believing women should cover up. May Allah guide you rudy!
  3. Hold up rudy! aint about the dress! its about whats inside your heart. Where did you pull that from??? So you think it's alright if I don't cover up as long as I beleive in Allah?? Becareful what you say rudy......lets get our facts right before we speak!
  4. Death does not discriminate. Lol.....thats so unfortunate! And next time, I will invite her to my house to continue my preaching Thanx for the tip janna! Your a wise women.
  5. ^^Why thank-you playmaker! I'm flattered. By the way, who's this 'Yokoi' character your all talkin about & why haven't I heard of him?? The name sounds japanese....
  6. love dogs??? Thats the 1st time I heard a black person say that! Me on the other hand can't stand them. I think they are completly dirty animals . But I do love pet rabbits. I'm getting one for my lil sis in a couple of days. Not telling my parents though..........just goin to get it and put it in the backyard. I'm sure they won't notice!!
  7. ^^True rose, but the impression I got from her is that it's a 'bad thing' to be wearing the hijab. That girls in western countries shouldn't wear it. Also I felt that she is ashamed to reveal her identity as a muslimah........Allahu Alam
  8. yaa heart goes out to him. Poor thing! “They told me that they took her body out of the water after it had been there a week. When I asked them how she looked, they told me her body was swollen and fish ate her eyes. Her skin colour changed and she lost her hair too. :eek: How could someone say that to a child who lost his mother. Talk about a graphic description!!! It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The martyrs are five: the one who dies of the plague; the one who dies of stomach trouble (al-mabtoon); the one who drowns ; the one who is crushed by a falling wall; and the martyr who dies for the sake of Allaah.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2674; Muslim, 1914. Allahu Akbar!!
  9. Yesterday I caught the train because I was on my way to my friend’s house. An older lady (btw 60-70 yrs of age) got off with me and we were walking in the same direction for awhile. She kept on sneaking glances at me which made me think she has islamaphobia and is afraid of me. I just ignored her and pretended I didn’t notice. She then stopped, looked over at me and asked; “Are you going to the mosque?” I replied; “No, I’m not”. Then there was an awkward silence so I asked her (just for the sake of saying something); “Are you going to the mosque?”. To my surprise, she answered yes! All this time I thought she was a non-Muslim but infact she is a Bosnian muslimah!! So we continued to walk together and we were chatting. As we were reaching the masjid I could see the entire carpark completely full with security guards everywhere. I asked her; “What’s going on today?”. She said that it’s a big Muslim celebration. I was all confused and thought to myself well it’s not Eid so what else could it be?? She said that the big mullah of Bosnia has come to Australia. I was like…ok…..and?? I didn’t really see the reason for all the big fuss. So as we got closer she pulled out a piece of material and said to me with an embarrassed look on her face; “I’ll put the scarf on when I go inside”. I didn’t judge her at all but she felt like she had to justify to me why she doesn’t wear it. She said; “It’s dangerous to wear the hijab, especially in this country”. At that point my head was telling me not to say anything, that I’ll offend her, but my heart was screaming the words PREACH!! She continued to say; “…and besides, this way, nobody will know who I am or what I believe in”. I couldn’t help myself! I said to her; “You shouldn’t be afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of. You have Allah to protect you”. She kept on saying; “No, no it’s dangerous”. I asked her; “Then how come I’m not afraid? She replied; “Because you are young but I am old”.(aaawwww) I put my arm around her and told her “Don’t say that. Allah will be with you. I was going to ask her what are you going to say to Allah when he asks you why you have not covered. But I thought, that will only upset her. We reached the masjid, said our salams and off she went. As I continued to walk I was thinking about what she said about the hijab. I felt so disappointed and sad. I wish I had more time to talk to her. It must be really hard to start wearing the hijab at her age huh? Subhanallah, this lady is in her golden years and can die any minute. She should be afraid of Allah and not the ppl!! But then again, we too can die any minute.
  10. adding some more: With regard to the way in which purification from the najaasah of a dog is to be done,is to wash off the najaasah of a dog seven times, one of which should be with soil. If soil is available then it must be used, and nothing else will do. If no soil is available, then there is nothing wrong with using some other cleaning agent such as soap.
  11. I found all this on islam q/a: With regard to the words of the questioner, “keeping a dog is naajis”. This is not exactly correct, because the najaasah (impurity) is not in the dog itself, rather it is in its saliva when it drinks from a vessel. If a person touches a dog or a dog touches him, that does not mean that he has to purify himself, whether with soil or water. But if a dog drinks from his vessel, then he has to throw away the water and wash it seven times with water and the eighth time with soil, if he wants to use it. If he makes it just for the dog then he does not have to purify it. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The purification of the vessel of one of you, if a dog licks it, is to wash it seven times, the first time with soil.” Nararted by Muslim, 279. And according to another report by Muslim (280): “If a dog licks the vessel of one of you, let him wash it seven times and rub it with soil the eighth time.” Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: With regard to dogs, there are three views among the scholars: 1 – That they are taahir (pure), even their saliva. This is the view of Maalik. 2 – That they are naajis (impure), even their hair. This is the view of al-Shaafa’i and is one of the two views narrated from Ahmad. 3 – Their hair is taahir but their saliva is naajis. This is the view of Abu Haneefah and of Ahmad in the other report narrated from him. This is the most correct view. So if the wetness of the dog’s hair gets onto one’s garment or body, that does not make it naajis. End quote. Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 21/530.
  12. aawwwww thats a beautiful hadith! It shows that you dont need material things to get married. Marriage is ment to be easy and simple! Subhanallah my cousin got married a year ago and is still paying off the debt! The man in this hadith only gave his wife to be, some surahs from the quran and not even in a book but from his memory!! It's amazing to see the difference btw us and the ppl of that time. "O Allah's Apostle! I have come to give you myself in marriage (without Mahr)." Allah's Apostle looked at her. He looked at her carefully and fixed his glance on her and then lowered his head. When the lady saw that he did not say anything, she sat down. The women back then were so strong mashaallah!! I would never be able to do that. I would just pass out right there and then!
  13. -being around my friends -carrying a newborn child -reading the quran -hot potatoe chips with mayo -my 3 months uni break
  14. ^^Looooooooool, where do you get this stuff?? Thanx for the tip. I'm sure I'll do the same when the situation arises.
  15. Aisha

