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Everything posted by Matkey

  1. congrats everyone and good luck with your next step.
  2. Originally posted by Entrepreneur: Matkey, Baashi and the rest of you thanks for the responses. My bro, you are very welcome. I should be thanking you for engaging us to discuss this topic.
  3. MMA said "Madhayta ii Mooregaabeey lan maal qaboow dagee!" And this one, my favourite: "Hooba naar galaasa, bartaa ay li aragnee, tiimbooy And this one, my favourite: "Hooba naar galaasa, bartaa ay li aragnee, tiimbooy GOOD ONE ! Beesadi hege laka degi lahaaye iyaa aruuri yowhaaye. Aysin, ogsana inti dadka badanshoo fahamayan. Laakiin matawiyana qof sifeelan inka hadalo iyaa ka aragase meelun. Adi, Nuune iyo LST maah maah iyaa iidhawteen. oo fiijideen wallahi, Ilaa hada fiiksana LOlll Nuune, abaaba heye jacburiska aad sheegeysid maxaa waaye. maah maah aad eber iinka dhigti. ilaa hada maah maah iya waydiyoo haye, and i still don't have one. I gotta call moora gaabey and ask them to send me the "dictionary", because i am getting killed here [ June 10, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Matkey ]
  4. hijabified sista, Matkey, A nomad at last huh i know how it feels wlc to the Nomad world no more alien..Can i join the zab too whatever it is yes it feels good to be here. Hijabified Sista, zab has different meanings depending on the context it is used for. In this sense zab means inviting or welcoming new family member (me and silent-sistah) with hilib iyo bariis. Yes you can join the zab but I am not the one who suppose to throw the party. [ June 10, 2003, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Matkey ]
  5. Originally posted by NoVa_03: ala kuwanaa zabaa rabtiin?? ma'sacadaan??? don't worry' we'll catch up a big humberger' @ the crip' sxb,adiga zabta hanaga hor istaagin... it is our custome to welcome the new members with zab thanks Nova
  6. Jah ani gaalo i waayti! Hada afkey leka dowahi. Isin may iinka sheegi wayteen LST af maayka gorade :eek: : Nuun, widaayow madhaayta iyo moori gaabey iyaa i hasuu sidi MMA, koo obsodi widaayo! Afka sida adi inka dowhaaso iyaa layaabi :eek: Brothers, good to see that af reewin language is spoken here! After all we are Somalis despite the differences in terms of language or the dialect we use. This is an indication of how this site welcomes all Somalis despite their differences in term of language, vernacular or any other minor differences. Wallaahi um malayn in reewin lagaga hadlo this site. hey it's all good... because this is SOL. [ June 09, 2003, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: Matkey ]
  7. Originally posted by Man Of Freedom: We somalian all must unite against all forms of terror and we must condame all forms of terror. I was abashed how we fail our desire to critisize terrorism. We have so many outlawed groups who's intentions is to commit atrocities where ever there are civilians, The freedom of every human being is at risk, as long these groups exist within us. I came in cotuct with so many somalians who are proud of what terrorist have done to our country. if you support the ideologies of Terror, your freedom is at risk. Hey Bush, is that you? :confused: you almost had me fooled... you are son of a gun. when is your next move? I heard that syria and iran have WMD too
  8. Silen-sistah, Maxaa kugu daraa walaashis, Zabta aan ujeedin meeshay kabaxdey. May be the administration is saying that zabtiina eeyaa cuney Silent-sister, nice meeting you and the other fellows in this site.
  9. Good to be part of the family! Now that i have my citizenship (NOMAD)in SOL, waxaan rabaa in ADMIN uu ZAB noodhigo for welcoming the brothter (me) . Honestly my time is well spent here. My perception of my fellow Somalis has changed when i first read some of the postings. there are many people in this site whom i admire immensely; and i hope we will continue to excahnge our ideas. Again good to be here!
  10. Asalaam Alaykum br/sis we need to pay little bit attention to the system whether it would be Western Europe or North America. Insha Allah i will continue some other time
  11. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: 2 I guess yu are flag waving, country singing , redneck, oops i meant skinny. Watching too much Bill Orielly, huh? GOOD ONE!
