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Somalia: Is Separation of Religion and State Important?
Koora-Tuunshe replied to dhulQarnayn's topic in Politics
Seperation of religion and Politics is not possible, but we have to be able to borrow from politics what is compatible with the tenets of our religion. It was Sheikh Abul Hamid who said that Philosophy goes upward and is frustrated whereas religion goes downward from Heaven and leads to truth and a meaningful understanding of the purpose of life. -
Maxaad ka taqaan degaanka Haylaan iyo Qabrigii... Pics.
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Koora-Tuunshe's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: ^Alla ba'ayeey ,IS that where the name Doonbiro Direed came from?...I was traumatised as a child with that name as a naanees,I thought it had other connotations.Waaba naxayey..yaa iyaqaan baan is'iri oo ku qarxiyey Anyways thanks Koora. Cabdiyo, you wlc sista. Red Sea, please stop hating.. I will add Haylaan part of the places I have on my list in my future humanitarian endeavors of back home. -
It's only one sub clan from Carmaale and DamallaXagare in SL uniform who are causing this mayhem in LaasQorey. There's no Somaliland in Calmadow region. I am Glad Puntland retook the city.
Since Qabiil names are banned in this site though it's useful for academic and historical purposes, here is an outside link - the sepulcher of the founder of the largest ethnic group in Greater Somalia. It's good report and one that should serve the nerve center of this dispersed ethnic group . http://www.dhahar.com/article.php?articleid=5072
^Even Mogadishu is of Persian Origin. Its meaning is being translated by Historians as the Seat of the Shah
Ceyrow, you don't believe that Somaliland's intervention and involvement in the hostage crisis is an attempt to destablize the region? It even falsely claimed to have secured back the boat from the pirates. Listen to the Interview very carefully man
Ceyroow, at least Puntland is a pro-union state unlike Somaliland. Do you truly believe that the unity of our people and country is the way forward?
You'are wrong Johnny. They are of Persian, according to the book "The Invention of Somalia" not Yemenite. For instance, the name Shaanshi is of Persian origin as well as Shangaani, the biggest district of the light-skinned folks.
Technology Review WASHINGTON (AP) -- Extremist Islamic groups have come to value the Internet so much for its ability to spread their message that some have said the keyboard is as important as a Kalashnikov rifle, a report for Congress says. The report, to be presented Thursday to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, says terrorists have increased their use of the Internet to make their activities faster, cheaper and more secure. Use of the Internet for communications, propaganda and research has grown to include recruitment and training, says the report prepared by a panel of experts brought together by George Washington University's Homeland Security Policy Institute and the University of Virginia's Critical Incident Analysis Group. The report found that terrorists have used the Internet in a variety of new ways, including: --''Dead drops'': An e-mail message is saved as a draft rather than being sent. Anyone with access can log in and read the message, but it is less likely to be intercepted by authorities. --''Parasiting'': Training manuals can be hidden deep inside seemingly innocent subdirectories on legitimate Web sites. --Research: Terrorists can research potential targets online, using both text and imagery. --Fundraising: Terrorists can launch their appeals for donations anonymously online. The study noted that Internet chat rooms have replaced meetings in mosques, community centers and coffee shops, which makes recruitment more difficult to detect and disrupt. The Internet has served as a vehicle for spreading the radical message of a clash of civilizations that pits a monolithic West struggling against Islam since the time of the Crusades, the report says. This theme particularly resonates with disaffected Muslim youth. ''The 'killer application' of the Internet is not so much its use as a broadcast tool but its function as a communications channel that links people in cyberspace, who then meet and can take action in the physical world,'' the report says. The report lists examples of