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Aragtideyda ku aadan musharax Gen. Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac “ilka jiir” May 31, 2008 Ruux waliba inta uu hamigiisu gaarsiisanyahay ayuu hantiyaa, hadaan dedaalkiisu hagran. Hogaankuna waa tayada iyo toosinta iyo saamayn ku yeelashada bulsha weynta guud. Waa awood, xirfad, haybad, iyo aqoon loo hibeeyo hanaan-wadaha wanaagsan ee umada horkaca. Ararta hadalkeyga hadaan hor u dhaafo, oo aan qormadan dulucdeeda hoos ugu daadago, waxaan maqaalkeygan aan ku bandhigayaa aragtidayda ku aadan musharaxa madaxweynenimada Puntland ee Gen. Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac (ilka jiir). Hadaba Markii aan u kuur-galay waxaa lagama maarmaan noqotey in aan baaro oo aan bidhaamiyo taariikh nololeedka musharaxa iyo mowqifka u jadwalaysan, iyo jidka uu la maaganyahay iney ku toosto Puntland, anigoo min-guurin doona wixii aan kasoo xigtey xafladihii loo qabtey todobaadkan ee Minneapolis oo aan nasiib u yeeshey kasoo qeybgalkeeda. Waxaan soo qaadan doonaa qaar ka mid ah milgaha mowqifka uu soo bandhigay. Qodobada aan is-tusay iney ugu xiisaha badnaayeen ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa: Dhaqaalaha, Nabadgalyada, Kheyraadka, iyo Midnimada. Taariikh nololeedka: Nimaadan aqoonin taariikhdiisa way adagtahay inaad ogaato tayadiisa hogaan. Gen. Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac wuxuu ku dhashay magaalada Ceerigaabo 1951, halkaasoo uu kaga baxay waxbarashada dugsiyada hoose/dhexe iyo sare ee Dayaxa. Wuxuu wax kasoo dhigay jaamacada Lafoole qeybta NTEC (National Teachers’ Education Center). 1970: Wuxuu ku biirey ciidan xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed. Halkaasoo loo direy dalka Ruushka. 1973: Wuxuu qaatey Shahaadada loo yaqaan (Millitary Science Degree) ee uu ka qaatey Jaamacad ku taala Odessa, Ukraine. 1977: Wuxuu dagaal galiye sare ka ahaa ciidankii xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed. Halkaasoo lagu gudoonsiiyey bilado badan oo geesinimo ah. 1980-83: Wuxuu aaday jaamacada (Staff College) ee magaalada Qaahira, halkaasoo uu kusoo qaatey Digriiga Masterka ee Millitary Science. 1984-87: Wuxuu ka dhigayay jaamacada Gahayr qeybta militariga. 1988-89: Waxaa generaalka loo direy dalka Mareykanka halkaasoo uu kusoo qaatey Shahaadada looyaqaan (Strategy & Dicision Making). Gen. Cabdulaahi wuxuu soo noqday taliye gaaskii ugu horeeye ciidanka Soomaaliya wuxuuna gaarey ilaa iyo heer Taliye Qeyb. 1991: Colaadii sokeeye Jananku kama uusan qeyb qaadan, dalka Soomaaliya isagoo lagu tilmaami karo inuu ka midyahay Jeneraalada dhifka ah ee Soomaaliyeed kuwa diiday dhiiga sokeeye. 2000-2004: Wuxuu ka baxay jaamacada Bryan & Stratton College ee magaalada New York halkaasoo uu ka qaadey digriiga xisaabaadka iyo dhaqaalaha (Accounting). Run ahaantii intaasi waa inta aan is oran karo haka tegin, waxaa jira bilado iyo shahaadooyin intaa ka fara badan iyo aqoonta sida hubka kala gadisan iyo hogaanka oo aan soo koobi karin. Bal hadana aan jaleeco mowqifyadii uu ugu soo bandhigay umada Soomaaliyeed ee magaalada Minneapolis. Kuwaasoo iyagana aan kasoo qaadan doono oo kaliya qodobada sida: Dhaqaalaha, Nabadgalyada, Kheyraadka, iyo Midnimada. Dhaqaalaha: Hormarka tafa-gaabiska ah iyo dhaqaalaha caga-jiidka noqdey ee gaarey sicir-bararkii ugu sareeyey oo soomara umada ku dhaqan gobolada Puntland ayaa waxay dadweynihii kasoo qeyb-galay xaflada si aad ah ugu dhego-laa-laadinayeen, qaabka uu wax uga badali karo ama talaabada uu ka damacsanyahay tayaynta iyo tub-toosinta dhaqaalaha ayaa wuxuu yiri “Puntland waa ismaamul hodan ah, hadii si wanaagsan dhaqaalaheeda loo maareeyo”. Wuxuu tusaale usoo qaatey United Nationska waqti ay baadhitaan ka sameysey Puntlan sanadka markuu ahaa 2006 oo ay ku tilmaamtey dhaqaalaha dekada Boosaaso in