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Everything posted by Koora-Tuunshe

  1. Robert Gibb, I watched it through MSNBC. What a brilliant guy.
  2. Teeda kale kama cararaan dhaqankooda Soomaaliyeed, oo dhaqan Carbeed kama daba ordaan, unlike the rest la yaqaano dhaqamo sisheeye mooday wax weyn (cue: abuuthis and abuuthat). Walaahi waa runtaa. Waa raggii Sayid Mohammed Cabdule Xassan
  3. Waan kula kaftamayey nuune. Waxaa laga yaabaa ineysan sharciga u gaarka ah u loolanka doorashada Mareykanka aysan aqrin ama u kuur gelin.
  4. Good for Somalis. Political participation is vital "Ever since the Somali community got involved with Rep. Keith Ellison’s election in 2006, the number of the Somalis who has gotten politically active has increased enormously high. Both parties have recruited volunteers and employed individuals from the community. --------------------------- Like many other Americans who are either traveling abroad or going to be away from their precincts on November 4th, a recently naturalized Somali-American, Mohamed Said Barre, got in line to vote as an absentee. “After a long wait, I now have a voice, the opportunity … and for sure wouldn’t let it pass” said Mr. Barre. Like many Americans, Somalis-Minnesotans are impressively engaged and making history in Minnesota. In this election, Somalis are involved in all levels, volunteering for campaigns to being election judges. Surrounding intersections to areas where the majority of Somali community resides in Minneapolis, countless Somalis with campaign signs were yelling out the names of their respective candidates. At the corner of Cedar & Franklin, Suleka Abdi stood with group of Somali ladies all cheering for Obama and Al Franken. “Vote today, vote for change, vote for Obama and Al” they shouted. When asked why she is campaigning for Sen. Barack Obama, Suleka responded rather quickly “he [barack] is the best thing that happened to America for a long-time.” Even though Sen. Obama has not spent a fraction of his life in Africa anywhere, he is viewed by many in Africa as their own. First time voter, Mohamed Barre who migrated to United States about eight years ago dismisses the notion that he was possibly motivated by the fact that Sen.Obama is originally from his native region of Africa, East Africa. “I am glad to be part of this historic election … of course, Obama’s adventure encourages all of us to dream big but I only wanted to participate and be heard.” Mr. Barre said. Conversely, Fadumo Ali (MJ) told the writer that she was single-handedly motivated by the senator’s genealogical connection to her. “He is my brother … he is African-American …I voted for him and hope to attend his inauguration in Washington, DC in January.” Voting on the ‘Election Day’ may be important, but even more important is knowing about the candidates’ positions on issue of concern. Because it requires a degree of sophistication to research and understand whether candidates are proposing practical solution or not, many Somalis rely on other Somali friends and family members to tell them who to vote for. However, few are taking it seriously and investing time and money. Gandi Mohamed, Iraq veteran, speaking to the importance of understanding the candidates told the writer that he volunteered, donated money and voted for candidates he felt very strongly about. “I voted for candidates like Karen Clark whom I know about from grown up in South Minneapolis … she has helped us over the years and is grounded in our community.” he said. “I would recommend that we organize ourselves, educate candidates about our issues and most importantly vote for candidates that are susceptible to our issues.” Mr. Mohamed said. Apparently, Somali voters and volunteers are not immune from imperfections. As many older Somalis don’t speak or read English, and voting ballets and instructions not translated, many struggle to caste their votes. At Brain Coyle Community center, an area highly populated by Somalis, most of the election volunteers were Somali-Americans. Some of these volunteers may have violated some election laws. Abdiaziz Warsame (Bihi), community activist and volunteer, told the writer that campaign volunteers were caught on lobbying for their respective candidates on site. If true, fault volunteers could face prosecution and possible jail time. Ever since the Somali community got involved with Rep. Keith Ellison’s election in 2006, the number of the Somalis who has gotten politically active has increased enormously high. Both parties have recruited volunteers and employed individuals from the community. Even more, in effort to strengthten his connection with the Somali community, Minneapolis Mayor R. T. Rybak, Democrat, appointed a Somali man to the Minneapolis Public Library Board in 2005. “It is now obviously electrifying time for my community … we have not only became politically savvy but has taken an active and serious role and are treated as such.” Gandi Mohamed said. Over the years, it has become apparent that the Somali community is going to be active and viable and wouldn’t be overlooked or ignored. Minnesota may be seeing the beginning of a community that is more than willing to fully participate and assimilate into the mainstream society. Like Sharif Farah said, 12 years resident of Minneapolis, who voted to elect American president for the second time, “at any place, be visible or be gone [somali translation: meel ka muuqo ama ka maqnow].” Mshale -The African Community Newspaper
