Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. War Brownow, Calanku maxuu tari wadankiiba ma haynee? If you insist, waa kadhexe maandhow! 10 and 40 mins to go: Work, Soon! Ciid wanaagsan
  2. one of the nomads in SOL has informed me that the majority of the people in SOL are not able to read Somali. Well, if this is true, then they should learn afkooda-hooyo unless they have a good reason....somalia kuma dhalan is UN-ACCEPTABLE excuse ani xataa kuma dhalan somalia qurbaha ayaana joogey for the last 16 yrs..if Baari could do it, every1 can do it! PS: I do not think you should apologize for writing in somali afterall, its a somali site W/s ukhti Fi^Allah
  3. [EDIT] His name is Muhammad Taha Here is the link Bakar
  4. ^^I think your prayer is answered....Helping a sister beat the dead-line, hmmmm..not a bad idea haye Bishaaro diyaar matahay?
  5. I thought I should remind my Muslim brothers and sisters abt this since its getting closer as we are coming to end of Ramadan. Every Muslim is required to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr at the conclusion of the month of Ramadan as a token of thankfulness to God for having enabled him to observe fasts. Its purpose is to purify those who fast from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy.[1] This view is based upon the hadith which reads, “The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, enjoined Zakat-ul-Fitr on those who fast to shield them from any indecent act or speech, and for the purpose of providing food for the needy. It is accepted as Zakah for the one who pays it before the `Eid prayer, and it is sadaqah for the one who pays it after the prayer.â€[2] Al-Qaradawi comments on this hadith by saying that there are two purposes: one is related to the individual; for completion of his fast and compensation for any shortcomings in his acts or speech. The other is related to society; for the spreading of love and happiness among its members, particularly the poor and needy, during the day of `Eid.[3] It also purifies one’s soul from such shortcomings as the adoration of property, and from miserliness. Furthermore, it purifies one’s property from the stain of unlawful earnings. It is also a cure for ailments.[4] The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “It would be better that you treat your patients with charity.â€[5] In addition, it provides for the needs of the poor and the indigent and relieves them from having to ask others for charity on the day of `Eid.[6] The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Fulfil their need on this day (i.e., the day of `Eid)â€[7] Click here for the rest of the Article! Zakat-ul-Fitr
  6. Dalladda Culumaa'udiinka Soomaaliyeed oo Gudniinka Fircooniga weerar ku qaaday Click here!
  7. ^^^^haha! waan hayaa cajalkan pretty funny indeed. Raula, ma aragtey markuu kasheekeynayo hab shukaansigga hablaha magaalada iyo kuwa miyigga? Allah maxaa lacagtii shaneemada lagga sacay duqan haha This dude is helarious!!
  8. Libaan and Bada Cas, I have four tickets for the Wild tonight at 7:00. The first reply I get to this gets them at the going price of $65.50 Pucca, stop shaking please waa ramadan Good Luck!
  9. waryaa waa ramadan dee...You NAsty boy you NAsty haha!
