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Everything posted by Koora-Tuunshe

  1. U wlc Duke. What is the latest news about Kismayo? Badhan:-Wararka nagaga imanaya dhanka Magaalada Badhan ayaa sheegaya inay Afuradii ka dib soo gaadheen Magaaladaasi Waftigii uu hogaaminayay C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Mataan [ilka Jiir] kuwaasi oo loo galbiyay Qasri loo qoondeeyay waftigaasi, warka ayaa sidoo kale sheegaya inay waftigaasi dhawaan xog warn siin doonaan Odayaasha Magaalada Badhan. Waftiga Gen-ka ayaa mudo safaro ku marayay Magaalooyinka Xeebta ah iyo kuwa Banaanka waxayna booqashadoodii ka bilaabeen dhanka Magaalada Ceebuh halkaasi oo ay kulan kula qaateen Cuqaasha deegaanka,waxana la sheegay inay isku afgarteen ka shaqaynta Amaanka Gobolka. Intaasi ka gadaal ayaa waftigaasi waxay u boqooleen dhanka Magaalada Dhahar iyada oo halkaasi aad looga soo dhaweeyay Gen-ka ayaa shir Xasaasi ah la galay odayaasha Deegaanka Dhahar walaw aan saxaafada loo sheegin waxyaabaha ay isla soo qaadeen. Gen-ka iyo waftigii ayaa dib ugu soo laabtay Magaalooyinka Galbeedka xiga ee Gobolka Sanaag iyaga oo ayaamo ku hagaday Buuralayda Macagta halkaasi oo ay Ciidanka Xaalufku ku gubeen Gooba badan oo laga shidi jiray dhuxusha. Waftigii Gen-ku horkacayay ayaa sidoo kale qoobka galiyay Magaalada Laasqoray ee xeebta leh waxayna kulan la qaateen waxgaradka Magaaladaasi iyaga oo isla soo qaaday taageerida dibu dhiska dekeda Laasqoray. Jaamac Ayaanle Feyte LaaqsorayNet/Badhan
  2. A Major Military Operation in Sanaag and western Bari, Why Sep 8, 2008 SANAAG - A huge military activity is taking place in Sanaag region to combat pirates and other insecurity activities such as land bandits and other criminal gangs. Coastal cities such as Laasqoray, Durduri and Elayo districts have been chosen for a new military bases as Somali pirates are gaining strength after strength. The bases will act as a deterrent for any abducted or hijacked ships steered towards the Sanaag and western Bari Coast. The establishment of these new bases comes after a German couple were held in Almadow mountains which lies close to the city of Laasqoray. Locals are said to be determined about improving the security situation in Sanaag so there will be no repeat of the hostage crisis that happened in Sanaag last June and July. Eilbuh town which lies approximately 190km south west of Laasqoray has been chosen to be the central command centre for this military activity. Col. Ahmed Jeeni-Tag, a commander of the 2nd battalion based in Eilbuh have said to the local media that he ordered his forces to patrol Sool plateau to arrest and to destroy a ring of charcoal traders that has been reported in Sool plateau area. The Col said that his forces have already captured 4 culprits who they have transferred to the central prison in Laasqoray. This security crackdown comes after the local forces have been united by General Abdulahi Ahmed Jama- former General in Somali Army and an American citizen- who returned to his Native Sanaag and Bari to restore hope and order. Since the arrival of the General -who has received a huge welcome after a long absence, - there's been an enormous improvement of the security in Sanaag in particular and many people of Puntland believe him to be the needed person to lead this region and Puntland in general out of the current miserable situation in which the pirates and other criminal gangs are reported to be robustly thriving. The General is also running for presidential position in Puntland State of Somalia. Last year, the city of Dhahar in South East of Sanaag was the first to establish Environmental Protection Forces armed with heavy battle wagons in order to eradicate the illegal use of charcoal. This was hugely successful operation and it has received the admiration of other cities across Sanaag and in Southern Somalia which is experiencing similar massive charcoal trading. The EPC are said to be the back bone of the current operation that is taking place in Sanaag. LaasqorayNET/Dhahar Online
  3. He will be a just leader. Time for the restoration of Kismaayo's peace and a new direction to heal the wounds of its sons and daughters.