  5. How coincident Baashi. I was really browsing not long ago this site nystore.com/Obama
  6. Thanks Duke. The whole world is excited of Brack Hussein OBAMA
  7. 3. The growing muscle of terrorists in hitherto peaceful regions (Hargaisa and Bossaso) may portend well for the not so-popular rulers of Somaliland, President Rayale Kahin, and Puntland’s inept president, Cadde Musa. Both of the leaders may either call off the expected elections or use this recent terrorist strikes to extend their rule, even possibly limit civil rights in their respective regions. I like this insightful point
  8. Terrorism in Somalia gets more heinous WardheerNews Editorial Nove 3, 2008 In an October surprise, terrorists’ strike against five targets, three in Hargaisa, Somaliland and two in Bossaso, Puntland in a bothersome expansion of the never-ending Somalia conflict. The five attacks targeted a U.N. compound, the Ethiopian consulate and the presidential palace in Somaliland's capital, Hargaisa with approximately twenty one fatalities. Prior to these attacks, both regions have largely been peaceful and, unlike the rest of Somalia, free of violence. The official U.S. State Department statement, which condemned the attacks, saying " the actions of a small minority of violent extremists bent on continued chaos and destruction will not be allowed to defeat the desire and aspirations of the Somali people for lasting peace and stability,” is a welcome message. Having the trade mark of Al-Qada actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, these latest strikes against civilian targets, the presidential offices and the UNDP in Somaliland, inter alia, as well as other targets in the only two peaceful regions in Somalia, have several imports: 1. Given the targets as well as how well-organized the strikes appear, particularly those in Hargaisa, none of the regional and local administrations in stateless Somalia has the capacity or the military muscle to root out the ever-expanding terrorist networks. With an impoverished one hundred percent Muslim populace, largely forgotten and ignored by the rest of the world, Somalia today represents a safe haven for organizing and establishing terrorist infrastructures, whose future impacts, if not quickly arrested, could most likely destabilize the entire horn of Africa region. 2. Unlike conventional beliefs, terrorist networks in Somalia exist beyond the shores of Mogadishu. The well-coordinated October surprise in Hargaisa and Bossaso, a metaphor for the often talked American October surprise - usually marked by strikes at the command of an out-going president, as Bush did against Syria last week, - represents a clear defiance of religious groups. 3. The growing muscle of terrorists in hitherto peaceful regions (Hargaisa and Bossaso) may portend well for the not so-popular rulers of Somaliland, President Rayale Kahin, and Puntland’s inept president, Cadde Musa. Both of the leaders may either call off the expected elections or use this recent terrorist strikes to extend their rule, even possibly limit civil rights in their respective regions. 4. Somali terrorism has today a wider reach and broader Social network than two years ago, mainly as a result of the Ethio-US adventurism mission of invading Somalia and violently stamping out moderate religious Mullahs who were in the process of meticulously reestablishing the defunct Somali state. In light of the waning Ethiopian grip on Somalia and the growing infrastructures of terrorist groups in Somalia, the West, Washington in particular, must reassess its policy towards Somalia and terrorism in the region. The latest deadly strikes at key targets in Hargaisa have shown us what terrorists have in store for the Somali society. Indiscriminate killings and denying all Somalis any hope for a peaceful life is all that they can offer! Despite all the political squabbles raging in all corners of the Somali society, there is one small yet well deserved thing that the residents of Somaliland and Puntland had until these latest terrorist actions: Peace and thriving commerce, where all Somalis traded regardless of one’s clan origin, were positive attributes of these two regions until these latest strikes. Whether the October terrorist surprise in Hargaisa and Bosaaso would erode the small glimmer of hope that the Hargaisa and Bossaso experiments so far affords us remains to be seen. We at WardheerNews condemn violent actions against innocent civilians such as the horrendous one that shook Hargeysa and Bossaso on October 29. We extend our condolences to families who lost loved ones in the cowardly terrorist acts.