  12. Khayr, i could not have put it better! Entrepreneur, let me see if i can answer this one Originally posted by Entrepreneur: Fouzia, who decides on what morality is? is it really the intellect? According to my limited knowledge, morality is relative term that varies on the basis of group or community context; thus culture and language are one of the main sources---which determine the context, according to secularism perspective. But from our Islamic perspective, our faith is definitive factor that determines what is to be moral in general. Islam sets guide-lines and principles for human being to follow, so that they can be a people of substance rather that mere beings. One’s moral behaviour is determined by how much knowledge (the purpose of his/her life in this world) one has. In other words a true IMAAN breeds good moral behaviour, while ignorance entails immoral behaviour. Knowledge (understanding of one’s duty to Allah) and morality (manifestation of the IMAN on human conduct or behaviour) are inseparable. In the philosophical realm, there are different theories of exactly what is to be moral and corresponding differences concerning the best way to live. For this reason there have been ongoing philosophical debates in terms of what act is regarded as moral or immoral and applicability of definitive moral standard to every part of the world. Moral theories, to paraphrase, try to state the basic principle or the underlying ideas of morality. These philosophers (such as Kant, Hume, Descartes, Aristotle and so on) had tried to substantiate standard moral behaviour through mere reason rather than divine revelation. All most each one denied the premise upon which other’s edifice of idea was based. Their assumption that human perception and logic could lead to knowledge about metaphysical realty were unsatisfactory to obtain true understanding of their purpose of life. Hence morality becomes relative term---which depends on one’s own interpretation and understanding. The implication is that In the processes of reasoning we discern more or less what act is acceptable and vice versa. Human beings are faced with difficulties---separating or constraining their desire during the process of reasoning,and hence ultimate decision coincide and suit their best “interest” even if it is opposite to Allah’s commandment. It is for this reason that we need faith to govern our desire and action. I didn’t give specific example as to what is/isn't moral . My definition is definitely based on Islamic approach. my knowledge of both realm (philosophy and theology) is VERY LIMITED, so may Allah forgive me for the unintended mistakes. waalykum aslaam
  13. War on Terror Hits Somali Orphans (Islamweb) By Hassan Barise (BBC) Thousands of Somali orphans cared for by a Saudi aid agency could have their lives affected by the United States' war on terror. The Saudi Arabia Government has ordered its international staff working for al-Haramain aid agencies to leave Somalia after a recent allegation from the United States Government that it has links with terrorist organisations. The offices of al-Haramain have already been closed in Bosnia, Croatia, Indonesia and Malaysia. In the last few days the Ethiopian, Kenyan and Tanzanian offices have also been told to close, according to al-Haramain officials. Food worries He said: "Our camps hardly have enough food stocks for the next 10 days... and we don't know what will happen after that". Despite his worried expression, Mr Qumaysi said that the orphanage has been contacted by Somalis living abroad who are related to the orphans and told them to keep the children for a while, while they look for money. Some Somali businessmen have also asked teachers at the orphanages not to send the children onto the streets, but to wait as they try and raise the funds. Mr Qumaysi said: "It is strange that the US says the Muslim aid agencies are terrorists, but they don't bring their own agencies to replace them. Isn't this just another way of killing the orphans whose parents have died during civil strive in Somalia?" Transit point Al-Haramain has five orphanages in Mogadishu as well as others in Merca, Burao and the self-declared Republic of Somaliland. They employ over 700 people. This is not the first time that al-Haramain has been accused of having links with terrorist organisations. About a year ago it was put on a US list of terror groups, and then later removed. Mr Qumaysi said the al-Haramain office in New York remains operational, but nobody knows why their offices are being closed down. Last month, a United Nations report found no evidence that international terror groups were based in Somalia. However, the 62-page report does say that those responsible for recent terror attacks in East Africa passed through Somalia. Wednesday : 21/05/2003
  14. Good topic! As most of u stated, not all inlaws are bad but some of them are. What distinguishes one from the other is the Taqwa of Allah (swt). Those with a good taqwa always try to abstain from couple's business except when their help is needed. If the inlaws are ahlu diin, they want the marriage of their doughter/sun to last, and hence they always give good advice when the marriage is in crisis; because they know that Allah doesn't like the divorce, although He made it permissible. according to my opinion, it is the best to live some distance from.....and whilst keep in touch with them most of the time. After all, they are like your parents.
