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  1. Matkey


    Muhammad Ash-Shareef American University, Washington DC A police officer in a Muslim country wrote the following letter to a Shaykh describing the events that led to his return to Allah. He recalls: Seeing accidents and crash victims was a normal part of my day, but one incident was different. My partner and I had parked on the shoulder of the highway and began to chat. In a random second, the scene shattered to the hideous sound of metal bodies becoming one. We threw our heads back to see what had happened: a head-on collision, the result of a vehicle slipping into the lane of the oncoming traffic. You couldn▓t describe the carnage. Two young men sprawled in the first car, both in critical condition. We carried them gently away from the car and rested them on the ground. Quickly we returned to assist the owner of the second car. He was dead. Back we went to the two young men lying side by side on the pavement. My partner began dictating the Shahadah to them. ⌠Say: La iIaha illAllah (there is no god but Allah), La iIaha illAllah┘■ ... their tongues wouldn▓t acknowledge. They started humming the hypnotic lyrics of some song. I was terrified. My partner had experience however and he kept repeating his instruction. I stood watching, no movement, eyes locked. Never in my life had I seen anything similar to what was going on before me. In fact, I▓ve never actually seen someone die, and never in such a satanic way. My partner continued to instruct them to say the Shahadah but there was no use. The hum of their song came to a slow silence, slowly. The first one stopped and then the other. Not a stir. Dead. We carried them to our patrol car, my partner made no effort to speak. Not a whisper between us two as we carried the corpses to the nearest hospital... Dear brothers and sisters, Ubayy ibn Khalaf confronted Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - one day with a rotted bone in his hand. He crushed it in front of his hands, let the wind blow it away and said, ⌠Muhammad do you claim that Allah will bring these ashes to life?!?" [Has not man considered how We created him from a drop of semen? Yet he is an open adversary! He makes something up to be compared with Us and forgets how he was created. He says, "Who will revive [our] bones after they have rotted away?] Allah replied Ubayy and everyone else who dares make the mistake: [say 'The one Who raised them up in the first place will revive them. He is aware of all creation.'] - Surah YaaSeen 36: 77-79 (From Tafseer Ibn Katheer) Reflecting over the topic of this khutbah, I came across a website where readers submit stories of their biggest regret. For some, it was a lost love, for others it was a job they passed up, and for still others it was a flip of fate that ended in a horrific way. But in all, the regrets were worldly candies that had been lost - short-lived pleasures of life. This is the world in which Allah decreed that summers always come to an end. Those stories were of living beings recalling their regrets. However, what I would like to see is a website where the dead would recall their regrets! They would not regret the lost love, or the silly job or the twist of fate, they would regret every second that they did not spend worshiping Allah. We are all here today because we claim that Laa ilaaha illa Allah Muhammadur Rasul Allah is what we believe. Nevertheless, the problem is that for many it is a belief that dropped its bags and sat down on the tongue and did not move on to penetrate the heart. There are many men and women of our Deen for whom this was not the case. Muhammad ibn Abi Imran narrates: I heard someone ask our shaykh Hatim al-Asum how he reached the level he was at in reliance upon Allah. He replied, "I became convinced in four things (i.e. that these four things penetrated my heart). One, I am convinced that no one else will eat the provision Allah has decreed for me, so I am content. And two, I am convinced that no one else is going to do good works except me, so I am busy doing it myself. Three, I am certain death shall come unexpectedly, so I am busying myself in expectation of it. And four, I am certain I shall never escape the Sight of Allah, so I am shy to disobey him while He is watching." Even though we all claim to believe what Hatim al-Asum is convinced of how many of us have it carried it past their tongue and allowed it a space in their heart. We all know what the media does to distort facts on the nightly news. They take a long speech, cut and paste, and take words out of context. Well, the media is not the only one that takes things