  9. Shir balaaran ayaa lagaga Hadlay Xaaladii dagaal Ee ka dhacday tuulada Laag Ee Gobolka Bari Laag:-Shir balaaran oo ay soo qaban qabniniyeen isimada iyo Maamulka Puntland oo aan loo kala Harin ayaa Maanta ka dhacay Meel Fagaare ah oo ah bartanka Magaalada Laag Ee Gobolka Bari. Waxaana Shirkaasi ka soo qaybgalay Musharax Jagada Madaxtinimada Sanada 2009ka Mudane Gen. C/laahi Axmed Jaamac (ilka Jiir) Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha iyo Amaanka Puntland C/laahi Siciid Samater ,Wasiirka Waxbarashada Puntland Maxamed Bille Dube ,Wasiir ku xigeenka Dowladaha iyo Hoose iyo Wasaarada isboortiga Puntland Cali Naaji,Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari Muuse Gelle yuusuf Faroole,Duqa Degmada Bosaso C/risaaq Xareed ismaciil Xildhibaan C/xakiin Dhooba ******* Abaan Duulaha Ciidanka Daraawiishta Dowlad Goboleedka Somaliyeed Ee Puntland Garya Cowl iyo Sarakiil kale oo ku suganaa Goobta. Dhinaca Isimada Caaqil Warsame Aadan Geesood ,Caaqil C/faarax Nabadoon Afguduud Beeldaajiye Cali Faarax Ugaas Yasiin iyo Isimo nadboone iyo samadoono aad u tirabadan oo badiba ka soo jeeda Degaanada maamul Goboleedka Somaliyeed Ee Puntland. Ganacsato Hormuud ka Yihiin Yuusuf Caalin ,cabdiladiif Yuusuf Bare Cunbil Faarax Bille iyo Xubno kale oo si wayn Looga yaqaan Degaanada Puntland. Dhanka coladii waxaa halkaasi hadalo ka soo jeediyey Beelaha wada Dega Magaalada Laag ee Gobolka Bari oo Si wada Jir ugu Baaqay Nabadgayo ka islaaxda iyo Heshiis Qalinka lugu wada duugo 3docood ee Xukumada iyo 2belood ee lugu lifaaqayo inay qayb ka yihiin dhibatoyinkii sababay dhimashada iyo dhaawaca Ee ka dhacay Magaalada Laag ee Gobolka Bari. C/ladiif Yuusuf Bare oo ka Mida Mulkiilayaasha Wawayn ee Degaanada Puntland iyo Ganacsade Yuusuf Caalan ayaa Madasha Hadal ka soo Jeediyey waxaana ay shegeen inay Bixinayaan Lacag ay jeebkooda ka bixinayaan taasi oo ay ku xasilinayaan Amaanka gobolka Bari. Ugu damayntii Waxaa soo xiray Shirkaasi Wasiirka Amniga PL oo Sheegay inay hada si Fiican isu fahmeen Xukuumada iyo Dadka ku dhaqan Degaanka Laag, wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale balan qaadey in ay dowlada bixindoonto magta dadkii ku dhintey dagaalkaas oo ahaa ciidanka Puntland Sidoo kalena sheegay beesha Dubeys dhibkii kasoo gaarey ay dowladu qaadan doonto iyo barakacii dadka reer Laag.
