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Everything posted by Koora-Tuunshe

  1. Dotster under fire for Web content The Columbian By COURTNEY SHERWOOD, Columbian staff writer Tuesday, May 06, 2008 A group of self-described anti-terrorist vigilantes has put the heat on Vancouver-based Dotster Inc. for hosting an Arabic- and Somali- language Web site that frequently praises leaders in Somalia’s al-Qaida organization. Dotster officials said they pass along all complaints to law enforcement agencies, but unless required by law, the company does not remove its customers’ content from the Internet. The site under fire, kataaib.net, is associated with the Shabab movement in war- and genocide-torn Somalia, according to reports from the BBC and Reuters. In addition to praising Islamist militants, the site lists news about battles and bombings in Somalia. “Kataaib” is Arabic for “Brigades.” Florida resident Bill Warner, who describes himself as an anti-terrorist vigilante, is among a collection of online activists who want to use public pressure on Dotster to get kataaib.net shut down. Dotster, a Web registration and hosting company, generates revenue by hosting Web sites. It has hosted kataaib.net since April 13, 2007, according to Internet records. “The actual terrorists are out in the field blowing things up,” Warner said. “But there are groups like this one that associate with al-Qaida through Web sites, that help promote the ideology, help find new recruits and help the effort to support terrorism.” “We are not in a position to judge and be a jury on what content may be legal or acceptable,” said Brian Unruh, chief financial officer at Dotster. He would not comment specifically about kataaib.net, except to say, “We feel we have escalated this to the right authorities.” Complaints routine Dotster routinely receives complaints about Web sites it hosts, and evaluates each complaint before forwarding on potentially criminal sites to law enforcement agencies, Unruh said. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the right to freedom of speech and expression, and for that reason Dotster attempts to be very careful about balancing the rights of its customers with other concerns, Unruh said. “We don’t censor people based on what they say, as long as it’s legal,” he said. “We may not agree with some activities our customers do, but we are not in a position to be judge and jury. If the authorities issue an order to take down a site, we follow that order.” The legal process that might eventually lead to an order to take down kataaib.net is too slow, Warner said. He hopes that attention and a public outcry may change Dotster officials’ minds. “It’s not freedom of speech,” Warner said. “This site should not be hosted in Vancouver.” Courtney Sherwood covers high-tech businesses. Reach her at 360-735-4553 or courtney.sherwood@columbian.com Source: The Columbian, May 06, 2008
  2. How is supporting a group that publicly announced its affiliation with Al-Qaeda, vowed to attack American soil in retaliation of Ayro 's kiling, be a God-given right? Your blind support for Al-shabab and their ferocious leaders made fool out of yourselves. It was them who declared war on TFG and later on Ethiopia and now they have issued threats to fight the most powerful country in the world. How are you going to entrust the responsibility of the governance of your country with such unsophisicated people?
  3. Puntland will be OK. My main concern is the culture of impunity and criminality of armed faction-turned-Islamist groups that operate in southern Somalia and who are determined to disrupt the state building process. In other words, the War Economy Groups who have made themselves an elite out of the misappropriation of private and public properties. For instance, electricity in Mogadisho is provided by a group who had misappropriated state generators, according to a UN-affiliated Somali agency. The rural people are unlikely to go back to their nomad huts, thus occupying other people's houses. Thus, preservation of anarcchy is a common interest for them.
  4. Moderator, saxib cayda jooji. These people have declared war on America. It is only a rhetoric, but it might have an effect on the decision making process of policy makers on national security. Thank Duke.
  5. Why some of us, including unilateral clan-based secessionists, are alarmed to see the president of Somalia with the president of France? Somali conflict always arise during the state building process and not during the peace-building process. The reason is that we Somails still have a llingering mistrust of state formation and its subsequent functioning. The state came to be seen as a zero-sum game creating winners and losers for which groups (clans) have to compete as an end in itself. Eventhough, the TFG has the largest number of parliamentarians ever seen in a small country like Somalia, it shows Yusuf's government is a representative of many groups just to satisfy sub-clan rights as political rights. Thus,Zenawi was right when he said Somalia's problem is " an oversupply of sub-clannish attitude" This is a normal pattern for Somalia's conflict and any person wishing to have a deep insight of the past state-building process should read the history of past governments and how they were deposed. Fortunately, the TFG has completely different platform and power structure, which gives it an edge which might re-establish a permanent Somali government.
