Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. " walaal waan ku jeclahay, waxaana raba in aad waxila qabatid "... LOOL Aaliya tan kawaran bal "Ukhti Fi^Allah Alle dartiibaan kuu jeclahey" then gadaal kagga dar "walaal aabe telephonkiisa isii bal" ...khalaas
  2. Your either Leave that barber OR End you current relationship and embark on a new one---of course with TIMOJARAHA....waa laba shimbirood hal dhagax kudil nooh. A nice hair cut, a massage that can put you to sleep, stunning look, and on top of that, shes all yours Hadii kale, send your current partner to school so she can learn how to cut your hair...this might be the best option BTW, she has a legit reason sxb, coz looks like you're enjoying a tad bit too much Takale, Y would you bring her with you when you need a cut?
  3. ^^Cakuyeey ninku fuleysanaa......war ama meesha iskaga tag oo ka indho qarso yaan la dhihin Faarax-baa meesha gabadha luggu caayey joogey ama gabadha tolbeelayey le ninka kadhici adeer cigaal waa kusidee
  4. ^^LOL jeesto adeer af-somaliba armeyna aheyn. Kaaley adi olalihii madaan ka qayb qaataan sida MMA malaha?
  5. ^^Ma buug-baad kasoo guurineysaa sxb? Takale, waxaad qortaa af-soomaaligga maalinkasta la isticmaalo...not waxa buuggaadta luggu qoro. Jees=waa dhowr qoys oo meel wada dagan(Miyigga) Heyjad=Mawjad Sibraar-waa kiish maqaar sagaaro/yac lagga sameeyey oo caanaha/biyaha luggu shubto Ramad-waa raadka dabka ee kulul Raybad-waa geed Dhanbalada-lagga soo guuriyey uuro-waa qiiqa dabka ama habaaska dabeysha doorbiday-waa markaad wax waxkale ka dooratid
  6. Magaalo Joogxumo LOL look at the waiter, he falls for his trick bal dhadhami I should do this to one of the somali restaurant here for fun !
  7. M.M,Awoow,lool ninku si buu uyara xanaqaye,miyay bisharo ka xanaajise mise si buu uyara xanaq badanyahay? LOL ^Waar Ninkan budhka weyn sita gabadha noogga ilaali bal Brownow sibuu u xanaaqsanyahaye adigunna dee iska jir yuusan Bishaaro kuu malaynine saani wax uma arke e
  8. The Escaped Ethiopian Soldiers Ciidamada Ethiopia oo Dad shicib ah oo udhashey beesha Sade ONLF ahaan Uleysay
  9. wanaaga waa laysku sheegaa, aniguna waan sheegay, qaado ama ha qaadan. ^^LOL sxb waad iska dhicisey Bishaaro iska ilaali yeysan ku harowsanine....B waad maqashaa ama qaado ama iska daa waa yeelkaa ehehe Diiriye was on SOMTV of MN just yesterday, I dont know his book balse hadalkiisu ima-cajabin markuu kahadaleyey boogiisa koley mpls waa laga helidoonaa.
  10. ^^Wishingful thinking I would think.....do you think somalis in kenya would want to join somalia?
  11. Oromia, I'm afraid Maf Kees has a valid concern. No one wishes to support another Melez who may bite you back harder. Find support and alliance elsewhere I second that and it will be a matter of time before somalis and Oromos come to blows on the ownership of Dire Daba and its environs. Oromos have already claimed this area and are this close to take it with the help of their cousin, Meles. We have lost far too many precious lives over this sxb. No way.
