Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. Meygaagow, haa sxb soo qor wax alla wixii hooyo kusaabsan dhabcan title-ku waa narrow balse hada mabadali karo[Editing time is up]. We can post anything that pertains to HOOYO. Here is Hooyadu waa lama huraan by Carees Ciise Abaadir, adigu ama hees/gabey mid uun keen hadii kale dadka wax curinaya jidka ubanee adeer waa ku sidee
  2. Ngongow, it was a indeed an interesting read but TB wasn't the only cause of Cilmi's death. First of all, Elmi was possessed by Shaydan and if anyone loved Hodan, it was this Satan who followed him from the sea that morning. Elmi could not possible be in love with her because he only seen her once and exchanged few words as a customer/client. Depression was the major cause of his death and if you read Elmi's heeso/gabayo, you will see that he was really depressed and that affected his bility to(function) work, sleep, eat,enjoy life and take care of himself. Possession of jin-->deprression->Malnutrition->TB=his death
  3. d. What is the maximum age difference you can tolerate Hint: (Middle Eastern Joke: Very old man marries very young girl, in their wedding night, they were both crying, why? he forgot all about it, and she is too young to figure it out) LOL…funny joke sxb waxaadba I xusuusisey tixdii Saahid Qamaan iyo Faytin Muxumad dhex martey markii uu Qaamaan guursadey Faytin Inaadeertii oo aad iyo aad u yar. Dee malaha Qamaan age-kiibaa kadaba yimid tii yaraydna baabkan isaga ah waxba ugama bilowneynba..haha. Maalintii dambe ayuu Qamaan dhahey gabadha hala ii badalo Jawaabtii Faytin: Waa laba iyo toban gu’jir aan fuulankeed geline Waa kaa gankeedii guryaha looga caws guriye Maxaad nugu geleysaa hadaad fuulmo garan weydey? Horta gabadhu hadii ay aad kaaga yartahey wakaas baabkeedu Tii waynaydna waaka baabkeed: Ninbaa waa guursadey Gabar kaweyn markaasaa aad loo caayey. Magaaladii oo dhanbaa isu sheegtey markaasaaba afareyna loogu darey. Waxay yiraahdeen iyagoo raga uga digaya inayna guursan xaas kaweyn: Dheegbaa yeelay ha udhiman OO ha ushibin dhuuxaaga dheedheel OO ha udheelmin Dhagaxbuurna dhiilada(Ceeb calashaan) Markaasuu Dheegana Afarey isku difaacay uu yiri: Ninba tiisuu la taahi jireye Hadaan katashadey Tabaalada Ma taabuudkii Nabigaan (SAW) Tumaatiyey Your E-Nuri questionairs, waan isoo noqon hadii eebe idmo
  4. Al-Salaamu Aloikum and Happy new year. Today is 1-1-1427, the islamic new year. May allah bring us many blessings and bestow us his peace and blessings just as he has bestowed his mercey and blessing on the last prophet Muhammed and his rightous slaves Aamiin [Edit] Sorry, I didn't know there was another similar thread posted not long ago...ookoyaaladii ayaan soo hilmaamey maanta oo saani wax uma arko, raali noqda:)
  5. Yaa Sayidil Qudbi, bal fiir sadarkan uu MMA qorey: "Afyaqaanada iyo afsoorada meesha ku jiro" Ereyga "Afsoorada" laxni ayaa kujira masixi kartaa sxb? Takale, wariyad ma aha balse aan asxaabta kale udhaafno bal hasheegeene.