Internet-driven radicalization. This is defined as the process of adopting an extremist belief system, including the willingness to use or support violence to foment social change. As an example, it said Hassan Abujihaad, an American-born Muslim formerly known as Paul R. Hall, was arrested in March and charged with disclosing secret information about the location of Navy vessels to terror groups. Prosecutors said he had been in contact with extremists online and had ordered videos promoting violent jihad. The train bombings in Madrid of March 2004 were committed by terrorists from North Africa who were not directly linked to al-Qaida but shared its ideology. The Internet played a role in promoting extremist ideology within the group, according to the report. The report says the Internet has speeded the radicalization of young people, citing the disrupted plot in summer 2006 to bomb airliners bound for the United States. They went ''from what would appear to be ordinary lives in a matter of some weeks and months, not years, to a position where they were allegedly prepared to commit suicide and murder thousands of people,'' London Police Chief Ian Blair said. The report also found that the anonymity of the Web can lead to people expressing more violence than they actually feel, with repetition and enthusiasm steadily increasing. There is also a primary focus on youth. ''Web sites are often flashy and colorful, apparently designed to appeal to a computer savvy, media-saturated, video game-addicted generation,'' said the report. One site featured a game called ''Quest for Bush'' in which the player fights Americans and proceeds to different levels like ''Jihad Growing Up'' and ''Americans Hell.'' Other sites include rap and hip-hop music. The report notes a number of strategies have been launched in various countries, including Web sites for moderate Muslims and orders issued by Muslim leaders denouncing violence. It concludes that a stronger counterstrategy is needed, possibly including the use of graphic visuals such as footage of dead children and images of other innocent victims of terrorism. ''Distasteful as this may be to invoke, the power of visuals is profound,'' the report states. Source: Technology Review
It's not about being technologically savvy, it is about how extremists all over the world take advantage of the modern technological resources to carry out their suicdal operatons. We're not even aware of this grave danger of terror-networks
We need Peace. Don't Advocate for War. You are urging to fight against the Allied Powers and their foreign policy to contain Extremism. We don't need Insurgency or ARABISM. We're already reeling of our own share of troubles. We need great Leaders, not mindless Warmongers.
Good Effort, but let's us not delude with a number of private buildings. The economic and health condition is much worse than some places in the south. Puntland needs a new direction, and that is restoring stability.
Yusuf Ahmed Jamac, who leads a human rights organization called AAHT met the hostages. He gave a phone interview to RAdio Daljir about the current health condition of the hostages, one of whom has diabetes, and the negotiation the elders made with the pirates for their release. He also falsifies the troops build up that Somaliland and Puntland administrations claim. He also confirms that the Traditional Authority like the Sultans and elders in the region weild actual power in the region and they are actively involved in the release of the hostages following after a grand meeting in Badhan. Mr Yusuf HOPES THE RELEASE OF THESE HOSTAGES WITHIN THE NEXT FOUR DAYS. Listen to the Interview
3 Markab oo kuwa Dagaalka ah oo soo gaaray Xeebaha Laasqoray Taliyaha hogaanka u haya Ciidamada Marines-ka ee kahawl gala ENDURING FREEDOM Michael Giss(Right) iyo kabtanka Markabka EMDEN oo wada tashi kaleh qiyaastii Buuraleyda gobolka Sanaag sida kamuuqata maabka hortooda yaala (Sawirkan waxaanu kasoo xiganey Webseite ay leeyihiin Deutsche Bundes Marine) Labada Sarkaal ayaa wax laga weydiiyey Suaalo badan oo ku saabsan Ciidamada ka jooga Jabuuti iyo sidii loo soo deyn lahaa Dadkii lagu haystay gobolka Sanaag ayu yiri Markab dagaaleedka EMDEN Wuxuu kujawaabay Michael Giss "Dabcan waa dhibaato jirta sida aanu wararka kuhayno waxaa goobta ay ku afduuban yihiin Muwaadiniinteenu kusugan Cutubyo katirsan Ciidanka gobolka Sanaag iyo odayaasha oo isu