  4. This is the strategy Obama's campaign has been missing. He's been too cool and decorous. It's time to paint the true picture of his opponents, who even had the audacity to steal his theme of CHANGE. ----------- John McCain, Sarah Palin are like lipstick on pig - Obama Sep 8, 2008 --BARACK Obama has dismissed the US presidential campaign of rivals John McCain and Sarah Palin as "lipstick on a pig" in his most direct attack on the Republican odd couple aiming to keep him out of the White House. However the line could be interpreted as a personal sledge against Mrs Palin, Senator McCain's surprise running mate who described herself as a "pit bull with lipstick" when she accepted the Republican vice-presidential nomination at the party's national convention last week. "We've been talking about change when we were up in the polls and when we were down in the polls," Senator Obama told a rally in Virginia as surveys suggested Senator McCain and Mrs Palin have overhauled his lead for the election to be held on November 5 (Australian time). "The other side, suddenly, they're saying 'we're for change too'. Now think about it, these are the same folks that have been in charge for the last eight years. "You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap up an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change. It's still going to stink after eight years. We've had enough," he said to a standing ovation. Last Thursday, Alaska Governor Mrs Palin joked that the only difference between a hockey mum like herself and a pit bull was "lipstick". Embracing the running mate's tradition attack dog role, Mrs Palin has been savaging Senator Obama daily on the campaign trail as Senator McCain talks up his maverick, reformer credentials. He told a rally in Ohio that he had shown himself to be able to work with his opponents, something he said Senator Obama often claimed but could not prove. In her speech, Mrs Palin repeated her widely queried claim that she had said "thanks, but no thanks" to a notorious "bridge to nowhere" project in Alaska. The Obama campaign immediately sent out an email to supporters highlighting the bridge "whopper". It also unveiled a new anti-Palin website called The Next Cheney. The campaign took another nasty turn in a row sparked by education policy, after Senator Obama had accused Senator McCain of doing nothing in 26 years in Congress to rescue failing schools. That prompted a television ad from the Republicans that said Senator Obama supported "legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners". An Obama spokesman said the candidate had supported a Bill that provided for sex education which encompassed teaching younger children how to avoid falling prey to pedophiles. "Last week, John McCain ... couldn't define what honour was. Now we know why," the spokesman said. Since his shock decision to select the little-known Mrs Palin as his vice-presidential running mate, Senator McCain has come from behind to tie with Senator Obama or pull ahead in some polls. Mrs Palin herself polled well ahead of Senator Obama's running mate Joe Biden in a hypothetical match-up between the vice-presidential nominees - 53 per cent to 44. A survey of news media showed the McCain-Palin pairing had generated more coverage than the Obama-Joe Biden campaign for the first time in three months. - with AFP
  5. All Puntland hadii ay runta qorayaa. They would wright positive news about Sanaag such as: Gen. ilka jiir oo burburiyey 370 tog oo dhuxul ah. Qabtay 11,250 kiish oo dhuxul ah, Bur buriyey kaamamkii burcada dhuxulaysatada. Fashileyna burcad badeed aaga Geelweyte ka howl gali lahayd. Lana wareegey gaadiid badan oo ay burcadu leedahay. Gen. ayaa howlgalkaasi ka bilaabay ceelbuh Ilaa iyo Biyo-guduud. dhanka xeebahana caalaayo ilaa ulxeed iyo geelweyte. This is with in only two weeks. Daawo sawirada:
  6. Mohamed Dheere will be gone, the way I understood the agreement above 5 more ministers elected from the Opposition/Maxkamadaha will be added into the current Cabinet, making it a total of 23. The Nomination of the new governor of Mogadishu by the Upper Level Committee and Consultative Council, will be endorsed by presidential decree. Ethiopian troops will be redeployed at the outskirts of Mogadishu, right after the formation of Benadir Administration in 15 days. Complete Reorganization of the Police, Military and Intelligence Instiutions by Recruiting Young and competent Officers and giving them the proper equipment, training and logistics. So far so good