  6. Sxb ta-dambe waad saxdey balse ta-hore waad qaladey waayo "Suxufi" waa carabi Wariyad-na ma aha e bal ku noqo Adeer adigoo raali ah
  7. Afyaqaanada iyo afsoorada meesha ku jiro, su'aal: Ereyada hoos ku qoran kuwee saxsan ku dhawaaqidooda? § Ninac/nacnac =na-nac § Xabaal/xawaal=xabaal ama qabri ama qubuur § Qareer/qaraar= kharaar, qaraar ama qadhaadh § Taash/taaj [lasoo deensaday] =Taaj § Banooni/balooni [lasoo deensaday]=Kubad ama banooni § Canjeero/canjeelo=canjeero ama laxoox ama kimis § Dixri/tixri=Labaduba waa laxni=dixiri § Katabaan/takabaan=Katabaan § Shucaac/shacaac =shoocaac § Sharqaan/xarqaan=Harqaan § Hakaba/xakaba=waa maxay Hakaba ama Xakaba? Anigu “Xakame†unnbaan aqaan koley § Xusul/suxul Labaduba waa af-somali rasmi ah § Shaah/shaax Shaah or xoowso § Ab/aw labaduba waa sax waxayna lamidyihiin ereyga “isir†§ Rajabeeto/rajastiino [deensaday] =Keeshali, candho-galis, candho-saab, rajabeeto § Bud/budh=bud, bur, budh, garuun, qool, PS: Horta miyaad lasocotaa xoolaha inaa loo xiro wax shabaha rajabeeto? Magaceeyda bal sheeg sxb? Ninka wariyaha ah waxaa layiraah wariye, gabadha wariyaha ah maxaa layiraah? Labka somaliga ah waxaa layiraa "somali", dhadiga somaliga ah maxaa la yiraah?
  8. Heestan ninbaa aana hada magaciisa xusuunsan ayaa tiriyey maalin ku beegan dhalashadii hooyaydiis waxayna kutarjumaysaa abaalka hooyo ubadkeed kuleedahay iyo sidaan marnaba loo gudi karaynin. Hadii aad hayso ama garaneyso hees, gabey iwm oo kusaabsan amaan hooyo, fadlan buggan kusoo bandhig aan kula wadaagne’e Alkun iyo ahaanshoba Amin sagaal bilood aan Sedkaygii idlaystoo Abuurkaygu buuxsamay Eedaadka fooshii Umul waayahaagii Hooyo iil kor saarnayd Aawaday u sigatee. Isha markaad I saartayna Nabarkii illowdoo Ibta caanahaagii Afka iigu qabatee Immisaad habeenimo Irdho aad la salashoo aad olololwaa iyo Ammaan igu sabaysoo Anoo ilaxidh seexdayna Immisaad ilaalada Ooggu kugu iftiimoo Hurdo kala abaadeen Dhabtaadaa ardaayoo Dhaqan laga arooraa Anshax laga barbaaraa Aqoon looga hoydee. Unuggii bulshaday Illinkii kalgacal iyo Astaantii jacaylkay Addoomaha u mudanay Eebbana cibaadada Amran lagu lammaanshay Abaal hooyo yaan gudin Awoodayda maahee Hayeeshee itaalkay Magacaaga eed iyo Iinta waan ka dhowriye Aakhirana samahay Allif haddii la ii qoray Adaan ku hibeeyee Anna raalli gelintaa Janno waan ku eefiye
  9. Jaylaaniyow, ilaa hada maadan cadeyn waxaad Abwaanka ku afla-gaadeyneysid. Adeer, bal nooqeex waxuu Singub galabsadey ee wadnihiis gubey gafkuma reeban sideedaba dee
  10. I would rather give to a white dude than to a somali guy anyday Rowda, does it really matter whether you give it to a faarax, white dude or to some Cali-Beysteyn guy for that matter? Its not whom you give it to, rather whether you should even give or not. I see you singing that old song which goes something like--->> Aniggaa u loogow Nin-gaxa ugga qaadee Nafteydaney lululka igga-daaaa!
  11. ^The above phrase is the most annoying one....alomst all companies use it!! I used to be frustrated with this habar whenever I call T-mobile, I sometimes speak in somali and she gets confused.I was glad that I could press "0" anytime and she finally throws her towel up and let me talk to someone!! Bal Guji Gobtan
  12. Could it be because of space limitation? or maybe they are serving "something" to the attendees who knows....wonna come Seeker ?
