Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. scaring the brothers doesn’t help with the burning of buruure dee.. lol Baruur you said? i dont think it affect men decision making...what does you might ask? bal hoose akhri >Choosing a wife > > > > >A man wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three >likely candidates. He gives each woman a present of $5,000 and watches to >see what they do with the money. > > >The first does a total make-over. She goes to a fancy beauty salon, gets >her hair done, new make-up and buys several new outfits, and dresses up >very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this to be more >attractive for him because she loves him so much. > > > > >The man was impressed. > > > >The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She gets him a new set of >golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. >As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent all the money >on him because she loves him so much > > >Again, the man is impressed. > > > > >The third invests the money in the stock market. She earns several times >the $5,000. She gives him back his $5,000 and reinvests the remainder in a >joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future >because she loves him so much. > > > > >Obviously, the man was impressed. > > > >The man thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the >money he'd given her. > > > > >Then, he married the one with the biggest boobs. > > > > > >Men are like that, you know. >
  2. If they leave the country on their own and without crying out loud Wayneee wayneee, this won't be their last time to invade us. I want them to stay untill we kick their behinds and drive them out by force.....We will do that IA once the door knobs realize that they were door knobs but nothing else and once Mogadishu's population is ill-treated,humiliated and once they realize the grave mistake they have committed by evicting the UIC.
  3. Some in here would be in danger of 'loosing' their respect in SOL because questions would be furious Awoowe, its funny that you would think bafoons,Door-mats, daba-qoodhi, Door knobs and and Drop-Outs have any respect left let alone having one in SOL. All the Daba-Qoodhis and any-one else who thinks we should sit down with "Kuwa-Nijaasoobey" waa inaa la dhufaano si ayna udhaalin kuwa lamid ah
  4. Well, Puja looks like she didn't get it ....but here "items" stands for men and anything that resembles them marka nagadaa afka qori hanagga galinine.
  5. my list of must have items changes on daily basis Why the daily change? Could it be because of the technological advances or are there some other factors that in play?
  6. No, we can't sit down with Door Knobs and Drop-outs let alone trusting them. No sir, we reject this.
  7. ^^regardless of what School hes from, hes still a door knob
  8. I said this dude in one of those hypothetical questions/ situations "if we were married and I wanted to go for a 2week holiday to the Caribbean with (Farah)a male friend, would you object?" He said "no that’s totally cool with me" ! I was like WHAT! Are you okay dude. I would let you go but you should stay with him after the 2 weeks are over. Sii soco adoo nabad ah! Actually, I would have cut you off for even entertaining such an idea
  9. They can finance with our natural resources or maybe they can sell half of the country to the US or maybe they can jointly hold the country with US, US providing the fiancial resources, weapons, and such and Wayone providing the man power! Walle kuwa cuqaasha isku sheegaya ee Muqdisho kusoo hogaamiyey injirleyda way kashaleytoon doonaan marka xaasaskooda, gabdhahooda, iyo hooyooyinkood hortooda lu kufsado
  10. May Allah bless with shahaadah for the brave fighters who perished in the hands of the enemy Waxaa jirta nolo geeri dhaanto.....taasina waa taan maanta kujiro. Ragga maanta dhintey inagga ayaa ka xanuun badan waayo dulinimada inaggu habsatey warba kama hayaan oo way kashahiideen xaqoodiina way guteen.....ilaahay barya ineydaa dhiman idinkoonxaqiina gudan Nin oday ah oon aqaan ayaa luggu dhahay wiilkaagii dhimey oo xabashida dagaalkeedii ayuu ku dhintey. Wuxuu yidhi, waa sidaa rabo dagaalkii 1964 kii balse maysan noqo waa alle qadartiis.
  11. ^^Waxaa kaloo horey loo yidhi "Farta iyo meesha buktaa way is ogyihiin" Horta maxaa la gariirtaan marka qalcada yar wax lagga sheego?
  12. ^^There is nothing I hate than seeing Habasha criminals in our homeland but as of now, I am really really angry at UIC leadership for rushing into a war that they cannot win.....they could have avoided this..... UIC intey ciyaal AK47 madhan udhiibeen ayeey dhaheen jannada aada iyagiina dibada ayeey diyaar u ahaayeen iney ucararaa.....ciilbadanaa
  13. ^^More like H in Clan D + calooshood ushaqaysteyaal+Wayoone VS. rest of somalis
  14. The grades i got ? No, the tips and tricks of how you got the Grades you got! BTW - have ur tried ur local university or college - they usually have GMAT clubs or some such. No, I haven't but was hoping that someone here will know since many members here are from these local universities. So far, Xiin uunbaan ka haynaa bal aan sugno in cid kale meesha joogto Bilan, I actually have the book, got it from my roomate who just took the exam but I do not know if I like the book. It got too many instructions to follow. You have to cover soo many pages before you got to the real materials. I want to officially start after the new year....more excuse to delay it.