  10. Ali Dheere is a cousin to that well-known somali lawyer in Kenya-Ahmednassir Abdullahi. He teaches one of those kenya Univesities, has law firm, Chairperson - Law Society of Kenya (Mar 2003 - ) Chairperson - Kenya Anti-Corruption Advisory Board(I'm so glad that he resigned from this position after he clashed with the president). I should be proud of this young somali fella *Tough dude, you should have seen him on Cross-fire discussion*
  11. ^^Odayga ma shaxaarinimada aa kunacdey Bishaaro? Sidii adhi/ari qayilayoo dhurwaa shaah usoo kariyey Ama habar bidaar lahoo dhakada xaadi kagga taalo! Ama bakeyle doonyeysan oo roodhi kucasheeye
  12. Blueprint for a Successful Business By Edward F. Saroney III MAY 2005 - Entrepreneurs often attempt to build a business without a blueprint—a comprehensive financial forecast or financial projection. A financial forecast assumes the business’ operations will continue on a set course, with no major changes. The operative phrase is “set course.†Preparing a monthly financial forecast sets the course for a given period of time, usually a year. Once done, actual monthly results should be measured against the monthly forecast. If there are no significant deviations, the business is under control. Otherwise, the plan needs adjusting. Many business owners attempt to build a business without a financial forecast because they trust their instincts. This may provide short-term success, but can result in long-term failure. Often a company has financial problems long before the owner or management realizes the extent of the trouble, at which point it’s usually too late to turn the company around. Although financial forecasts do not guarantee success, a forecast does signal for immediate attention to problem areas. Responding to problems quickly increases the business’ chances for long-term success. A projection is different from a forecast. A financial projection, unlike a forecast, assumes the business will undertake some major change. Generally, financial projections should be prepared for start-up businesses as well as existing businesses that are contemplating a major investment, such as the acquisition of another company, the development of a new product line, a major equipment purchase, or some other significant capital expenditure. Financial projections enable management to make smart business decisions before expending company resources or incurring debt. Given certain assumptions, management can assess the risk of debt payback for a significant capital expenditure. For example, assume a business is considering an acquisition and the financial projection indicates the debt payment will be tight. With this information, the owners can renegotiate the purchase price, renegotiate the payment terms, or reconsider the purchase altogether. A comprehensive financial forecast or projection includes the following documents, broken out on a monthly basis: Forecasted or projected statement of operations; Forecasted or projected statement of cash flows; Forecasted or projected balance sheet; and Statement of significant assumptions. Some companies prepare only a forecasted statement of income, erroneously believing that this will be adequate to provide them with the information they need to be successful. Cash flow forecasts are also essential. Although actual monthly operations might proceed in line with an annual income forecast, a negative cash flow might hamper an company’s ability to continue with its plans. Possible reasons for a cash flow crunch include the following: Poor billing of work in progress; Inadequate collection efforts; or Insufficient lines of credit. If a company prepares a comprehensive financial forecast, such problems will be immediately apparent and can be addressed. Unaddressed problems can result in a company leaving money on the table and risking its financial solvency. In addition, upon reviewing the forecast, management would have learned important information about the company’s operations and gained confidence that its operations were under control. Nonprofit organizations also need financial forecasts and projections to ensure their success and continued existence. Because nonprofits typically operate under a tight budget, they sometimes hesitate to spend the necessary dollars for the preparation of a financial forecast. Because of their very thin equity base, however, a grasp and understanding of an organization’s complete financial position is paramount. The board of directors of a nonprofit organization has a fiduciary obligation to exercise due diligence. Lack of a financial forecast can call into question the board’s judgment and ultimately lead to an organization’s downfall. Financial forecasts and projections are also critical for banks’ loan officers. Bankers generally insist on detailed projections before approving any start-up business or business acquisition loan. Bankers should also require financial forecasts from existing clients. If a business’ profits begin to erode, bankers will typically review the historical financial statements and discuss possible reasons with the business owner. Historical information, however, does not provide the banker with information on the future solvency of the business. The financial forecast is what alerts the banker to critical issues that need addressing. The banker can then make an informed decision about the banking relationship.
  13. I cannot believe there is no one in-line for this, what? is having a yellowish teeth a fashion statement or something nowadays? hmmmmmm....mise dadku waxay rabaan inaan labada xababa ka dhigo free Brown, u sure dont need it coz i can see some brown stuff on your front gigantic tooth bro? Harun, pictures are coming sxb!
  14. Once I left for school bare-feet, did not realize untill I was in the parking lot The other day, I arrived at the mosque, entered the Masjid and stood for tahiyatul-Masjid. When I first bowed down for the Rak'a I realized I had my left shoe on and people were looking at me like I'm gone nuts...it was really embarrassing but finished my salah still my shoe on!