  10. It's a dream-cum-reality but give credit to the African Americans who turned out in record numbers. What's unique about the campaign that the media downplays is the direct contribution of popular black artists. They held free concerts and mobilized the youth to register and vote for Obama. There were many free concerts held in mostly the swing states, like Florida. Obama has also shown his ability to electrify and reach out to voters across the political spectrum. The stats indicate that only 43% of whites voted for him, meaning he could have lost if America were exclusively white, but it was indeed the Hispanics, African Americans and other minorities' vote that counted the most. Obama is a world leader who might have a major impact on the self-worth and dignity of the downtrodden blacks though his executive capacity would change little in terms of civil justice and opportunities. Deputy, given the enormity of the unfinished task ahead, he has a "coherent strategy for stabilizing Somalia" but it's not clear as to how that strategy exists. His wife, Michele Obama confided in one of their Somali volunteers for the Somali constiuents in MN that her husband has a concrete plan for Somalia. Obama is really interested in helping Somalis as it's indicative of his visit to both Wajir(Kenya) and Diradawa (Ethiopia)- both cities predominantly settled by Somalis. I hope he spells out his plan for Somalia during his 1st term of office.
  11. Mr. Dool has penned a good piece Somalia: Is Separation of Religion and State Important? Abdullahi Dool In the 1960s and 1970s, the army used to seize power in the developing nations. The military felt they could run nations better than the politicians of the time. Of course there are countries such as Pakistan where, because of land-related conflicts with neighbours, the military is never far-off from the corridors of power. Even in Pakistan and in most developing nations people now recognise, military rule is unmitigated disaster. The military is best to look after defence matters. The question is: will the use of religion bring a good government for Somalia? It is true, according to the Holy Qur’an we are required to rule ourselves by the word of the Almighty. Unfortunately, many Muslims confuse Sharia (the judiciary) with public administration (political matters). The judiciary is one of the pillars of the state. Governing, like the Judiciary has its separate path. Normally a medical doctor will not be a dentist; the same way a veterinarian is not a physician trained to cure humans. Every field has its own path and every field requires its specialists. That is why the Almighty wants mankind to seek knowledge. In the Hadith HASAN MASHHÛR – the Prophet impressed upon Muslims to seek knowledge no matter how far the distant — even as far as China: "Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim." In the 16th century, the churches used to rule in Europe. It is now many centuries since religion and politics have been separated in the West. We must ask, why? The reason is because religion and politics are lethal mix. Again we must ask, why? The problem is not religion. The problem is man. Guns do not kill. It is man who uses them to kill. The use of religion is subject to interpretation. Ten witnesses of one incident are likely to tell ten different stories (versions). Man has issues and flaws such as bias, attitude, greed, ego and many more. He or she also had a certain upbringing and certain schooling. The person who rules does not come out of a box like brand-new merchandise. An individual has a background, which shaped one’s outlook and attitude. Another important factor concerns values. Values come from one’s environment and upbringing. Values (qiyam) are cherished things such as land, flag, nation etc. If one’s parent(s) were clannish, one is likely to be clannish. Anyone can learn the entire Holy book by heart. One’s fairness (fair-mindedness) and judiciousness does not come by the mere reading of the holy book — they stem from other factors. A good government cannot be without positive criticism and constructive dissent. Man is fallible and those who rule need to be told when they are wrong. If mistakes are not mentioned how else will they be addressed? Unfortunately, it is hard to criticize clerics who use religion to rule. They will not tolerate dissent as they are likely to believe their verdicts are divinely inspired. They will dismiss any critic of their actions and will swing to swift action. What a man does is done by man. It has nothing to do with divinity. In the eyes of the Creator everybody is equal. And no-one is a direct representative of God after the prophets. The Somali people applaud the peace agreement reached in Djibouti on 9 June 2008. It is a good start which paves the way for a lasting peace in Somalia. The situation is very intricate and complex, but because of the peace agreement a new beginning has been achieved. It looks the Courts’ side which was a party to the negotiations have come a long way. This peace agreement if unhindered will end the presence of the Ethiopian forces in Somalia. The Somali people recognize that the Courts’ leadership which has signed the peace accord has shown a willingness to put the national interests above personal gain. The people also recognize the endeavour of the TFG side headed by the Prime Minister Nur Adde to bring a lasting peace to Somalia. It is not wise to oppose this peace agreement at its embryonic stage. This would not serve in the best interest of our nation. The continuation of violence will only prolong the misery of our people and leave no option for Ethiopian other than to remain in Somalia. It is always right to do what is in the best interest of our nation. We love our religion. We also love our nation. We know what works. Politics may not have delivered yet for the Somali people but that does not mean politics is the wrong application. It will depend on who is utilizing it. To govern well will no doubt require a deeper understanding of politics. It is important those who rule to be told when they are wrong. Good governing will need special skills. But any organization which rules through the use of religion will not bring Somalia any closer to the establishment of a better government. Let us remind ourselves that it is humans who run things (including governments) — not holy books. Even the holy words are subject to interpretation. It is not a secret that people interpret things differently. There is no doubt the Islamic Courts, during their short spell in the capital, have done a number of good things. They have also committed errors. Every nation has its judiciary (courts). But judiciary is best when it confines itself to legal matters. The question is: how to consolidate the good aspects of the Islamic Courts in the new Somali State? Sheikh Sharif has shown maturity as well as quick grasp of things. While rigidity and obduracy are the signs of bad leadership, open-mindedness and quick learning are the qualities of good leadership. In 2009, a unity government headed by Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed is the way forward. To form and run an effective government, the nation will also require a capable Prime Minister. In my next piece let us explore how such a unity government can give Somalia the best of both worlds. Abdullahi Dool E-mail: Hornheritage@aol.com
  12. Check this article about the literature of Somali women. This author has written over 10 books about Somali literature. Maansada Haweenka
  13. ^you are still wrong. There are thousands of written literature. How old are you?