  6. If these threats gain practical support , Somali diasporas in favor of Al-Shababists who protest in favor of this brutal group and thus abuse the rights given to them to live in peace and harmony in America would belong to the Interrogation rooms of Homeland Security. This is a dangerous and desperate measures taken by the hardline Al-shabaabists and their supporters. Islamic insurgents in Somalia threaten revenge on America By MOHAMED OLAD HASSAN, Associated Press Writer Fri May 2, 4:27 PM ET MOGADISHU, Somalia - A U.S. airstrike that killed the suspected al-Qaida leader in Somalia brought warnings of vengeance from Islamic insurgents Friday and the threat of a boycott that could jeopardize peace talks with the U.N.-supported government. The biggest alliance supporting Somalia's Islamic insurgency said it might pull out of planned May 10 talks on escalating fighting and a humanitarian crisis that has caused thousands of civilian deaths and displaced hundreds of thousands over the past year. "The U.S. strike can undermine the U.N.-sponsored peace parlay," said Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, exiled chairman of the Alliance for Liberation and Reconstitution of Somalia. "We will reconsider taking part ... due to the U.S. military attack," he said in a telephone interview from Cairo, Egypt. The participation of Ahmed's alliance, which includes both moderates and Islamic hard-liners inside Somalia and in exile, is seen as crucial to the success of talks scheduled in neighboring Djibouti. In a pre-dawn attack Thursday, U.S. missiles destroyed the house of reputed al-Qaida leader Aden Hashi Ayro in the central town of Dusamareeb. The attack killed 24 other people, five in the targeted house and the others in nearby homes, said a town elder, Ilmi Hassan Arab. It was the first major success in a string of such U.S. military attacks over the past year in this Horn of Africa nation, but analysts said it was more symbolic and unlikely to significantly weaken the insurgency against the weak interim government. "This will not deter us from prosecuting our holy war against Allah's enemy," Sheik Muqtar Robow, a spokesman for Ayro's al-Shabab militia said in a telephone interview. "If Ayro is dead, those he trained are still in place and ready to avenge against the enemy of Allah." Robow said another senior al-Shabab leader, Sheik Muhidin Mohamud Omar, also was killed in the attack. He said the revenge threat applied to citizens of countries friendly to the United States and to neighboring Ethiopia, which has sent troops to fight Somalia's insurgents. But his harshest threat was reserved for Americans: "We know our enemy," Robow said. "It is impossible to hit missiles on our people and we let your citizens come to our country. We warn them to stay out of our country." Thursday's hit was a "pretty significant indication" of improving U.S. and Somali intelligence counterterrorism cooperation, said Mark Schroeder, the Africa analyst for Stratfor, an independent intelligence risk assessment agency based in Austin, Texas. Schroeder said his information indicated Ayro arrived at the house only three hours before the attack, showing "very rapid and excellent intelligence" that would make other possible U.S. targets wary of exposing themselves, especially at the high-profile peace conference. "That will probably cause the Islamists to cancel those talks," he said. Al-Shabab, labeled a terrorist organization by Washington, is believed to have up to 7,000 mainly youthful fighters, Schroeder said. They concentrate on hit-and-run attacks on Ethiopian troops and briefly occupying towns for several hours at a time, killing government soldiers and seizing their weapons. Without Ethiopian support, Somali's shaky government likely would fall, he said. David Hartwell of Jane's Defense analyst group said the impact of Thursday's strike "is more likely to have a symbolic effect" than operational. "Insurgent leaders have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and other parts of the world, and there is an established order, so someone usually comes in to replace them," he said. Ayro had stopped fighting on the front lines after he was wounded in a January 2007 American airstrike, but could still have been instrumental in strategy and other planning. Schroeder said the overall commanders of the insurgency remain alive, including Ayro's mentor, Hassan Turki, who escaped a U.S. attack in March and remains in hiding in southern Somalia. Al-Shabab is the armed wing of the Council of Islamic Courts movement, which seized control of much of southern Somalia, including the capital, Mogadishu, in 2006. Ethiopian troops allied with the U.N.-backed government drove the movement from power in December 2006. ___ Associated Press writers Salad Duhul in Mogadishu and Katharine Houreld and Michelle Faul in Nairobi, Kenya, contributed to this report.