  15. Ok is this a scheme to get date LOL ...what? you think its a bad idea? Good Luck with sxb and do tell us how it goes after you take it. About Kaplan prep Class, I thought abt it and decided that I'm just gonna have to self study, use online materials, and my room-mate's who just took the exam a week or so ago. ThePoint, thanks bro. I know it needs lotta discpline and hardwork. I have enough time but I dont know if I have the self-discpline it needs in order to succeed especially, when I am studyinh on my own
  16. ^^Such a brainwashed odey----waryaa nacnacda badan dhaaf Khadar magaadhi kartid Alle ku dilyoo ku doori e :confused: [EDIT] This was for Aw-Yuusuf ileyn wali sheekh muuna gaarine wuu iska sheegane
  17. I was wondering if there is anyone here who is studying for the exam around the twin-cities? We can form a Study group to share advice, study materials, and offer adive for taking the test. If you are and want to be part of this, please add your screen name on this page Those who have recently taken the test, please give us any tips, advice you might have. Thanks, Ladiifka
  18. Are you telling me that the somali state government or the federal government forced these elders to travel abroad and work to reconcile the ONLF with the somali O? [EDIT] Not the Somali O-gaden but Meles's Regime and ONLF. The Somali state and the shariah court are both pupperts and controlled by the generals with the blessings of Meles. About the background of the sheikh, it doesn't really matters what he used to be or his background is. He is a sell-out, Munafaq, a coward and a puppert. I was there less than 2 months ago and have seen how somalis are terrorized, subjugated, denied their rights and imprisonned without a cause. The people in the O-gaden region have never been treated as human beings or even as if they belong to the planet earth where human and individual rights supposedly respected.O-gadenia is often termed as to a remote region in eastern Ethiopia and that is usually when they are using our name as a ploy for aid, otherwise; the very mention of existence of Somalis in the O-gaden region is a taboo: an attempt to dissect the people from the land
  19. Last years eleders committee that met ONLF and Both the state government and the federal government trying to resolve the issue has ended in acrimony between the elders and ONLF Acrimony? Who are the elders to mediate Wayone and ONLF? Aren't they the same opressed, mistreated, ignored and neglected masses of somali O-gaden? The elders were forced out but never willingly traveled abroad just the same way the Shariah Court of the Somali state was forced to speak against the MMI in Mogadishu.
  20. ^^What do you have against not so-young people? How come you only want to hear young people perspectives huh? waa inaan adigga iyo SOL-ba sue-gareynaa
  21. Man what a great feeling. You could hqve seen the faces of my co-workers on wednesday morning....None of them was talking politics this morning. I was the happiest man in the building that morning out of the 300 red-neck co-workers!!
  22. David sxb adi xataa aabahaa-baad soo dhajisey aniguna my first cousin aan kuu wadaa, I will post his picture InshaAllah when I get home tonight. ALso, Ahmednasir is a cousin of Ali Abukar, Mogadishu Universty president ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Private Practice Lawyer Profile for Ahmednasir M. Abdullahi Ahmednasir M. Abdullahi Member Ahmednasir, Abdikadir & Co. Practice Areas: Civil Litigation; Commercial Law; Corporate Law; Banking; Aviation Law; Immigration Law; Refugee Law Admitted: 1993, Kenya Education: Nairobi (Honors, LL.B.); Cornell University (LL.M.) Chairman:Law Society of Kenya (2001-2002). Chairman: Anti-corruption committe of kenya ( he recently resigned after he had verbal exchanges with Kibaki, the president and he fired more than 19 judges because of corruption in his tenure) Profesor: Nairobi University Board Member: KACC Biography: Chairman, Law Society of Kenya, 2003-2005. Commissioner, Kenya Law Review, 2003-2006. Lecturer in Law, University of Nairobi, 1992-2003. Author: "Burial Disputes in Modern Kenya: African Customary Law in a Judicial Conundrum (1999) Pg. 218 (Book); "The Refugee Crisis in Africa as a Crisis of the Institution of the State," Vol. 6, International Journal of Refugee Law, 1994; "Ethnic Clashes, Displaced Persons and the Potential for Refugee Creation in Kenya: A Forbidding Forecast," Vol. 9, International Journal of Refugee Law, (1997); "Article 39 of the Ethiopian Constitution on Secession and Self Determination: A Panacea to the Nationality Question in Africa," Verfassung Und Recht in Abersse, (1998); "Human Rights Protection in Africa: Towards Effective Mechanism, Vol 3, 440-445 pgs, East African Journal for Peace and Human Rights (1997); Is Northern Somalia "the Republic of Somaliland" under International Law? 1 University of Nairobi Law Journal, 42-56(1994); "Winding up the State: Why African States Should Legislate Secession as Constitutional Rights for Ethnic Nationalities, in JOE OLOKA ONYANGO, et al (eds), Law and the Struggle For Democracy in East Africa (1996). Languages: English, Kiswahili, Somali His Company's Profile
  23. ^Adeer waad xujowdey oo waa inaa luggu karbaasho. War ninyahow wax isku fal oo gabadha dhareerka dhinac kalamar!
  24. ^I am afraid that Mr. Gees is no longer with us maybe his assistant Pure Blood will tell us
  25. "Abayadis,telefoonka igu qabo" lol LOOL Faraax-oow, were you at karmeel mall last weekend coz I remember hearing this same phrase while walking by this dude and before I look at him, dhirbaaxo aaba luggu qabtey macalinka instead of the number Allow ceeb astur arkaas adi muu ahaa Pierre?