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Everything posted by Raxmah

  1. Such a beautiful article, thanks for sharing sis. I trully enjoyed reading it. We are so caught up in this world, that we sometimes forget what we are placed on earth for in the first place, thanks for the reminder.
  2. Most important lesson I learned is our days on earth are limited, I have to work for my ultimate goal and not put all my energy on this world materialistic things--I used to do that alot. Also Exprience is your best weapon-every thing happens for a reason, you might as well learn from your mistakes.
  3. I think discussing Islam is important, I think ppl ask questions so they can learn from their brothers and sisters. Not all of us are knowledgeable about every aspect of Islam but am sure each of know something other do know, and it wouldn't hurt to share it if ppl asked abt it, if the person feels comfortable with advive given to them is up to themor go ask a an alim, The problem arise though when someone answers a question they have no knowledge of, I dont think discussing Islam should stop, but I think ppl asking the question shouldn't take the advice, unless they are sure the answer given to them is a fact, they should do more research on their own, and ask a muslim scholar.
  4. Raxmah


    Very nice-- simple yet elegant thanx darman,
  5. affirmative action is so emotionally and politically charged, I think it has a positive and negative aspects to it. I wouldn't like to get excepted to school becuase am black, but it's creating diversity in schools and is benefitting under previleged students. Its just based on pride, if u want to get accepted to school b/c ur black is not going to benefit u, its ur brains that is going to take u far, as for the under representd ppl in like in health field, it very important for minorities to get involved and that is the only reason why i might agree with AA, but it gets on my last nerves, when ppl are so proud of themselves, bc they got excepted to a school bc they are black. As for somalis, they would definetly benefit from affirmative action, it not only for african americans its for minorities.
  6. I wish I was able to. But pls do convey our condolences to the brother, Inshallah allah will make it easy for him and his family.
  7. Asalamu alaikum Sucessful Career does not equal an unsucessful marriage and vise versa. It all depends on the person, how they balance their life and how to go about getting what they want. As for me, I would say am more of a modern women, I'm not planning to be stay at home mom--even though I know for sure there will be time when I will have to put my career on hold for my family's sake, but it doesn't mean it's impossible to do both at the same time, I know alot of women whom were able to do it and still are doing it. Why not me. I haven't spent all this years in school to be stay at home and cook. If you have goals and know how to acheive them, nothing is impossible.
  8. Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun, May allah reward to the highest level of jannah.
  9. Asalmau alaikum Walah is sad to see a departure of such a good muslimah, I enjoyed reading ur posts. Good luck and inshallah you will be rewarded for your contribution to SOL.
  10. Ameen. Very important aspect of Islam so many of us ignore, may allah guide us to the quran.
  11. Inshallah living life to the fullest, working to help children suffering from world disasters, hopefully married to allah fearing bro, and raising allah fearing children abt 4 inshallah. Just aspiration allah knows what's in store for.
  12. Sr. Rahima thanks for all the points u made, I was aware of them, and I know shias base their beleifs on many things that as sunnis we know is not feasible, all we can do is pray and ask allah to guide them to the right path. But pointing fingers at them and saying they are giving Islam a bad name is just going to create hatred between the sects, and as we all know there are as much sunnis giving islam a bad name, so lets not judge.
  13. Raxmah

    I wonder Why?

