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Everything posted by Koora-Tuunshe
What is to be done with Al-Shabaab and their warlords even if Ethiopia withdraws ? Do you think they will even spare the AU troops or possible deployment of U.N peacekeeping forces? What you want like many others who hold the same views as yours is to take us to the Hobbesian Jungle -a situation ripe for the radicalication of our people and the defacement of our Somali history and tradition.
As part of our cultural etiquete, we have to refrain from any rational responses to your drivels, but it has been unfair that you take advantage of the impunity that comes with using words that can be explicitly considered personal attacks on the works of others. For instance, calling someone Qabiilist for his own views, charging the works of others as fictitious or stolen, calling others names. At the same time, you play the victims' card. Marka Gabadh baa tahey ee dhaqankii lagu yaqaan gabdhaha Soomaliyeed yeello.
Latest Iran TV Propaganda in Somalia: Ethiopian army to “slaughter 800 hostages” Yeah, this is not a prank. Remember the fake news about dozens of Somali women that were raped by Ethiopians and the Somali president that has been getting slapped around on his face by Ethiopian generals? Well, now, it seems like the Iran government’s Press TV website ( www.presstv.ir ) has not entertained us with enough fake news yet. Many Ethiopians have been simply shocked about the level propaganda. But, the latest propaganda from Iran might actually take the cake. Having employed the renowned Radio Shabelle Media Newtork politicians turned tabloid journalists to its already biased Press TV media, the Iranian government propaganda machine now claims Ethiopian troops are going to slaughter 800 “hostages” in Somalia! According to its mission statement, Iran’s Press TV was designed to balance the propaganda from BBC and CNN. Well, we Africans do appreciate the general idea of Press TV because BBC is not exactly the most balanced news source out there. But honestly, we did not expect garbage in exchange for BBC. After a second thought, maybe BBC was not that bad after all. Two years ago, the UN Security Council reportedly said that the Iranian government was financing and arming the Islamists in Mogadishu against Ethiopia. That used to be an allegation but now we Ethiopians can clearly spot who our enemies are and Iran’s decision to make enemies in the capital of Africa won’t end up profitable in the long-run. Iran can not harm the new friendship between Somalia and Ethiopian governments. The Iranian ploy to create a religious war by arming radicals was already crushed, especially since Ethiopia is one of the first countries in history to adopt Islam. Anyway, what a waste of millions of dollars of Iranian tax payers! 800 hostages to be “slaughtered” by Ethiopians? Are you kidding me? Simply amazing. SOURCE: African Path, March 22, 2008
Kulmiye opposition political party-Al-Itihaad wing of Somaliland
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Koora-Tuunshe's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Ibtisam: Koora I really cannot figure you out, you remind me of "Me" . I don't get what the point of your thread is?? Or is it a case of posting anything you can find a random source for? :rolleyes: Ibtisam, I asked some simple questions but they chose not to answer for reasons that are clear. And they all relate to the seperatist region. -
Originally posted by Isseh: ^^Wait a second, Abu Geeljire is Badda Cas? Explains. What is with the Abu names nowadays?
Resistance for the sober secessionists and Anarchists? Saxibyaal, your time to discredit any national effort that would revive the Somali state has come to a big Halt and no amount of hideous remarks you write on these boards would loose the brakes. There will be no political reconciliation until all the impediments to the revival of Somali State are removed. We just need a low-level of reconciliation to garner more support for the TFG. Any other reconciliation effort above the already-failed 15th reconciliation processes would be futile as well. This path taken by the Machiavellian President Yusuf leads to the best route to returning Somalia's powerful central authority that would work with our neighboring countries besides conforming to what America wants and that is not steering our dependence from her trade and foreign policies in the Horn. We don't need the return of the culpable, the roundly hated Arabists and the brainwashed extremists who are conditioned to hate their own culture and African identity. "Abu something" lol
Originally posted by Abu-Salman: What is more shocking, Large-Scale Depravation or Constantly Re-inventing the Wheel, Thus Squandering Ressources on Redundant Studies Instead of Focusing On Diseases Which Kill Millions Every Year? Just By Concentrating On Cancers, Metabolic Syndrome (which include Type 2 Diabete), Cardio-Vascular diseases, Arthritis, STDs or Alcohol related pathologies like Liver Cirrosis (rare transplants, the only cure, are spared for more deserving patients), One could easily have a glimpse On how Western Materialism and the acculturateds are eating, drinking, fornicating, and "entertaining" themselves into early grave preceded By easily avoidable disability and physical As Well As Mental suffering, not without destroying poor communities worldwide And ruining our collective environment in the meantime, wether it be through unjust trade, Sky-rocketting obscenes "Debts" through proxy regime (not mentioning unprecedented inflation which litteraly starve entire countries as cereals are turned into "biofuels")... You sound more like Rev. Wright and his pathological fear and distrust for the west particularly America. You mixing up too many things to make a monstrous picture of them
Soomaal, you very welcome. Haneefac, The Egyptian Goddess has political differences with Caamir over her revered Signature and she took that to the whole Maakhiris including the neutral Jimcaale and Hunguri. This thread was for pleasure and respect for our literature and songs until........
