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Everything posted by Raxmah

  1. Raxmah

    Why Islam...

    Flying still your welcome sis. I just find it so ardous to understand, why so many somali muslims are so baffled about the importance of Islam, and that this western lifestyle is nothing but a mere illusion that is not going to get them anywhere.
  2. Swimming-- I love swimming. Also went Scuba diving once-it was scary but I would like to do it again inshallah.
  3. Raxmah

    Why Islam...

    Assalaamu Alaikum Waramatullah Wabarkatuh First question in mind, if indeed being a Muslimah is a symbol of oppression, then why is it that many woman {especially in the West} are converting/reverting to Islam nowadays? "Why", asked many puzzled "FREEMEN" of a society where Islam is an alienated word. What makes an inquiry mind think that a Muslimah [Muslim woman] leaves her Freedom of Life just because she reverted to Islam? This is one grandiose misconception that None Muslims have about a Muslimah and one favorite target of the media to spread rumors that "We" are oppressed covered little creatures. It is however, convenient for them to label "us" oppressed and subservient women in order to cover up their very own mask of deceptions. The Qur'an and the Sunnah [traditions] of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him has taught women how to be a woman and not a man. Since the word "RESTRICTION" is a flashy little word used to define Islam, I will give you exactly what it means from one who enjoys the word "Restrictions". Restriction in this sense means the essence of guidelines, which of course oppose to the Freedom of the West. What is the so-called "FREEDOM" that the West has to offer me? Allow me to enumerate just a few... *The West has given me the choice to wear skinless clothing and even allows me to bare it all where both men and lesbians just could not wait to get their hands on me. *The West allows me to tease, be playful with men, and raped me with consent and file charges afterwards. *The West offers me a position where I am compelled to compete with man in all angles of domination where my status as a woman makes me a provider rather than an individual who deserves to be cared for and treasured. *The West allows me to take my marriage for granted. Divorce, infidelity, and promiscuity are just but a norm of the society. *The West allows me to wake up one day and be a homosexual pervert, wife/husband swapping, and adulterous bestial drunkard person. *The West allows me to be a liar, murderers, scoundrels, and thieves and be able to get away with it "freely". *The West allows women to be abused, battered, disrespected, exploited, and use my state of consciousness as part of their charitable affairs. *The West allows me to dumped my children when they reached certain age of maturity in order for me to free myself from any further burdens and responsibilities. *The West allows me to disrespect my parents and teaches me how to sue them however and whenever suits my purpose. *The West teaches my children at school that "safe sex" even outside marriage is perfectly justifiable which is a deliberate act that teens pride among themselves nowadays. These are just some of the choices on the table for me. These are the choices that I do not wish to be readily available for me. Simply because it contradicts building the kind of society that I see Islam provides, which is MORAL JUSTICE. What does Islam teaches me? *Islam teaches me not to live in a backward mode. Islam teaches me to move forward and use my given freewill in an intellectual and rational manner where it pleases my Allah [God] primarily. *Islam teaches me how to live with dignity, act gracefully, modest and simple. *Islam teaches me how to live healthy. *Islam teaches me what it means to be content with the things that I have and the things I do not or cannot have. *Islam teaches me to learn and seek knowledge that will please my Allah, the Merciful. *Islam teaches me why it is important to respect my parents and care for them when they are no longer able for themselves. *Islam teaches me that the bounty of this world is not my property but Allah the Most Gracious and that I should share and use these favors sparingly. *Islam teaches me how to counter these oppressive life made by humans who acts like animals in order to make my life miserable. *Islam teaches me to be soft and strong at the same time whenever there is a need to apply neither one. *Islam