  15. Asalaam alaykum bro/sis are you guys claiming to be scholar in the Islamic realm? Does anyone comprehend every verse in the Qur’an? If the answer is no, please refrain from engaging this debate, because all i read was that some Shiekh said this or that without prove or sources pertaining to your argument. Wallaahi danbi baad ka qaadeysan sababtoo ah none of you know or have a clue of what you are arguing or debating bout. This is not a philosophical debate about human nature or what not...where reason dictates the whole argument. We are dealing Allah’s wisdom, which can only be comprehended by Ulama. Please stop citing the verses that are irrelevant to this subject. May Allah forgive us all
  16. Originally posted by wardi: assallamu aleykum dhamaantiin walaalaha qaaliga ah marka hore waad ku mahad santihiin sida caafimaadka leh aad isku dhaafsaneysaan fikradaha kala duwan..marka waxaan idin xasuusinayaa duco intabadan aad maqasheen laakiin dadku macna heeda masii fiiriyaan , waxey leedahay macno weyn ducadaas waatan : illaahayow hogaamiye kaa baqo oo dadkiisa u naxariisto noo sahal, su'aashu waxey tahay hogaamiyaasha maanta illaah ma ka baqaan ? dadkoodana ma u naxariistaan, marka walaalayaal..aan badino ducaadaas...mida labaad illaah qoom /ummad ma dooiryo iney ayaga is dooriyaan ama is badalaan.annaga noqoney dad xun sidaas ayaa imtixaan noolaga dhigey hagoomiyaasheena,,,,,,,raali ahaada ingriiska qoraalkiisa saas ikuu guma fiicnin. Ducadada waxan leeyahay AAMIIN. Walaal meeshan waa meel soomaalida loogu talagalay in ay fikradooda is dhafsadan. Sidaas daraateed aad baad ug sax santahay inaad luqadaada hooy ku dhiibatid fikradada. Ingriisku luqadeena ma aha,waa luqad qalaad. Tankalena Ingriisku waa luqad ee ma aha cilmi.
  17. salaama my bro/sis Baashi, you have raised good questions| As the situation stands, tribalism takes precedence over nationhood, as Che-Guevara put it. Most of us held tenaciously to the vestiges of our tribal ideas, which constrains our perception of one another. When such issues of Somali politics arise, people voice their opinion from tribal standpoint, and hence our discourse fails to yield positive outcome. Meaning that we become emotional when discussing our current politics. Our emotion will only stop us from our rational pursuit of the truth. Lack of nationhood entails and perpetuates this xenophobia (us Vs them) and later results in state of anarchy like our current state of affairs. We need to transcend this tribal affiliation…. and be committed to the pursuit of common goals—greater Somalis. I am not insinuating that this tribal connection should be eradicated, but greater emphasis should be given to the common interest and goals of society as whole. Then, what is the mechanism for our end goal? 1- What are the causes of current condtions? One would answer this question after he/she examined objectively the causes of our political condition, in order to avoid any replication of our current condition. This is where Somalis disagree with one anothers, because each one wants to be the victim and innocent; and therefore we can't reach any consensus as to what the causes are. That is why we need to analyze thoroughly and objectively forces behind our current problem. We shouldn't concern about whose blame it was, but how and why did it happen. 2- Forgiveness is the main ingredient of confidence building—trusting one another. As adversaries or stalemate we need to have the same mindset in order to attain a successful dialogue. otherwise we won't get anywhere like those thugs in Kenya. 3- We need to build state that has Islamic constitution to which we can all relate, as oppose to tribal one. I know i didn’t mention democracy… i have legitimate reason why demo isn’t workable, but this is a different discussion for different time. I know i sound idealistic…however i think this is how our problem should be solved. Wa alaykum aslaam
  18. Inaa Lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun May Allah (swt) grant him Janatul Fardawza. Reerkiisana Ilaahay Sabar iyo iimaan haka siiyo.
  19. Originally posted by Instinct-Poet: I'm in school for one reason to help my self and others in my country where my help is really needed.Is kinda nice to see many young nomad who you can relate with. Thank god for that.. Lets not forget where we came from. We are a people who have a land called somalia It belongs to us. me,you,,him,her lets build our home together. Our future is in our hands..... Asalaama Alaykum my bro/sis Instinct-Poet, this is a good intention, and may Allah (swt) be with you and your family all the way. Just to know that there is someone like you makes me question my purpose of doing what i do in this life. Insha Allah you will be a true role model for today's generation and the coming ones.