  13. Bismillaah I think it would be an interesting event. For those of you who would like to come, please do prepare and ask postive questions. Looking forward to see MinneSolers putting Senator Norm Coleman on the hot-seat on somalia/Africa's affairs. Please do your homework on his record in general. Somalia: A Viable State If you would like to register by phone or need more information, call this number please:612-625-4421
  14. Bismillaah Ahmed-Fiqi, your accusation of ONLF to be impediment to the Struggle is preposterous to say the least. Your accusation is all too familiar, clanist man’s argument. If you honestly believe that ONLF is a clan based org., why cannot you established your own Ahmed_Fiqi front and then we can come under one umbrella? Oh no, you’re a minority and even then, will be marginalized by the “Oâ€! ONLF is the only hope for that part of the Horn and for you to ask to dismantle it while you are NOT doing anything to further the cause is unfair and insulting. Maybe the reasons why ONLF failed to mobilize (if it did) the Somalis is because of you seeing everything in clan eye lens and view things in qabiil perspective. Maybe its because of you having a Somali blood, but wayone’s ideology. Maybe the guy I see in Tigrey’s malatia’s uniforms, maiming Somali children, mothers, fathers, and sisters is you or maybe you’re not actually in wayone’s uniforms but just helping them and that’s why I called you “Daba-Qoodhiâ€. Hada ka hor ayaan ninbaa wuxuu yiri, guduney, badhkey ayaa kugu jire e, maadan igoyseen. You alluded that ONLF consist only members from the “O†tribe, and we both know that’s rubbish. I will give you names (ONLF members; non-“Oâ€, of course in private) once you clarify this qabiil name you using as a SOL screen name(Ahmed_Fiqi), they might be your own tribe and I hope that will make you eat your own words. Dadka waxaa uguxun nin aan walaalkii wax uquudhin isaguna aan meel iska soosaarin!!
  15. NINYAHAW NAAGTAADA DHAQO Sida naagtaba looga doonayo inay adeecdo oo u adeegto ninkeeda, maalkiisana aanay ku bixin idankiisa mooyee, ayaa sidoo kalena ninka looga doonayaa inuu xaaskiisa u roonaado, wanaagna ku dhaqdo. waxa uu Eebbe Qur’aankiisa ku leeyahay: (Ku dhaqda wanaag, haddaad nacdaanna waxaa dhici karta wax idinku aad nacdeen in Eebbe khayr badan dhex dhigo) (Suurat An-Nisaa: 19). Rasuulkana (Sallallaahu calayhi wasallam) waxa laga weriyey: “Mu’miniinta ka ugu iimaanka badani waa ka ugu edebta badan, waxaana idiinku akhyaarsan ka xaaskiisa ugu akhyaarsan. Dab kastaa kolka uu dillaacayo koob biyaa kolay ku tahay waa lagu damin karaa. Anigoo haddaba aragtidaasi a amba qaadaya, ayaa waxan oran karaa dhibaatooyinka ugu badan ee qoysaska dhisan dumiyaa waxay ka billowdaan is afgaranwaa yaryar oo aan markaa micna lahayn, isla goobtaasna wax looga qaban karo, haddiise la daayo ama batrool lagu sii daro sii holciya, kolkay isbiirsadaan waxay gaaraan heer furriin mooyee faraj kale laga quusto. Ninka haddaba doonaya inuu guri barwaaqo dego, waxa la gudboon inuu waanooyinka soddonka ah ee soo socda si fiican u dhuuxo, uga fekero, xisaabtana ku darsado. Waxyaabaha aan hoos uga hadli doonaa, waxan isleeyahay waxa weeye waxyaabo ninku hadduu sameeyo aan isaga waxba ka dhibayn, xaaskiisa ku abuuraya kalsooni, dulqaad, jacayl iyo farxad joogta ah, guurkoodana ka dhigaya kii lagu nasto oo lagu nagaado abid. 1- Ha xumeyn xaaskaaga. Xumeyn aad naagtaada xumeeysaa nooc ay ahaataba, waxay ku reebtaa aano urugo aan weligeed ka bixin. Waxyaabaha ay xaasku ka carooto laabteedana aanay kaaga cafineyn, xitaa hadday carrabkeeda kaaga cafiso, waxa ugu daran adigoo dila iyo adigoo caay ama ceebeyn u geeysta iyada ama ehelkeeda, amaba adigoo sharafteeda iyo karaamadeeda wax ka sheega. 2- Si fiican u dhaq si fiican ha kuu dhaqdee. Dareensii inaad jeceshahay iyo inaadan ka maarmin. Nafteeda u raaxee oo raalligeli, caafimaadkeedana ku dadaal. Hadday xanuusato, wax kasta u hur siday ku daawoobi lahayd, siday u caafimaadi lahaydna usoo jeed. 3- Ogoow inay xaaskaagu jeceshahay inaad la fariisatid, kalana sheekeysatid wax kasta ood dareemeysid. Guriga ha kusoo laaban adigoo weji cabuusan oo aamusan, taasi oo iyada ku rideeysa welwel iyo shaki. 