    Nip Tuck

    ^^no probs sis! Glad I talked ya out of it!
  16. ufff! Hearing all this makes me so mad! Where has the islamic knowledge gone? I once had a friend in high school who confessed to me that she was a lesbian!! We were friends for like 3 years and I had no clue! Thank god she dropped out coz I don't think I could have stayed friends with her. That's how strongly against it I am. May Allah put guidence back into the hearts of these so called gay muslims!
  17. originally posted by Cambarro: To me romance is when he does little things like: Covering me with duvet when i am asleep, massaging my feet when i come from work, running me a bath ...lovely things like this that doesnt cost an arm and a leg. I missed that. Well said Cambarro! I second that!!
  18. oh.....maybe she's invisible with super powers and he's there to send her on a mission!! I think I so got it........or I just over analyzed the whole situation!
  19. I can't think of anything! I think Sagal got it.
  20. Aisha

    Nip Tuck

    ^^Looooool. Are you serious!!! Well for me, my answer is "HELL NO"!!!! I will never even think about going under the knife to save my life let alone change the way I look! We're talking about needles and cutting and pain! I can't understand why ppl would voluntarily choose to go through that! There was this eygptian actress who went and got liposuction done. There was some complications and she fell into a coma. She was in the coma for 1 year but she just died in the end! I have heard so many cases like that. It's not rare! So sad. Instead of ppl saying Al-hamdulilah, they wannah go change them selves!
  21. 2.8 planets.....I thought I'd get lower than that!
  22. originally posted by Ameen: Since I cant get my nominations to be official recognized than just for the record I was going to nominate Valenteenah for “taking so long to reply” (just joking) Nomadique for “most complete personality” Aisha for “Staying Focused” so....."staying focused" eh? Are you trying to call me a nerd?.......just messin with ya. I take it as a complement!
  23. I know my response to this thread is a lil late but I saved the site to check it out when I'm free and forgot all about it. I just found it saved in my bookmark and had a look at it. Seriously by far the most moving video I've seen!!! The description was so powerful that I felt I was there. When he got up to the part when Allah (swt) will reveal himself to the ppl of jannah, I felt eager to be part of them even more, to be so close to our creator. How wonderful it all sounds! The thing is how hard are we working to get there? subhanallah It's a good motivational video. I'm glad it's in arabic so my mum can see it as well! Jazakallahu khair 3d(so sorry abt the late reply!)