  14. Shaken-and deterred, there's standard spelling in Somali language and the Somali grammar is great. The Somali spelling follow a standard procedure, and it used to be taught in both primary and secondary schools in Somalia. The problem is that the young generation have limited interest for the knowledge of their mother tongue, and that has to do with our current crisis and disintegration. Let me give you some examples, Some words in Somali language require the use of double letters, but oftentimes, long and short vowels play an important grammar rule. * Qorraxdu waa nolosha nafleyda (you can't just write Qoraxdu, that is a wrong spelling.) * Dalkeenna xagga bari waxa ka xiga badweynta Hindiya * Abdi waa macallinka dugsiga * Somaliya waa waddan Afrikada Bari ku yaal The Grammar Part. Magac Muuqda iyo Magac Qarsoon (definate and indefinate nouns) definate nouns are tangible ama wax la arki karo ama la taaban karo, sida: buur, geed, qalin, faras, bad iwm. intangible nouns. keen, run, nabad, naxariis, caqli iwm Somali Sentences that need transitional phrase Waalidku waa inuu tacliin baraa carruurtu, ha yeeshee, ilmuhuna waa inay naxariis u yeeshaan waalidka. Credit: "Aasaaska naxwaha af Soomaliga. Muqdisho: 1971. It's time we spread out the knowledge of our mother tongue.
  15. Good one. Foreign commercial boats put small and primitive wooden boats of the area out of biz. Right!
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: Nice one lads. The Gen is doing a great job and may Allah reward him. Thanks for the update. Alas poor secessionists are still claiming Sanaag are they? Duke, reality on the ground and media propoganda are two different things saxib.
  17. Tahriibayaal lagu daadiyey xeebta Magaalada Durduri Laasqoray: Dad muhaajiriina ah kana soo kala jeeda galbeedka gobolada Koonfureed iyo galbeedka Soomaaliya oo rabay inay u haajiraan dalka Yemen ayaa kooxdii tahriibaystayaasha ahayd meel dhexe oo Biyaha badda ah ka soo celiyeen iyadoo aanay wax ciladi ku iman laashkii ay dadkaas ku sideen dadkan ayaa markii hore tiradoodu ka koobnayd 152-qof sida ay noo ii sheegeen intaanay biyaha xeebta yemen ka soo celina waxay kooxdaasi dadkan ku qasbeen inay ka boodaan dadka wayna ka qubeen iaygoo jidh dil ugu daray iyo ka tuuris qaar kalena waxayba ku dhex dileen isla laashka shexdiisa ugu danbayntii waxay ka soo reebeen dadkaas 33 qof oo soo ku soo celiyeen Biyaha xeebaha Degaanka sanaag gaar ahaan Degaanka Xeebta DHOOFTINLE ee Durduri u dhow. Sida uu ii sheegay wiil dhalinyaro ah oo ka mid ah dadkan la soo celiyey oo aan waraysi ahaan u warbixnta uga helay in ay ku ma aragtay adigu wax meyd ah ka dib wuxuu i tusay nabarada korkiisa ku yaala ee jidh-dilka ah sababta loogu geystayba inay tahay Dadkan meydka ah ee ay ku dhex dileen laashka ee saaran in uu daadiyo halka kuwa dumarka la socdaana ay sidoo kale sidaas ii xaqiijiyeen wuxuu kaloo ii sheegay markii ay dadkaasi soo gaadhen degaanka Xeebta ah ee Dhooftinle meel aan u aanay dadkan soo hadhay ka dabaalan karayn qaarkood ee dumarka u badan in ay ku daadiyeen laashkoodiina tahriibleydu la baxasatay. Ka dibna wiilkani dumarkan muuqaladooda aad arki doontaan uu wiilkaasi soo badbaadiyey Ugu danbayntii