uu kaabi karo dhamaan umada Soomaaliyeed hadii si wanaagsan loo maamulo. Dhanka kalese, waxaad moodaa in dadka reer Puntland ay ka hadaadumeen ama ay ka quusteen kaabida dhaqaalaha iyo xoolaha telefka noqdey, iyo dib usoo nooleyntooda. Laakiin musharaxa ayaa wuxuu ka muujiyey raja wanaagsan isagoo usharaxay umada qaabka dhaqaalaha loosoo celinkaro, oo ah: a) Ladagaalanka sicir bararka: sicir bararka ayaa wuxuu musharaxa asal uga dhigay dhaqaale xumada hada ka taagan Puntland. Waxyaabaha keena ayuu yiri ayaa waxaa ka mid ah lacagaha la daabaco iyo shaqa-la’aanta. b) Shaqa abuuris: Wuxuu sheegay musharaxu, in la dhiso ilo dhaqaale taasoo hoos u dhigta tirada baagamundada. Musharaxa ayaa wuxuu tusaale usoo qaatey dhaqaaleyahanka weyn ee reer Yurub Edmond Malinvaud ee dhamaadkii qarnigii 18 tobanaad qaacido uu soo-saarey oo ah qaabka looga bixi kara shaqa-weytada. c) Adkeynta Amniga: Wuxuu musharaxu carabka ku dhiftey “hadii wadanka uusan amnigiisu adkeyn, cidana ma maal gashan doonto” Hoos u dhaca amniga ayuu ku xiriiriyey dhaqaale xumada wadanka ka jirta. Si kastaba ha ahaatee “dhaqaalaha ayaa ah laf dhabarta maamulka. Hadii ay dadka qancaan oo ay nolol maalmeedkoodu helaan, dowladuna way hagaagaysaa” ayuu hadalka u dhigay Gen. Cabdulaahi. Nabadgalyada: Dadka reer Puntland ayaa ah dad aad ugu nugul nabad iyo xasilooni ku wada noolaanshaha dhexdooda iyo ciseynta dadka jaarkooda ah. Wuxuu musharaxu sheegay in adkaynta nabadgalyada ay tahay shay daruuri ah isagoo tilmaamay in nabadgalyada iyo amaanka ay laba kala duwan yihiin. Musharaxa ayaa wuxuu soo daliishaday ayaada quraanka ah ee “Fadquluuhaa Bisalaamin Aaminiin” isagoo lafa guraaya amniga iyo nabadgalyada waxay ku kala duwanyihiin. Kuna tilmaamay in ay Puntland nabadgalyadeedu ay haatan fiicantahay, laakiin loobaahanyahay in la adkeeyo amniga oo faraha kasii baxaaya. Waxaan kaloo jeclahay inaan xuso jawaabtii Gen. Ilka jiir mar la waydiiyey musharaxnimadiisa madaxweynimo ee Puntland ayaa wuxuu ku jawaabay “anigu waxaan ahay nabadside, doonaaya in Soomaaliweyn ay hagaagto”. Kheyraadka: Soo saarista macdanta iyo sahaminta kheyraadka gaaxsan ee ceegaaga dhulka hoostiisa iyo Bada gudeheeda ee dhulka loo yaqaano Puntland ayaa wuxuu ahaa qodobadii ugu doorka roonaa ee uu Generaal Ilka-jiir si guud u dulmarey, isagoo bandhigay kheyraadka dabiiciga ah iyo soonooleynta bey’ada miyiga ay mar walba is bar-bar socdaan. Musharaxa ayaa wuxuu intaa ku darey in soo-saarista kheyraadka uu jadwalka ugu jiro, isla-markaana uu shuruudo iyo xisaabtan lagali doono soo saarayaasha, umadana uu u bandhigidoono, isla markaana tixglin doono heshiisyadii ka horeeyey. Midnimada: “Midnimada Soomaaliyeed waa muqadas” ayuu sadex jeer ku cel-celiyey musharax Gen. Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac (ilka jiir) isagoo ka cadeeyey shirkii todobaadkii lasoo dhaafay ee ka dhacay magaalada Minneapolis. Wuxuu musharaxu tilmaamay in umada Soomaaliyeed ay tahay uliyo diirkeed “way is dhaleen, way wada dhasheen, waa isku af, waa isku diin, waa isku dhaqan” ayuu Cabdulaahi yiri. Musharaxa ayaa wuxuu sheegay in hadii midnimada Puntland la helo, in ay wada shaqeyn imanayso, hadii wada shaqeyn la helona, in la helaayo nolol iyo nabad-galyo. Puntland waa dhul weyn, midnimadana waa howsha koowaad aan rabo inaan jideeyo ayuu yiri musharaxu. Waxaa xusid mudan oo ah in wax laga iftiinsho arimaha kale uu ka hadlay Musharaxa sida: Waxbarashada, Caafimaadka, Beeraha, Dhaqanka, Suugaanta, iyo qodobada agendaha ugu jiro. Gunaanad: Anigoo tixraacaya taariikh nololeedka, aqoonta, xirfada, iyo milgaha hadalka musharax Gen. Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac (ilka jiir) uu ku soo bandhigay mowqifka qodobaysan ee uu ugu tala galay majara qaadida iyo maandhaaf ka saarida maamulka Puntland. Waa shay daruuri ah in la ogaado dhamaan aqoonta, tayada iyo waaya aragnimada iska marqaati kacaya isla markaasna ka dhex iftiiminaya Generaal Cabdulaahi musharaxiinta kale ee u sharaxan hogaanka maamulka Puntland. Musharax Gen. Cabdulaahi Ilka Jiir waa qorax usoo baxdey umadda Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan, dadyowga Puntland gaar ahaan, gaban iyo gargeyr. Cabdulaahi waa rug-cadaa siyaasi ah, nabadoon, halyay Soomaaliyeed oo u muuqda musharaxa koowaad oo soo celinkara sharciga iyo kala dambeynta. Had iyo goor si joogta kala soco waxqabadka musharaxa: www.puntlandfuture.com Qalinkii Saalax Nuur Saalax (Doonyaale) omara@csp.edu
Originally posted by Nephthys: quote: Casarkii haddaan weel la culay, caano kugu siiyo, Cishihii haddaan sarar cusbaale, kugu cashaysiiyo, Oo waa caafimaad rage haddaan, cagaha kuu duu go, Asaadan caloosha igu hayn, Caliyow yeelkaaye. . Illaahoow naga najee ilaa heerkaas! Nephthys, your quote makes me remember some good times.
Somali sijuis have benefited from Kenyan system of education. My best friend is married to a beautiful Garisa girl. Man what a decent girl she is. I guess women from Garisa are known to be very decent and respectful towards their men.
Somalia: China oil company representatives visiting Puntland
Koora-Tuunshe replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by somalipride: I dont know why northwest Somalia is obsessed with what's going on with us. Puntland is blessed with natural resources, that is why. -
Puntlanders Welcomed General Abdullahi’s Presidential Bid General Abdullahi Ahmed Jama was enthusiastically received by thousands of Puntlanders and other Somalis hailing from throughout the North America and Europe. The huge reception was attended by over 500 cheering—clapping men and women, traditional leaders, former politicians, intellectuals, artists, community leaders, activists, students and ordinary supporters. Amongst the welcoming throngs was the former Puntland President the honorable Mohamed Abdi Hashi. President Hashi was once the head of United Somali Party and one of the key founders of the Puntland State. In his speech, he joined others to reiterate his disappointment with the current Puntland Administration, while underscoring the importance of the upcoming elections. They all expressed deep concern regarding proposed plans to prolong term for the incumbent president—Mr. Adde Muse, beyond the 2009 day specified for Puntland's presidentialelection contest. All the speakers showed their enthusiastic support for Jama's candidacy. Former colleagues in the Somali National Armed Forces spoke of his unique leadership qualities andthe general'sextraordinary record of accomplishments. It was pointed out that, though a genuine national hero, Gen. Jama had refused to participate in the internecine wars of the so-called civil war that pitted sister Somali communities against one another, whilst many others fully participated in that bloody war. Many speakers spoke of his spotless record and dedication to the common weal. Similarly, about half-a-dozen Somali artists—both men and women—sang about and recited moving poetry about the timeliness of Gen. Jama's candidacy considering the dire need for good governance and his kind transformational leadership in Puntland and throughout Somalia. The General spoke of his quest in simple but unyielding terms of dedication to principle and duty. He emphasized peace, cooperation and development as cornerstones of his campaign and leadership style. Since the Memorial Day weekend events, the news of the General's candidacy has spread far and wide. Considerable pledges of support are reaching the General from many Puntlanders from the Home region as well as all corners of the world. These messages of support are being spearheaded by those jubilant supporters, who know him best.