The above secessionist Map is the most ridiculous map of the regions of Somalia. Look @ how it squeezed the region of Sanaag?
57th Commonwealth CPA meeting ends with SL given Observer status
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
What is JB's post of a similar thread? -
Very sad Video & it continues up to this time. You reminded me of some valid questions raised by Dr. Mahamud M. Yahye in response to Abbas, a freelance writer, who critiqued an important topic of the author concerning the concept of Jihad which is contemporary global issues that affect us as well. This was his illuminating and informed questions. Shall we have good relations - public or personal - with unbelievers? Shall we establish friendships or commercial/economic ties with them? Are you entitled, under the noble Islamic faith, to call another Muslim with whom you have some differences - political or otherwise - a "kafir", an infidel or an apostate? Is democracy, i.e., the rule of people (a Western invention), incompatible with Islam, as espoused by men like the extremist Hassan Dahir Aweys (a former prison guard during Gen. Siad Barre’s tyrannical regime and the leader of the now defunct, fundamentalist Islamic Courts Union in Somalia)? These are some of the basic issues that my opponent was expected to deal with or discuss but has utterly failed to do so. .....Abbas wrote: "I suggest that fighting and hostilities among Somalis must be brought to an end through full reconciliation ..." This is a real platitude, an empty word or a mere lip service. It is similar to the mantra that some people utter disingenuously by saying that “Somalia’s problem can only be solved by Somalis”. This is a nonsensical humbug. Somalis have been killing each other like animals for more than 17 years now and they could not solve their political/tribal problems. And although 15 national reconciliation conferences have so far been held – all of them financed by friendly countries and the international community at large – the fact remains that Somalia’s ruinous civil war could not be stopped completely. So tell us, Mr. Abbas, how in concrete terms this disastrous civil war could be brought to a real end instead of throwing at us an empty and meaningless phrase like the above suggestion of yours? Source
Originally posted by Toure: Al shabaab when Ethiopia leaves will be incorporated into a national army, they have no clear political goal apart from ejecting Ethiopia out of Somalia and we should commend their goal but condemn the means they have taken to achieve this goal. You're not even aware that Al-Shayadin split from that group exiled in Eritrea? How could you count on her support when it publicly announced it is on her own. Abu-Mansur exposed his own view of the colour of that exiled group by condemning them as spies and collaborators. Enrich your Understanding of the conflict.
Barack Hussein Obama wins Iowa (97% Whites)
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
Thanks for keeping us updated. -
Al-Shabab soldiers Child Soldiers In over twenty countries around the world, children are direct participants in war. Denied a childhood and often subjected to horrific violence, an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 children are serving as soldiers for both rebel groups and government forces in current armed conflicts. These young combatants participate in all aspects of contemporary warfare. They wield AK-47s and M-16s on the front lines of combat, serve as human mine detectors, participate in suicide missions, carry supplies, and act as spies, messengers or lookouts. Physically vulnerable and easily intimidated, children typically make obedient soldiers. Many are abducted or recruited by force, and often compelled to follow orders under threat of death. Others join armed groups out of desperation. As society breaks down during conflict, leaving children no access to school, driving them from their homes, or separating them from family members, many children perceive armed groups as their best chance for survival. Others seek escape from poverty or join military forces to avenge family members who have been killed. http://hrw.org/campaigns/crp/index.htm
Originally posted by Toure: Saxiib nobody is against Ethiopia and the US, one is our neighbour and the other is a leader of the modern world however when our soveireignty and integrity is breached all nationalist whether you live in Kismayo or Baanadir will defend their sovereign rights. Many of the opposition groups won't agree with your point and might even brand you as an enemy. Opposition groups are divided into sub-sections, each one pursuing its own agenda. 1. The Al-Shabab stands for the liberation of Muslim lands from infidels. They don't even agree with the moderate section of the Islamic courts calling them seculars or too soft on the "Infidels" 2. Another group stands for clan hegemony and warlordism. Ethiopia is also their scapegoat and their alliance with Al-Shabaab is transient and convenient as long it weakens the TFG, increases the plight of the innocent who are bombed and assassinated for political reasons. Their hope is to wait the TFG's collapse and regain their lost control of fertile regions, towns and forcefully ruling and taxing defenseless clans. 3. Irredentist groups hoping to gain independence from Ethiopia. Their support for a number of warlords or any other groups ensure for them an open access to logistics, arms and munitions to sustain their liberation war or have a big stake in the affairs of the Somali region of Ethiopia. 4. Secessionists. Hoping to benefit from the continued anarchy of the south. This continuation of anarchy and violence helps, according to their beliefs, their case for swift recognition based of a clan state. The masses in the Northwestern region are entertained with recognition motto and as well kept in bondage to a mythical hatred for a certain clan. 5. Other groups who feel like they are being left out of the power-sharing. 7. Eritrea which uses Somalia as its proxy war with Ethiopia.