4- Haku khasbin xaaskaaga inay kula wadaagto hiwaayadahaaga gaarka ah. Tusaale ahaan, haddaad caalim ku tahay cilmiga xiddigiska, haka filan inay sidaada oo kale jeceshahay xiddigaha iyo meereyaasha. 5- Noqo nin dhowrsan oon balwad lahayn sida aad iyadaba ka rabtid inay noqoto. Waxa jira Xadiis uu soo saaray Dhabariyy oo oranaya: (Dhowrsanaada dumarkiinnu ha dhowrsanaadaane). Iska jir inaad indhaha ka daba taagtid dumarka aan xalaasha kuu ahayn, sdia kuwa aad wadaagtaan goobta shaqo ama goobta waxbarasho, kuwa waddooyinka maraya iyo xitaa kuwa aad Taleefishanka ka daawatid. 6- Iska jir inaad xaaskaaga ka masayrisid. Ha kusoo hadal qaadin, kaftanba ha kaa ahaatee, inaad doonaysid inaad naag kale guursatid, hana u ammaanin dumar kale, waxyaabahaasi oo laabta ka wareemaya, kalgacalka ay kuu qabtana ku beddelaya welwel, shaki, malo iyo murugo joogto ah. 7- Ha xusuusin xaaskaaga xumaan iyo ceebo ay sameeysay waqti lasoo dhaafay, gaar ahaan ha ku hor sheegin ceebahaasi hana ku caayin dadka hortiisa. 8- Dhaqankaaga wanaaji, ayaan markaad joogtana dhaqan wanaag hor leh lasoo bax, sida aad iyadaba uga rabtid, kana digtoonow wax kasta oo xaaskaaga ka xanaajin kara. 9- Dhaqan iyo diin wanaagga xaaskaaga kaga dayo hadday kugu dhaanto. Imisaa rag hanuunay kolkay guursadeen haween diin leh oo dhowrsan, dhaqan wanaagsanna leh. 10- Isdeji, carada iyo xanaaqana iska daa. Haddaad xaaskaaga ka gardarraatid ka cudurdaaro oo ka raalligeli, hana seexan adigoo u caraysan, iyana ay murugeysantahay ooy illintu dhabankeeda ku taallo. Ogoow waxyaabaha aad ka carootaa inta badan ma aha wax astaahila inaad qoyskaaga farxaddiisa u baabi'isid eh. Shaydaanka iska naar, isdeji, ogoowna dhaqanka iyo jacaylka adiga iyo xaaskaaga idiin dhexeeyaa inay ka weyn yihiin inay ku waxyeelloobaan caro iyo is fahamwaa mar dhacay. 11- Isku kalsooni ku abuur xaaskaaga, hana ka dhigin sida adeegto waxaad doontid kuu yeesha waxaad tiraahdidna kaa yeesha. Ku dhiirrigeli inay yeelato shaqsiyad, fikrado, iyo go'aanno iyada u gaar ah. Kala tasho umuurahaaga oo dhan, kulana dood si xikmad leh. Qaado ra'yigeeda hadduu kuula muuqdo inuu saxyahay, una sheeg inaad ra'yigeeda qaadaneysid, hadduuse ra'yigaagu kula saxsanaado si degganaan iyo dadnimo wanaag leh uga dhaadhici. 12- U mahad celi kuna ammaan kolkay wax mudan in lagu ammaano looguna mahad celiyo sameeyso. Xadiis uu Tirmidi weriyey baa ahaa: (Qofkaan dadka ku mahadini Allena kuma mahadiyo). 13- Xaaskaaga ha eedeyn, hana cambaareyn, hana barbar dhigin dumar kale ood ku leedahay way kaa fiican yihiine ku dayo. 14- Isku day inaad ku tartid kuna taakulaysid wax kasta oo ku dhiirrigelin kara inay aqoon kororsato. Hadday doonayso inay Dugsi ama Jaamacad dhigato, u fududee oo garab istaag, kol haddaanay waxay baranaysaa kahor imaanayn diinta, kana mashquulinayn waajibkeeda marwonimo ee guriga. Kolka ay guul soo hooyso, la farax oo dareensii inaad guusha la wadaagto, garabkeedana aad had iyo goor taagan tahay. 15- Si fiican u dhegeyso xaaskaaga, kuna dhiirrigeli inay kuu sheegto wax kasta oo laabteeda ku jira. Iska jir inaad ku jeesjeestid ama hadalkeeda jebisid (beenisid). Waxa jira dumar aan hadal daayin oo deriska iyo dadka xanta. Haddaba, kuwaas oo kale si xikmad leh, diintana waafaqsan arrinkooda ku daawee. 16- Dareensii xaaskaaga inay agtaada aamin ku tahay, ood adigu dugsi iyo duggaal uga tahay duruufo kasta ooy ka baqayso. Dareensii inaadan weligaa dumar kale ka doorbideyn kana doonaneyn. 17- Xaaskaaga dareensii inaad adigu masruufkeeda iyo marashadeeda mas'uul ka tahay, xitaa hadday xoolo badan leedahay. Ha damcin xooleheeda kuu xalaal ma ahee, maal bay haysataa darteedna ha kaga masuugin . Ogoow xaaskaagu, si kasta ooy taajirad u tahay inay ku farxayso kuguna qiimeynayso dadaalka aad ugu jirtid sidaad mustaqbalkiinna u dhisi lahayd, mas'uuliyaddeedana u qaadi lahayd. 18- Iska jir xiriirka dumarka aan kuu bannaanayn, ogoowna inay kamid yihiin waxyaabaha ugu badan ee guryaha dhisan dumiya. 19- Dheellitir jacaylka xaaskaaga iyo jacaylka waalidkaa iyo tolkaaga, dhinacna dhinaca kale ha uga eexan oo daraf waliba xaqa uu kugu leeyahay sii, adigoon darafka kale xumeyn. 20- U ahow xaaskaaga sida aad jeceshahay inay kuu ahaato, ogoowna inay iyaduba kugu jeceshahay waxa aad adigu ku jeceshahay. Ibnu Cabbaas (RC) waxa uu yiri: (Waxaan jeclahay in aan xaaska isugu qurxiyo sida aan u jeclahay inay isugu kay qurxiso). 21- Soo wareeji oo kusoo madaddaali guriga dibaddiisa hasoo hawa beddelatee, gaar ahaan kahor intaanay dhalin ubad madaddaaliya, wax allaale waxaad jeceshahay inay kula qaybsatana la qaybso. 22- Reerkeeda xariiri, dhaqaalee, si xushmad lehna ula dhaqan oo usoo dhowee. 23- Waqtigaaga oo dhan shaqadaada ha siin yaanay ka maseeyrine. Waqiyadaada fasaxa iyada kula qaado guriga gudihiisa ama dalxiis u kexee oo soo wareeji, yaanay caajis dareemine. 24- Kolka aad guriga ka baxaysid, ku sagooti dhoola caddayn, kana dalbo inay kuusoo ducayso. Kolka aad guriga kusoo laabatidna ha ku degdegin ee waqti sii ay kulankaaga isugu diyaariso, gaar ahaan kolka aad safar kasoo gashid, aan ahayn waxa laga yaabaa inaad ku aragtid qaab iyo lebbis aadan jeclaysan inay kugu qaabisho. 25- Adiga iyo xaaskaagu nolosha isku il ku eega oo isku day inaad aragtida ka midoowdaan. 26- Isku day inaad xaaskaaga ka kaalmeysid howlaha guriga qaar. Caa'ishah (RC) waxay tiri: (Rasuulku "SCW" haweenkiisa ayuu howsha la qaban jiray, Salaadda waqtigeeda kolka la gaarana Salaadduu u bixi jiray). Waxa weriyey Bukhaari. 27- Isku day inaad isha ka dadabtid meelaha qaar ay xaaskaagu ku liidato, ama lagaga fiicanyahay, isna xusuusi wanaagga iyo waxtarkeeda, si ay u daboolaan ceebeheeda. Rasuulku (SCW) waxa uu yiri: (Nin Mu'min ahi ma liido naag Mu'minad ah, hadduu dhaqan ku naco mid kaluu ku raacaa). Muslim baa weriyey. 28- Xaaskaaga shukaanso, la kaftan oo la cayaar. Rasuulku (SCW) oo nin Saxaabiya la hadlayaa waxa uu yiri: (Gabar maxaad u guursan weysay aad la cayaartid oo kula cayaarta). Bukhaari baa weriyey. Cumar bin Khaddaab (RC) oo caan ku ahaa ad-adayg iyo xoog, xitaa, waxa uu dhihi jiray: (Ninku kolku xaaskiisa la joogo waa inuu sida carruurta ahaado, kolka uu dad kale la joogana rag ahaado). 29- Xaaskaagu hadday kugu soo hadal celiso waa inaad dhegeysatid ra'yigeeda una dulqaad yeelatid. Rasuulka (SCW) dumarkiisu way ku ra'yi celin jireen kamana uusan caroon jirin. 30- Deeqsi u ahow xaaska iyo carruurtaada, waxaad u awooddana ha kala bakhaylin. Rasuulku (SCW) waxa uu yiri: (Diinaarrada waxa ugu fadli badan ka aad ehelkaaga ku bixisid). Waxa weriyey Axmed. Ragga waxa lagula dardaarmayaa inay dumarkooda isu qurxiyaan oo isu carfiyaan. Aayad Qur’aan ahi waxay oranaysaa: (Waxay wanaag ku leeyihiin inta iyaga lagu leeyahay oo kale) (Suurat Al-Baqara: 228). Waxa weliba la sheegaa in haweeneydu kolkay barafuunka ninkeeda uriso, isla goobtaasi ku godlato, oo galmo ugu baahato. Ibnu Cabbaas (RC) waxa laga weriyey inuu yiri: “Ninku ha isugu diyaariyo naagtiisa sida isaguba uu jecelyahay inay isugu diyaarisoâ€. Ninku waa inuusan kolka uu guriga joogo isdhigan oo uusan wax waliba ku dhaafin inay siday doonaan u dhacaan, balse waa inuu guriga ku leeyahay mowqif sidii isaga oo xafiiska shaqada jooga Sabriye Macalin Muse
  16. S/C Well, its a Monday what you expect! 2.5 hrs at work 3 cups of qaxwe so far 5 hrs to go, what is my mood then..hmmmm!! Other than that, Alhamdulilaah
  17. Allah mentions the qualities of the believers who are blessed and have attained victory. The first quality is, 1. "Those who with their Salat (prayers) are Khashi'oon (those who possess Khushoo)." "Al-Khushoo means calmness, serenity, tranquility, dignity, and humility." (Tafseer Ibn Katheer) Ibn Abbas (razi allahu anhu) explained Khashi'oon to mean, with fear and tranquility. Al-Khushoo is a necessary component of Salat. Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said concerning the verse, "Seek help in patience and Salat and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for the Khashi'oon (those who possess al-Khushoo)." (2:45) "This (verse) implies condemnation of those who are not Khashi'oon... Condemnation only applies when something obligatory is not done, or when something forbidden is done. If those who do not have Khushoo are to be condemned, this indicates that Khushoo is obligatory." Khushoo is very easily lost and Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "The first thing to be lifted up (taken away) from this Ummah will be Khushoo; until you will see no one who has Khushoo." The site of Khushoo is in the heart and heart is the king of the limbs, so if one intends to pray wholeheartedly the limbs will follow the heart as Allah says: "And seek help in patience and Salat and truly it is extremely heavy and hard, except for Khashi'oon." (2:45) The meaning is that the burden of prayer is heavy indeed; except for those who have Khushoo. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer) To attain Khushoo one must forget everything about the world and concentrate in the prayer acts, reciting the Qur'aan and thinking of the verses one reads and bearing death, grave and the torment in mind so that he never looses concentration. Imam Ibn Katheer writes, 'Khushoo is gained by the fear of Allah and the sense that He is always watching.' (Tafseer Ibn Katheer) 2. "And those who turn away from al-Lagw." "Al-Lagw" refers to falsehood, which includes Shirk and any words or deeds that are of no benefit. Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "Out of a person being good Muslim is his leaving alone, what does not benefit him." (Tirmidhi) And: "Let he who truly believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good or be silent." (Bukhaari) Imam Ahmad reported in his Musnad, "The faith of a man cannot be straight unless his heart is straight, and his heart cannot be straight, unless his tongue becomes straight." It was from the manners of the Sahaabah to speak very little. Abdullah Ibn Mas'oud (razi allahu anhu) said: "By the One other than whom there is no God on this earth there is no one more deserving of long imprisonment that the tongue." (Tabaranee) and Abu Tharr (razi allahu anhu) said: "Adopt silence, this is the way of causing Shaytaan to run away; it is a supporter to you in the matter of your religion." (Ahmad) 3. "And those who pay the Zakat." Imam Ibn Katheer writes in his Tafseer, "Most commentators say that the meaning here is the Zakat that is paid on wealth, even though the verse was revealed in Makkah, and Zakat was ordained in Madinah in the year 2.H. The apparent meaning is that the Zakat that was instituted in Madinah is the one based upon the Nisaab (the minimum level of wealth which dictates a person's obligation of Zakat). And the specific amount, apart from which it seems that the basic principle of Zakat was enjoined in Makkah. As Allah says in Surah al-An'aam, which was also revealed in Makkah: "But pay the due thereof on the day of their harvest." (6:141) It could be that what is meant here by Zakat is purification of the soul from Shirk and filth, as in the verse: "Indeed he succeeds who purifies himself. And indeed he fails who corrupts himself." (91:9-10) It could be that both meanings are intended, purification of the soul and one's wealth, because that is part of the purification of the soul, and the true believer is one who pays attention to both matters. And Allah knows best." 4. "And those who guard their chastity. Except from their wives or that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame; But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors." means those who protect their private parts from unlawful actions; fornication and homosexuality, and do not approach anyone except the wives whom Allah has made permissible for them or their right hand possession from the female slaves. Allah says "they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors." Zina (fornication/adultery) is one of the major sins, concerning which Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) have issued stern warnings. "…come not near to Zina. Verily, it is Fahishah (immoral sin) and an evil way." (17:32) Similarly, Allah has also made homosexuality Haraam (prohibited) and it is against the natural inclination (fitrah), which Allah has placed in man, whereby the male is inclined towards female and vice versa. Going against the fitrah has caused man diseases like AIDS, which attack the immune system in human and cause death. Moreover, it has also caused breakups in families. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "There is nothing I fear for my Ummah more than the deed of the people of Loot." (Tirmidhi) "And (remember) Loot when he said to his people, 'Do you commit al-Fahishah (evil, great sin, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, sodomy) while you see (one another doing evil without any screen) Do you practice your lusts on men instead of women? Nay, but you are a people who behave senselessly.' There was no other answer given by his people except that they said: 'Drive out the family of Loot from your city. Verily, these are men who want to be clean and pure!' So We saved him and his family, except his wife. We destined her to be of those who remained behind. And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). So evil was the rain of those who were warned." (27:54-58) These verses refer to the punishment that befell the people of Loot. He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "Whoever of you finds (someone) doing the deed of the people of Loot, kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done." (Tirmidhi) Ibn al-Qayyim said: "Both of them - fornication and homosexuality - involve immorality that goes against the wisdom of Allah's creation and commandment. For homosexuality involves innumerable evil and harms, and the one to whom it is done would be better off being killed than having this done to him, because after that he will become so evil and so corrupt that there can be no hope of his being reformed, and all good is lost for him, and he will no longer feel any shame before Allah or before His creation…The scholars differed as to whether the one to whom it is done will ever enter Paradise. There are two opinions which I heard Shaikh al-Islam (rahimahullah) narrate." 5. "Those who are faithfully true to their Amanah and to their covenants." Meaning, when they are entrusted with something, they do not betray that trust, but they fulfill it, and when they make a promise or make a pledge, they are true to their word. This is not like the hypocrites about whom the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "The signs of the hypocrite are three: when he speaks he lies; when he makes a promise he breaks it; and when he is entrusted with something he betrays that trust." Allah says in Surah an-Nisa, "Verily, Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those, to whom they are due…" (4:58) Those who do not return the trust in this life, it will be taken from them on the Day of Resurrection, when there will be no Dirham nor Deenar but only good and bad deeds to give back the rights!! Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "The rights will be rendered back to those to whom they are due, and even the sheep that does not have horns will take revenge from the horned sheep." (Muslim) Other scholars have explained the Amanah in this verse to mean, all the duties which Allah has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trusts, etc. based on the Hadeeth of Hudhaifah (razi allahu anhu) who narrated: Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said to us: "Certainly, al-Amanah (the trust or moral responsibilities, etc. and all the duties which Allah has ordained) descended from the Heaven and settled in the roots of the hearts of men (faithful believers), and then the Qur'aan was revealed and the people read the Qur'aan (and learnt al-Amanah from it) and also learnt it from the Sunnah. (Both the Qur'aan and As-Sunnah strengthen their (the faithful believer's) Amanah.)" (Bukhaari) 6. "And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) Salat (prayers) (at their fixed stated hours)." Allah, the Exalted, again mentions preserving of Salat as one of the characteristics of the successful believer, which shows the importance and virtue of Salat. Ibn Mas'oud (razi allahu anhu) narrated, 'I asked Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam): 'O Messenger of Allah, which deed is most beloved to Allah?' He said: 'Prayer at the appointed time.' I said: 'Then what?' He said: 'Kindness to parents.' I said: 'Then what?' He said: 'Jihaad in the way of Allah.' (Muslim) Allah's forgiveness and pleasure is closely related to the prayers. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said, "Allah has obligated five prayers. Whoever excellently performs their ablutions, prays them in their proper times, completes their bows, prostrations and Khushoo has a promise from Allah that He will forgive him. And whoever does not do that has no promise from Allah. He may either forgive him or punish him." (Abu Dawood) and: "The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad." (Tabaranee) He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) compared the five daily prayer by five daily baths, which leave no filth on the body. Similarly, one who prays five times a day will become free of the filth of sins. "If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it five times a day, do you think he would have any filth left on him?" The people said, "No filth would remain on him whatsoever." The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) then said, "That is like the five daily prayers. Allah wipes away the sins by them." (Bukhaari) "Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil deeds." (29:45) "Verily, man was created impatient, irritable when evil touches him and niggardly when good touches him. Except for those devoted to prayer those who remain devoted in their prayers…" (70:21-23) "These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaus, they shall dwell therein forever." After mentioning the characteristics of the successful believer, Allah gives them the good news of Firdaus. Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "If you ask Allah for Paradise, then ask him for Firdaus, for it is the highest part of Paradise, in the middle of Paradise, and from it spring the rivers of Paradise, and above it is the (Mighty) Throne of the Most Merciful." Abu Hurayrah (razi allahu anhu) said: "The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "There is not one among you who does not have two homes; a home in Paradise and a home in Hell. If he dies and enters Hell, the people of Paradise will inherit his home, and this is what Allah said: 'These are indeed the heirs.'" (Ibn Majaah)
  18. ^^ I pray at that Mosque 3 times out 5 most of the times and I have yet to hear such a thing…it’s a serious allegations sxb and its indeed sad if this is true!! Allaw Sahal Umuuraha. Amiin
  19. As-Salaku Aleikum Akhi/Ukhti, Take a look at an earlier Discussion!!
  20. Castro Eid Mubarak sxb and wlc back! You said evidence, I faliled to see how this needs an evidence mise sheekadaadu waa midi midi kutaag! Takale, miyaad ilowdey iney hawli kuutaalo mise geesinimadii aad sheeganaysey habhab iyo boodh isku qarinbey kaa ahayd? Sxb, do this or the audience will have no choice but dismiss your BOLD claim Take care now I have some Damn Auditors to please sxb, maybe alittle bit of bakhshiish will make them get off my back! What you think Castro?
  21. If you think the cost of living in N.America is expensive, you have no idea.....find out how much it cost to die in New York :mad:
  22. MashaAllah great Qira'a, Ilaah ha usiyaadiyo barashada diinta. Her choice of Ayahs was impressive to say the least too! I was moved, a heart softner
  23. He helped Gedo people to solve their problem through dialogue. Abdi Guled and likes are the people we need in Somalia. I met him onetime. He is really patriotic and real Somali. It is true that he left his family to save so many other families. Gold bless him.
  24. I have prayed on the side of the highway and in rest area numerous times while traveling. I also prayed in a county jail while visiting my cousin just few weeks ago but I had to ask the authority if it was ok and all they said was go ahead but just make sure you do not block the entrance! I would suggest anyone to ask the authority if you have to perform your salat in public. A cousin of mine and couple of his friends were praying Maghreb on a compound of a gas station somewhere in Kansas M. The gas station Employees called the police on them. They questioned them and they finally let rest of the guys go but my cousin. He had some cash many on him (he buys and sells cars), a laptop, notebook, and prayer mat, and big beard iyo dee surwaal gaaban. They thrown him jail and detained him for few nights and later let him go. Moral of the sheeko public haku tukan hadii ayna dani kuggu qasbin! Ciid Wanaagsan Sxb!