out of context. Consider the following verse: [say: "My servants who have acted extravagantly against themselves still do not despair of Allah's mercy. Allah forgives all offences; He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.] So many of us have heard this verse out of context. It may seem like a human can do all the bad that they want and when they die they will go to heaven. But read on... [And turn in repentance towards your Lord and commit yourselves peacefully to Him before torment comes to you; then you will not be supported.] [Follow the finest part of whatever has been sent down to you from your Lord before torment comes upon you suddenly while you do not notice it.] [Lest some soul should say: "Alas my grief that I was undutiful to Allah and I was indeed among those who scoffed (at the truth)] - surah az-Zumar 39/53-56 This last verse is proof that the Qur'an cannot be translated. How do you explain the grief of 'Yaa Hassrataa!'? Imam At-Taahir ibn Aashoor tries explaining: Hasrah is extreme violent intoxicated regret. It is like a servant boy whose master charged him with the care of a flock. Thinking that the master was not watching, he slept and played, leaving the flock unattended. The flock went further and further away until a pack of wolves came and devoured every one. The regret is the regret that boy had to his master. On this line, Yahya ibn Mu'aadh - rahimahullah - said, "The most naОve thing in my eyes is to linger in sin - with no regrets - hoping for a far off pardon. And to hope to come closer to Allah without doing anything. And to wait for the harvest of Jannah with the seeds of Hell - waiting for reward without any deeds." You long for redemption but have not taken its road / Brother, boats don't sail in the desert! PART 2 The police officer that we mentioned earlier fell back into routine, as he narrates, and started to drift from Allah. But another event happened to him that sealed the return. He continues: ... What an odd world. After some time, about six months, a strange accident took place. A young man was moving along the highway normally, but within one of the tunnels leading to the city, he was maimed by a flat tire. To the side of the tunnel he parked and stepped to the back to remove the spare tire. The whistle of a speeding car from behind. In a second, it collided with the crippled car, the young man in-between. He fell to the ground with critical injuries. I rushed to the scene, myself and another partner other than the first. Together we carried the young man▓s body into our patrol car and phoned the hospital to prepare for his arrival. He was a young adult in his blossom years. Religious, you could tell from his appearance. He was mumbling when we carried him, but in our rush, we had not paid attention to what he was saying. However, when we placed him on his back in the patrol car we could make it out. Through the pain his heart was reciting Qur▓an! He was so immersed in the recitation ... Subhan Allah, you would have never said that this person was in intense pain. Blood had soaked his clothes crimson red, his bones had clearly snapped in several places. To tell the truth, he looked like he was staring into the eyes of death. He continued to read in his unique, tender voice. Reciting each verse in proper rhythm. In my entire life, I had never heard any recitation like it. I said to myself, I▓m ... I'm going to instruct him to say the Shahadah just like I saw my friend doing; especially since I had previous experience. My partner and I listened intently to that soft voice. I felt a shiver shock my back and up my arm, the hair stood. Suddenly, the hymn ceased. I watched silently as his hand rose softly. He had his index finger pointed upward to the heavens, saying the Shahadah (La ilaha illa Allah/There is no god but Allah). Then ... his head slumpt. Nothing. I jumped to the back seat, felt his hand, his heart, his breathing. He was dead! I couldn▓t stop staring at him. A tear fell but I hid it in shame. I turned back to my partner and told him that the boy▓s life had ceased - he burst out loud crying. Seeing a man cry like that, I could not control myself and my partner faded away behind the fall of my own tears. The patrol car fogged from the emotions. We arrived at the hospital. As we rushed through the corridors, we told all the doctors, nurses, and onlookers what had happened. So many people were affected by what we said, some stood there speechless and tearful. No one wanted to lose sight of the boy until they had been assured of the time and place he would be buried. One of the hospital staff phoned the boys home. His brother picked