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Everything posted by PasserBy

  1. Duke, Little Eritrea almost signed its death warrant. It got an 11th hour reprieve thanks to Isias's plea to Kofi Anan and Bill Clinton. As for weak addis, Faroole may disagree with you. Che, That is the same argument some in the opposition used to make, they abanodned it when it didn't pan out. Addis Ababa is in fact where the econmoy has shown remarkable progress. Oromia second. Amhara region third.
  2. I don't think Ethiopians have been hostile to Eritrea's development. Between 1991 and 1998 Ethiopia subsidized Eritrea's economy. It is a fact no one can argue about. It is rather the Eritrean regime that has been arming all kinds of groups to sabotage Ethiopia's progress. Thankfully it hasn't succeeded so far. As for Nile and the British, you are comparing apples and oranges. Duke, Thanks for the correction. To err is human but to think one's poop doesn't stink is Duke.
  3. Duke, Ethiopia has in its constitution the right of regions to succeed if they fulfill the requirements. But I can tell you this much, no Ethiopian is hostile to economic progress in Somali region or Oromia. What I witnessed here is total hostility to the fact that Somaliland has improved in leaps and bounds. I think they have solid argument in seeking recognition of their state hood. After all, they are independent in all aspects except in name. They have been living by themselves for the last 20 years.
  4. I am not a Xabashi foreign policy maker. I am only posting my opinion from observing Somali politics here and other places.
  5. The point of my earlier post was to see how much Somalis of all clan will applaud Somaliland's amazing stride forward politically and economically. The response I got was hostile from those who claim to fight for united Somalia. They posted picture after picture of Eritrean ... Since coming to this forum, it has become apparent to me that Somaliland deserves full recognition as a nation among other nations. If Somaliland can achieve this much progress with little support from outside, one only imagine what it can make of itself with full recognition. My only beef is with Silanyo. I hope he proves me wrong.
  6. T H, Ethiopians didn't touch Asmara. That can't be said about Hargeisa and Siad Barre. Hargiesa is rising from the ashes like a phoenix.
  7. Duke, Asmara has changed very little since the Italians left it. Hargeisa however has resurrected from the ashes of Said Barre's madness.
  8. Haatu, Clearly you are displeased to read Somaliland has gotten way past Eritrea in economic and political progress. All I have to say is SHAME ON YOU.
  9. Somalians regardless of clan affiliation should be happy that Somaliland has topped Eritrea in economic progress. I am shocked to see folks who claim to fight for united Somalia knock down this milestone achievement by Somalilanders.
  10. Duke, I hope Belgians did not read you insult their culture. Raw Meat as Culinary Tradition Belgium's delicacy is the world's disgust: food in cultural context Feb 23, 2006 Katrien Vander Straeten In Belgium raw meat is a delicacy. But try to convince an Indian or an American of that! Do irrational taboos still inform the taboo? My mother-in-law gasped! I was about to fry some minced beef and had just popped a spoonful of the raw meat into my mouth. Yum. But by the look on her face, you would have thought I had just sunk my teeth into a dead rat! Her revulsion was not for the meat per se. She is an omnivorous Bengali from Calcutta who on rare occasions will eat beef. No, it was its rawness. There are deep-seated taboos about consuming raw meat in every culture in the world. And as with all culinary taboos, there is a fine line between dirtiness and delicacy. In my home country of Belgium, raw meat can be a treat: we consume slabs of raw, uncured ham, and kids will often beg for the soft little meatballs before they go into the sauce. Indeed, we eat raw meat on an almost daily basis, as a spread on our sandwiches. A particular favourite is "filet americain" or "tartare de boeuf": raw ground beef with mayonnaise, capers, Worcestershire sauce, pickles, small onions and salt and pepper. A variant, "americain prepare", also has raw egg yolks in it. Why "americain"? An amusing explanation is that Christopher Columbus, on landing in America, remarked that the indigenous people ate raw meat that was heavily spiced. It's possible: many European recipes are several centuries old. True, in India, refrigeration is not quite adequate: even in Calcutta, frequent power outages will render perfectly decent fridges useless. But the revulsion for raw meat goes deeper than rational considerations of health and hygiene. For even in North America, the most refrigerated region in the world, there is an almost inborn squeamishness regarding raw, red burger meat. Is it, as some scholars of food suggest, that raw meat is more "dead" and closer to "rotten" than cooked or roasted meat, which is dead meat that has been "cultured" back into civilization? Even worse, does its rawness remind us of our own, uncooked flesh? If that taboo is still informing our culinary habits, the Belgians are on top of it: tongue-in-cheek, we call a sandwich topped with filet americain "toast cannibale".
  11. Duke, Did I hit a nerve? There is a Xabashi saying. When the nose gets hit the eye cries.
  12. Zack, Admiral Osman's boys latest kamikaze mission was thwarted before it hit the target. The Somali Regional Administration has proven itself to be more than capable of handling your skinnies. The attempt to derail the peace agreement between ONLF stakeholders and the Ethiopian government has FAILED. Desperation is getting the best of A Osman.
  13. Self reliant my foot! Eritrea depends on food aid to feed 70% of its population. The rest probably comes from Osman-ONLF and Al Shaab training and accommodation fees.
  14. Of course it is serious. Your Eritrean friends may not agree with it, but it is the reality on the ground.
  15. AfricaOwn, Who the heck are you to tell someone else not respond to my comment? Speak for yourself, bro.
  16. First of all, the current Ethiopian regime came to power after Somalia has already imploded. So it is very disingenuous of some politicians to accuse Xabashis for Somalia's misfortunes. The only time Ethiopia benefited from Somalia's collapse is in 1991. Seeing what was happening in Somalia at the time, the international community didn't want a repeat in Ethiopia. So after Mengistu fled, Ethiopia was given a lot of support to keep it stable.
  17. Xaji_Xunjuf, Thanks to Riyale, Somaliland kept itself away from Eritrea even though the regime in Asmara was lobbying hard to have a foothold in Hargeisa. Riyale not only said no to dictator Isaias, he maintained Somaliland's stability, increased its prosperity and reaffirmed its sovereignty over all of what he considered Somaliland proper. But since Silanyo came to power, Somaliland's invincibility was shattered by one major breach. God only knows what is to follow.
  18. Internationally unrecognized Somaliland has surpassed the internationally recognized Eritrea in economic and political progress. Eritrea is in free fall. The question is, why is Silanyo flirting with a known terrorists incubator and terrible dictator, Isaias Afwerki?
  19. The Eritrean mad man sent them to the inferno in style- wearing traditional Tigre sandals. It is obvious the mission was a desperate one. It was an attempt to preempt the peace agreement between the majority of ONLF members and the Ethiopian government. What ever happens to the hapless recruits, though, Silanyo's government has an egg on its face.
  20. I say the truth is no in the middle. It is somewhere else.
  21. Thankful, Could it be that neither one is telling the truth? Silanyo cannot possibly be seeking favour from Meles by showing his complicity in the affair. A Osman is denying the obvious because his boys are getting slaughtered.
  22. Thankful, Next time A Osman releases a press statement accusing Pland administration of collaborating with or seeking favour from Meles, you believe him. I will hold your feet to the fire.