  7. This author as well asks the Police and the Military to defy the orders of those in power, particularly Mr. Riyale Kahin. ----------------------- A Message to Somaliland Police and Armed Forces by Ibrahim H. Gagale Saturday, May 03, 2008 Dear Servicemen and Servicewomen Somaliland Police and Armed Forces on parade - We are in the era of people’s power not the era of military dictatorships and repressive regimes You are sincerely saluted for your noble service for the people and for the country of Somaliland, and for your patriotic allegiance to the cause of Somaliland. Somaliland people thankfully appreciate your deep nationalism of defending Somaliland independence as well as keeping the internal security of the country without having satisfactory salaries for the basic needs of your families or of you at this difficult time. Colleagues; you are well aware of the political turmoil in our country these days. It is a situation that calls on every Somalilander, whether in the country or expatriates, to understand the roots of the political impasse and to take the required role. This political deadlock has been created by President Dahir Riyale Kahin after purposefully delaying the constitutional presidential election that would be held in April 2008 with the intention of establishing another senseless dictatorship in Somaliland just following the footsteps of Siad Barre. What is happening in Somaliland today is a struggle between democracy and dictatorship, between a repressive government led by ungrateful Riyale who wants to return Somaliland to the dark years of dictatorship and pro-election, democratic movement led by opposition political parties and civil society who are committed to lead Somaliland to brighter, and prosperous future. It is also believed that the emerging dictatorship is a part of a wider plot conducive to civil strife designed by Riyale and his loyalists to damage Somaliland image around the world to undermine its independence and derail its recognition. You all know the many problems created by president Riyale during the six years (2002-2008) he is in the office. The most notable ones of these problems are: · Sidestepping the constitution and the laws of the country to grab the powers of the three branches of government sliding the country into dictatorship. · Creating security crisis and an atmosphere of intimidation and fear to threaten opposition leaders and officials, democracy activists, and change-seeking masses. · Committing human rights abuses by detaining or imprisoning opposition officials and dissidents, killing innocent civilians, cracking down freedom of independent press, speech, assembly, and blocking peaceful demonstrations. · Undermining the democratic process of the country by repeatedly delaying elections to pave the way for totalitarian, repressive and suppressive regime. · Entering into unilateral international agreements, creating new provinces without studying their demographic, economic, and administrative eligibility, and raising taxes and tariffs without being debated all and passed by the legislative branches. The creation of the new provinces to court votes is the height of irresponsibility, and entering into international agreements and raising taxes are signs of selfishness and greed to steal more public funds. Raising taxes and tariffs at this time of severe drought and global crisis of food and oil is cruelty beyond imagination. · Crippling national economy with widespread, massive corruption of public funds without transparency and accountability. The country has both substantial revenue and foreign financial aid. Half of this money goes into the pockets of the top government officials and is spent on private buildings and businesses abroad and in the country while the remaining half is spent on divide and rule policy or on bribes like the money given to some of the Council of Elders (Guurti) to extend term for Riyale illegally. If Riyale and his government were honestly and decently serving for the people and the country, some of the national funds would be used to subsidize the skyrocketing prices of food and fuel while the rest would fund maintaining old roads, constructing news ones, improving water supply, health, and education, improving the living standard of the government workers, police and armed forces by raising their salaries and benefits, and creating jobs for the youth of the country. · Discouraging the public sector of the country and crippling Berbera Seaport with high tariffs, which is the lifeline of Somaliland people. · Dishonoring and demeaning the heroic, armed struggle of SNM (1982-1990) that led Somaliland to salvation, national reconciliation, and restoration of its independence of 1960, demonizing its veterans, and denying martyrs` widows and orphans of recognition and basic benefits. · Employing disgraceful, faithless cabinet ministers who publicly demonize opposition leaders and officials, and insult tribes through public radio and pro-government press to please their tyrant, Mr. Riyale. It is an offensive to government ethics. These are all crimes committed by president Riyale and his cronies and are typical characteristics of a repressive, criminal dictatorship. Esteemed patriotic men and women; we are in the first decade of the 21st century. The era of military dictatorships and repressive regimes, of tribal rule, of divide and rule policy, of destructive tribalism and regionalism, and of arming clans against each other to seize power or stay in power is over. The era of using police and army as instruments of fear, intimidation, and imprisonment to silence or chock opposition and democratic forces for progress is over. The era of defending and dying for brutal, repressive dictators or reactionary regimes to prolong their rule through victimization of dissidents and forces of change is over. We are in the era of people’s power who understands that the government belongs to them and that they have the right to elect who they want to lead the country locally, regionally, and nationally. Somaliland people know that their interest, progress and prosperity of each person and each clan in Somaliland, and peace and stability of their country lie in president and government officials elected by the people through democratic, clean, and transparent elections. Respected compatriots; you all know that president Riyale gathered you and your weapons recently in the major cities of Somaliland, Hargeisa and Burao, to use you for intimidation and engage you in criminal and repressive acts against opposition leaders and officials, traditional clan leaders, politicians, civil society, and masses who are all seeking political change, and to stifle independent press so he could eliminate presidential election to remain in office indefinitely. President Riyale and his inner circle are also widely believed to be behind the recent explosions that rocked Hargeisa to get false justification or pretext to blame and target opposition party leaders and officials to preempt elections. President