Originally posted by Baashi: Who's complaining? I don't know either?
Originally posted by Malika: ^Lol..Garisa must be a small town huh!.. The video was cool,a new thing for us oldies...it just seems a tad bit too western for my liking.I probably expected them to run through fields of flowers and stuff like that..Lol Malika, the next video which features another great song will probably have what you like. it's coming up.
Faarax, I have been to Garisa. It has lots of mosques.
Dooni sida ilaa 1700 oo Kartoonada laga sameeyo Lacagta Faalisadah ayaa ku xaniban Dekeda Magaalada Bosaaso Bosaaos:- Dooni la sheegay inay ka soo baqooshay Dalka Pakistaan ayaa ku soo xidhatay Dekeda Magaalada Bosaaso taasi oo siday in kabadan 1700- oo kartoonada Laga sameeyo Lacagta Faalisadah Doonidaasi ayaa waxa la cadeeyay inay soo rarateen ganacsatada iska leh Warshada Daabacada Lacagta Faalisadaha ee ku taala gudaha Magaalada Bosaaso,Maamulka Puntland ayaa Arinkaasi is hor taagay. Doonidaasi ayaa waxa lagu Magcaabaa Nuur Al- Xijaas taasi oo ka diiwaan Gashan Dalka Pakitaan waxay sidaa Doonidaasi waraaqaha laga sameeyo Lacagta iyo qalab kale oo aad u fara badan iyada oo qalabkaasi u siday warshada ku taalada gudaha Magaalada Bosaaso. Arrinkan oo iminka soo shaac baxaya ayaa cirka ku sii shareeray isfaham waa hore oo u dhexeeyay Dowlada Puntland oo doonaysay inay xanibto dhaqdhaqaaqa Makiinada iyo Hantiilayaasha iska leh makiinada, ka dib markii Madaxwayne Cade Muuse oo faray ciidanka Booliska inay xidhaan warshadaasi aayna qaadaan agabka dhex yaal si loo dhigo Bangiga magaalada Bosaaso. Hadalkaasi ka soo yeedhay Xukuumada Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxa uu cadho xoogan ku Abuuray Ganacsatada iska leh warshadaasi iyaga oo Maamulka Puntland uga digay inay lugta kala baxaan arinkaasi. Falalkan ayaa noqonaya falal iska soo horjeeda oo u dhaxeeya Ganacsatada iyo maamulka puntland oo horay heshiis ugu ahaa inay wada-daabacaan lacagta faalsada ah ayaa hada u muuqda kuwa is fahan xumo u dhaxeeya, iyada oo ay Ganacsatadu ku andacoonayaan in Maamulka Puntland uu la soo dego diyaaradu Lacag ah oo diba lagu soo sameeyay isla markaana aanay dhici karayn in la xidho tan Ganacsadatu leedahay. Jaamac Ayaanle Feyte LaasqorayNet- Minitoring
Strategiyada Dib-u-Heshiisiinta Dawladda Federalka KMG ee Jamhuriyadda Somaliyeed By H.E. Dr. Mohamed Mohamoud Handule Friday, March 21, 2008 Horudhac Dawladda Federalka KMG ee Jamhuriyadda Somaliyeed waxay rumeysantahay in dib-u-heshiisiintu saldhig u tahay xal ka gaaridda khilaafka siyaasadeed ee Somaliya, taabagelinta nabad waarta iyo habsami u hawlgelin hanaankii dawladnimo ee Somaliya. Dawladda FKMG waxay kaloo aaminsantahay in dadka Somaliyeed ay dhamaantood door ku leeyihiin hirgelinta heshiisiin buuxda ee dhexmarta bulshada Somaliyeed, loona baahan yahay in qof kasta guto waajibaadka ka saran Dalka, helana xuquuqda uu ku leeyahay. Iyadoo la raacayo axdiga KMG ah DFKMG ee Jamhuuriyadda Soomaliyeed, lana sii ambaqaadayo go'aamadii ka soo baxay shirkii D/heshiisiinta Beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee Muqdishu 2007, Dawladda FKMG Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliyeed waxay soo bandhigeysaa aragtideeda geedi socodka