Brother Duke,
I am very surprised that even days after our nation is attacked by our well known archrival ethos that you have remained as the spokesman for a weak government that has allowed our nation to be attacked by tigre. that is very sad indeed. I wonder if you have any principle at all. and if you do, please mention what those principles are. what you have to understan is that we as somalis past or present never allowed other direct interferance to succeed amongst us. and I doubt today will bee the beginning. and i may add dont be to quick to celebrate the pull out because the war is not over yet and what ever may happen I doubt this weak gov't will be the gov't for somalia as some of us thought in the past. and the reason i say that is their violation against our nation is enormous and surely has ended any chance they might have had.
Dixon is the place where we all somali's found a second home. I personally grew up there. I don't understand the misconceptions about Dixon. Trully people say really bad things about a place they have only heared of. Why bring disgrace to your own people. As always somali's will try to ruin everywhere like they ruined their own home. Its a place of hope and it gives somany young namads a sense of belonging.
Dixon is the place where we all somali's found a second home. I personally grew up there. I don't understand the misconceptions about Dixon. Trully people say really bad things about a place they have only heared of. Why bring disgrace to your own people. As always somali's will try to ruin everywhere like they ruined their own home. Its a place of hope and it gives somany young namads a sense of belonging.
Dixon is the place where we all somali's found a second home. I personally grew up there. I don't understand the misconceptions about Dixon. Trully people say really bad things about a place they have only heared of. Why bring disgrace to your own people. As always somali's will try to ruin everywhere like they ruined their own home. Its a place of hope and it gives somany young namads a sense of belonging.
Dixon is the place where we all somali's found a second home. I personally grew up there. I don't understand the misconceptions about Dixon. Trully people say really bad things about a place they have only heared of. Why bring disgrace to your own people. As always somali's will try to ruin everywhere like they ruined their own home. Its a place of hope and it gives somany young namads a sense of belonging.