it up and was told of the accident. His brother told us about him: He used to go out every Monday to visit his only grandmother outside of town. Whenever he visited her, he made sure to spend time with the poor children idling the streets and the orphans. The town knew him - he was the one that would bring them the Islamic books and tapes. His dusty Mazda would be filled with rice and sugar and even candies √ couldn▓t forget the candies √ for those families who were in need. He would not stand for anyone to discourage him from the long journey to that town. He would always politely reply that the long drive gave him time to review his Quran and listen to Islamic lectures on his cassette deck. And ... and that with every step to the town he hoped for the reward he would find with Allah... It is true, brothers and sisters, that Allah is Merciful and forgives and forgives. [Yet I am quite Forgiving ... ] But to whom? [ ... towards anyone who turns (in repentance) and believes and acts honorable; then he will be guided.] - Surah Taha 20/82 [O our people! Respond to Allah's Caller (Muhammad - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and believe in him, Allah will forgive you of your sins and will save your from a painful torment.] - Surah al-Ahqaf 46/31 Just like we reply someone's call when they phone us - this is Allah and His Messenger calling us! Let us answer. There is a verse in the Qur'an that when Shaytaan read it he cried and felt regret. Read this verse, it is the door to our happiness in this life and the next: [And those who, if they commit an immorality or wrong themselves, remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who can forgive sins except Allah? - and who do not persist in what they have done while they know.] Allah then continues: [For those - their reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens beneath which rivers flow (in Jannah), wherein they shall abide eternally. Excellent is the reward of the (righteous) workers.] - Surah Ali-Imraan 3/135,136 Allah sent the Prophets and the books; He sent the warners and glad tiders; and He sent the reminders. And atop all that, Allah comes down to Samaa' ad-Dunya - in a way befitting of His Majesty - in the third portion of the night - every night - calling to every one of His servants: "Is there anyone who shall make Dua' so that I shall accept His Du'a? Is there anyone who shall ask for pardon so that I may pardon him?" Dear brothers and sisters, let us make a pledge tonight to set our alarm clocks at 2 am in the morning. We all know that if there was some special sports event on tv or someone had to catch a plane at that time they would be capable of waking up. Let's set the alarm to pray only 2 raka'at to Allah. And in Sajdah, recall just one sin - just one - between us and Allah and ask Allah ta'ala to forgive us for that sin, pledging that we shall never return to it. Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - taught us that Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than a man who loses his camel in the desert and in that waste land loses hope of life; In that state he sits down awaiting death to come; then he opens his eyes and finds his camel standing beside him with all the provisions to take him home. In his extreme happiness he cries out: "O Allah, you are my servant and I am your Lord!!" He said it wrong from the bliss of happiness. Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - said that verily Allah is more happy with our towbah than this man! Tonight at 2 am, let's all try to make Allah happy with us. Believe me, we won't regret it.
  2. Shujui-1, thanks for taking the time to read this article. Now days people are incline to resettle their countries in order to preserve their religion and culture. the irony is that even the muslim countries are susceptible to western deception... they (U.S and the likes) are using every possible way inflitrate the mulsim countries through dissemination of their culture, relgion and ideology. as the article says, they event set up their network television and radio to brain wash the Iraqi people.
  3. Matkey


    I am starting to feel a sense of nation-hood and cohesiveness in this forum. This is what we have been lacking for the past……We can start our struggle to reinstate our dignity wherever we are whether it would be abroad or back home. The foundation for reconstructing our nation lie in our cohesiveness and our respect for another. Please keep it up|
  4. aslaama alaykum, I completely understand your concern for our country, and hope that everyone here feels the same way. But what can we do to reverse our current situation?