diyaarinaya inay soo furtaan lamaanahaa Jarmalka ah,Odayaasha iyo Ciidamadaa oo ka duulaya inaan wax gor-gortan ah lala gelin Budhcada;inkasta oo marxaladani ka adgtahay tii hore marka loo eego tirada afduubayaasha iyo meesha lagu haysto oo ah buuraley sida loo galaa dhib badan tahay sida ay muujinayaan Sawirada ay soo gudbiyeen Diyaaradaha wax basaasaa. Markab dagaaleedka LÜBECK Gen Michael Giss wuxuu cadeeyey in "Waqtigan xaadirka ah ay jooga aagaas laba markab oo kuwa dagaalka ah oo kala ah LÜBECK iyo EMDEN;waxaa isna sideed iyo afartanka saacadood ee socda kusoo biiri doona SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN oo 29.06.08 kasoo dhaqaaqay dekeda Caqaba ee Dalka aan Markabkan oo ah kuwa xambaara Diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca oo ay weheliyaan marka laga yimaado Ciidanka sida rasmiga ah uga hawlgala Markabkan 150 nin oo kale oo ah kuwo loo carbiyey hawlo gaar ah" Markab dagaaleedka SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Markabkan Sawirkiisu yaalo xaga sare waa markii 3 ee ku sii food leh Xeebaha gobolka Sanaag kuwaas oo dhamaantood raba in ay ka qeyb qaataan soo deynta dadkii lagu afduubay Degmada Laasqoray Ciidamadan ku soo qulqulaya ayaa ka danbeeyey ka dib markii ay codsi u direen odayaasha beesha warsengeli beesha caalamka kuwaas oo ka codsaday in ay ka qeyb qaataan sii deynta dadka lagu haystao Buuralayda Calmadow Siciid C/laahi allsanaag.com
Somali Land accused of disconcerting the Foriegn Hostages in Sanag Region. July 6, 2008 Reports coming from Elmadow district in the Sanag region say that a heavy fighting has broken out over that area after a number of heavily armed militia tried to disturb ongoing negotiations arranged by the tribal elders with the Pirates to free their hostages having no ransom at all . The district commissioner Mr Mohamed Saeed Nour Dabeyl told to Mareeg that a heavily armed local group organized by the administration of Somali -Land have launched an attack to an area where the local tribal elders were negotiating with the pirates. The chairman said that the policy behind this attack was only to disturb their plan to persuade the pirates to release their hostages for not claiming any ransom at all but respecting the humanity and their valuable tradition. So far the pirates have threatened that they will kill the foreign hostages if they are not soon given a large sum of money at about one Million US dollars they demanded on the release of their hostages. The district chairman has accused Somali-Land of disturbing their desire to free the foreign hostages and creating violence’s among the local elders and the armed militia. The chairman also said that they were willing to reach a final solution to release the foreign hostages but their issue became failed after the Somali Land government deteriorated the situation. Liban Osman Qassem ( Lucky-Man) Mareeg On Line. Somalia.
America pledged all the resources, ethiopians unable to come through.
Koora-Tuunshe replied to RedSea's topic in Politics
Mr. secessionist, America is the largest donor of Somalia. American wants to restore peace and governance. When it its humanitarian response to Somalia was resisted by the same "resistance" group, as you called them, it withdrew its troops. Somalia still withstood another 15 years of anarchy and appeal for the dismemberment of its political unity. This time, the world won't let Somalia keep the infamous status quo. Good luck with ur seperation movement. -
Somalia/Pakistan, top Al-Qaeda safe havens - Western Intelligence
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Koora-Tuunshe's topic in Politics
You are not being realistic as most of the opposition folks have been lately. -
TFG forces are growing up each day. It is just the country has become a safe haven of Al-Qaeda operatives, that we don't even see the danger this entails. When our country is used for proxy wars by countries that sponsor terrorism, Al-Qaeda forces, in their fight against the West, things would seem different in light of growing strength and intensity with which Al-Shabaabs have been recently portrayed by the media. We are already in grave danger of long-term instablity and destruction since the country is used by foreign forces as their launching pad. This is bigger than the bickering conflict between the TFG's leadership and the opposition's political grievances. Keep that in mind.
