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Posts posted by nafta

  1. ^^^ gabdho ogaada...she asked for the male opinion, so stop coming on so strong about it, besides men tend to think more objectively about this sort of thing while women would probably react emotionally to let the guys answer in peace and then make whatever comment smile.gif



    P.S. Is it me or do most threads of this poster (jalaqsan) get met with somewhat negative responses...i don't know it might be me but it caught my eye anyhow....

  2. oh my god don't u talk to me about ciid!

    I've got a problem thinking as far as tomorow, never mind the coming week!


    Besides, i'm not really looking forward to ciid, i want the ramadan to continue a bit longer...i love the mood that comes with this month...sigh.... :(:(:(

  3. English Chinese


    Are you harboring a fugitive? - Hu Yu Hai Ding?


    Small Horse - Tai Ni Po Ni


    Did you go to the beach? - Wai Yu So Tan?


    I bumped into a coffee table - Ai Bang Mai Ni


    Has your flight been delayed? - Hao Long Wei Ting?


    An unauthorized execution - Lin Ching


    I thought you were on a diet - Wai Yu Mun Ching?


    He's cleaning his automobile - Wa Shing Ka


    I think you need a facelift - Chin Tu Fat

  4. me...slap jalaqsan...shame on u Zu advocating sheer violence on a holy month...couldnt u at least wait till after icon_razz.gif:D


    besides something tells me this is one foxy kitten...i would have to lurk her to muddy waters, before "i can do my thing" :D


    *hears footsteps approaching, hastly turns off the pc moniter, and asks boss if he wants a cup of coffee*

  5. Lonely Frog



    A lonely frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and asked what his future holds.


    His Personal Psychic Advisor tells him: "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you."


    The frog is thrilled, "This is great! Will I meet her at a party ?" he croaks.


    "No," says the psychic, "in biology class."



  6. ^^ well said Rahima


    Where in the diin does it say it's an embarrassment to talk about sex or to educate people about it. There is nothing ceeb about it, at the end of the day the children will explore it for themselves and they will get to know about it with or without ur help, like Sectioner so kindly pointed out. Where does the embarrassment come from anyway, it's a natural course of action that will happen someday to evrybody (hoepfully xalaal i should think)...waa yaab walahi


    To open a centre is another business, i think it would be lost to our people, frankly i don't think they would make use of it, or they would put it down as trying to advocate the new generation into the gaalo's beliefs etc.


    Afur wanaagsan everyone


    P.S. Jacaylbaro...u should be able to come up with someone to teach the youths/doqooshinka as u work in the UNLD (United Nations Love Department) :D ...waaba qatar...any vacancies going at the moment perhaps?

  7. the fact is that the somali people in Holland, or what is left of them since they moved to the UK, they are despised by the Morrocan and Turkish and other Muslim people in that country. They probably think we are all a bit like her and we think on the same wavelength. The Morrocan people even went on saying that if the soomaali won't do anything about it, then they would.

    She's a disgrace to us, and honest to god i wish ina la toogado

  8. allaa nafteeydiyayyy...MOTI what do u mean u dont like my public shuukansi...when u practically anounced to the world wide web u were willing to give me away


    now i say stop contradicting urself old man :rolleyes:

  9. ur right miss dahab...aparheid came to an end in SA on april 1994 and in May 10, President Mandela got inaugurated, at the age of 75...dats what makes me say WOW!


    the second is a piece of Somali History...that's a hint already ;)

  10. I'm picking History


    When did Apartheid come to an official end in South Africa?


    If that one is too easy, then what is the name "Mad Mullah" or "the Sayyid" short for?


    I need names and dates you people