Riyale and his cronies want to treat you as tools used for their own benefits to stay in power just as Siad Barre did. They will create security crisis situation in the country and will make you believe that the leaders and officials of the opposition parties (Kulmiye, Ucid, and Qaran), and the independent press are behind it. They will give you criminal orders to impose curfew in major cities to target these leaders, officials and press, and to terrorize the civilian population. In such situation, remember that you took oath to defend the country and protect the lives of the people and their property, not to defend oppressive, repressive clique. Remember that you are from the people and for the people and for the country. Remember that your dress, ranks, salary, weapons, transport, training and barracks are all paid for by the people of Somaliland. Remember that killing, wounding or detaining innocent people is like killing, wounding and detaining your children, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. Remember that you and your families are too suffering the same way the people of Somaliland are suffering from the current harsh living conditions caused by the injustices of the government. Do not break your oath; do not betray your people and your country. Be on the right side of history; do not take orders for repressive or criminal acts, support and work with the opposition and with the people fighting for change. Do not listen to Riyale`s Siad-like speeches who blames opposition while he is the real problem in the country. Remember that you are not a clan militia but the police and the army of a nation; do not lose that pride and that dignified status of belonging to a national police or an army. Refuse the divisive, ill-advised tactics of President Riyale and his loyalists in the police and in the army; their days are numbered. With the help of the army and police, many African dictators were disgracefully ousted. Be part of the forces of change for better future for your people, for your children, and for yourself. A few of you will surely stain their name for siding with the repressive, suppressive clique and they will go down in history as despot supporters bearing serious consequences in both worlds. Fellow countrymen and fellow countrywomen; you all know that the presidential term of president Royal ends on May 15, 2008. Somaliland National Coalition Government is expected to be formed after this date. If President Royal and his cronies insist on rejecting the decision of the National Election Commission and the three National Parties (Kulmiye, Ucid, and Udub) to hold presidential and local elections in October and December of 2008, the calls of the international community to respect that decision, the voices of the change-yearning civil society, masses and forces, and the formation of National Coalition Government after May 15, 2008, but, instead, starts cracking down Opposition Parties, pro-election movement, independent press etc, then president Riyale declares himself an absolute dictator. Hence, the people of Somaliland has the right to topple president Riyale through popular uprising led by the Opposition Parties after May 15, 2008, when his term expires and he is no longer lawful president of Somaliland, to prevent another atrocious dictatorship in Somaliland. Your support, the army and the police of Somaliland, to the toppling of Dahir Riyale Kahin, not president any more after May 15, 2008, is crucial to uphold the constitution of the country and the will of the people for which you took the oath. After toppling Riyale and his group, a civilian interim government is required to be formed immediately to pave the way for democratic local and presidential elections as soon as possible. There are no reasons to postpone presidential election other than dictatorial ambitions. The Opposition Parties and National Election Commission should not let president Riyale entertain the nation and the country with more promises, talks, and agreements that he breaks each time testing the people` patience to prolong his repressive rule. The opposition parties, the people the army, and the police must prepare for the contingency of toppling Riyale. Watching passively the development of another tyranny in Somaliland is not an option; it must be eliminated on time. Dictators much more powerful than lion-skin-wearing Riyale were brought down. The heroic people of Somaliland know that there is no freedom without sacrifice. Long Live Somaliland. Best Regards,
  8. Somalia elder arrested for denouncing extraditions to Ethiopia May 4, 2008 - 10:22:32 AM GALKAYO, Somalia May 4 (Garowe Online) - A traditional elder in northern Somalia's Puntland region was arrested by local police Sunday morning after giving an interview to the BBC yesterday, relatives said. Abdalla Jama Jibril, an elder based in the Puntland town of Galkayo, was taken from his home by Puntland police and transported to an unknown location, his son told Garowe Online. During his interview with the BBC Somali Service, Mr. Jibril condemned the arbitrary arrests of several Somali civilians by Puntland authorities, some of whom were later extradited to Ethiopia. [ READ: Puntland extradites more Somali civilians to Ethiopian govt: Report] Mohamed Adan Muse, chairman of the Galkayo-based Abdullahi Isse Human Rights group, has condemned Mr. Jibril's arrest as a violation upon the right to speak freely. The human rights group was also very critical of several civilians arrested by Puntland police for yet-unspecified reasons. All the detained persons were unarmed civilians with clan ties to Ethiopia's ****** region, which has an ethnically Somali population and has been wracked by armed conflict led by ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) rebels since the 1990s. Last month, two ONLF political officers were the first to be arrested in Puntland and later extradited to Ethiopia. The government of Puntland denies the allegations, but a senior Puntland army commander reportedly told Puntland-based news agency Horseed Media that the regional government has nothing to do with the arrests. Col. Abdishakur Abdullahi, the acting military commander in Mudug region where Galkayo is based, said Ethiopian security forces have the "permission" to conduct operations in "any part of Somalia," according to a Horseed Media report. The Ethiopian army invaded central and southern Somalia in December 2006 to oust Islamic Courts rulers from Mogadishu and install the weak interim government. Ethiopia's repressive government has been widely condemned for gross human rights violations and war crimes, including mass killings in Somalia perpetrated by the Ethiopian army. Source: Garowe Online
  9. A military source said French forces based in Djibouti had carried out a reconnaissance Thursday at the government's request but had not been able to confirm an incursion." If Djibouti asks the request of the French government, why not TFG? Djibouti and TFG are both "traitors" of their own people.