  20. asalaam alyakum, the proponent of this ideology (democray) convince themselves that they were the measure of everything and that their so-called superb rationality would guarantee them the highest peak of knowledge, power and so on. This conviction later became touchstone for the far reaching ideology, democracy. Westerners remain convinced that their civilization is the only legitimate way of life as well as measure of any other culture and politics. For instance, their international laws, their charter of human rights, their economic system are all regarded by them as the essential ingredient of world order or culture. Hence, any system other than this (democracy in the western context) is considered as backward or uncivilized. Everyone is saying that Islam is the alternative to this western paradigm. Then, why are the muslims of today disenclined to have and Islamic state? Muslims are divided into sects (wahaabism, modern muslim, fundamentalism and so on).
  21. asalama alaykum my bro/sists Batuulo, You are 100% right, as you said. My sister you must be haafis al Qur'an. i didn't think someone would answer it that soon. Muslim-sis, at least i tried it, though i didn't get the right answer. But it was worth trying it. And by the way thanks for point...i think it is for effort.
  22. asalama alaykum, I have seen this book , Counter Punch by M. Ladah, which talks about Araba's conquest into Eropean continent during 711. I could be wrong, because i didn't read the book. Answer the year 711 Tariq ibn Ziyad crossed the straight now named after him as the straight of Jabal Tariq, the Straight of Gibraltar, with a modest invasion force of 300 cavalry and 7,000 infantry. Reference: Counter Punch by Michael S. Ladah Which Sura contains all its Ayaat with the word Allah?
  23. Originally posted by Waaq: The title of this thread is both stupid and simplistic. this is not some zero-sum game with discrete outcomes. How do you reconcile these three (Islam, Tribalism and Democracy)? that is the unswere i am trying to find. are you implaying Islam, Tribalism and democracy should be parallel. i need explanatory statemen, rather than descriptively stated argument. can anyone give a rational explanation as to how we can integrate these three into state ascendency? thanks
  24. Originally posted by Thought_Control: salama the democracy under we live in for those who are abroad for instance me in canada and some in usa is an exception for exemple the states democracy is based on consumerism, economics where the slogan is spend...spend..spend human rights comes maybe second if not last. democracy. pluralism. individualism, no sens of communauty, greed, etc.. those are the elements u will find in american democracy. asalama alaykum bro/sis democracy, in western context, is what you stressed in your posting. that is what i meant western context more or less. Thus my argument was it isn't compatible with islam.According to my limited knowledge, the term itself can have different meaning and hence it can be practiced the way one sees it fit. on the contrary, Islam fits every aspect of our lives without being distorted. in other wards, ISLAM IS WAY OF LIFE| forgive me if i misunderstood you,
  25. Aslaam alaukum my bros/sists I have tried to refrain from partaking in this discussion when I read the initial point of the arguments. However, after I read Waaq’s comment, I have decided to add my views to the discussion. Originally posted by Waaq: No doubt, Ethiopia had definite imperial ambitions. Maybe they still exist. But this is only allowed because as muslims we are divided, the umma is weak. We lack the vision and leadership to demand our rights. These are the real enemies. I must agree with Waaq on this point. Undoubtedly, there are external forces (Ethiopia, Jew, and US) that hinder the process to successful Somali state. There is no symmetrical relationship between countries. If there was, there would not have been too many inter-state or intra-state conflict. One must be the dominant in order to get the bigger piece of the pie. I believe most of you aware that this is how the world system works. Ethiopia sees Somalia as a future threat to its existence. Thus, it must make sure that Somalia’s state of anarchy continues, in order Ethiopia to preserve its existence. And I am sure that there are some other motives for Ethiopia’s interference in Somali politics. Going back to the Waaq’s point, what we should be focusing on is our internal conflict. The truth of the matter is that our political stagnation should be blamed on Somalia. How long are we going to blame the West, Ethiopia, and Jews for our shortcoming? Yes there will always be outside influences--- which persistently continue degenerate political and social conditions. Clearly, we are letting this happen by not dealing with the real issue---our tribal conflict. Allah (SW) told us in His Book that the Gaal is our enemy. Therefore, what they (Ethiopia, Jews and US) are doing to Somalia and other muslim countries are expected, accordingly. The victory comes from within | Blaming other for our current conditions will only divert us from discussing our mistake and hence hinder any dialogue. these are my views. I am sure i didn't use an explanatory statement as most of you did. please forgive me for that. wa alykum aslaam