Jeenyo, we finally agree with one another.
As you stated, we have to redefine the term democracy in order to establish a workable system. In fact i am not qiute sure if the term itself has intrinsic meaning.
Angle-_Dust, thanks for agreeing with me. I can see that we both have a critical approach to this topic. You said “democracy is a state of mind.” That is why I said it doesn’t have an intrinsic meaning. It can be practiced the way one sees it fit. In terms of Shari’a, I don’t honestly know if we are ready to adopt it as a political system. Look at our conditions as Muslim Ummal, in terms of our conduct, behaviour and so on. How many of us go to the mosque for every salat? How many of us refrain from what Allah prohibited us? Are we really ready to implement the Shar’a? This is a question that needs to be answered by those who have more knowledge in the realm of Islam.
Africa is a very large continent with a different kind of religions, ritual, customs and so on. In other words, Africa is not a predominantly a Muslim. Angle_dust, I am trying to include all the other African countries in this discussion. As Africans we all have one goal—to free ourselves from the colonial legacy. We inherited a system, which is detrimental to our political, economic, and social interest. I am aware that most of Muslim countries need the Shar'a rule. However, this doesn’t mean that all the other Africans must have an Islamic state that practices Shari’a. Unarguably, Islam is what the world needs, because every other system failed to entail a peaceful resolution to the current social unrest in many parts of the world. But we all have to remember that imposing one’s ideology, religion, and culture on others is wrong. Islam doesn’t conger, but wins the heart of the people.
Thanks Jeenyo and Angle_Dust for sharing your ideas with me.