dib-u-heshiisiinta Somaliya, si loogu dhameeyo khilaafka iyo colaada Somalida dhexdeeda qaab nabadeed, loo wada dhan yahay, oo dhaliya xal waara. Qaabka Dib-u-Heshiisiinta Dawladda FKMG Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliyeed waxay u aragtaa in dib-u-heshiisiintu ay ka koobnaato laba qaybood oo isu adeegaya, kalana ah: Dib-u-heshiisiinta bulsho/degaan iyo Dib-u-heshiisinta Dawladda iyo Mucaaradka. Dib-U-Heshiisiinta Bulsho/ Degaan Community Engagement / local level reconciliation Wajigan dib-u-heshiisiinta ujeedadiisu waa in lagu demiyo xiisadaha colaadeed ee degaanada qaarkood, lagu xalliyo khilaafaadka bulshada dhexdeeda, loogana wada qaybgalo dhismaha maamul loo wada dhan yahay heer degmo ilaa heer gobol. Dib-u-Heshiisiintan Bulsho/Degaan waxaa fulinteeda ka hawgelaya Dawladda KMG iyadoo, si kalsooni ku jirto, ugala kaashaneysa qaybaha bulshada ee degaanada sida; Odoyaasha Dhaqanka, Culuma’udiinka, Ganacsatada, Bulshada Rayidka, Haweenka iyo Siyaasiyiinta Degaanka. Dib-U-Heshiisiinta Bulshada / Degaanka waxaa loo kala qaadi karaa laba waji oo is kaabaya, kalana ah: Abuuris Jawi Nabadeed - Peace promotion Ujeedada wajigan dib-u-heshiisiineyd waa in lagu demiyo ama la qaboojiyo xiisadaha colaadeed iyo dagaalada ka socda degaanka si loo abuuro jawi lagu wada tashan karo laguna shaqeyn karo. Wajigan hore ee Dib-u-heshiisiinta Bulshada saldhig waxaa u ah in dawladdu abuurto kalsooni ay Bulshada degaanku si dhab ah uga qeybgalaan, talona ugu yeeshaan hawsha wacyigelinta bulshada, deminta xiisadda colaadeed iyo adkeynta xabadjoojinta la gaaro. Goobaha Dawladdu u qorsheysay in laga fuliyo wajigan dib-u-heshiisiinta waxaa ka mid degaanda xiisaduhu weli ka jiraan “trouble spots”. Nabadeyn iyo Dhisidda Maamul Degaan Dib-u-heshiisiintan wajigeeda 2aad waxaa lagu dhameeynayaa khilaafaadka iyo aamin darrada bulshada ka dhex jira, iyadoo wada xaajoodkooda la gaarsiinayo heer ay dib u soo laabato kalsoonida iyo iskaashiga dhexdooda. Wajigan dib-u-heshiisiinta waxaa loogu talo galay in la gaarsiiyo heer bulshada degaanku si buuxda uga qaybqaadato habka Maamul sameynta heer degmo ilaa heer gobol, kuna dhistaan maamul ay ku kalsoon yihiin degaankooda. Dawladdu waxay hore uga bilowday nabadeyn, kana dhistay gobollada qaarkood maamulo heer degmo iyo gobol, waxaana u qorsheysan in laga hirgeliyo dib-u-heshiisiin dhamaan gobolada iyo degmooyinka dalka ee aan weli laga sameyn. Fiiro Gaar ah Dawladda FKMG Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliyeed waxay rumeysantahay in dhisidda maamullo wanaagsan oo wakiil ka ah bulshada, dib u soo celinta adeegyada bulshada, habsami u hawlgelinta hayadaha sharciga iyo amniga, iyo dib u soo nooleynta kaabayaasha dhaqaale ay udub dhexaad u yihiin taabogelinta dib u heshiisiinta bulshada iyo degaanadooda. Dib-U- Heshiisiinta Dawladda iyo Mucaaradka Dawladda FKMG ee Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliyeed waxay diyaar u tahay in ay wadahadal la gasho, lana heshiiso cid kasta oo Somali ah oo ka soo horjeeda. Dawladda FKMG waxay oggoshahay in lagu qabto kulanka wada xaajoodka goob kasta oo Dawladda iyo Mucaaradka isku afgartaan. Dawladda FKMG waxay soo jeedinaysaa in hal marin loo qaado wadahadalka siyaasadeed, si loo