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Posts posted by Aisha

  1. Salaams sis...


    "Iqera" is really nice, mashallah....thanx for that!


    I could understand some arabic words but when they are formed into a sentence I just don't get it.....really frustrating......your probably right.....I should expose myself to more arabic literature......inshallah one day I'll speak fluently.

  2. Assalamu Alaikum ppl!


    Sorry for the late notice but there's going to be islamic lectures on at Melb uni. Try and attend if you can. It's for your own benefit.



    Lecture 1: Why don't you Pray?!

    Speaker: Bilal Dannoun

    Date: Friday, March 30

    Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm


    Lecture 2: Who are the real Superstars?

    Speaker: Abu Hamza

    Date: Saturday, March 31

    Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm


    Venue: Melbourne University, Copland Theatre, Gate 12, Royal Parade, Parkville. Melway 43-F3

  3. I would tell her off so bad!!!!!! Reading those emails made my blood boil.


    Your friend shouldn't think that if she speaks up that the prof will get her back! She should have no fear, toughen up and either go talk to someone superior to the prof or go talk to her directly!


    If that was me, I would go to the prof directly and set her straight!!!! Then I would approach someone higher. I'd screw her over hard core.


    Update us on what your friend decided to do! Khair inshallah.....

  4. Arabesque, both made me laugh!! I must admit, I am addicted to that show! And your right Arabesque, I do love the way they represent black men! Berk is my fav. I like izzy too. I hope she doesn't leave though, I have a feeling she is...


    But lately, I've been feeling bad about watching T.V so I'm trying not to watch it anymore. Yes......I's going to be soooo hard!

  5. ....I've been around, maybe not as much because uni started recently and it's slowly eating away any time I have.....soon, I'm not going to have time to sleep! lol I could so see that coming...

  6. I came across this and though it is really important and would be a good reminder for everyone!




    Speaking without knowledge is a dangerous matter. Allah said in Surat al-Isra’, Ayah 36:


    Do not act or give judgements in the Religion without knowledge. On the Day of Judgment one’s ears, eyes, and heart will be asked about their deeds.


    The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, also advised in this matter. Both at-Tirmidhiyy (in his

    book Al-Jami) and the hafidh, Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abu Bakr al-Qurashiyy (in his book, As-Samt, which means "The Silence") narrated from Prophet Muhammad that he said:


    "Say something good or else keep silent".


    This advice is important to follow because giving judgments in the Religion without knowledge is among the ways which lead a person to be a loser in the Hereafter. Indeed, this matter is among the top reasons leading people to enter Hellfire. The one who says something is "halal" (permissible) or "haram" (forbidden) in the Religion without relying on a valid religious permission to do so is sinful and deserves the severe torture in Hellfire.


    The pious, knowledgeable people said it is a very good act for the person to say: "I do not know," when it is applicable to do so. If one does not know the religious judgment on a particular case, he should not venture his own opinion on it. Once, when Imam ^Aliyy was asked about something which he did not know, he said, "I do not know." Then he added, "How soothing it is for me to say ‘I do not know’ when I do not know." Imam Aliyy meant that he felt comfortable not to answer a religious question when he did not know the answer to it. We should take heed and follow the words of Imam Aliyy in this matter. He was one of the most honored Companions of the Prophet--known for his high level of knowledge and comprehension in the Religion.


    Once, when Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, was asked what the best and the worst places were, he answered:"I do not know. I will ask Jibril." When the Prophet asked Jibril, Jibril also said, "I do not know." After a period of time, Jibril returned to Prophet Muhammad with the answer which Allah revealed to him: "The worst places are the markets and the best places are the mosques."


    This is a sahih hadith related by Imam Muslim and others. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, taught us a very important lesson by his response. It is not shameful for one to reply, "I do not

    know" when it is applicable, but it is shameful to speak about religious matters without knowledge.

    Only Allah knows everything. For the Muslim to be safe on the Day of Judgment, he should speak only about what he knows. If one needs an answer to a Religious question, he should ask one more

    knowledgeable than himself or a trustworthy Muslim who can ask another pious, knowledgeable Muslim. This is the way the knowledge of the Religion is taught, and this is the way the knowledge is preserved.