I truly agree with these findings after what I saw the last two years, kidnappings, suicide bombing, release of online videos in support of the country's destablization, recruitment of children as cannon fodders. Daily Times Monitor LAHORE: Al Qaeda is re-emerging in strength in three different safe havens to conduct training, operational planning and recruiting – Pakistan, Somalia and Algeria – The Times quoted Western intelligence and defence sources in its recent report. The core Qaeda headquarters in the Pakistan’s Tribal Areas “pose the gravest threat to the United Kingdom”, the report says. But in Somalia and Algeria, the organisation is recruiting energetically and its leaders are believed to have aspirations to hit Western targets, it says. “There has been increasing evidence of Qaeda’s network rebuilding in Pakistan. The main figures are now well entrenched in the Tribal Areas, and although American Predator and Reaper surveillance drones, armed with Hellfire missiles and precision-guided bombs, remain in the region to eliminate Al Qaeda commanders, it seems the terrorist leaders can still communicate with each other,” it says. The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force is fighting to prevent Al Qaeda from again using Pakistan as a safe haven, but the core Qaeda leaders have settled down in Pakistan and, from there, they keep in contact with their main franchises in Somalia and Algeria. Indonesia arrests Osama associate, 8 other suspects JAKARTA: A Singaporean who met several times with Osama bin Laden was among nine terror suspects arrested Wednesday in western Indonesia, police and a local TV station said. A cache of powerful bombs packed with bullets was also seized in the raid. The men initially planned to attack Western tourists on Sumatra Island, but changed their minds after realizing too many Indonesian lives could be lost, TVOne quoted anti-terror police as saying. ap
The move comes amid a rise in kidnappings of foreign aid workers and an escalating humanitarian crisis. Responding to increased violence by Islamist insurgents in Somalia – Al Qaeda's base in Africa – the United States is preparing to help Nigeria and Burundi deploy peacekeeping troops to the Somalian capital, according to the top US diplomat in Africa. The announcement comes as international aid agencies report increased kidnappings of foreign aid workers, and warn that violence in Somalia has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the region. An African Union peacekeeping force has been at war with Islamist insurgents in Somalia since 2006, when Ethopia invaded the country to push the Islamists out, Agence France-Presse reports. Since their ouster early last year by joint Ethiopian and Somali forces, the Islamists have waged a guerilla war, which according to international rights groups and aid agencies has left at least 6,000 civilians dead and displaced hundreds of thousands. An uninterrupted civil war has plagued Somalia since the 1991 overthrow of president Mohamed Siad Barre, defying numerous peace initiatives and truce deals. After the Ethiopian army pulled back, 8,000 African Union peacekeepers were supposed to be deployed. But so far, only 2,600 have been sent, far less than needed, and violence has escalated sharply this year. Reuters reports that the US says it is pushing to assist troops on the ground. A smaller contingent of 1,600 Ugandans and 600 Burundians already there has been unable to stem the chaos in the anarchic Horn of Africa nation. Last week, Nigeria said it had about 800 soldiers ready to go to Somalia as soon as the Nigerian government gave its final approval. Jendayi Frazer, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for African affairs, said Washington stood ready to support that deployment.... "We are procuring armoured personnel carriers for them now - with the Nigerians we are getting their equipment list from them. But of course, the United States can't bear the burden of this financially alone, so we're also reaching out to other countries." The announcement comes weeks after Somalia's government, which has support from the US government and is backed by the Ethiopian Army, brokered a fragile peace accord with the Islamists, who are fighting for the creation of an Islamic state, some in collaboration with Al Qaeda. But many hard-liners refuse to cooperate, and the deal has fallen apart, Agence-France Presse reports. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, an influential radical cleric, has rejected the deal, which was supported by western powers, including the European Union, United States, Norway and the United Nations. The cleric, accused of links to Al-Qaeda by the United States, argued it failed to set a clear deadline for the withdrawal from Somalia of Ethiopian troops. Aweys and his allies stayed away from the talks, saying they would not take part unless Ethiopian troops backing government forces since late 2006 pulled out of Somalia. According to the accord, Ethiopians would withdraw after the UN deployed peacekeepers within 120 days of the armistice taking effect. According to an Asssociated Press report in USA Today, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Monday called the level of violence in Somalia "incredible" and warned that it is seriously hampering the aid agency's ability to work in the region. "Since the beginning of this year, the number of incidents targeting either Somali journalists, civil servants, prominent local leaders, government officials (or) humanitarian actors ... has just increased in an incredible proportion," [Pascal Hundt, the ICRC's outgoing head of delegation for Somalia] told reporters. In addition Somali insurgents have begun adopting tactics used in Iraq and Afghanistan — suicide attacks and roadside bombs, Hundt said. The Associated Press goes on to highlight a sustained and widening campaign against aid workers and civilians. So far this year nine aid workers have been abducted, according to a report by the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. A Somali employee of the U.N. refugee agency was seized June 21 outside the capital, Mogadishu. Five people kidnapped last week alone are still being held. Earlier this year, Medecins Sans Frontieres pulled out its foreign staff from Somalia after three of its aid workers were killed by a land mine. As aid workers are increasingly targeted, a humanitarian crisis has spiraled out of control in Somalia, making it one of the worst in Africa, according to a Bloomberg news report. Somalia is facing its worst humanitarian crisis in a decade due to an escalating conflict and food and water shortages caused by a severe drought and rising commodity prices, aid workers said.... The United Nations said last month that more than 2.6 million Somalis – 35 percent of the population – need food aid. Some 900,000 people have been displaced from the capital, Mogadishu, scene of some of the fiercest fighting. The majority of displaced Somalis are living in camps with no access to medical facilities, the ICRC said. Reuters adds that the US is hoping to expedite the deployment of peacekeepers to bolster African Union forces with the backing of the United Nations Security Council. "We're working with those council members who are not so sure about this to convince them that this is the right thing to do, and that we need to do it quickly," [Ms. Frazer] said.
