Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. ^^^ He said what is this? so, what were you thinking he was saying?
  2. Looks like he is winning!! Kaleidoscopic, maxaa lagugu xukumi hadii Oday Baashe kaa reeyo?
  3. Hibo, Zak is wadaad.com nowadays. If you would have seen him, long beard, his Thawb and his Islamic appearance in general(Shicaarul-Islam), Maasha Allah.
  4. Hooking up your sister??? I'm goin like this :eek: :eek: :eek:
  5. ^^^^^hahahah. Wiilo, thats not him---He must have sent you his friend's pic.
  6. ^^^^^LOL. What you talking abt? Never seen such creatures on planet Earth. You sure have lots stories to tell
  7. ^^^^^LOL. This sounds like one of those "your Momma" jokes ahaha. You sure you weren't listening to KDWB segment of your momma jokes this morning?
  8. ^^^^Not because you are a female but because you are "Xaliimo maryooley". Btw, I see females who make numerous laps at Calhoun while I’m still in my first round but am still waiting the day I see xaliimos do that… :eek: I guess never
  9. All the decent brothers are after decent somali sisters and am sorry to say this but if you cannot find a "decent" brother as you put it, you are either not what the decent brothers searching for or you are but just looking at the wrong places---I hope its the latter. Check yourself before you call all the brothers "losers" you might not be what you think you're and ask an honest friend if you have to, chances are they might tell you the truth!!!
  10. Afronaut, she prolly makes 10 laps in her mind while she sitting by the lakes....hhahahaha Xaliimo making 10 laps, No cannot happen!! Just kidding
  11. Am All for running and Swimming! Love to run in this Mennesodhah rainy weather making like 5 laps around lake Calhoun in the morning, if you live in MN and u are up for a challenge, bring yourself to Lake Calhoun tomorrow morning at 8:30am and I will make sure inaad cidhbaha kadhidido!
  12. ^^^^You do sound like Miss_Lexus, are you guys related orsomething? Back to the topic, I have more than 20 of them, they know who they are!!
  13. ^^^^^Why do you think Allah didn't give women the right to divorce? Just Imagine Xalimos having that power...hmmmm maxaa rag la furilahaa hadana lasoo celin lahaa oo hadana furilahaa...calashaan fataatiir camal baa raga loogu ciyaari lahaa
  14. Qac Qaac and DA, someone informed OG-moric that his dad has passed away thinking that Og-matic and OG-Girl were brothers and sisters but reading OG-moric's repply indicates they are not siblings indeed. He also said if her dad passed away, Alla yarhamuh and NEVER said the story was FALSE-QAC QAAC May Allah grant him Janah and forgives him his thanb..Aamiin
  15. Who needs the advice Ilhaan M.? Lady #1, #2,you or the guy? I would think the poor guy needs an advise but it seems to me that this faarax has ran out of luck today. No worries, hopefully his day will come where he gets advice from "Solving Somalis's Social Problems" group right here at SOL. I'll give my 2 cents as soon as I figure out who needs the Advice then!
  16. Thanks for your responses, it sure does inspire and encourage seeing that my fellow Nomads are so committed and hold their faith close to their heart regardless of where they might be. Maasha Allah. Kruella, you wrote: “salat and work don't go hand in hand with the western workplace†I disagree with your statement walaal. See, there are many Muslims/Somalis who think that way but the fact of the matter is, as long as you are in the western countries legally, you have every right to live your life as you wish so long you don’t subject anyone any harm and don’t violate their laws. We are here to stay and we’ll remain Muslims by the grace of Allah and the sooner we made ourselves believe these are indeed are our homes the better. Do not buy the Somali phrase which says “ Waala noqonayaa dibaa loonoqonayaaâ€. Whether we like it or not, these (western countries) are our homes. We have to believe that we can change the western world for the better, mental attitude na’mean and it will happen Insha Allah.
  17. 4, 2, and 7 Mahadsanid Walaal
  18. My question is, Do you have a designated area for this purpose? if not, where do you pray? What are your experiences-praying at work? Have you ever talked to your managers to accomodate for your daily prayers or Friday prayer? if yes, what were there reactions? + or -? For me, out of 300 ppl at my work, I'm the only Muslim and I have been praying at my Cubicle and Alhamdullilah, no bad experiences so far but I feel uncomfortable praying at times while people are passing-by but I usually remind myself that there is nothing to be ashamed off. I know this might be a sign of weakened Imaan on my part but Insha Allah I will work on this.
  19. Nuune iyo CM, bal eega hada waxaad iisoo jiideen. Phanta, dee dadka kala reeb haysku wada darine waa kusidee sowdiga farta nagu soo wada fiiqaya.LOL
  20. As far as I know, KUUNTO means DABO and BUUFKA means part of the Caloosha, just below the Belly button/naval. Mac^Salaama
  21. First of all, Mabrouk on your new born boy sxb, Alle haka dhigo kii waalidkiis iyo wadankiisa anfaca...Aamiin Secondly, you should come back and tell the Nomads what name you have given your son...mise anaa usheega qaraabada magaca wiilka
  22. When I lost my baby front teeth, it took me awhile to grow them back and my eedo used to tease me and called me Af-qalaal foto qaaxo…this used to really bother me so bad walaahi. She also told me to kiss a Donkey hadii aan rabo inay ilko iisoo baxaan. I went to my Hooyo and Ayeeyo to complain about my eedo making fun of my missing teeth and further insulting me telling me to kiss a DONKEY. They told me don’t even get close a donkey let alone kissing one becoz if I do, I will get 2 BIG FRONT TEETH ( this made me to contemplate for awhile but could not endure my eedo teasing me and calling me anmes) since Donkeys have big teeth. Now, every time I look at the mirror and see my big front teeth I regret for not listening to their advice…caku ciil badanaa :mad:
  23. Raganimo is not measured by the height of a man...Besides, gabdhahu intey single-ka yihiin waxay rabaan nin gaaban haka sheegaan balse maalintuu nin gaaban oo af miishaar i helo sheeko kale ayaan idinka maqlidoonaa...like how short guys are great this and that
  24. Wiilo iyo Pacifist, wiilka maxaad u haysaan iska daaya wuu shukaasi tagaye.....koley naagtii laqabey buu busy kunoqdaye. Alloow sahal umuuraha..aamiin dhaha