Impressive review Mahamud M. Yahye, PhD I have read the Dutch/Somali politician, Ayaan’s Hirsi Ali’s, controversial book: Infidel. (It was sent to me, with gratitude from my part, by an American lady, Ms. Jeanne D., who had worked in Somalia as a member of the U.S. voluntary organization, the Peace Corps, in the 1960s, and who still retains a great deal of admiration, respect and empathy for that country and its unlucky people). As the book indicates, Ayaan was born in Somalia (around 1969; the fateful but sad year in which Gen. Siad Barre had seized power through a military coup d’etat), was raised as a Muslim and she spent the/ early years of her life in East Africa (i.e., Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya) and Saudi Arabia. In 1992, Ayaan moved to Holland as a refugee, escaping an arranged marriage to a distant relative whom she had never met, as she claims. After earning a university degree in political science, she joined the Dutch Labor Party through which she eventually became a member of parliament – a post she later had to vacate after it was demonstrated that she had lied in her application for political asylum in the Netherlands and her subsequent acquisition of Dutch citizenship. Again, she had to move to USA a few years ago, because little Holland could not, apparently, secure her personal safety. There she joined one of the most conservative American think-tanks. Having made this brief introduction, let me stress two important points. Firstly, Ayaan’s book, though not that great, has gained popularity in the West (I gather it was a bestseller in America) because of her vehement attacks on Islam and everything Islamic. In the current post-9/11 atmosphere, anyone who criticizes Islam, fairly or unfairly, is assured a sizable audience as well as an enormous publicity. Secondly, in terms of language and style the book is well written, although I totally disagree with the thrust of apostate Ayaan’s argument concerning her denunciation and abandonment of her ancestral religion. If Ayaan - and not a ghost writer - had authored this now infamous book, she is a talented linguist. I understand she is also very fluent in both Somali and Dutch languages. This is not surprising, because her father, Mr. Hirsi Magan Isse, a devout Muslim and a former member of the now defunct Somali Academy for Literature – and whom I know personally - is arguably the best contemporary writer in Somali language. I still remember very vividly when the opposition against Siad Barre’s dictatorial regime would air by air from abroad (around 1979) Hirsi Magan’s fictional story, Laaska Daawada [The Pond of Medicine] in which he heavily criticized that tyrannical regime and enticed its overthrow through popular uprising. When his story was aired early evening, whole segments of Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, would come to a complete standstill as everybody wanted to hear it. As such, with just a fictional story, Hirsi Magan was able to damage seriously the body of Siad Barre regime’s propaganda of the preceding 10 years. This shows that the pen can sometimes be mightier than the sword. (I understand Hirsi now lives as a political refugee in Britain where he spends most of his time explaining the noble Qur’an to members of the Somali community in their own language). Infidel, a totally biased book against the noble religion of Islam, is moderately long (353 pages). It comprises two main sections, 17 chapters and an epilogue.(1) The first half of the book mainly deals with the author’s upbringing and makes good reading, particularly for a Somali like me who is familiar with the national context which renegade Ayaan is talking about. That part could also be interesting for a foreigner to whom it would introduce the unique features and complexities of the Somali culture and its peculiar but harsh traditional aspects. I was particularly touched and saddened by the unnecessary cruelty that is meted out to Somali girls from early childhood, starting with the barbaric, un-Islamic practice known as female genital mutilation (FGM), especially its severer version called genital infibulations, to which Ayaan was reported to have been subjected at the tender age of five, plus a countless number of 6quotidian household chores from which their male siblings are normally exempted. When I read her harrowing stories of cruelty, regular beatings, and maltreatment, I thanked almighty God that I was not born a girl in a traditional Somali setting. On the other hand, in this detailed account of her life, Ayaan talks so frankly and, at times, with so much elaboration on her intimate life that I was so shocked – or rather very much disgusted. This is so, because no normal girl from a decent Somali family, like Ayaan’s, would in her right mind attack her noble Islamic religion so fiercely or talk about what happened in her bedroom on her wedding night. But apparently, she is not a normal person; she is notoriously eccentric. Because of being accused of belonging to a dissident group, Ayaan’s father was imprisoned in Mogadishu as a political detainee for several years. After his daring escape from prison, he and the rest of the family had to flee to Saudi Arabia around 1978. However, the Saudi authorities later withdrew his status as a political refugee, most probably due to a heavy pressure from Siad Barre’s repressive government, and the family had to move first to Ethiopia (after the establishment of the opposition group