  10. ^Who cares if Somali inhabits there or not. The fact of the matter the area falls under the jurisdictional authority of the Djibouti government, which means, the land is the land of Djibouti.
  11. Desperate Request!!! First, the author needs to comprehend what the term he is using means in both literal and figurative context. -------- A warlord is a person with power who has military control o]f a subnational area due to armed forces loyal to the warlord and not to a central authority. The term can also mean one who espouses the ideal that war is necessary, and has the means and authority to engage in war. The word has a strong connotation that the person exercises far more power than his official title or rank (if any) legitimately permits him or her. (2006) ------------------------------ I am sure none of the "warlords" the author has in mind is independent of the TFG or its central authority, but the leader of Somaliland fits the description in reality.
  12. Qaahira: Isbaheysiga Asmara oo shaaca ka qaaday in ay dhaqaale & Taageero kale ka helaan Dawlado Carbeed. Qaahira(AllPuntland)- Hogaamiyaha Isbaheysiga la baxay Dibu Xoreynta dalka Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay dawlado Carbeed ka helaan dhaqaale & taageero Siyaasadeed. Hogaamiyahan oo ka hadlayay magaalada Qaahira oo uu hada joogo ayaa sheegay in ay Xukuumada Masar ka heleen Dhaqaale fara badan wuxuuna sheegay in ay Masar dhaqaalahaasi ugu talagashay sidii dalka Soomaaliya looga saari lahaa Ciidamada dalka Itoobiya. Sheekh Shariif wuxuu sheegayaa in aysan Masar ka helin wax hub ah ,markii ay soo baxday Eedayn ka timid dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya oo ku aadan in hub ay Masar siisay Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda faderaalka ee Soomaaliya. Sarkaalkan ka tirsan Isbaheysiga Asmara wuxuu kaloo shaaca ka qaaday in ay wadamo kale oo Carbeed ka helaan taageero badan ,balse wuxuu diiday in uu sheego halka ay Hubka ka helaan. Qiritaanka in ay Isbaheysigan dhaqaalaha ka helaan dawladdo Carbeed ayaan meesha ka saareyn in ay dhici karaan talaabooyin kale oo ku aadan taageero Hubeed oo lasiiyo Isbaheysiga Kooxaha ka soo horjeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya. F. C. Geylan AllPuntland
  13. This possible reshuffling includes the post held by the governor of Mogadishu, Mohamed Dhere. He welcomed the idea as something that he will set an example for others to follow just like the former Prime Minister , Ghedi. --------------------- Maxamed Dheere: "Maamul Federali ah ayaa i badali kara" 4 May 4, 2008 - 4:48:51 AM Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahan duqa Muqdisho Max'ed Cumar Xabeeb [Max'ed Dheere] oo ka jawaabayay hadal kasoo baxay Wasiir ka tirsan DF oo sheegayay in la badalayo maamulllada Gobollada dalka qaarkood uuna ka mid yahay kan Banaadir, ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in maamulka gobolka lagu badalayo qaab Federaali ah. Max'ed Dheere, ayaa u sheegay saxaafadda Muqdisho in isagu uu ku faraxayo haddii laga qaado xilka uu u hayo DF, uuna soo dhaweynayo cid walba oo lagu badalao xilkiisa. Gudomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir, wuxuu sheegay in qorshayaal Federaali ah la doonayo in lagu badalo maamullada gobollada dalka qaarkood ka jira, uuna maamulkiisu ka mid yahay, wuxuuse xusay in qorshahaas uu yahay mid waddada ku soo jira, lana sugayo in marka la dhameystiro loo gubiyo Barlamanka Somalia si looga ansixiyo qorshahaan. "Inkastoo haddii xukunka la iga qaado aan meelo kale u socdo, haddana waxaan ku kalsoonahay haddii aan xilka qabashadiisa isku soo taago in la i soo dooranayo, waayo dadku waa dadkeygii gobolkuna waa gobolkeyga" ayuu yiri Maxamed Dheere oo ku tilmaamay hadalka Wasiirka Warfaafinta ee ku aadan isbadallada lagu samaynayo maamullada gobollada dalka inuu ka hordhacay. Wasiirka Wafaafinta, dhallinyarada iyo Isboortiga Somalia Axmed C/salaan Xaaji Aadan oo shalay ka qaybgalay xaflad lagu maamuusayay maalinta saxaafadda Dunida ayaa sheegay in Dowladdu ay waddo qorshayaal ay ku badalayso maamullada gobollada dalka ka jira, ayna dadku soo dooran doonaan cidda maamulaysa. Hadalkaan ayay saxaafaddu u rogtay in laga yaabo in la badalo dhawaan maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, wuxuuse Wasiirku sheegay in shacabka Gobolka Banaadir ay ka mid noqon doonaan kuwa dooran-doona cidda maamulaysa, loogana baahan yahay inay arrintaas si taxadar-leh u soo dhaweeyaan. "Talada uu Axmed C/salaan ku leeyahay maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, waxay la mid tahay midda ay ku leyihiin Wasiirrada ka yimid Gobollada kale ee dalka, sida Wasiirka *******, Wasiirka Digil iyo Mirifle iyo kuwa kale, waayo wuxuu ka yimid Gobollada dhexe, waxaana looga bahaan yahay inuu halkaas maamul kasoo dhiso" ayuu yiri Maxamed Dheere oo u muuqday mid ka carooday hadalka Wasiirka wafaafinta. Sidoo kale, Max'ed Dheere, wuxuu xusay in qorshahan lagu wado in lagu badalo maamullada dalka lana soo dooranayo ay billowday xukumaddii Prof. Geedi dhawaanna lagu wado inay soo gabagabowdo. Maamullada Gobollada dalka ka jira ayaa waxay ahaayeen kuwo ay magacaabi jireen madaxda Dowladda dhexe ee Somalia, haddiise uu hirgalo qorshahan cusub waxay noqnaysaa mid fursad ay ugu helayaan Shacabku inay doortaan hogaan ay ku kalsoon yihiin. Source: Garowe-Online