  5. aslaama alyakum, i found this article in the internet, and it talks about how things are unfolding in Iraq. May 2, 2003 (AlterNet) The U.S. government this week launched its Arabic language satellite TV news station for mostly Muslim Iraq. It is being produced in a studio – Grace Digital Media – controlled by fundamentalist Christians who are rabidly pro-Israel. That's grace as in "by the grace of God." Grace Digital Media is controlled by a fundamentalist Christian millionaire, Cheryl Reagan, who last year wrested control of Federal News Service, a transcription news service, from its former owner, Cortes Randell. Randell says he met Reagan at a prayer meeting, brought her in as an investor in Federal News Service, and then she forced him out of his own company. Grace Digital Media and Federal News Service are housed in a downtown Washington, D.C. office building, along with Grace News Network. When you call the number for Grace News Network, you get a person answering "Grace Digital Media/Federal News Service." According to its web site, Grace News Network is "dedicated to transmitting the evidence of God's presence in the world today." "Grace News Network will be reporting the current secular news, along with aggressive proclamations that will 'change the news' to reflect the Kingdom of God and its purposes," GNN proclaims. The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the U.S. government agency producing the television news broadcasts for Iraq, likes to say it is the BBC of the USA. BBG runs Radio Free Europe, Voice of America, and Radio Sawa – Arabic language radio for the Middle East. "Our mission is clear," BBG's Joan Mower told us. "To broadcast accurate and objective news about the United States and the world. We don't do propaganda, leafleting – we are like the BBC in that respect." Well, then why hook up with Grace? BBG's Joan Mower said that Grace Digital Media is a mainstream production house used by all kinds of mainstream news organizations. "Grace will have nothing to do with the editorial side of the news broadcast," she said. "They are renting us equipment, space, studio. The Grace personnel we use include technicians, production people but no editorial people." But Mower said she couldn't get us a copy of the contract between BBG and Grace Digital Media. Nor could she say how Grace Digital was chosen as the production studio. Grace News Network proclaims that it will be a "unique tool in the Lord's ministry plan for the world," according to the company's mission statement. "Grace News Network provides networking links and portals to various ministries and news services that will be of benefit to every Christian believer and seeker of truth." The CEO of Grace News Network is Thorne Auchter. The same Thorne Auchter who began the dismantling of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under Presidents Reagan and George Bush I. Auchter did not return our calls seeking comment for this story. While it's unclear whether Grace News Network actually produces any news, it has produced a documentary movie titled "Israel: Divine Destiny" which it showed at the National Press Club in September 2002. The film is about "Israel's destiny and the United States' role in that destiny," according to Grace News Network. Grace News said that it could not make a copy of the film available to us at this time, since it is now undergoing post-production editing. Nor could it provide a transcript. The mainstream media has documented strong and growing ties between right-wing Republican Christian fundamentalists and right-wing Sharonist Israeli expansionists. This alliance is personified in Ralph Reed's Stand Up for Israel, a group formed to "mobilize Christians and other people of faith to support the State of Israel." President Bush has very strong ties to fundamentalist Christians, most notably Franklin Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham. Last week, Franklin Graham delivered a Good Friday message at the Pentagon, despite an uproar over his previous slander of Islam as "a very evil and wicked religion." Don Wagner, a professor of religion and director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at North Park University, an evangelical Christian college in Chicago, has written extensively about what he calls Christian Zionism, whose leaders he identifies as, among others, Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer, and Franklin Graham. "Christian Zionists have historically pointed to Genesis 12:3-96 – I will bless those who bless you. And the one who curses you, I will curse," Dr. Wagner said. "They have interpreted this to mean that individuals and nations who support the state of Israel will be blessed by God. It has come to mean political, economic and moral support, often uncritically rendered to the state of Israel." Grace News Network seems to fit the mold. Joan Mower says that BBG is currently producing and transmitting six hours of news into Iraq including a dubbed version of the daily evening news from ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and PBS, plus three hours of original news programming from BBG. BBG says it sees no problem in having Grace produce the evening news broadcast for Iraq. Given the brewing anti-American revolt through all sectors of Iraqi society, maybe it should reconsider. We called Grace Digital Media to speak with Cheryl Reagan. Her secretary told us that she has been away in extended vacation for more than a month – in Israel. When will she back? we asked. No one knows, the secretary said.