  12. If your only ambition in life is to be a housewife and bring up kids then you’ll, almost invariably, be mixing with those moving in the lower echelons of society. Yes, there are many educated housewives but there are many more that are NOT. In our society at least, one has to make a mark and distance oneself from such circles Zafir and Abaadir, if this is a good piece of advice, in the word of the man himself, you must lack comprehension skills But honestly, look at the bold sentence
  13. XAQSOOR: Ilaahayow Xabiiboow Adaa, dhab u xaqsooraaye. Adigaan xanuunsanin Adaan, lagu xabaaleyne. Xubna daala Adigaan laheyn, xagalna daaceyne. Adigaa ximaayiyo gargaar, cidi ka xaaleyne. Adigaan xaqiiqada inkirin, kana xishooneyne. Adigaan walaal kuu xagliya, lagu xigteysiine. Xeerbeegti Adigaan tabeyn, kula xarriiqdaaye. Adigaanan uur-Xaawo galin, lagu xambaareyne. Adigaanan xaas guursanoo, dumar u xiiseyne. Adigaa addoomaha xukmoo, kala xaqsiiyaaye. Falastiin Ilaahayow xoree, wey xannibayaane. Xisbullaahi Eebbow ka yeel, xoog la mari waayo. Sahyuuniyadda xaaqaamaquuq, Xaadir baa tahaye. Xabbaddooda Eebbow ka yeel, xiin wax dili waayo. Ilaahayow Xafiidoow Adaa, cadaw u xiiraaye. Adigaa Fircoon biyo ku xugay, oo xafiyey jeere. Qowmuluud Adaa xaaqayoo, rogay xinkoodiiye. Adigaa xinjiro dhiig ku furay, xubinki Shaaroone. Adigaa xab iyo maal ku rida, xaasid iyo tuuge. Jaajuuska Adigaa ku xira, naar xanuun kulule. Adigaa xusuus guurta bada, gaalka xuubka lehe. Adigaa xisaabiya khalqiga, oo ka xoog badane. Adaa Xaramka Eebbow ka dhigay, xero ammaaneede. Xikmad gabay ah Adigaa ku qora, xabad abwaaneede. Soomaaliya Ilaahayow xasili, Xaakim baa tahaye. Allow xiisad baa muuqatee, dami xugaashkeeda. Allow Xabashi huura leh ka yeel, Xoon lax laga tuuray. Ogaaaadeenya Eebbow xaqsii, wey xarbinayaane. Xabiibkii adduunyada unkoow, waan xanuunsadaye. Xabsi baan kufaar ugu jirnaa, nagana xoog roone. Beyruut iyo xinjirahaa dindimi, Xaramka baashiisa. Xabaalaayda Falastiin Allow, waa dhib xoradeede. Xaaladaha Ciraaq baa Rabbow, lagu xajiimoone. Xiddiggii Saddaam buu qalbiga, ila xawaareyne. Xasuuqii Kashmiir baan Rabbow, la xadxatoodaaye. Jeejniya xadgudub kaa ka jiraan, ximin la ooyaaye. Xigtadii Afganistaanna wey, ugu xasuugeene. Sidi xeyn aroo goosanteey, na xabadqaadeene. Xuluufooyin baa nagu habsaday, mana xishoodaane. Xanfaleeyda yuubka leh Rabbow, wey na xadayaane. Xuquuqdeenni bey duudsadaan, la xusulduubaane. Ilaahayow Adaa xeel hayee, naga xoree gaalka. Ameen dhaha
  14. Besides the negative impact it might bring to our community-negative publicity, I believe this will be a good thing for us somalis. This is becoming a disease in community nowadays and unless those who brings into our homes are presecuted, it will continue forever. We shouldn't feel sympathy for the qaat dealers even if they are our own families. I believe the only way to get rid of this disease is to work with the authorities and turn in anyone whos dealing it unlike this guy called Omar Jamal whos trying to make excuses for them. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bob Von Sternberg and Marisa Taylor, McClatchy News Service To hear the 10 Somali men tell it in federal court Wednesday, they've been modestly scraping by financially in the Twin Cities, working as barbers, store clerks and translators. To hear federal officials tell their story, they form the heart of a multi-million-dollar khat-smuggling ring, the biggest ever uncovered in the United States. The 10 men and four other Minnesotans are among 44 members of the ring, accused in a New York indictment of smuggling more than 25 tons of khat from Africa into the United States since December 2004, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced Wednesday. Another 18 people were indicted in Seattle on similar charges. Khat is a natural plant stimulant that is typically chewed. Its use is illegal in the United States. Thirty-one members of the group have been arrested. Three of those identified as the organization's leaders --Bashi Muse, Ali Awad and Abdi Emil Moge -- live in Minnesota. "Most of the big players are right here," said Tom Kelly, the DEA's Minneapolis spokesman. "It's not surprising, considering the size