  14. Policy experts are calling this approach the "Soft power" of the WOT in the HOF, particularly Somalia. American soldiers are training Ugandan soldiers to combat terrorists, preparing them to go to Somalia to fight Islamic insurgents so the U.S. doesn't have to. Allen Pizzey reports. U.S soldiers train Ugandans:
  15. A die-hard Riyale supporter and of the self-declared state has to say this. ---- The Hysteria of The Opposition By Dr. Mohamud Tani mohamudtmohamud_t@yahoo.com May 01, 2008 I call it false pregnancy. The opposition want to deliver without having a baby in the womb. Bad luck for them. In Somaliland you can not enter the Government from the back door. What you need is to be elected and enter from the front door. No other way is possible. Running hysterically between Hargeisa and Buroa will not give you a seat in the cabinet. It gets as simple as that. The opposition want the election to be postponed, yet they want to be in the Government before the election date, before they even won or lost the elections they want to be Ministers. As funny as usual this time they are breaking the books of records. Let me tell you something. If you win an election you come to Government, if you lose you stay out, and let me remind the two opposition parties that they lost three times in the run. One of that runs was a presidential contest, and that is why you remain in the wilderness of the opposition. Only after a win in the upcoming elections you could change places with the present Government and become Presidents and Ministers, coalition or whatever you might call it. Keep that in mind. There is no other way. Period. There is a lot of fuss being made by the President’s term coming to an end in May. I call that WISHFUL THINKING. Yes the President has been elected for a period of FIVE years., but the five years are not engraved in religious codification like the SALAAT and the SOOM. It could be shortened. It could be extended. All depend on whichever way the circumstances dictate. The term of office of the President could be shortened by impeachment. If both houses on a 2/3 majority pass and describe a fact done by the President as an impeachable act, the President will be relieved of his responsibilities and he or she will vacate the highest office of the nation. An argument of: I am elected for five years will not be accepted. Similarly the term of the President could be extended if the UPPER HOUSE the famous GUURTI deems it essential for the nations security. It is constitutional. You can not pick and choose. As far as the constitution of Somaliland is concerned. If you do not agree with Guurti’s interpretation of the constitution- GO TO THE COURT. If you think the court will rule against you, I call it BAD LUCK AGAIN. If you do not like the powers of the Guurti in extending the term of the President, GO MAKE A CONSTITUTIONAl AMENDMENT. A bicameral passing of an amendment is possible by the support of the bill by 2/3 of the parliamentarians. If you care and you know it and you do want to show it , that is the way.. You can not blog your way to power. You can not either fight your way to power through street agitation. A lot is being made nowadays of some Mujahid and some ******. Let me remind you a Historical fact. The SNM movement was formed by men who never in one day agreed with the dictator Siad Barre. Men like Duqsi,Wadadiid, Ahmed Jimale, Dr Abdisalaam Yassin, Mohamed Hashi, Sh. Yusuf, Hassaan Issa, Dr Dihood, Abirahman Abiqaadir and many others. In the mid eighties there was a contest for the chairmanship of the SNM between Wadaadiid and Mr Siilanyo. Siilanyo was for thirteen years the right hand Minster of Economic Affairs for the Dictator Siad Barre. He laughed, argued, dined smoked and had photographed himself with Siad Barre for more than 2000 times. Yet , he faced in a contest for the leadership of SNM to Mr Wadadiid who was Siad to have been Barre’s political prisoner for most of the thirteen years that Siilanyo was the Dicators Minister. In the SNM battlefield politics the ****** man was preferred to the prison veteran of Siad Barre. I myself would have may have preferred Siilanyo over Wadiid at that time, but today I prefer Mr Rayalle. Old African politicians like Siilanyo, Mugabe , Kibaki and Abdillahi Yusuf should be retired to the MUSEUM. They should worry about their memoirs. Today’s problems are too hard for their reflexes to respond to. Dr Gaboose is more versed in geriatrics sciences than I may claim, however, I am sure he will write rest time for all of the them. One old man who did not listen to the docs advise had destroyed everything around him, and we know the rest of the story.