  6. asalaama alaykum my bros and sists I couldn't have put it better than all of you | As most of you stated, it is true that democracy in western context can never be compatible with our culture and religion. The system is intended to undermine religious and the cultural values. Today our worldviews are defined by these western notion that democracy is the only avenue to attain prosperity, workable political system and so on. they purport that islam is detrimental to human exitence. In contrast, Islam is the only way in which we can end all these atrocities, injustices, and corruption in our country. As for the whole continent who are still in pursue of western lies and deception, we need complete disengagement from what they have been preaching to us for past forty or fifty years|| May Allah (SW) make us those who help one another. wa alaykum salaam
  7. aslaama alaykum, Baashi, thanks for recommending the article, Impossible History, by Edward Said. Indeed it was very enlightening. i have heard the name, but didn't know he is well known scholar.
  8. Did Huntington mention the war of Armageddon, or the end times? i just wanted to know if his premises were based on the biblical perspective or the current international system. Post-september eleven, many people are becoming interested in discussing the final battle between islam and kufar/west. Please disregard my question if it is ambiguous. thanks
  9. Asalaama alykum, The answer to your question depends upon one's circumstance...As for me i would say that i am better off in back home if the political situation would have been more stable than it is now. Ilaah baa mahat leh, I am doing well in terms of my school and other things in life. However, despite how much money you have or how well educated you are, you will still be considered as a foreigner or immigrant. In other words, you won’t have sense of belonging in this society (North America, Europe and so on) the same way you do when you are in back home. Moreover, you won’t have the same privilege or accessiblity as the Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-american or European person does. We will only function within structural constraints. That is we will never influence or challenge the existing system even if it is detrimental to our own religion and cultural practices. my answer to this question is based on the religion and cultural aspect, rather material aspect. wa alaykuma salaam
  10. Shujui-1, aslaama alaykum my brother, I have also read some of your other postings; they are very enlightening. It is true that there isn’t single Islamic state, which is counterpart to US hegemony; and i don’t think that there will be one any time soon. However, U.S is paving the way for the emergence of Islamic states or empire by attacking all these muslim countries in order to insert government that conforms to its ideology. For example, Iraqi people were thought to be enthusiastic about adopting democratic state after US ousted Sadam’s regime. On the contrary, most of them want an Islamic state. US miscalculation post-war in is still to be seen…whoever the next target (Syria, Egypt, Libya, and so on) might be, it will mark the beginning of the reinstatement of Islamic state. Look at the people in these countries such as Egypt, Syria, Jordan and the likes, who are discontent with US policy. but all the Arab regime did nothing, except restrain muslims from opposing or rejecting the kufar’s ideology and culture. As the situation stands in many parts of muslim nations, it is less likely to see a muslim country emerging as counter hegemony. My argument is that it is too early to rule out Huntington’s prediction about future war between Islam and the west. After all, it has been only a decade since disintegration of Soviet Union. It is true that muslims has always been perceived as an enemy, but it was the last eight or ten years that Islam became the central theme of US foreign policy.
  11. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Who would you vote for? Now, Who would you vote for? Please, post your comments also Don’t you think it is premature to talk about an election in that part of the country? It seems to me that we have not learnt from our past mistakes. These two men don’t represent the other parts of the country, where majority of Somalis live. You are disregarding the other part such as Kismaayo, Marka, Bay, Bakool….. Do people who reside these regions have a voice? Isn’t time for them to control their own destiny? I thought we passed this stage—nomadic mentality, which empade us from moving forward. Besides they have political contenders for the leadership as well as those you have mentioned. Shouldn’t you include those contenders so that we could have a fair “election” My brother, on what ground are these two men fit the leadership? One thing I know is that they are not more qualified than the others; moreover, none of them has any support from those parts of the country. LST, aren’t you suppose to gauge the political ramification of the question you have posted? Because one would think that your question is carrying different denotation—Yusuf and Qasim are suitable for the leadership in order to end the antagonism between their tribes. Well my brother, the other Somalis have became cynical about……. They too want to play major role in the political spectrum. In fact t they are the one who should be given a chance because they don’t have the historical antagonism that exist between other tribes. They have lived peacefully before their ways of live were interrupted by— I tried my best to abstain from mentioning any names or tribes. However, anyone with objective approach comprehends my underlying argument of Somali politics and history. If this is not the right forum or site for discussing the issues I have raised, then, I must said I am in the wrong site or forum MATKEY
