Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Everything posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. Cabdulahi Yuusuf yaa OGA Dacwoona oo ehelkiisa ah oo naga qabsado Afromantic Girl, Cabduallahi Yuusuf ehelkiisu waa Meles, Mesfin, Gabre, iyo Duke oo gacanyaraha NA marka huuno hadaad dacwo uqabto adeer Cabdillahi, Duke PM-garey kabacdi DUKE aa ehelkiisa kuggu xidhiye. Good Luck
  2. War Tolku meesha uma dhana qaladkana meel uggama soo wadajeedo marka tolka yaan luggu kalax-tagin. Meesha afar oday iyo afar habrood oo bilaa damiir ah uunbaan ujeedaa. Maxaa bidaar dhalaalaysa meesha!
  3. ^You called them 'little neutral minds' I called them bunch of 'bogga jecli xadha jecli' and Ayro iyo Turki would have called them ***********s:) Teeda kale, I have no problem with them reading Qur'aan si uu cadowga dhulka ula go'o balse qorigga iyo Qur'aanku isma diidana Bishaarow.
  4. ^Depends where the said imaam stands on Jihaad issue? I hope inuuna aaminsanayn waxaad aamisantahay, 'reer hebel baa la layna maxaa nagga galey' in la aflagaadeeyo ma mudna Sxb, af-laggaadada iyo waxaad lakacdey waa maxay? Sida qoraalku tibaaxayo nimanka masjidka lagu-laayeey tabliiq bay ahaayeen taasna waxay kutusi inayna dagaal hubeysan kujirin. Diid ama daa Geeljirow balse ninka soomaaliga ah ee marka xabashi iyo tigrey dadkeena dabar-goynta ku wadaan halkaas fadhiya een dagaalka hubeysan ka qayba galin hadi la gawraco meella iima damqanayo balse alle haw naxariisto.
  5. ^Culimadu maxay Masaajidka kahayeen marka lagowrici may dagaalka galaan ileyn waxa is-haya waa gaal/gaal kalkaaliye iyo intii soomaalinimo, islaamnimo iyo dareen iyo damiirka lahayde? Sxb, no sitting on the fence, either die while fighting iyo raganimo ama sidii waxar yar haluggu sadaqeeyo. Soomaalidu waa inay fahmaan hal qodob: Tigreygga soomaali oo idil waa isuggu mid waana wada shabaab iyo argagixiso. Sorry, I will not morn them.
  6. ^It takes an occupation, raping, massacring, displacements, and more human atrocities for Somalis to learn their enemy. At least this is what it took reer Mogadishu to learn their real enemy. I hate to see the same happening to other somali regions. ^ Thank you. This was an excellent and much needed story that I hope will have an impact and helps bring more O news to the world. Well done Al Jazeera! Bishaaro, could you please summerize the video for those like me who cannot see the video while at work? I can't wait getting home!
  7. Refugees Strugle -Latest Aljazeera Video I cannot post the link but its half way down on the right side on this page
  8. Ladeef, do you have the direct aljazeera link? Be kind enough to post it InshaAllah. Sorry walaal, I haven't watch myself yet...not even sure there was one today or even yesterday, the 16th. At least couldn't find on Aljazeera's page meejaan . The last one I watched was on Tuesday.
  9. ^Bishaarow, he must have mis-read your comment. Waayo, ani xataa waan yaabanaa balse hadana sabeen baa kuggu xidhene, colka jooji bal:)
  10. ^You guys misunderstood each other I guess. Bal dib uggu noqda
  11. ^^They are dissatisfied with a name while their land is being taken by others, Baabile, Dire Dhabo, Harar, Chinacsane to name few. Well, baroortu orgiga kawayn adeer. I am sure if the name was dropped right as we speak, they will add zero to the struggle, because, at the end of the day, the 'O'is still a majority and that is where salaadu iska qaban la'dahay. If they really have a problem with the name, WHY cannot they join Jabhada Wadadnigga Xoreynta Soomaali Galbeed (JWXSG)? or better yet, create their own liberation front? Well, JWXSG is headed by Sh. Ibrahim, an Ocadeni man and secondly, these folks think they are better off under Tigrey than Somali State where the O is a majority. Tough Luck. There come by a day where Ocaden people will demand from ONLF and force them if they dont listen to give-up their demand on all the land beynod Dhagaxbuur to Ethiopia and Oromia.
  12. Sorry about the poor quality of the video IA
  13. Second Video-Its on Education or lack of it. Starts at 14.58 mins
  14. ^Haa sheekada biyo raaciska haye! Hadoo Harar Jooga Hargeysa Xoreynta igga dheh
  15. HORN African Americans for Peace (HAAP) will gather in the Legendary Roy Wilkins Auditorium on Sunday, April 13 from Noon - 7 PM for its first annual human rights conference. A $10 donation is suggested for admission. Dr. Abdi Samatar - Dean of Global Studies and Geography at the University of Minnesota. This is your chance of karbashing some Tigrey Loving Daba-dhilifs. I know they will come to disturb the conference like they did few weeks ago at Willey Hall of U of M. If you are coming and want to get your ticket ahead of time, PM me or stop by SAHAN Studio at NEW KARMEL mall. Details
  16. Thank god his qabiil is unknown like Hawo Taako, Adam, habo Xaawo Taako tribe is known, just ask around waa lagguu sheegiyo. I will tell you this much, she is from Jigjiga.
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: Too bad the secessionist can only watch as the tide turns and Mogadishu is brought under control. Mogadishu, Baidoa, Bossado = much more than any secesionist day dream.. Duke you're dreaming as always. 1. Its the same seccessionist that is threatening to capture your heartland in Puntland. 2. Your boys are bleeding in Mogadishu, sacrificed for Tigrey's cause and Adeer's impossible little dream. 3. Kismaayo gacan kuma jirto. PS: Reer adeerkey taluu maanta ubaahanyahay hadaad wax garan.
  18. This is really Sad! The worst thing that happened to Mama Suubban is not the death of her sons but the birth of her grandson. Behind the shacks of their new settlement, Salaado gave birth to the first baby-boy fathered by an unknown Ethiopain soldier. The deep look in the eyes of some relatives who were present at the delivery site suggested throwing or even killing the baby. But others thought that harming an innocent baby “will never solve our problem”. So what do you think we should do with this baby? Mama Suubban sees the baby as a mark of shame in the soul of all Somalis, a sign of defeat, a shock and a constant humiliation to live with. When the baby was born, Mama Suubban covered her face with her palms and flinched back as if she was forced to kiss fire. Worse still the birth of this baby coincided with the preparations and celebrations of the International Women´s Day. Siddeedda Maarso has brought joy to millions of women around the globe but in the case of Mama Suuban, her daughter and the entire women of Somalia, 8 March heralds tremendous pain and despair. Source
  19. Waa yaabe reerka iyo farenjigu (gaalka Cad), goormey coloobeen? Malaha Sayidkiibey reerka ku daba socdaan.
  20. ^^Miyaad hilmaantey kuwa bidaarta waaweyne mise horta dumarka bidaarta wayba kahelaan?