  16. The report is extremely flawed in that it simplifies different outcomes shaped by different circumstances and it mixes up players' intentions and capability. It hardly provides enough evidence for its lopsided comparison of the two countries whose people differ in many political and cultural aspects except that it warns of the implications of the War on Terror America is engaged in both Somalia and Afghanistan. Besides, the report promotes the dismemberment of Somalia regurgitating the same tired but false assumptions of historical imprints. On the claim to derive its legitimacy to secede from Somalia, eg. the Somaliland's "five days of independence" is repeated over and over throughout the report. The fact they are making lame excuses to characterise the rest of Somalia as a conflict-prone or danger zone region exposes the ulterior motive of those who authored the report. It takes not into account of the recent political crisis in Somaliland, the forced extension of Riyale's presidential term, the occupation of Sool region, and the resultant displacement of thousands of families. I however agree with the report's findings on the growing influence of the Islamists in the Northwesten region of Somalia.
  17. U.S. seeks permission to go after pirate ships in Somalia’s waters By Lisa M. Novak, Stars and Stripes Mideast edition, Thursday, May 1, 2008 Contrary to a Somali official’s criticism about American forces, U.S. Navy officials said piracy off that country’s coast is of great concern to the United States and the international community. Abdullahi Said Samatar, security affairs minister in Somalia’s semiautonomous Puntland region, was critical about the U.S. after Somali forces rescued a hijacked ship carrying food to the impoverished nation. The ship, called the al-Khaleej, originated in Dubai and was seized by pirates on April 22. Somalians rescued the vessel and arrested seven suspects, who were sentenced Monday to life in prison, The Associated Press reported. Three other suspects were wounded in the rescue. “It is sad that the American forces off the coast of Somalia are here for fun and are not combating the pirates,” Samatar said afterward. Without commenting directly on Samatar’s statement, Navy officials said they have put many resources into combating the problem. Meanwhile, a proposal before the U.N. Security Council would pave the way for countries to venture into Somalia’s territorial waters to go after pirates, who often use high-tech weapons and equipment to take over container ships, tankers and other vessels. “We take piracy very seriously,” said Lt. Stephanie Murdock, 5th Fleet spokeswoman. “Our sailors deploy on ships throughout the world for maritime security. The commanding officers and crews train hard for these missions, and are dedicated to bringing security to these regions.” The U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, based in Bahrain, covers the Arabian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman and parts of the Indian Ocean including international waters around Somalia. “Piracy isn’t just a U.S. Navy concern, or just a U.S. concern, but a concern that requires international involvement for a solution, and involvement from many agencies and governments,” Murdock said. In February, the United Nations adopted a resolution urging member states with ships and aircraft adjacent to the coast of Somalia to be vigilant about any incidents of piracy and to protect merchant shipping, particularly involving humanitarian aid. Several nations, including the United States, are now seeking U.N. approval to go beyond international waters into Somalia’s territorial waters. The U.S. and France introduced a draft resolution to Security Council members at a closed meeting Monday afternoon. It is co-sponsored by Britain and Panama, according to AP. The resolution allows nations to enter Somalia’s territorial waters to board, search and seize and arrest those onboard ships suspected in engaging in piracy, according to AP. Under international law, territorial waters generally extend about 14 miles from a sovereign country’s shores. The proposal was prompted by an incident in early April in which pirates climbed aboard a French luxury yacht in the Gulf of Aden and held 30 crewmembers for a week. Six pirates were later captured in an operation involving naval vessels, helicopters and a plane. The French government cited the incident in calling for an international force to police the waters around the Horn of Africa, which is patrolled by a multinational flotilla combatting terrorism. --- The story is from Star & Stripes