  12. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Guys, I have to share this with you. My friend's father in Minneapolis is advocating for the breakup of Somalia into 10 to 13 states. People are taking the idea to heart walaaahi. It was actually surprising to know that some former Somali ministers and many scholars are also pushing for the idea urgently. LST, I think i heard my professor saying the something...Somali conflict can be solved by making it into bulding blocks. In fact UN has been endorsing this approach, because any other method (conflict management) has failed to entail peaceful resolution in Somalia. Is this our last resort to obtain some sort of stability? Can these blocks or entities become autonomous state? thanks
  13. S.O.S, what can i say? i am stunned :eek: . it is very funny thanks for the input
  14. Originally posted by S.O.S: He insisted humans are animals and do primitive things that animals are only known for doing such as making tools and resolving conflicts. Can animals resolve conflict? If they are, then, the implication is that they meet the criteria to be human. I am saying this because resolving conflict requires reasoning. I understand that animals do make tools for their survival the same way humans do. But I need to know whether animals are capable of resolving their differences. As some of the brothers already stated, the mind is the distinguishing mark b/n humans and animals. I deviated from the discussion to know whether animals can resolve their conflict Thanks,
  15. Originally posted by Sage: "So people open your eyes to the reality and stop dwelling on the past." History enables human being (those with conscience) to correct their present and future events. I am not insinuating that we could know before hand about any event. Unarguably, Allah (S.W) is the one who predetermines every thing in this universe. But we are given faculty of mind in order to calculate or measure the outcome of our decisions on the present and future events. We are not just animals who act upon their impulses. So please don’t tell us to disregard what happened the past. These are antecedent conditions, which need to be examined carefully. In so doing, we have to look back the past so that we can discover the forces behind our current conditions. How are we going to correct our mistakes if we shut our eyes to our past experience? As I stated before, our current condition is attributed to the past or old regime. Therefore, re-electing anyone from the old regime will not improve our current situation. In terms of the warlords, they are bunch of power-hungerie who want to replicate what the old one did. Thanks
  16. Horn of Africa, i apologize my sister for misunderstanding your comment. It was exactly six minutes before my class when I read your comments. I went through your comment very quickly and reached uncalculated conclusion. I read it again right after class, and I understood your point. Second, i must say i did not think my remarks about Bare would cause some friction. What makes me angry is that we some how are incline to some historical redemption. To be more specific we expect anyone from the old regime to have panacea to our problem, because they were slightly better than these warlords. people say that we had some stability in Somalia before the civil war, which I agree to some extent. But let’s not forget that our current political condition is attributed to the old regime. I am not supporting or condoning what these warlords did, but the legacy of the old one still continues. Had the old regime stepped down before its collapse, situation in Somalia would have been different. Every warlord wants to replicate what the old one did---to get the piece of the pie. In other words, monopolization of state power by one tribe. please accept my apology, thanks
  17. Originally posted by HornAfrique: [QB] Salaamz Nomads "This guy is fairly new to me, but I should say what I have read about him isn't bad. He is not a warlord and has distanced himself from the anarchy and warlordism that has gripped our egalitarian society this past decade." Do we have to define what regime is? wasn' he prime minister of the old regime? i don't want over emphasise on this. Please read my comment| No one is saying he is marehan or fulan this or fulan that--simply the guy was one of the previous regime and should be indicted. no one is saying any thing about qabiil. and please read what i have stressed in the forum. thanks