  7. Sophist, are you Cantabrigian as you wrote it? I am from the Carlston School of Management.
  8. Garaad Cabdilaahi Cali Ciid Halkan ka Dhageyso Shir saxaafadeed ay qabteen odayaal dhaqameedka beelaha ******** ayaa waxaa uu ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho kaasoo ay kaga hadleen qaabka golaha deegaanka magaalada Muqdisho. Waxaa goobtaasi ka hadlay Afayeenka Isimada beelaha ******** ee Garaad Cabdulaahi Cali Ciid, isagoo tibaaxay in maadaama gobolka Banaadir uu yahay caasimada Soomaaliyeed, golaha deegaankana ay ku haboontahay in umada Soomaaliyeed si cadaalad ah loosoo xulo. Isagoo sheegay in duqa magaalada markaasi lagu ixtiraamo dadka deegaanka markaas u badan. Arrintan ayaa waxay noqotey hadal haynta ugu badan magaalada Muqdisho todobaadkan, hadana gilgilay magaalada Muqdisho isla markaaasina waxaa ka jawaabay odayaal dhaqameedka beelaha ******, sidoo kale maanta ayaa waxaa isna hadlay yuusuf siyaad Indha Cade oo u waramay idaacadaha magaalada Muqdisho, kuna sheegay Hadalkii Garaad Cabdulaahi Cali Ciid mid aysan beelaha ***** Aqbali doonin. Sidoo kale kale waxaa arrintan ka hadlay qaar ka mid ah xildhibaano ka mid ah DF ee ku sugan Baydhabo badankoodna taageerey hadalkii Garaadka, qaar ka mid ahna ku tilmaamay hadalkii Garaad Cabdulaahi Cali Ciid mid dhabar jab ku noqon kara siyaasadii Nuur Cade, oo rabay inuu beeleeyo caasimada magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo uu axdi qarameedku dhigayo in caasimadu leedahay xeer gooni ah. Halkan ka Dhageyso Dhahar.com
  9. Aaliyah, what do you think of Micheal Moore's comment at Keith Olberman's news program that neo-conservatives continue to degrade women in general. By appointing Sahar Palin as his VP, according to Moore, would send the wrong single that women are "dumb" and would vote for McCain just because his VP is woman.
  10. Resolved to promoting peace and reconciliation and understanding the complexity of the challenges TFG has faced over the years in achieving peace and nation building, the TFG has signed this national agreement in Addis Ababa. Do read carefully as it's inclusive to all the parties in conflict. http://wardheernews.com/articles_08/August/TFG_Agreement.pdf
  11. Psychologically, I don't understand how Somali woman, if I generalize them, sympathise with the sinful one among them. By admitting the criminality of their actions won't be tantamount to guilt by association Don't defend the bad.
  12. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: War Generalku miyuunan ka dhamaanayn tuulooyinkan? It is time for him to move on and campaign in other main cities, methinks...... He's already been to several main cities. Other cities will come InShallah.
  13. ^Adeer, I don't know where your rankling of the Beel's name emanates from , but this whole events is to facilitate open dialogue and build up consensus across communities that live in districts and villages across the regions of Bari, Sanaag and others. It's an effective way of communicating the General's platform and other agenda to the communities and strengthen mutual understanding of a planned comprehensive action. Emotionally blithe remarks aside, what proof might you present that they can't even clean the garbage? That is really a comic one.
  14. Originally posted by nuune: Who is to blame, I would say the women, simple as that! I concur with nuune.
  15. Seems to me, Made Up News -- intended to manipulate racial distaste for Obama
  16. Originally posted by Ibtisam: Ramadan Mubarak all. Ameen to your ducas. Try do more good than bad and easy on debating and supporting evil warlords. Remember and help with the suffering of our people. Caafis iyo Maasamaxa Ramadiin Kariim.
  17. Beel can be either positive or negative. Who said that beel is exclusive to negativity. Think deeply.