teaches me that I am not superior to anyone except only by ways of my worship of God that excels my status from any others. *Islam teaches me self-esteem, a badge that I am proud to wear as a Muslimah. *Islam teaches me the definition of equality defined as role rather than competition. *Islam allows me to take part in political and social affairs of my community. *Islam teaches me how to be a leader and a model [not Cindy Crawford ways by any means] that would make me an example for all others to shape and reform an ill society. *Islam teaches me that I can be a progressive individual where my profession and talents can be an asset to the moral society. However, *Islam teaches me how to be a honorable mother first, where my priorities and concerns lies within my household. What this means, Islam teaches me not to be subservient to my husband rather Islam teaches me how to respect the rights of my husband and be loyal committed partner in all of our joint affairs as a family unit. Islam shows me what it is like to be treated as a queen and not a piece of object disposable at given time or that of a slave where I am strictly confined to household duties. Islam teaches me to be the teacher of my children so they can be better teachers and leaders of tomorrow. What Islam provides both men and woman is not a matter of choices. It is a gift, an irreplaceable value in this life and in the Hereafter. The Freedom that the West has to offer me is all temporary illusions, which does not provide any security both present and future. Nevertheless, of course Freedom thinkers care only what appears to be the present and that the present is the object of "REALITY". This is not in the case of the Muslims. Bear in mind that being a Muslimah does not come in cheap nor think that there is no inconvenience because there is. Islam challenges you to come out "Clean". Therefore, I took advantage of the "Freedom to choose" that Islam is rightfully my choice. I would think you ought to try it unless the fear of trying undermines your form of security.
  4. Al-Musawwir The Shaper of Beauty. He who designs all things, giving each its particular form and character (Sculptor).
  5. *SILVER* You are imaginative and fun, you love trying new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily, you're easy to talk to and you give good advice. When comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever. Some what true abt me.
  6. Asalamu alaikum Ameenah thanx for sharing the article, it's definitely an eye opener for those who think hijab is oppressive. I truly wish that some muslim sisters stop thinking wearing hijab was oppressive. They are sending bad image about the reason we wear hijab.
  7. Al-Badi -- The Incomparable. He who is without model or match, and who brings into being worlds of amazing wonder.
  8. As-Sami' - The All-Hearing It is written in Hadith that Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: "There are 99 Beautiful Names of ALLAH through whose mediation we have been commanded to make dua. Whoever learns them and recites them will surely enter Jannah." (In one riwayah it is mentioned:) "Whoever commits them to memory and recites them constantly will surely enter Jannah." InshaAllah.
  9. Asalamu alaikum Balsam everything that happens, happens for a reason. I understand that while in undergrad, you thought it wasn't the right time to get married. I really feel ya on this, now am in my second year studying, just turned 20 and have been approached by 2 brothers and I said no, and everytime I say no I wonder if I will regret it later in life. Am just stuck in this mentality that I have to finish school first then get married, but I know I still can do both. My parents keep telling me, dont make a mistake you will regret, and am definitely hearing that from your post. Inshallah I will change my way of thinking. Also Balsam, you are not that old. you are still young and don't just say yes to the 1st person who knocks at your door make sure he's righteuos and striver for the sake of allah. just get to know them first so you dont make a decision you will regret.
  10. I was coming to my cousins wedding, and tha hall that the wedding was taking place at was separated into places one for the guys and one for the girls. When I entered the building I accidently went into the mens section. I was wearing a strapless dress, I turned so red, if that wasn't bad enough I started to run but I triped right in front of everybody.
  11. Raxmah