  18. Mr. Jimcale is giving Hope to the "Mooryan-turned Jihadists" in this site. We "traitors" have no hope.
  19. General Duke, you are being strict with the truth. Better to to treat it leniently.
  20. RIP but he was a man trained in Afghanistan for the sole reason of establishing an Islamic State in the Horn of Africa. He was neither patriot nor nationalist in the service of his country since he was completely opposed to our sovereignty, which draws its legitimacy from international norms. He recognized not our blue flag. Saxib, don't be driven by clannistic sentiments. This is not about clan vs clan but a national interest against the importation of foreign ideaology hardened by dogmatic approach of leadership.
  21. Abtigiis, keep us updated! Also do post the other side's perspective.
  22. Air raid kills Somali militants BBC The leader of the military wing of an Islamist insurgent organisation in Somalia has been killed in an overnight air strike. Aden Hashi Ayro, al-Shabab's military commander, died when his home in the central town of Dusamareb was bombed. Ten other people, including a senior militant, are also reported dead. A US military spokesman told the BBC that it had attacked what he called a known al-Qaeda target in Somalia, but refused to give further details. Al-Shabab, considered a terrorist group by the US, is the military wing of the Somali Sharia courts movement, the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), until Ethiopian troops ousted them in 2006. The group has since regrouped and is in effect in control of large parts of central and southern Somalia. 'Scorched earth' An al-Shabab spokesman, Mukhtar Robow Adumansur, told the BBC that Ayro was killed along with another militant commander in the attack. Locals said it happened at about 0300 (0000 GMT). We heard a huge explosion and when we ran out of our house we saw balls of smoke and flames coming out of house," Dusamareb resident Nur Geele told the BBC. "The house was totally destroyed to the ground, also other houses nearby," local elder Ahmed Mumin Jama said. Dr Ahmed Mahdi at Dusamareb Hospital told the BBC's Somali Service that he was treating eight civilians, including women and children, for burns and shrapnel wounds. One of the women has since died, bringing the death toll so far to 11. He said identifying the dead would prove difficult as the al-Shabab villa and surrounding mud houses and trees were now scorched earth. Ayro received training in Afghanistan in the 1990s and was an instrumental military figure as the UIC took control of Mogadishu in the second half of 2006, says the head of the BBC's Somali Service Yusuf Garaad. The US says al-Shabab is part of the al-Qaeda network, although correspondents say it is impossible to accurately establish those links. Al-Shabab leaders say it is a purely Somali movement and they deny any involvement with al-Qaeda. 'No longer safe' Mr Robow warned that there would now be revenge attacks by the al-Shabab. "This incident will cause a lot problems to US interests in the region and the governments who support the US, by that I mean its allies who are puppets," he said, referring to Ethiopia which backs Somalia's interim government. "I am letting the citizens of the US and the allies know they are not going to be safe in this area." In its annual report on terrorism published on Wednesday, the US said al-Shabab militants in Somalia, along with al-Qaeda militants in east Africa, posed "the most serious threat to American and allied interests in the region". Al-Shabab has been at the forefront of a guerrilla insurgency against the government and its Ethiopian allies since early 2007. In recent weeks, they have briefly captured several towns in central and southern Somalia before withdrawing. The US has launched several air strikes against suspected extremist targets in Somalia in recent months. It has an anti-terror task force based in neighbouring Djibouti, and has accused Somali Islamists of harbouring those responsible for the 1998 attacks on its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The Islamists denied this. Somalia has not had an effective national government since 1991. Source: BBC
  23. "Ayro received training in Afghanistan in the 1990s and was an instrumental military figure as the UIC took control of Mogadishu in the second half of 2006, says the head of the BBC's Somali Service Yusuf Garaad."