  18. asalaama alaykum, "Hey Barre deserves a chance, i'd definitely vote for him." OBLIVION, are you for real? All of them, including Bare, use the changed political climate as means to promote dormant ambition. they have nothing to offer except exacerbate the existing conditions. on the contrary, these people should be dealt with as criminal|| then again who is going to indict them? beacuse ICJ (international court of justice) became a joke. Insha Allah theye will some day bay for what they have done to their own people. Thanks,
  19. Originally posted by SomaliaOnline-President: "If we are not a threat, then why do they have over 800 Marines in Jabuuti? Clearly, they are not there for picnic. Rummy boy is upto something." Somali President, thanks for the input. Che-uevera, sorry for the misunderstanding--you were right. i don't really understand the purpose behind US presence in Jabuut. But i don't puy into the notion that US has an enemy in that region or any other region for that matter. I don’t thin the rouge countries such as Somalia can pose any threat to US. US created this imaginary enemy in order to legitimize any military action against any country who refutes its policy. I am still not convinced that the event took place nine eleven was masterminded by whoever US says was behins it . This imaginary enemy serves two purposes: First, as che-uaver stated, it allows US to take pre-emptive war in order to divert public mind during economic slow down. In other words, it creates sense of cohesiveness among people--because the country is at war. And second, US can invade any country when the regime of that country fails to conform to policies set by them. Believe me I am not trying to construct a conspiracy theory. Realism approach is what has occupied the central theme of US foreign policy. What I want to know is that how can Somalia pose threat to US? my argument wa that US has created this non-existent enemy. If you noticed all their speeches, they kept on saying “they hate us” or they are “jealous of our freedom.” Who is they? I agree with che-uaver tha Somalia has good resources in terms of oil and uranium and therefore US may have an interest in horn of Africa, particularly Somalia. thanks
  20. aslaam alaykum my brs/sis i am fairly new in this forum, and am glad to have this discussion with you. "Paul Wolfowitz is one of the authors of the Bush Doctrine. It is no secret these people want to neutralize anything that threatens Isreal and wanna make the oil flow from da middle east freely." According to my limited knowledge, I thin this doctrine was set forth right after the end of cold war. Due to the Russia’ disintegration, international relations were no longer balanced by bipolar system. Many believed that US gave green light to Saddam for the invasion of Kuwait. hence US got the opportunity to implement this doctrine. I think some of you remember slogan, “new world order"—it marked the beginning of US expansion in that region. in terms of Somalia, US doesn't see it as threat nor considers to be geopolitical interest i am receptive to your ideas thanks
  21. Asalaama alaykum my br/sis I posted similar topic or question. nevertheless, let me share my ideas on how we would end this on-going social unrest in our country. most of us suggested that the islamic rule is panacea to our problem. According to my limited understanding of any realm of knowledge, each individual should understand his or her purpose on this world--becoming a true obedient to our creator. most of us became a people of slogan, rather than constructive. Shari'a can be easily implemented in society whose conduct and behaviour are innately governed by islamic faith. it is true that many of us prey, fast and give charity. Howevr, we have endless animosity towards one anther. if we are truly a good muslims, why our IBADA is not manifesting on our behaviors and conduct? I have seen people making a bad remarks about tribes right after the Juma salat. I think it has to start with individuals. We need to have a tolerance and respect for each other. Look at this society we live in—they are more tolerant than us. May Allah guide us to the right path thanks
  22. Asalaamu Alykum my brothers and sisters, As we all know, it has been over twelve years, and yet we have had no success in terms of building state that has one political entity. There have been many meetings in effort to end the internal conflict; however, they all failed to produce a promising future for the Somalis. What do you think are the mechanism for building state? Can we have state that integrates every qabiil into the government? If so, how can we sustain that? Because it said that Somalis are nomads, therefore they are incapable of establishing one that has complete authority over its people. Is is true tha tribalism precedes or Supercedes nationalism? if so isn't this obstacle to state building? What is your opinion on this? Thanks
  23. asalaama alyakum, It is VERY SAD to read some of the comments posted by--- I am not sure if some of you understood the topic. it seems to me that some of you focused on tribal discourse rather than discussing ethiopian threat to somalia. What does this tell you? i am not even going to bather commentin about it. Here we are in this part of the wordl, and yet we can't resolve our differences. first, you must solve your own internal conflict, then worry about outside or external forces,Ethiopia. apparently, we are threat to one another. peace