called the Somali Salvation Democratic Front, or SSDF) then to Kenya. The family then briefly returned to Somalia after SSDF collapsed due mainly to the poor quality of its top leadership, according to Ayaan’s assertion. But the family had, once again, to flee to Kenya, as refugees, after the downfall of Siad Barre’s tyrannical regime and the onslaught of the country’s terrible civil war in early 1991. In this connection, one quick remark that I would like to make is that, although the above-mentioned foreign countries had welcomed Ayaan and her family and offered them a peaceful abode, as refugees, she criticizes and bad mouths all of them directly or indirectly. For instance, she reports that when one day she told her mother that [in a biology class] at her school in Nairobi, Kenya, they were taught that human beings had descended from apes, her mum responded very quickly: “That’s the end of your school fees. Kenyans may have come from apes, yes. But not Muslims.” In another place she writes, referring to her stay in Saudi Arabia, “Islamic law in Saudi Arabia treated half its citizens like animals, with no rights or recourse, disposing of women without regard.” Talking about Ethiopia and its people, she says “Ethiopians were kufr [infidels]; the very sound of the word was scornful. They drank alcohol and they didn’t wash properly. They were despicable.” (2) These are egregious insults that can only come from a supercilious person with a childish attitude, too. I also disliked her use of the divisive Somali tribal names and, particularly, her exaggerated praise of her immediate sub-sub-clan (Osman Mahamud) and sub-clan (********* or ********** and not Macherten as she wrongly spelled it) together with her insulting, belittling and disparaging attitude towards other Somali clans. Another thing that annoyed me was that in her use of several Somali words/names, the author does not follow the spelling standard of the Somali language or its Anglicized version. For instance, when referring to the flowing, very colorful and very light dress worn by Somali ladies and known as “diric” (or diri’) she renders it as “diriah”. Besides, referring to the simple name of Mahamud, she has spelled it in about four different ways. In the second half of the book, the author talks in suffocating details about her trials and tribulations as a political refugee when she moved from Kenya to the Netherlands in 1992. In her case, the situation was rendered more complicated because she had lied about her identity/name in order to gain easy access to the status of a political refugee in Holland. (But it is an open secret that if all Somalis had to tell the whole truth in their refugee applications, very few of them would have been accepted as political refugees in Western Europe and North America). On the other hand, I must admit that, though Ayaan’s travails in Holland were at times interesting, I found it difficult to continue reading that part of the book – it was just boringly too detailed. Page after page, she talks about scores of very mundane issues regarding her pending legal case, security arrangements and her daily political activities. I also kept wondering how she remembered all these minute details of her daily grinding in the Netherlands unless she was keeping an elaborate, timely diary. But I doubt that, because my fellow countrymen and women are not famous for being so organized and disciplined to engage in this kind of a learned, modern day undertaking. She could have made up some of these stories herself, I guess. She deals in minute details with her great troubles in Holland and the strict security arrangements she had to undergo especially after airing the infamous film, titled “Submission”. This highly biased and insulting film on which Ayaan had collaborated with a Dutch filmmaker by the name of Theo van Gogh showed, I understand, women with verses of the holy Qur’an painted on their naked bodies. Van Gogh made many Muslims in Holland extremely angry and was eventually stabbed to death by a Moroccan man. The killer was said to have left a letter threatening Ayaan to the same fate on van Gogh’s corpse. Consequently, the Dutch authorities had to devise an elaborate security system and assign 24-hour bodyguards for her protection. When you read about these strict daily security plans, you wonder what Ayaan has gained from her blasphemy unless she was foolhardy to the extent of madness. (Some other reviewers of her books also opined that her apostasy and her severe, irrational attack and current hatred of Islam could be attributed to the miserable life she had endured in her childhood). Incidentally, when she lived in Kenya, she was – based on her own admission – a radical Muslim, associated with the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood and she used to wear a full-blown veil (hijab). The author devotes only one chapter towards the end of her book, shamelessly titled “Leaving God” to the idea why she had to break with the noble Islamic religion and justifies it in a very superficial way. She does not give any valid points in this regard, except her repetition without solid evidence, that Islam everywhere subjugates women and violates their basic rights. She also says that, after 9/11, she discovered that Islam was a violent religion. As a man who lived in both the Arab/Muslim world and the West, Ayaan’s naïve and superficial argument did not convince me and I became more attached to my divine Islamic religion. As some female writers like Asra Nomani have shown, Islam has given some fundamental rights to women, such as participation in inheritance, keeping their identity/names (and not adopting their husbands’ family names after marriage, as Western/Christians do), initiation of divorce, engagement in business – as the Prophet’s first wife Khadija did [may Allah be pleased with her] - and participation in community leadership, before Western women could obtain such basic human rights. Besides, the heinous acts of a small clique of misguided Muslim extremists/deviants cannot wipe out the Islamic religion’s real nature of peace and tolerance. Ayaan Hirsi could have followed the example of this Muslim American lady of Indian origin, called Ms. Asra Q. Nomani, who in her book Standing Alone in Mecca: An American Woman’s struggle for the Soul of Islam, tried to engage in a civilized debate when it comes to arguing for the rights of Muslim women.(3) Ms. Nomani and other leading Muslim American women have been striving for engaging in what they call in Arabic: “jihad li tajdid al-ruh al-Islami (or a struggle for the renewal of the soul of Islam). Their movement eschews bigoted, sexist and intolerant practices that betray Islam, the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and all the good people who call themselves Muslims.(4) More specifically, with regard to the running of one of their mosques in West Virginia, USA, this movement had, for instance, struggled to allow women – contrary to the old practices of that community – to walk through the front door (and not the rear one only) of their mosque, to pray in the main hall, to fill positions of leadership, and to guide community activities in their area. In this regard, the mission of this enlightened Islamic movement could be summarized in the following few words: “to fight to liberate Muslim communities from cultural norms that contradict the Islamic principles of tolerance, inclusion and equality.” In her more objective, rational and well-argued book, Asra Nomani even draws up as appendixes for her book two interesting bills of rights, namely, (a) An Islamic bill of rights for women in mosques; and (b) An Islamic bill of rights for women in the bedroom. This is the more intelligent approach that Ayaan Hirsi could have followed if she really wanted to take Islam to its “reformation period”, as she disingenuously claims, instead of using a broad-brush technique and, thus, attacking the fundamental tenets of Islam and announcing her break with this noble religion that has served humanity very well for over 14 centuries. Ayaan’s misguided approach is like throwing the baby with the bath tub, as the proverbial saying goes. Mahamud M. Yahye, PhD e-mail: mm2yahya@yahoo.com (1) See Hirsi Ali, Ayaan. Infidel.(New York: Free Press, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2007) (2) Note here that there is no Ali in her real name. It should have read: Ayaan Hirsi Magan Op. cit., pp. 64, 60, and 56 (3) Nomani, Asra Q. Standing Alone in Mecca: An American Woman’s Struggle for the Soul of Islam. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 2005), 306 pages (4) Nomani, op. cit., pp. 281 and 283
Wafdiga Dawlada iyo Xubnaha Mucaaradka oo is marxabeeyay
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Emperor's topic in Politics
The dh suffix is the correct Somali. For instance, Gabar and Gabadh. If we want a plural term for Gabar, we can't think of it, but for gabadh, it is gabdho -
Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: I don't call for Caato's killing, but I disagree with the "quick release". I know clan loyalty subdues moral goodness in that part of the world, and I am truly aware that "clanism" is an everyday struggle for many good people, but I strongly believe the quick release of this warlord was harmful to Al-shabaab’s repute. Caato typifies to an enormous degree all that is rotten about Somali politicians for which Al-Shabaab was created to never grant a private sanctum; warlordism, clanism, moral degeneracy and criminality. Since there is no truce and the war with the TFG is a full-blown one, this was Al-shabaab’s golden opportunity to deflate previous clan qualms and send a clear message that all warlords are equal irrespective of clan rapport. Al-Shabaab should have sent him to hard labor for few weeks atleast. But then who knows the true identity of the captors. They could have been a different anti-TFG group. PS: This “Caato” story will become fodder for Al-shabaab distractors. It is unfortunate. The pro-Alshayaadiin movement reported that it was them who captured and freed him. Their identity is known.
Puntland Presidential condidate receive massive welcome in Bosaso
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Emperor's topic in Politics
It is too early to predict who is the good candidate with the whole package. I think Puntland will prove to be much better democratic state than Somaliland if the upcoming election is conducted in a free and fair manner. -
17th anniversary of Zenawi's EPRDF celebrated in Hargeysa
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Kashafa's topic in Politics
Calling them reer Somaliland gives a nationalist edge to the TFG. It like you importune them rhetorically to act with or diplay hatred disposition towards all that is Ethiopian but refer to them a very divisive identity. Why not call them reer Waqooyi or our northern brothers. -
Good points raised but I spot Lots of contradictions.
Asmara group trying to depose Shariifka while he dismises their power
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Emperor's topic in Politics
It is time the United States, EU and African Union began giving unconditional support to the TFG. I am sure if the TFG is given sufficient resources to build federal regions and instututions that would create jobs and education for the young kids, we will live to see a smooth transition to stability and good governance. It will be irrational for us Somalis to entrust our destiny with a very irresponsible individuals who put their interest above the public interest. The so called opposition and their terrror-affialited network have no solution for us other than prolonging our crisis by using civilians as sheilds. Their method of resistance, which is using populated neighborhoods as the launching pad have triggered the worst humanitarian crisis, and they continue to recruit, pay and brainwash young kids of 10-14 years of age, for an unthinkable battle, chiefly suicidal operations. -
Good job Hiiraan!! Local Governance: Neglected Necessity in Hiiraan and Throughout Somalia HIIRAAN ONLINE E D E T O R I A L Monday, May 26, 2008 This is editorial piece is dedicated to Hiiraan region – our namesake – even though the policy prescription we present here is applicable, and indeed intended for all Somali regions and districts - from Galgadud to Gedo and everything in-between. As we were drafting this piece, we tuned in to the BBC Somali Service and ironically, the discussion topic was about Hiiraan region! More astonishingly, the BBC was interviewing two men who each claimed that he is the legitimate governor of Hiiraan region. What was more amusing was that the BBC interviewer informed both claimants of Hiiraan governorship that a third politician, the Secretary of Interior for the Asmara based opposition, was in Jalaqsi and Bula Burte - two vital Hiiraan districts – and he was in the midst of forming new administrations for the same Hiiraan region that the two ‘governors” were fighting over. In that BBC interview, each of the two “governors” was backing his governorship claims with the assertion that the President of the TFG or the Prime Minister or the Speaker of the Parliament signed his letter of appointment. Amazingly though, article 11 of the Charter of the Transitional Federal Government states that the, “Transitional Federal Government of the Somali Republic shall have a decentralised system of administration based on federalism.” The Charter even spells out that regions such as Hiiraan shall have exclusively jurisdiction in the following areas “Education, Health, Regional Roads, Environment protection, Regional police, Housing, Water and Electricity Development. Agricultural Development and Water Management, Livestock and rangeland development, Development of small businesses and states business co-operations Settlement of population, Develop state constitutions their state flags and state emblem, Appoint their state election committees and implement the state elections, Collect all direct taxes Promote sports, arts, literature and folklore, Business licenses, Town planning and construction permits, Public sanitation, Recreation centres and child gardens, General Public Health.” What the Hiiraan “governors” failed to realize is that according to the TFG Charter, it is the people of Hiiraan whose consent they should have sought and receive and not the TFG leaders. To claim on public forum such as the BBC the governorship of Hiiraan without first acquiring the consent of the governed, i.e. the people of Hiiraan, clearly shows that these men are not familiar with the TFG Charter. For hundreds of thousands of Hiiraan residents, the claims and counterclaims of those contesting governors is not an abstract academic exercise or remote amusing event. This clash poses for Hiiraan inhabitants a clear and present danger including death, destruction and twenty years of perpetual mayhem. Hiiraan is located in the centre of Somalia and it produced some of the most revered politicians Somalia has ever known including the founding father of the Republic, President Aden Abdulle Osman as well as astute politicians such as the star MP of 1960s politics, Sheikh Ali Jimale and Abdullahi Isse, the first Prime Minister of Somalia under the Italian Trusteeship Administration . In terms of culture, traditional Hiiraan chiefs are some the most genuine and respected in the country and therefore it is indeed unacceptable and unbecoming of Hiiraan to be a theatre of mediocre politics and unending and useless wars. In our opinion, the people of Hiiraan as well as people of every Somali district deserve better. In order to therefore turn the corner and establish vital services for the residents of this region, what the people of Hiiraan (and citizens everywhere) need to do is to set up local governance structures. We believe the residents of the five Hiiraan districts namely Beled Weyne, Bula Burte, Jalalaqsi, Mataban and Mahaas should elect mayors and local councilors who are competent and who could tend to the needs of this ill-treated population. Likewise, there should be a Hiiraan-wide election where the residents elect an able and accountable governor. Self-appointed leaders or TFG imposed governors would not be able to harness the talent and resources of Hiiraan residents. Galvanizing the populace is a prerequisite for overcoming the mammoth economic, education, healthcare, infrastructure and developmental needs of this region. The people of Hiiraan need not to accept this contempt shown by the self-styled politicians who want to govern without the consent of the people. We call upon all residents of Hiiraan as well as genuine politicians, academics, expatriates, and the great traditional elders of this region to work in unison in order to halt the chaos and power usurpation by unqualified individuals. Every son of Hiiraan region must play a role in the facilitation of free and fair local election where the people of Hiiraan elect their mayors, councilors, governor and regional parliament. We also call on the UNDP and other relevant UN agencies to assist the people of Hiiraan as the UN agencies have already assisted the people of Bay, Bakol, Somaliland and Puntland in the establishment of effective and accountable local democratic institutions. Political scientists often come up with theories and among the well-known political science theories is the Democratic Peace Theory. This hypothesis states that democratic countries do not fight. The theory insists that democracies solve their disputes though peaceful means and there are a lot of empirical evidence to support this argument. In the Somalia case, we would like to hypothesize that locally created governments, authorities or institutions (whatever form they may have) prevent perpetual war like the ones that has destroyed central and south Somalia. Diverse and geographically apart districts such as Borama, Galdogob and Garowe enjoy twenty years of relative peace while Beled Weyne, Kismayo, and Mogadishu are seeing uninterrupted decades of conflict and destruction. The only difference between the peaceful and war-ravaged districts is that peaceful districts have locally created institutions (no matter how rudimentary these institutions) whereas the conflict-ridden districts and regions failed to set up democratically elected or locally accepted governance structures. Wherever there is no local, responsible governance system, charlatans try to set up a shop there. Responsible local governance is the best protection from exported, predatory and mediocre wars. The people of Hiiraan should stand up for their right and go forth to elect local governments. Failing to discharge this neglected responsibilities will result in the continuation of the current mayhem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your comments to: editorial@hiiraan.com
Any wise person would see how It is Eritrea's interest to use Somalia as proxy in its war with Ethiopia. Ertirea also acts as a conduit for the Arab money that is used to worsen Somalia's plight.
^How silly is your insinuation? I don't see anything in the video that substantiates how Gabre instructs orders in Mogadisho except the military operation activities of TFG and ENDF. They work and collaborate to enhance the security of Mogadisho. General Darwiish can not wield authority over the Ethiopian troops contrary to how the British journalist dramatizes the situation. The Somali army is weak as we all know, thus the weakness of the TFG is exacerbated by the international pressure, ever since, on the condition of peace and reconciliation, thereby withholding a much needed aid. How can a government that is at war with the most ruthless, international terrorist network, exercise constitutional safeguards or international norms? The journalist seems to be naive or disingenuous in posing these types of questions
Somalia: 'I will not extend my term,' says Puntland leader 26 May 26, 2008 - 4:04:16 PM BOSSASO, Somalia May 26 (Garowe Online) - The president of Somalia's Puntland regional authority told a crowd Sunday that he has no plans to extend his four-year term, which ends in January 2009. President Mohamud "Adde" Muse was speaking at a meeting in Bossaso that was attended by various government officials, where discussion of the region's deteriorating security was central on the agenda. "I am aware that some have spread reports that me and [somali President] Abdullahi Yusuf have agreed to for me to extend my term…and some people have [already] issued a declaration opposing this [extension rumor]," President Muse told the crowd. "There is no truth in these reports and I will not add a single day [to my term]," he added. The Puntland leader thanked the DRC agency for organizing the seminar on security, while urging the people of Puntland to cooperate with the security forces. Mohamud Hassan, a clan elder, said the traditional leaders were playing their positive role in helping maintain order, but he commented that the administration's role in security is "lacking." Citing confidential sources, Somali news agency Garowe Online reported last week that there was a secret agreement between Somalia's President Yusuf and Puntland leader Muse regarding a proposal to extend Muse's term for a one-year period. People close to President Muse are pressuring him to either extend his term by one year, or compete a second time for the Puntland presidency, the sources added. Foreign oil companies have spent significant amounts of money on Muse' s ability to deliver on an agreement giving them exclusive rights to explore for oil and natural gas in Puntland. Source: Garowe Online
Emperor, when will those vehicles arrive in Mogadisho?
ahaha. Ar maxaa nacayb dad qaarkii jarjarey.
lol@ Lazie. I say, stop fingerpointing and the blame card. The red herring and scapegoating of Ethiopia in order to undermine the TFG's stated objectives must stop. These people won't restrain from violence even if Ethiopians withdrew and UN peacekeepting troops are deployed in our country. Violence is their middle name.
Originally posted by Isseh: ^^Haye, how's the reerka backing this man? Or are they willing to accept his stated unionism of Puntland at the expense of Maakhir? They are backing him extremely huge. Surprisingly, he is not opposed to the Maakhir initiative, indicating it as a grassroot movement in response to the prevailing situation affecting them and he promised that he will deliver to the expectation of the community and he declared this before the crowd. He left a big impression into the crowd that he will bring peace and harmony into the Puntland and unite Puntlanders.
MISSION STATEMENT Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama is the antithesis of the typical Somali politician. He is a leader who earned his stripes through performance, dedication to achieving noble goals and the rare ability to inspire others to do their best. In seeking the presidency of the Puntland State of Somalia (PSS), Gen. Jama has set out to achieve a transformational mission of leadership, including the institution of the following key policies to: 1. Secure the peace internally and to protect the autonomy and territorial integrity of the Puntland state. 2. Uphold the rule of law across the board without fear or favor. 3. Protect Human Rights, including those of minorities and non-Puntlanders be they residents or visitors. 4. Institute democratic governance, where people are free to exercise all their citizenship rights and the state fulfills its historic role: to protect the citizenry, uphold the rule of law, institute social and economic justice, including an equitable revenue-sharing system. 5. Institute genuine free enterprise system, while safeguarding consumer protections. 6. Wage a relentless campaign against corruption, in both the public and the private sectors, until it is eliminated altogether. 7. Develop and maintain strong labor laws. 8. Develop and maintain effective environmental protection policies. 9. Take bold steps to improve the socio-economic conditions of the citizens and the residents of the Puntland State. 10. Consult widely with Puntland citizens from all walks of life, as they are the real stakeholders in all policies and activities to be undertaken by the state government. The program, including goals and objectives, for the implementation of the foregoing mission will be published soon. source: Puntlandfuture.com