of the [somali] population." In 2004, the Minnesota state demographer estimated that 25,000 Somalis live in Minnesota, though some Somali estimates are more than twice that. They have come to the metro area for more than a decade, bringing remnants of their culture. One of those is chewing khat, legal in many countries, but illegal in the United States. "I think it is very sad because khat is part of the basic fabric of Somali culture and has been used from time immemorial," said Omar Jamal, the executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center in St. Paul. About two dozen Somalis attended the 10 Minnesota defendants' initial court appearance Thursday afternoon. "We feel it shouldn't be illegal, so there's a strong sense they're completely innocent," Jamal said. Saeed Fahia, executive director of the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota, said he believes fewer than 10 percent of Somalis in the state use khat. "I don't think the use is growing and it's not very visible," he said. "Especially by young people who were born here. And young people can find much stronger drugs that are out there." A Hazelden report on drug abuse trends last month found that khat is a fixture in the local Somali community, although no estimate exists on users. "It seems like it's almost exclusively used in Minneapolis and Rochester," said Carol Falkowski, who compiled the report. According to the report, last year the customs service seized 3,485 pounds of khat worth $1.25 million coming into Minnesota. At a Wednesday hearing in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis, Magistrate Janie Mayerson ordered six defendants held at least until Friday. In addition to Awad and Moge, they were identified as Ismail Ali Mohamed, Ahmed Ismail, Hussein Ahmed Mohamed and Warfa Abdi Dirie. Muse was not in court, having been arrested Tuesday in New York. Four others -- Weli Mohamed Abdi, Abdiazis Salah Mohamed, Omar Osman Mohamed and Abdinur Ahmed Dahir -- were released on $25,000 bond. Three other Minnesotans have not yet been arrested. The 18-month probe, dubbed "Operation Somalia Express," was announced Wednesday in New York City. "With these arrests an international trafficking organization that had a monopoly on the khat drug distribution across the nation has been dismantled," said DEA special agent in charge John Gilbride. According to the indictment, the organization shipped khat from Africa to several western European countries and on to New York, using express mail packages or couriers who flew on commercial airlines. The fourth ringleader, identified as Osman Osman, was employed at the United Nations and used U.N. diplomatic pouches to smuggle the plant into the United States, authorities allege. From there, the drug was distributed to Minnesota, Ohio, Maine, Massachusetts, Utah, Washington, Illinois and the District of Columbia. Once the khat was sold on the street, proceeds from the sales were laundered through "hawalas," informal networks used in Africa and the Middle East to transfer money. The ring wired money to bank accounts in Dubai, the indictment said. FBI assistant director Mark Mershon said in New York City that the investigation continues in pursuit of "the ultimate destiny of the funds," which intelligence suggests is based in "countries in east Africa which are a hotbed for Sunni extremism and a wellspring for terrorists associated with Al-Qaida." The indictments don't allege any terrorism activities. According to the DEA, the group threatened violence against members and customers. According to the indictment, Bashi Muse left a voicemail on the phone of a customer, saying, "be prepared for your death. I swear to God you will die." Bob von Sternberg • vonste@startribune.com Source: Star Tribune, July 27, 2006
  15. There are many intelligent people from Puntland who can take over from C/yusuf and make a better job. Abdi, meeshu ma boqortooyo reer puntland aa?
  16. Abaadir, an Oday ciroobey like you should know the Great Ajuuraan warriors 'alla ileyn waxan aad akhrido waa waxba kama jiraan calashaan faankii iyo faataa-dhugtii reer mudugga.. . Oo eegga ma waxaad ileedahay waligaa maadan maqal Aji iyo Ajuuraan?
