Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. Kheyr bro, this is what Allah, Ar-Raqib said about Islam and Muslims Bashers!! 9:64] The hypocrites worry that a sura may be revealed exposing what is inside their hearts. Say, "Go ahead and mock. GOD will expose exactly what you are afraid of." [9:65] If you ask them, they would say, "We were only mocking and kidding." Say, "Do you realize that you are mocking GOD, and His revelations, and His messenger?" [9:66] Do not apologize. You have disbelieved after having believed. If we pardon some of you, we will punish others among you, as a consequence of their wickedness. [9:67] The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women belong with each other - they advocate evil and prohibit righteousness, and they are stingy. They forgot GOD, so He forgot them. The hypocrites are truly wicked. [9:68] GOD promises the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, as well as the disbelievers, the fire of Hell, wherein they abide forever. It suffices them. GOD has condemned them; they have incurred an everlasting retribution
  2. Inaan ku guursodaan doonayaaye....aabo iyo hooyona imikaan la hadli doona...Haye dhe! hahaha! Thats one heck of a proposal! Talking like you grew some BALLS Qurux oo goormey kuu soo baxeen bahaladu :eek: !!
  3. The Ideal Muslim and His Community Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi offers more than 60 practical tips He is truthful He does not cheat, deceive or stab in the back He is not envious He is sincere He keeps his promises He has a good attitude towards others and treats them well He is characterized by shyness He is gentle towards people He is compassionate and merciful He is tolerant and forgiving He is easy-going in his business dealings He is of cheerful countenance He has a sense of humour He is patient He avoids cursing and foul language He does not falsely accuse anyone of disbelief He is modest and discreet He dos not interfere in that which does not concern him He refrains from backbiting and slander He avoids giving false statements He avoids suspicion He keeps secrets He does not converse privately with another person when there is a third person present He is not arrogant or proud He is humble and modest He does not make fun of anyone He respects elders and distinguished people He mixes with people of noble character He strives for people’s benefits and seeks to protect hem from harm He strives to reconcile between Muslims He calls people to truth He enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil He is wise and eloquent in his da`wah [invitation to Islam] He is not a hypocrite He does not show off or boast He is straightforward and consistent in his adherence to the truth He visits the sick He attends funerals He repays favours and is grateful for them He mixes with people and puts up with their insults He tries to make people happy He guides others to righteous deeds He is easy on people, not hard He is fair in his judgment of people He does not oppress or mistreat others He loves noble things and always aims high His speech is not exaggerated or affected He does not rejoice in the misfortunes of others He is generous He does not remind the beneficiaries of his charity He is hospitable He prefers others to himself He helps to alleviate the burden of the debtor He is proud and does not beg He is friendly and likeable He checks his customs and habits against Islamic standards He follows Islamic manners in the way he eats and drinks He spreads the greeting of salam He does not enter a house other than his own without permission He sits wherever he finds room in a gathering He avoids yawning in a gathering as much as he can He follows the Islamic etiquette when he sneezes He does not look into other people’s houses He does not imitate women
  4. Lets bring this one back and this time around, lets report some real progress Folks.Pair with your friend, neighbor next door-(assuming they are muslims), ur Masjid friend, ur room-mate or a Nomad on SOL that you can come together for a xalaqa either on the Week-ENDS or any other day..Muhammad, you better find your Masxaf coz I'm coming for ya! My plan is to read 2 Juzz/day so that way I can stay 1 juzz ahead of the Taraawih Qiraa'a. I will report back in few days InshaAllah!! AbduL-Ladiif
  5. WOL, dont mind Kashafa, he prolly couldn't think straight as he is having a nostalgia seeing bur and saliid. Saliid=oil or cooking oil Bur=corn flower, flour There is also bur-saliid which is obviously a mixture of these 2 and some other stuff. More like Mandazi
  6. don't make Sambusa. Can't stand the deep fried odor it leaves behind. Absolutely dreadful. My place just smells like the perfume i'm wearing, or the candles i'm burning usually. No bur-bur & saliid saliid for me. I break it with bowl of oatmeal, orange juice, and spaghetti for dinner. Simple Well, you can always come to "Abaayo Karoon" a.k.a. maqaayad/maqaaxi where you will be served by a faarax free of deep fried odor! About what is on my plate, I do not have a plate, dont need one
  7. As Salaam Aleikum Akhi, Saddexley Saddex dadkaa kugu naca. Baryo badan bukta badan iyo baahi badan. Nimco Haddii aad nimco doonaysid Nimcada Islaamka ayaa kugu filan, haddii aad mashquul rabtidna Alle caabudidiisa ayaa kugu filan, haddii aad cibro qaadasho doonaysidna dhimashadaa ayaa kugu filan. Aragti Dheer Ruuxa caaqil ka ah maalkiisa ayuu u huraa caafimaadkiisa, Axmaquna caafimaadkiisa ayuu maal ku baabi'iyaa.Hodontinnimadu waa qanaacada … ee ma aha maal badnaanta. Iimaan Allaa uur buuxsha. Faqiirka calooshiisa waxay u baahan tahay cunto, taajirka cuntadiisuna calool ayey u baahan tahay. Xusuus Xikmad ayaa waxay ahayd. Bani aadamku waa miskiin,bal haddii uu naarta uga baqi lahaa sida uu faqriga uga baqo labadoodaba waa ka badbaadi lahaa. Haddii uu Jannada u raadin lahaa sida uu hodontinimada u raadiyo labadaba wuu ku guulaysan lahaa. Haddii uu Alle uga cabsan lahaa hoos ahaan sida uu khalqigiisa uga cabsado labada daaroodba wuu liibaani lahaa.
  8. The girls on Radio Baranbaro have brought that all on themselves How so Mr. Sky? Care to elaborate on this!!
  9. Radio Baranbaro Entertainment Group Inc Forum This guy steals pictures of some innocent girls and posts them oh his site. He is a real evil to say the least and I do not understand why would any man do such a despicable act. Does not he have a sister, a daughter, a mother, an aunt or a niece. Some of us might think that his victims are bad girls themselves and deserve this but that isn’t true. Even if they are, no one deserves this. Long story short, do you know how to stop this guy doing this? His site gets crashed many times but he just comes back right up. Do you think complaining to whoever hosts his site will work? How about telling the Authority? Maybe they could do something!! Anyone, any experts please AbdiLadiif
  10. ^What is my cup of tea Sheherazade? and how did you reach that conclusion since I did not even comment on the topic!! Maanaa waalan mise Shehe cadanbaa lowga heesi
  11. I’m sure most people are only too aware of my dislike for pseudo-mullahs. Ah No, you’re not only known for that Sir. You are known for being a liberated fella and also having an extraordinarily Comprehension ability higher than most of the SOLERS' This is the source Haji Ngonge
  12. ^Eesh calaa booto ! Sheekadii ciyaalka xaafada aad la timid meesha Brown! You think all that crib walk and stuff will shake Bearded-man?
  13. Grandma could have been sued for mis-leading the Doc WOL
  14. Castro had happily and utterly rejected the existence of Allah and for the life of me; I cannot understand why would anyone with the right frame of mind expect him to denounce homosexuality. He thinks that being Qoomu loot is natural and thus attends gay parade and possibly has few gays/lesbian friends………one wonders whether he attends with his **** and ** ******** or not . I failed to see what makes a straight family man attend this disgraceful gathering or rather openly embrace homosexuality PS: I do not see WHY my previous post has been deleted, if you have problem address it here instead of secretly deleting posts!!!
  15. Religious extremists are thought to have put off Bristol concert-goers by claiming music is the work of the Devil. The group of Somali men handed out leaflets as a band was due to play at the Casablanca club in Stokes Croft. The Somali band AAR had expected a large crowd for the gig, on August 20, but hundreds of people failed to show, which cost the club owners £800 in lost takings. Hasa Nour, from the London-based band, said the protesters verbally abused women and told concert-goers that they would go to Hell. He said: "We are Somali and Muslim, but we do not agree with what these people were saying. "We had to call the police in the end because these people were shouting at women and telling people that music is the Devil's work." The extremists' leaflet claimed: "On Judgement Day Allah will reward those who went astray and those on the right path respectively. "You will be asked what you have been doing on August 20. "What will be your answer, 'Oh Allah, I was partying in Bristol'? Dear brothers and sisters, don't follow the call of the devil, it only leads to Hell."
  16. Islam is a way of life which includes all values, behaviors, and details of living and separation of religion and state is not an option for us [true Muslim] for it means to exclude the law of Allah and calls for us to desert Allah's decree for that of a man.
  17. think u have two issues to deal with... first him going to the party?,,, and the food he brougth? Make them 3 issues sis, third being, can he befriended with a christian? its a question we have to ponder upon! Allah knows best
  18. ^^^Why are you looking at him like that? Castro was just passingby not following you!!
  19. You right Young, theY are helpless Nomads who are Targeted because of their Qabiil bloodline and political reasons
  20. those paki and arab guys that go to msa meeting are just as scandalous as everyone else Maybe some(!=ALL) of them are even more scandalous than the average faarax!! I was shocked when I found out my MSA's president was Alcoholic :eek: :eek:
  21. ^^^^He might not know women, sex and such but at least he knows his religion unlike others. Asking silly questions which you already know the answer is an all-time true annoyance not to mention when it is about basic Deen knowledge-xalaal and xaraam!!
  22. Altho I have the feeling that you will come back with another throw in line to support your prev statement [big Grin] I can bet on my life that he will....lets just wait and see maybe just maybe he will prove me wrong
  23. The Region where I'm from, girls do not drink tea.....word is, tea makes 'em ********* but whether thats true or not is beyond me....gabdhaha hala waydiiyo
  24. ^^^^^^You dont have to worry about any Exam as long you have some of your kinsmen in the Goverment (un-existing one now). I'm reer Hebel will do. See, Somalis do not have a regard for the law.