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Everything posted by Raxmah

  1. Wa alaykum salam W. W. Wlc aboard, Inshallah U will enjoy ur stay on SOL.
  2. Happy b-day to runaway virgin and Flying still
  3. AAWW Wlc sis to SOL, i hope u enjoy ur stay.
  4. AAWW I dont think we forget us, it just that we just dont care anymore. We are so worried about this qabil and that qabil, and for the past 13 years we are killing eachother for stup!d worthless reasons. And now u want to know why I care abt the situation in Palestine cause they are fighting for the sake of allah. They are fighting the ennemies of allah, and for the past 40 years they been dying in shaheed for the sake of allah. WHile we are fighting and killing each other, and taking innocent lives away. Now do u see the diff between US and Palestine.
  5. Asalamu alaikum All threads are there for a reason, am sure someone is enjoying a thread that u might not like. If you dont like a certain ur best bet is to stay away from it. Plain and simple.
  6. Raxmah


    One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "It was great, Dad." "Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked. "Oh yeah," said the son. "So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father. The son answered: "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them." The boy's father was speechless. Then his son added, "Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are." Too many times, we forget what we have and concentrate on what we don't have. What is one's person's worthless object is another's prize possession? It is all based on one's perspective. Makes you wonder what would happen if we all gave thanks for all the bounty we have instead of worrying about wanting more. Take joy and appreciate every single thing you have, don't stress about what u dont have, u should be grateful u have enought to get by day by day.
  7. All yall in SOL are awesome, but I trully enjoy reading the posts of Br. Nur and Mujahid. They have great insights on the deen, and their posts are always worth reading.
  8. Kool Kat a great response, well said sis. Thansk bisharo for sharing the story-I loved it.
  9. Raxmah


    Sis, am not a hater or anything but sis why hate so many ppl for no reason. I thought u were such a good muslim, I know u know better, talk 2 ur sis in law and hopefully everthing works out for the better inshallah.
  10. AAWW Juxa this is not unusual when a parent blames the western society for having their children go on the worng path. The problem is from both sides, the girls starting to imitate gaalo, and the parents saying they can't do nothing abt it. Only if the parents understood what the punoshment is for letting your child walk half naked in public, nothing agains body peircing but is haram to show it in public, and talk abt tatoos. Its always the parent who can raise the child right. No matter how much the kid rebels, its their responsibilty to raise to be tru muslims. Am really tired of hearing am going to ship this kid back home, what is that going to solve, except create more problems.
  11. This is funny walahi, since am not in UK does this things happen often.
  12. WLc BAck Moti You've been missed a great deal.
  13. Rudy if we ban shariat law, what is left of us. Got any ideas as to what would be or is better than shariat law.
  14. I really dont view anything as a regret, but a learning experience. What I learned dealing with guys is there are alot of them trying to be ppl they are not, so I have hard time trusting them, but who knows I will find one who know his deen and will be able to trust him inshallah.
  15. Asalamu alaikum Nice topic Darman--I always thought getting married while in college would ruin everything I had been hoping to achieve. I had refused to get married twice just bc I'm in college, now this being my third year in college my attitude changed--Now I just say if he's the right mate then why not. I know is not impossible to be married and college, is all abt time management, goals, sacrifices and working together to acheive those goals. As for the 2nd question, no am not worried abt getting married, cause nothing occurs unless allah has planed it so. There are ppl out there who dont want to have kids but that is soo unfortunate, I mean who in their right mind wouldn't want to have a child.
  16. Has a purpose in life and knows how to get there.
  17. Let see--There isn,t such a thing as a failure in my past, it was all risks and mistakes that I learned from and made me who I'm today. I have acheived everything I set my mind to, go to college, take care of my family and never lose faith in allah and always strive to please allah.
  18. Is there really such a thing as a true happiness? Striving for the sake of allah in everything I do, is my true hapiness.
  19. Opinionated am pretty sure MOST of these hadiths are sahih. None of the hadiths were impliying that u have to be baby making machine, it was only stating the reward a mother gets for putting up in raising her children--it isn't really easy. Also I dont see how this hadiths is putting limits on women, could you elaborate more on it. What are the limits?
  20. Opinionated -- Exactly the way I would have responded to idoits like that.
  21. Asalamu alaikum sis that was a beautiful analogy, anyways I wish at least that alot of ppl had that mentality. They are so into this world that they totally forget what they have is from allah, and he can take it as easily as he given it to u.
  22. I personally would not ask him to get tested, if there was anydoubt in my mind I wouldn't be with the brotha. I hardly trust ppl, so when I trust some1 I do it with caution. ANd why wait for the wedding night gals, shouldn't it be asked b4 dat let say he was positive wouldn't that have been waste in ur life.
  23. Asalamu alaikum As soon as came to work on thursday, the whole power shut off. I wasn't lucky enough to go home though the place I work at had back up generators. It was the only place that was opened in my area so instead of ppl staying home like they were asked they decided they were gona go shopping. I have never seen meijers that packed in my whole life. I ended up working 16 hours instead of my 8 hour shift, can't wait to c that paycheck.