gaaro dib-u-heshiisiinta siyaasadeed, kuna talineysaa in dhexdhexaadinta ay sameeyaan xubnaha beesha caalamka ee ku firfircoon arrimaha Somaliya oo uu hoggaminayo Wakiilka Gaarka ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay ee Somaliya. Dawladda FKMG waxay u soo jeedinaysaa dhexdhexaadiyaasha beesha caalamka in uu soo bandhigo qaabka wada hadalka iyo waqtiga kullanka Dawladda iyo Mucaaradka. Dawladda FKMG waxay ku boorineysaa beesha caalamka in ay gacan ku siiso dawladda, mucaaradka iyo dhexdheaadiyahaba sidii uu u guuleysan lahaa wadahadalku. Sidaas darted, Dawladda FKMG waxay ka codsaneysaa xubnaha beesha caalamka ee u heelan Somaliya, gaar ahaan Wakiilka Gaarka ee Xoghayaha Guud ee QM Somaliya in ay siiyaan taageero dhaqaale. Xukuumada FKMG ee Jamhuriyadda Somaliyeed waxay u magacaabeysaa guddi la xaajooda mucaaradka, talooyinna soo siiya Dawladda. H.E. Dr. Mohamed Mohamoud Handule Ambassador extraordinay and plenipotentiary The Embassy of the Somali Republic Moscow, 117556 Simferopolsky Bulvar. Dom 7a, Kv. 145 Somali Embassy in Russia Russia somembassy@nabad.org
Ha degdegin Faarax. Aniga Gaarisaan u socdaa saxib. Deeqoy waan ku dhoofin lahaa Gaarisaan ku geyna lahaa Heeladiyo dhaantadaa laguga soo dhoweeyn lahaa.
57th Commonwealth CPA meeting ends with SL given Observer status
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
You didn't answer my question on why "tax" NGOs and their delivery of aid. This sounds like the fixed income the former warlords in Mogadisho used to gain from various international NGOs. Btw, it is not limited to check points but also other points of entry and the setting up of offices in controled towns. This Table does not classify such impediments into road blocks or check points. -
Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: Ummm....I take back EVERYTHING I SAID!!! LMAO LoooL,I see my boy Guled & the girl on the video is a freind as well. Ahem.... Just a friend?
Originally posted by Kool_Kat: OMG, the dance he's doing when he is on the stairs is just too damn hilarious...Snap yo' finger dance maa laga waday? LOL...It was just cute... Xalay fiirsaday the video, all day aanba ku heesaayay labada line aan ka bartay: 'Deeqaay waan ku dhoofinlaa Dhaharbaan ku geynlahaa Huunooy waan ku dhoofinlaa Dhaharbaan ku geynlahaa Heeladiyo Dhaantadaa Lagugu Soo dhaweynlahaa' Of course at times magaceygaan ku badalanaayay, and instead of Dhahar would say Qardho... Why not? Overall, goodh vidhiyoow...Aad baan uga helay...Will definately get his CD... Thnx Koora-Tuunshe! You very welcome. Qardho is one of my favorite places.
57th Commonwealth CPA meeting ends with SL given Observer status
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Each vehicle is taxed only once and that is valid throughout SL. They need to present the papers on request whenever the check-point officials make an enquiry. That is what every warlord claims. The money they charge are taxations of their clan fiefdom to them. The U.N OCHA office make no exception of all the regions in Somalia. How would the check points in Afgoye and Jilib be different from yours. I thought NGOs were not for profit organizations and their Aid is not subject to Taxation by international rule