waxay Ciidanka ilaalada Xeebaha ee Hogaanka Maamulka & Amniga Gobolku ay dadkan ugu tageen Xeebta Dhooftinle kuwaasoo Laashkii dadkan siday isku deyey inay qabtaan balse uu ka baxsaday, balse ay ku dedaaleen inay dadkan keenaan Magaalada Dur-Duri isla wakhtigiina waxay warka siiyeen Maammulka, halkaasoo hoggaanku uu u diray dadkan sahay Deg-deg ah iyo Daawo--daawadaa waxaa gaadhsiiyey hay'adda MCHka ee Degmada Laasqoray oo uu maammulku ka codsaday inay caawimaan dadkan. Waxaa ka socday MCHka Degmada: 1. C/risaq Maxamed Jaamac faarax ( Biniin) 2. Canab Hareera Cadde Sidoo kale waxaa si aad ah ugu gurmaday Dadweynaha magaalada Dur-Duri. Markii ay kooxdan sahayda siddaa ka soo noqotayna wuxuu maammulku amaray in dadkan lagu baxnaaniyo maalmo Isla Dur-duri maadaama dad rafaadsan ay yihiin, si xaaladooda Caafimaad ay mid caadiya u noqoto. Wakhtigaanu soo maraynay waxan ka soo qaadnay suuradaha ku lammaan qoraalkan. Weriyaha Puntlandfuture.com Ali Bayr see Picturs of the migrants
  18. Terrible News wlaaahi. Ilaahow u gargaar dadkaan tahriibayaasha. Durduri, Oct 22 (DhaharOnline)- Over 150 Somali migrants who had planned to be taken to Yemen were thrown overboard by smugglers on the shores of Durduri, a small town near Laasqoray, Sanaag. This is the second or third time that unsuspecting migrants, mostly women and children, were dumped off on the shores of Sanaag by smugglers. Accounts of the journey are horrfying as they were abused and beaten and some of them killed and thrown overboard. Coast guard of the local administration heard the screams and immediately rushed to help the migrants whom they finally swam them to shores. They also attempted to arrest the smugglers but were limited by the more urgent situation, according to Abdirizak Mohamed Jama, a resident nurse of Durduri town. The migrants, formerly IDPs, are now receiving assistance such as shelter, medicine and food. The injured are as well taken to a local clinic and are currently receiving treatment. The administration said that they will give the migrants days to recover. After that, they will be relocated to IDP centers in Bosaso and Badhan, with the help of UN and relief agencies. Source: Dhahar.com
  19. ^it's not a threat, but Mr. Africa is unaware of Ceerigabo's formula of peace and co-existance, part of which is under SL administratino. Given the gravity of future tensions and a rift of the relationship between the Gen. ILKAJIR and the SL administration, It's not in the Gen.'s plan to go to Ceerigabo so to exercise democratic caution. Besides, his major priorities are to establish viable administration in Sanaag, build its security forces and faciliate future and current projects. The most part of this region, inhabited by the Makhiris, cries out for an alternative to the way it has been. And he has been a beacon of hope for most of us and the future of Puntland, a state now hampered by internal squabbles, inflation and piracy. The Gen.'s dream is to turn around the image of Puntland. He has received immense support from Diaspora by Puntlanders and he will, stated in his electoral platform, prudent and tough enough to reverse the political and strategic challenge facing PUNTLAND STATE.