  17. I think these guys are doing really well for themselves
  18. Xiin, Ali Dhuux was nothing but "naar afuuf" aakhirkiina waad ogtahay inuu gabeygii ka xidhmey. Sida gabayda raggii cali yaqaan kacad, cali diralaale ayuu ahaaye Alle haw dambi dhaafo e. Ismaaciil Mire wuxuu Cali Dhuux ku yidhi: >>Dabkaad hurisay Cali Aadanow, dogobbadaad oogtay Dambaaburadaad ololisiyo, dirirta guusheeda ... Kumana diirsan maansadu hadday, dunida aafayne Duunkaaga kuma suubbanayn, diradiraaluhuye Allay lehe denbaab lama hadlee, kulama doonayne Dalkoo nabad ah baad uumiyaha, belo la doontaaye... Dammanaansho nimankaad biddaye, doqon ku sheegeysey Cawlkii la dabay oo mindida, dabaxda loo waayey Oo qoday birtii lagu deg-dhabay, kuugu duurxula'e Allay lehe dubbuur kugu danniyay, waaba kuu digaye Qamaan Bulxan Wuxuu yidhi: >>Dabbaad ololisaa kumana gubo, daa'in abidkaaye Intaad dogob shiddaa baad taqaan, dirdirayn jaane Daaskaad fadhido saw gubee, degelkan qiiqaabi Buraale Cali Ubaxle >>Waa iga da'weyn yahay ninkaa, dirirta oogaaya,… Da'day maaha reer nabad ahoon, diradireeyaaye Ismaaciil Cigaal Bulaale oo Cali Dhuux seedigii ah: >>Nin da'yari dambaab iyo ha galo, diradirayntaase Diintii Rasuulkiyo haddaad, daacadda ujeeddid Oo aadan dariiqada ka bixin, duudkii Nabi Aadan Oo madaxu deebtaa ku yahay, waa digniin dhab ahe Sidee baad dawaar ugu rogtaa, dunida geestaada?... Adaa D-i-r iyo d-a-o-d dhex dhigay, dab iyo baaruude Dacar gelisey reerihii ahaa, ul iyo diirkeede Mugga haatan dirir uumiyuhu, waa is dilayaaye Salaan Carrabeey >>Bal inuu hanfade waalan yahay, habi la'aantiisa Hadmuu ku hirtey Cali Yuusufkuu, humay colaadiisa? Dadka kale tashiga waa hojaa, kay hadhaw noqone Waxaanu hubsan reer Cali Geraa, haa dhawaan jiraye Dabkaad hurin habeen iyo dharaar, holocyadaad oogi Halna kuma xereyside dadkaad, ku hawaraysaaye Aduunbaase hor Eebbiyo la tegi, hollacii naareede Iska hadhaye aakhiraba waa, lama huraankiiye Rabbaa wacad gondaha kuugu xidhay, waadna gogataaye Adunbaa geyiga uunka yaal, gubaya waa noole Hadba inaad garidda duul ku tumi, galuhu noo keenye Afkaagaaba Geydh lagu diliyo, Gaani berigiiye Jaamac Xirsi Guuleed, Ina Dubbe >>Deyn qaadka gabay waa xun yahay, dira-diraaluhuye Duq gaboobay waxa u roon afkii, inu daboolaaye Marse haduu duleeddada ka ciyo, waa darxumo weyne Damenaanse Caliyaw rag waa, laga dambeeyaaye Darbo waxaad Islaan kula jirtoo, dab isu dhiibtaaba Dux ka guro dib uun baad u dhiman, duuga weligaaye
  19. Horn, MMA raised some good points. You could have mentioned what you disagree with him instead aad kar kareyso ood weerareyso MMA sidii isaggoo barahiiraale wax ka-sheegey. SOL intaan joogey waligey nin kaa qabyaalad badan ma arag oo waliba sidaan uggu sii indha-adag.......orad oo sidaadii caadada kuu ahayd intaad toban warqadood oo fabricated news abt huuraale soo qortid waxaad tiraa waa news.
  20. Horn, MMA raised some good points. You could have mentioned what you disagree with him instead aad kar kareyso ood weerareyso MMA sidii isaggoo barahiiraale wax ka-sheegey. SOL intaan joogey waligey nin kaa qabyaalad badan ma arag oo waliba sidaan uggu sii indha-adag.......orad oo sidaadii caadada kuu ahayd intaad toban warqadood oo fabricated news abt huuraale soo qortid waxaad tiraa waa news.