    DO U KNOW?

    Asalamu alaikum Bachelor its true that the longer the word, the higher percentage it might have. But as you could see from the post I was using certain words that has value in our everyday life. Nin yaban Do you have to come up with something that belittle women in all your post. You lack RESPECT-- work on it. I can easily say W.O.M.E.N =23+15+13+5+16= 72 M.E.N =13+5+16= 34 AS you can see I can say men are almost half of women, of course I wouldn't be right, and in your case it aint right either.
  12. 24-- Al-Majid -- The Majestic One. He whose glory is most great and most high.
  13. 22 -- Al-Wadud -- The Loving One. He who loves His good servants, and bestows his compassion upon them.
  14. Asalamu alaikum The article generalized the issue too much, becuase for few ppl who have no faith and need for their culture, doesn't mean that all somali ladies want to adapt to this misleading western society. Walahi all they are after is giving us a bad image as muslims and Somalis, and we sure are letting them. It takes 2 to make a marriage work. Personally I would hope my man to be helpful as much as he can, but when it comes to working outside the house if he can take care of his family, why should I work. I personally wouldn't care if he cant cook, just giving attention to his children, and teaching them would be good enough.
  15. Raxmah

    DO U KNOW?

    Salaams Ur welcome Lucky -- I thought I should share it, cause so many of US have to work on out ATTITUDE.
  16. Raxmah


    Salaams If am alive in the next 12/13 years, inshallah I will be. I pray allah to grant me a long life. Family: Inshallah I will be blessed to be married to a rightoues man who is striver for allah, for, Islam. Inshallah I would like to be raising children, hopefully 6 who strive for that sake of allah. Inshallah I will be working as a health adminstrator some where in Somalia in childrens Hospital. Inshallah I will be in great health Mentaly, physically and spiritually. Inshallah my hobbies will be what is important to keep my family together, and teaching my children about this, and hopefully inshallah in spreading this deen to as many people as I can. Learning as much as I can of this beautiful deen, and Finishing on memorizing the holy quran Inshallah. If allah wills, that's what I truly hope to be doing.
  17. Raxmah

    DO U KNOW?

    A small truth to make our Lifes 100%....... If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is equal to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Then H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% only K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E =11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96% only L+O+V+E == 12+15+22+5 == 59% L+U+C+K == 12+21+3+11 == 47% don't most of us think this is most important???) Then what makes 100% Is it Money? ..... No!!!!! Leadership? ...... NO!!!! Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our ATTITUDE To go to the top, to that 100% what we really need to do is to go further..... a bit more. ...... A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E == 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 == 100% It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% Don't you think so?!?!?!?!
  18. Asalamu alaikum May allah take this suffering from the child and and the family. May allah help the family keep their imaan despite the difficult situation. May allah bless the suffering children with health and imaan.
  19. Assalamu alaikum, 'Abdullah (radiallaho unho) reported Allah's Messenger (salallaho alaihi wasallam) as saying: If you are three, two should not converse secretly to the exclusion of your companion for that hurts his feelings.
  20. Asalamu alaikum Well its obvious both guys got played, but if either guys were serios about the relationship they would have known what the girl was up to. I mean 2 years is a long time for either of them not to know they were being played. I dont know where you got the idea, that only males cheat in a relationship, females also do cheat. Its just assumed that males are more likely to cheat. Besides you are over generalizing the issue here, becuase u know one girl who did this, doesn't mean all girls do it.
  21. Asalamu alaikum Salatul fajr is by far the hardest because shaytann will keep you in bed. It used be very hard for me to get up in the morning, but now I have three alarm clocks set one is next to mu bed, I have one in the hallway and I have one in the bathroom. I have to get up to turn it off, and when I get to the one in the bathroom is pointless to go back to bed. Alhamdulilah it works for, and I hardly miss salatul fajr now.
  22. Asalamu alaikum The second scenario is definitely the best way to get high by going low. Also for those risk takers, addition to the second scenario try scuba diving, it's one of the scariest, yet funnest experience I had. Like Br. Nur said you will literally go high, while going down. Br. Nur did you like the experiance of scuba diving?
  23. Ar-Rashid -- The Righteous Teacher. He who moves all things in accordance with His eternal plan, bringing them without error and with order and wisdom to their ultimate destiny.
  24. Asalamu alaikum Sister Rahima that was a beautiful very accurate of what this muslim ummah is going through, thanks for sharing it. I haven't had the oppurtunity to attend an Islamic school, but alhamdulilah I will forever be grateful that my younger sisters can attend it. I live in a state where there are many somalis, but no matter how much they realize that that they are losing their children to the American society, they are not doing much about it. It brings tear to my eyes when I see a muslim sisters who once were a muxajabas now walking around as if they have nothing to cover themselves with, or a brother who can't seem to keep his pants up or comb his hair. For the past 5 years I have been in michigan, the somali community have been talking about opening an Islamic school for their children, and all they are still doing is talking and arguing. Yet their children are going astry and still not doing anything to help them. I hope someday they realize is not impossible to open doors for their childrens future, becuase I have seen it being done in the arab communities. There is 3 Islamic schools in this area, but they can't afford to send their kids there, yet still they can't keep thier kids straight in the right path and open an Islamic school of their own. That just confuses me. May allah help us in raising children that strive for the hereafter. Amiin
  25. Assalamu alaikum, I would like to share this hadith cause it really shows allah's SWT mercy and love for us. Abu Huraira (radiallaho unho) reported Allah's Messenger (salallaho alaihi wasallam) as saying that Allah (subhana wata'ala) thus stated: I am near to the thought of My servant as he thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me. And if he remembers Me in his heart, I also remember him in My Heart, and if he remembers Me in assembly I remember him in assembly, better than his (remembrance), and if he draws near Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by the cubit, and if he draws near Me by the cubit I draw near him by the space (covered by) two hands. And if he walks towards Me, I rush towards him.