SOL/Politics section key players for dummies
Koora-Tuunshe replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
You get it all. -
These people who're comprised of Islamists, supporters of warlords, drug and gun merchants, and former possessors of looted properties, are all opposed to the TFG from day one, with concerted effort and support from Ertirea and several Arab nations, and they are still at war with its legitimacy. War is ugly but is it not hypocrite to appeal to the vague expressoin of commonalities. Let's not discount the fact that TFG is the only powerful actor as of now, and its forces conduct military operation with its allies. The AU in the airport and port have been managing to stave off constant attacks from the insurgents. It's time we support our government and give our country a chance to join the peaceful community of nations.
ONLA Gains Control Of shilabo and jeexdiin OIL Fields.
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Gar-haye's topic in Politics
Paragon, In that case, you have my word to be an ONLF member. -
ONLA Gains Control Of shilabo and jeexdiin OIL Fields.
Koora-Tuunshe replied to Gar-haye's topic in Politics
Abtigiis, ma anaa xanuun igu sheegtey, waa kaa filiyey taas. I have given all my sincere advices to this front. You've even agreed with me of how troubling the name is to Somali unity. This is what I said before and you concur it with me. Abtigiis, you have my support. However, Years and years of division and unprecedented suffering must inspire a change of direction and strategy. Northerners' advice and alike would only prolong the agony of this segment of Somalis. I am sure it's exclusively targeted by Ethiopian army with the help of other collaborating clans in the region. One more thing I would add to my earlier set of advices is to build grass-roots programs. Since the O forms majority, undertaking in social enterprises such as public services like Hamas would win the heart of the people and have a long-term and positive impact on all Somalis in the region, fostering a great sense of awareness and mutual cooperation for a common interest. Understand that it is the best interest of the current regime of Ethiopia to plant the seeds of discord and division and the name itself is one of the seeds of division. It is disingenuous of some of us, if not complete dishonesty, to make it desirable the course of the status quo. Another post of mine. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Abtigiis, My real objective of posting the above article was to underline the striking difference between the separatist ONLF and the separatist Somaliland. The separatist ONLF has more legitimacy than the latter for the glaring fact that the Somalis in the O.... region are ethnically distinct, has different culture, language and profess their own religion. This was one of the reasons why Prof. Shamsaddin eloquently stated that Somaliland can not bring one single reason why it should be separate from Somalia. International law and politics are both against the splitting of ethnic group or nation into several countries. So what makes Abu-Geljire resents my position that seeks to dissect the fundamental problems of the liberation movement (ONLF), or why am I motivated by the quest for discovering the road to peace and greater international cooperation? First, using comparative method of Somalia vs the O case, one would be moved beyond the critique of traditional biases in order to stay focused on events that shape the current crisis of Somalia. Somalia’s problem is nothing but various clans vying for political power against an elected government. TFG had initially avoided at all cost to stumble into a war with this group and that many of our neighbors have done all they can to offer to mediate for the sake of their country. So for an internationally recognized government that is, however, threatened, would definitely seek deterrence and protection configured in her best interest. The reason is clear since the TFG was led ineluctably into war in a country that is plagued by a long line of warlords and anarchy, a country washed up with weapons and all types of covert groups. quote: I think they are there already. Abtigiis, If I were you, I would have distanced myself from being lured into the bait of Al-Shabab phenomena. This inference could be rightly or wrongly taken as though ONLF is affiliated with the Al-Shayaadiin or that the elements of ONLF are now based in MOgadishu and outskirts fighting alongside with this brutal, globally Jihadist front. In fact Senior military officers of ONLF distance themselves from the Islamist youth network. Being a devout supporter of ONLF and its political activities, I am under the impression that you fall along that line of thinking professed by the leaders of the organization. The group's aims have varied over time from increased autonomy in Ethiopia to outright independence to joining a "Greater Somalia". Al-Jazeera This seems to place another layer of complexity as to the direction of the organization, which I said requires a new structure and revamped mode of thinking and communication. Good luck!! Good luck to you all. Peace -