  21. Rumors of prejudice against Muslim candidate Kassim's Response Who is Guled Kassim?
  22. Amazing stuff! Now waan wareeray & i need Qaxbo LOL Brownooow you sure you need a Qaxbo Awoow? oo sideed oran waa yaabe Aggaah
  23. Jazakumullah khayr to both of you for having married each other so I could be born into this world by Allah's Will. I bet you could only fully grasp the greatness of 'the miracle of life' till you became parents yourselves. The process by which a child with bones, skin, muscles, brain and eyes is born from nothing but small parts and substances is indeed a reflection of the power and might of Allah. My beloved Mother you commenced to experience pain as I gradually grew within you and your body went through the different phases of change. You experienced all sorts of inconveniences for my sake. At times you suffered from headaches, other times you were vomiting, many times you had back pain, and perhaps there were other pains, which you never told anyone. You also experienced emotional and psychological moods during pregnancy but I am confident that you bore them with patience and gratitude to Allah for having gifted you with a child. Even before my birth, you and Dad started to lose your sleep because of me. Every time I moved and my foot kicked your tummy or my hand tried to reach out you would call Dad to watch the scene and place his hands. I thank you both for the Qur'an you recited and the zikr you made, as I could hear you whilst I was inside. Jazakumullah to both of you for protecting my ears from music and foul language, even before I could set my eyes on the world. As I continued to grow you could not decide whether to buy pink or blue garments as you were wondering whether I would be a boy or a girl. I kept this big surprise with me, as this was a secret between Allah and I till the time of my birth. You would sit and discuss different names for me but all the time I was hoping a pious Shaykh would name me, so that the qualities of that name would become a part of me, his duas be with me and also through his Tahneeq I would gain from his blessings and piety. Both of you would discuss my future and make plans for me. You had dreams that when I grow up I would become successful in this world and the hereafter. If you were religious, you may have dreamt of me becoming a Hafiz of the Qur'an or even better a knowledgeable Aalim who would guide and assist the people. If however your eyes were set on the world, you may have dreamt of the worldly successes for me, but I hope you dreamt for my success in both worlds, especially the eternal Akhirah. My beloved Mum, I really thank you for changing my nappies and cleaning me from the wee's and poo's. With love and affection you would never moan and would change me with happiness. I also thank you for breast-feeding me, this is the best and most healthy milk you could have provided for me, which insha'allah will help me in many ways. So many times I would cry in the middle of the night and you and Dad would pick me up to appease me. Your favours, efforts and sacrifices are too many. To be honest, I do not even remember many of them as they were before the time I began to remember things, and I may never find out. But I hope to discover them when I become a parent myself and do the same for my children. I hope both of you can live to see this day, so that I can thank you even more. My dearest Dad, I thank you for the sacrifices you undertook for my sake. Whilst Mum was coping with internal struggles since conceiving me, you strove for me externally. Since the time you married Mum you worried about 'securing a good home for us. You made every effort to earn halal income, to ensure your family would be showered with the blessings and barakah from Allah. Remember, if you would have fed me with haram, I would not have been to blame for my bad character and being disobedient to both of you. My Dad, you would work the extra hours just so that your beloved ones would have some extra money for our needs. I hope that you did not forget that I needed your attention for Tarbiyah as well. I was so lucky that from young I would watch you perform salah. I can remember how I would stand and copy you, even though I did not even know what I was doing. By you performing salah, you were able to tell me off when I would feel lazy and miss salah. From young, I would hear you speak of things such as taqwa, 'ilm, and haya. I would always wonder what they were, how they would look, where they could be found or bought. Thanks to your early teachings, I now understand them and have much interest in acquiring them. What should I do to resist my desires? How can I gain good qualities? These are just some question for which I was given practical answers in my childhood, when you would advice me to stay in good company and take me to God-fearing pious servants of Allah. You ensured I went to madrasah and would do ta'leem at home so we may learn together. You instilled in me Islamic values and made me a fan of the Seerah of the Prophet . Dad, you would participate in tableegh if possible and would not miss listening to the lectures delivered by the 'Ulama, making Mum listen at home also. Though I was young, without knowing, I learnt so many good things from these. As I continued to grow, I slowly began to understand the importance of such programmes and to this day, I find a lot of benefit in participating in them. Above all, I am grateful for having instilled in me the need to have a connection with a pious Shaykh to guide me in all affairs of life. Also, I will never be able to thank you enough for helping me stay away from so many wasteful things, especially wasting my precious time behind watching TV and going to cinemas etc., wasting my health in smoking and consuming other intoxicants and, warned me about the harms and consequences of dating. From young you trained me to utilise my time correctly and now as a fully-grown adult I understand why you did what you did. I pray to Allah that He grants both of you piety and rewards you in both the worlds. I guess I will only appreciate what it means to be a parent when I become one myself. I pray to Allah that He rewards every Mum and every Dad for all their love and sacrifices, and forgive and guide them if they have made any mistakes. I also pray that He helps every parent in this blessed mission of bringing up their children and safeguarding them from the evils of the world and make us realise the only path is for us to become good Muslims and ambassadors of Islam. O Allah, forgive us and our parents on the Day' of Judgement. O Allah, grant and make our wives pious and make our children the coolness of our eyes. (Ameen) Courtesy: Riyyadhul Jannah
  24. ^Adna ma gabdhaha buudh-buudhan ee cad-cadbaad rabtaa adeer ? Bal iska sheego taad rabto waxba ha xishoone Khaalid-ba wuu cadaystey dookhiiye-dookhii dad kala reeb ma istiri