    3. Some Somali women is trying hard to be westernized but their hearts resist the idea but they still try hard anyway 8. Somali women have a hard time adjust with other environments rather than somalia Contradict each other.
  14. Favorite day gota be friday, sleep in until 12, go to jummah and my day just starts.
  15. Darman I agree with you that some of them beleive that the quran is altered, but not all of them bro, I've spent so much learning about the differences of sunnis and shias, and talked to many shias and from majority most of them didn't tell the quran was altered. some were actually offended I asked the question, I know some of them take it to the extreme, such as beleiving Ali RA was supposed to be the prophet, but not all of them. I just think you saying shias are giving islam a bad name was wrong.
  16. Muslim Friend A Muslim friend is one that constantly reminds you of Allah. A Muslim Friend is one that gives you sincere Naseehah. A Muslim Friend is one that lends a helping hand when you are in need. A Muslim Friend is one that remind you to follow a bad deed with a good deed. A Muslim Friend is one that loves you for the sake of our Creator. A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you of Allah to whom or which there is no one or nothing Greater. A Muslim Friend is one that lends a listening ear. A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you that Allah never gives us more than we can bear. A Muslim Friend is one who asks "Have you read Qur'an today". A Muslim friend is one that reminds you it is time to pray. A Muslim Friend reminds you that our goal is Jannah. A Muslim Friend stray you from being caught up in the dunyâ. A Muslim Friend reminds you of death. A Muslim Friend consoles you and tells you not to fret. A Muslim Friend is one who says they love you and mean it. A Muslim Friend is not one who says things just to be eloquent. A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you to make supplication. A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you; only in your Lord you will find satisfaction. A Muslim Friend is one who is patient and reminds you to be patient. A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you that Allah is with those who are patient. A Muslim Friend reminds you to follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. A Muslim Friend reminds you that, this will be our path to Jannah. A Muslim Friend never spreads your business on the street A Muslim Friend is so kind and discreet. A Muslim Friend is not one to quickly judge or deem you worthless. A Muslim Friend reminds you that in your Lord you seek forgiveness. Are you and I ready to be a Muslim Friend TODAY? All praise is for Allah who guided us to Islaam and blessed us with it and placed us in the best nation, so we ask Him to grant us that we keep to that which He loves and is pleased with and avoid that which He hates and which angers Him. ameen.
  17. The craziest thing I have done when I was kid might be the most painful I putted myself through--My dad left his car on, and it was my chance to drive since he wouldn't let me, I drove my dads car through a tree broke a hand and bruised my whole body and ended up in the hospital for three weeks, it wasn't worth it.
  18. We need a Ramadhaan because as a source of solace. We need a Ramadhaan because this is the time you are pulled away through the Rayyan Gate to Paradise. We need a Ramadhaan because we are busy inshallah turning the pages of quran. We need a Ramadhaan because we need to spend al qadr in prayers, the night that is better than a thousand months. We need a Ramadhaan because we need our sins to be wiped away.
  19. You lack self-confidense and self esteem, is that why u talking about ppl's looks. Get a life and use ur brain to post something wise. Your name definitely doesn't match your posts. IF u need suggestions let me know.
  20. I vision myself always going back to a peaceful somalia, nothing can beat Somalia for sure. But for now, as soon as am done with school, I'm headed to UAE, becuase I love that country, peaceful and dont treat non arabs badly as they do in Saudi. Inshallah I will visit makkah and medinah but don't foresee myself living in that country, even though I would love to pray my prayers there every day, also is my hope inshallah to spend a ramadhaan in Saudi cause I would love to pray taraweeh at makkah, also I love sudais's voice, just watching it on TV brings tears to my eyes.
  21. Those shia are giving islam a bad name I think you are stereotyping here, I think they care about Islam as much as Sunnis do, even though am NOT shiat I know many ppl who are, and I do consider them muslims bc they beleive in the five pillars of Islam. If you look around you will just find as much sunnis giving Islam a bad name.
  22. LOL, I was actually going to printed out and have my sisters read it.
  23. I will definitely be scared, I probably wouldn't know what to do. I would ask every1 for forgiveness even though I should be doing that now. Pray--I pray every day that I die in inshallah in sujud, it would mean so much to me. And make sure am surrounded by my family, they mean the world to me. After reading what everyone wrote and I my self, it has me thinking why aren't so many of doing that now, we don't know when we will be taking our last breath, my mom always told me, we shouldn't go to bed assuming we will be alive in the morning, and in the morning we shouldn't assume we will be alive until night. To me it sounds depressing to think about death so much, but the more I think about it the better am at striving to do good deeds for the sake of allah, cause am always thinking about what my last action is going to be before I pass away.
  24. I see some guys don't know the important criterias for choosing a mate.
  25. I think the problems you farah's might have is that there will be non farah to compare you guys with, and y'all are afraid that.