  15. Muhammad, Dhuljiif waxaa layiraahdaa inta bogga iyo baabacada kusocota een caggo lahayn sida maska iyo wixii la mid ah..fahamtu? This might be an extreme/unappropriate example xaal qaata hadii aydaan uboggin but Abrarey, baribaa ninbaa intuu meel dadku ku badanyihin istaagay ayuu kor ukaadiyey markaasaa lalayaabey oo la waydiiyey waxa kudhacay ninka wayni uu kor uggu kaleedhiyey, markaasuu yiri dee duul/dad culimo wareerisey baan nahay......hada anagga shaatigan yer ee aayar layska soo badeli een laysuna sheegayn wuu na wareershey ama waa inuu LST function-kan disable kadhigo ama waa inaan ana iska soo badelo aleelaha Baashiyow, nink nagga qabo sxb wuu na rigeystaye
  16. Nimanyahow ciraab laguma kaco curuf la'aaneed e Cod xidhaal ah oo wada cajab ah cayn aan ka higaadsho. Wax cad oo madow baan arkee car ee yaa sheega? -->Bal tan aan ku taagsado. Malaha waa munaafaqiinta--ingiriiskii iyo intiii la hal maashey ileyn ragani meel loogu soo hagaago malahayne yacni madow iyo cadaan midna lugguma tirin karo! Waxa dunida caaqil u ah oon ciddi khilaafaynin Oo caasiga iyo caabudkuba wada cisaynaayo ---->Ilaah cid kasareysa majirto oo dunida caaqil u ah! Wax calaha ka dheer baa jiroon ciddi ka gaabnayne Cidhib dhiibsi kuma gaadhi karo cududaheenaase Caynkaasna anigaa arkee cara ee yaa sheega? --->Ma dhul-jiiftaa sxb? Cawadii waxaan kaa tagayn cadowna kaa eegin Oo waaga kaa caraaya oo ku cid la'aynaaya Caynkaasna anigaa arkee car yaa sheega? Tan madaxaan soo tuujin sxb mar labaad:)
  17. Sxb, shinni (bee) ayey ila ahayd inaa lagga hadlayo ilaa oon akhriyey sadarkan, hoose fiiri! Aan shabaabka iyo sheekha iyo sheybku kala soocmin Yes, shinnidu waxay usocotaa raxan raxan yacni illaa shakun way u wada socotaa waana shuraako(iskaashato) balse way kalla soocantahey oo boqor ayey leedahay waxaana ku xigga boqorad....kobtaas (LOL) markaa marayo ayaan ogaadey ineysan shinni ahayn. Waa hagaag...Horta maylasocotaa---->Kasoco waan umaleeyey inay QUDHAANJO/Quraanjo tahay waayo cadada/tirada Shan-kun ayaan ka ishaaro qaatey balse this is what had me get confused bal fiiro! Wadana shiil modow ah aan casaan ciddi ku sheegaynin Quraanjadu midab ahaan waa madow lama dhihi karo if I can recall balse casiin xiggeen iga dheh Aw-Jaamac, Shinnidu ma wada madowbaa?
  18. MashaAllah bro...I'm honoured to be the first this time around but let me quote this for you from last party! Wiil Edeb Badan A turbaned Chauffeur driven, super stretch late model camel equipped with GPS, a fine camel milk and fruits riferegerator, a super sound system starring Sheikh Mohammed Saleh Alim Shaah, a 5G Mackintosh Power book with a broadband mobile EVDO connection to another world, can be dispatched as an appreciation for a classy guest like you, but you need a permanent companion before embarking on this great trip to assure safe arrival, this trip is no fun without a reliable partner(i mean a GEEL JIRTO lady), let me assure you bro., half the fun, will be getting there. Nur For whatever reasson, GEELJIRTadii ima soo gaarin ilaa hada, see wax ujiraan sxb mise rag layskuma haleeyee dhanka dirawalka ayaa layga soo galey? yaah
  19. Xusuusta Allah waa nolosha qalbigga sidaad ushseegteyba Nurow waxayna sababtaa inuu aadamuhu feejignaado qofka Allah xusa iyo kaan xusinna waxay isu yihiin noole iyo moodaneh qofkastana wuxuu ku dhinto ayaa laggu soo saari. Allahayow zdikrigga Alle nuggu dil. Gurigga Ilaah lagu xusaa iyo kaan luggu xusinna waa sida guri luggu noolyahay iyo mid kharaab ah oo baarid. Nur, horta noolaha kale ee aan ahayn bilo aadmigga way xusaan rabbigood oo way utasbiixsadaan soo maaha? Subxaana Allahi wa bi-xamdihi Subxaana Allahi Al-Cathiim