  24. "Now Education will group people under interests ie environmentalists, scientists, economists. etc" I understand your point. But how would these change the human behaviour? What i mean is that we have many "educated" people in Africa, and yet our condition has not changed for the better. These so-called educated people are the ones who perpetuate our existing economic and political conditions. attaining PhDs from academy of higher learning will not make someone a good human being. I agree the fact that schools train and teach students add, subtract, literature, and so on. It also teaches to obey the rule of law, and rule of good behaviour. But what rule of law are we talking about? If you remember, my first argument was to disengage from western ideology. Then how would someone who is educated in western Hampshire can build or construct ideology that suits our social structure? Western education is set up to fit their own structure. In other words, western education system promotes western political system or I should say ideology. As I stated, I am oppose to capitalism ideology. Besides, for the dominant group or class, school has become tool to control society. What imean is that only few corporate people benefits from this system, while masses are drawn in the factories, hard labors and so on. We do not have social stratification in Africa where the rich exploit the poor. Unarguably, we have tribal and ethnic conflict in africa. I said it before; we never had historical antagonism in Africa. As you know Somalis are the generous people—what I have is yours. We like to help the others despite their tribes. We are not individualistic people driven by material world unlike the westerns. As we all know these societies measure everything on the basis of dollar values, rather human values. They basically use Hobbsian and Machiavellian approach in order to survive. This is why I strongly argued that their survival depends on our state of dependency. Also I am not insinuating that everyone who is educated in this part of the world had failed to recognize the root cause of our problem. But I have seen many africans who were brain washed or indoctrinated by this system, and all they do is critizise africa for its problem. All we need is some tolerance and respect and sense of belonging society as whole rather than qabiil. I believe this is not something people gain from schools and universities. It is intrinsic to humans. I have seen PhD holder talking about QABIIL—aniga ayaa gob ah iyo adig waa lagaa tira badan yahay, reerkeena wa libaaxyo and so on. I am receptive to your ideas. Peace to you all Matkey
  25. Hi Dust, "Now Education will group people under interests ie environmentalists, scientists, economists. etc" I understand your point. But how would these change the human behaviour? What i mean is that we have many "educated" people in Africa, and yet our condition has not changed for the better. These so-called educated people are the ones who perpetuate our existing economic and political conditions. attaining degree from academy of higher learning will not make someone a good human being. I agree the fact that schools train and teach students add, subtract, literature, and so on. It also teaches to obey the rule of law, and rule of good behaviour. But what rule of law are we talking about? If you remember, my first argument was to disengage from western ideology. Then how would someone who is educated in western Hampshire can build or construct ideology that suits our social structure? Western education is set up to fit their own structure. In other words, western education system promotes western political system or I should say ideology. As I stated, I am oppose to capitalism ideology. Besides, for the dominant group or class, school has become means to control society. What imean is that only few corporate people benefits from this system, while masses are drawn in the factories, hard labors and so on. We do not have social stratification in Africa where the rich exploit the poor. Unarguably, we have tribal and ethnic conflict in africa. we never had historical antagonism in Africa. As you know Somalis are the generous people—what I have is yours... We like to help the one another despite our tribal differences. We are not individualistic people driven by material world unlike the westerns. As we all know these societies measure everything on the basis of dollar values instead of human values. They basically use Hobbsian and Machiavellian approach in order to survive. This is why I strongly argued that their survival depends on our state of dependency. I am not insinuating that everyone who is educated in this part of the world had failed to recognize the root cause of our problem. But I have seen many africans who were brain washed or indoctrinated by this system, and all they do is critizise africa for its problem. All we need is some tolerance and respect and sense of belonging society as whole rather than qabiil. I believe this is not something people gain from schools and universities. It is intrinsic to humans. I have seen PhD holder talking about QABIIL—aniga ayaa gob ah iyo adig waa lagaa tira badan yahay, reerkeena waa libaaxyo and son on. I am receptive to your ideas thanks