  20. mucho dinaros?LOL war markaa meesha tagaba jawaan lacag ayaa kagga imaadaa sxb canshuur celisna wali leymasiin gef aa :eek: ? war dee markaan meesha tago een buug aan is iraahdo maanta kan gado waayo ayaan akhriyaa intabadan dabcana buuga ma akhriyeeysid from cover to cover but intiisa badan.... bal arintan waa loo fiirsan hada kadib---doraato, i went there and bought sharxu Al-Tauxiid Good Book! Please, do not leave w/o listening this with da-dabur. Thanks surat Qaf: http://www.alhesbah.net/quran/index_files/qaf.rm
  21. Muhammad,lets meet at Rayaan door where it reserved for people who fast not only from food but from everything else InshaAllah----- Ina fil Al-Jannadi Baabun Yaquulu Lahu Al-Rayaan Yudkhilu Lahu Al-Saaimuuna
  22. Yes WOL, such men will be indeed ridiculed and be told that they are living in the past, are close-minded and back-warded. However, they should not be dis-couraged and distracted by such spiteful and unpleasant remarks but be steady fast and please their maker. Patience and preverence And be steadfast in patience, for verily Allah will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish." (11:115 “Islam started out strange and will go back to being strange, but GOOD TIDINGS to the strangers who rectify what the people have corrupted†or kamaa qaal. Islam goes 3 stages and we are in the final one I believe. Abrar, I believe striving for the characteristics of the ideal Muslim/Muslimah is the Jihad every Muslim faces, and by far the most challenging So true, I wholeheartly agree with that! Muhammad, I actually read the book Ideal Muslimah at the same Maktabah (it become a hang out place for me lately..iskeen nooh). I meant to buy the Ideal Muslim but never got around to it. I will do that idam Allah. Haa sxb waa inaynu mid mid u [check] garaynaa oon listigga dhinac uridnaa
  23. Waxay u egtahey in halkan ruugcadaagii isku heleen maanta waana Ilaah mahadiis marba hadii cuqaashii SOL oo odey Baashi hormuud uyahey ay garteen in Walaalkeen Muhammad la habeeyo. Waxaa kaloon rabaa inaan duq Baashi iyo Muqaawiirta golaha taabsiiyo oon usii xaqiijiyo qiimmiga iyo akhyaarnimmada Muhammad oyna tahay mid aan daafaha sol uun ku eg balse ay tahay mid lagga yaqaano golayaasha ay isugu yimaadan dadka heybada iyo sharafta loo nisbeeyo ee reer mpls Hadalkiibaan ku dheeraadaye bal aan hadana jaanta rogo.Salaaam!
  24. Free item: I have samples of Shofu "Rewhite". This is a touch up kit for those of you who have custom made trays. I also have one box of Supreme Whitestrips for $24.65. Check made out to AbduL-Ladiif Just make a line and flash your teeth ( like this ) and these will go to whomever needed the most
  25. ORGI-QASHE, arintan maxaa ka jira sxb? waxaan maqalay Gaalkacayo aroortii markaad maqaayada timaadid eed qureec dalbatid mid uunbaa intuu agtaada soo fadhiisto, rooti yar oo qalalan soo qaato, uunbuu qareecdaadii dhinaca kasoo gali isgoon ku weydiin. Markaad tidhaahdo war Jaamac see wax ujiraana, wuxuu ku dhihi, balo war maandho maaniggaa qoreecdaada cunaya fuudkaas/maraqaas ayaan rootigga iskaga dhuuqiye Tukale, must every reer Gaalkacayo person have a weird nick(my roommate adeer is called adeer lac-wase)---even islaamaha have one I heard :eek: