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Everything posted by PasserBy

  1. AYOUB, It says Ethiopia is desirous to maintain its good relationship with Somaliland-Prime Minster Meles Zenawi.
  2. I had larger number of crowd waiting for me when I went to Addis Ababa if the number counts.
  3. Somaliland has diplomatic relationship with Ethiopia at Ambassadorial level. Which flag do you think is flying at the embassy compound?
  4. I hope you realize now that your delusions have been wrong .............. I blame Duke for it.
  5. I must admit I didn't expect the old man would be accorded the kind of reception he got in Addis Ababa. It had all the trappings of a STATE VISIT. Could this be a prelude to formal recognition of Somaliland? Time will tell.
  6. Somaliland applauds Ethiopia’s determined efforts to stabilize peace in Horn of Africa Tuesday, 16 November 2010 Addis Ababa, November 16 (WIC) – Acting Ambassador of the Somaliland to Ethiopia, Ayanle Salad Deria, has applauded Ethiopia’s determined efforts to stabilize peace in the Horn of Africa. In an exclusive interview he held with WIC today, Ambassador Deria said that Ethiopia has been doing its level best to bring peace in the whole continent in general and the Horn of Africa in particular. He said Ethiopia is currently exerting tremendous efforts to bring about lasting peace in Darfur and enable Somalia to stand on her own feet. “Ethiopia is playing a key and constructive role not only in stabilizing peace in Africa but also in climate change affairs in the world and we recognize this and appeal to keep it on,” he said. Asked about Eritrea, the ambassador said that Eritrea is continuing to undermine efforts to restore peace and stability in Somalia by arming insurgents battling the government. “Eritrea continues to be a peace headache for the region and keeps on destabilizing the region as well as training and financing anti-peace groups (Al-shabab) who are executing innocent civilians and teenagers in Somalia,” he said. He further urged the Security Council to tighten its arms and travel sanctions on Eritrea. “The international community knows where the problems of the region lie but hesitates to take corrective measures on Eritrea’s government to stop its ugly strategy,” he indicated. According to him, unless series actions are taken, the Al-Qaeda linked groups in Somalia will spread its extremism actions through out the world and its link with the persons in power in Eritrea. Concerning the bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Somaliland, he said that they have been enjoying a better bilateral cooperation in the areas of security, politics, education, trade, investment and social sectors. He said the trade and investment relations are currently promising and both are doing more to further consolidate them in the future. He further said that Ethiopia is a key neighboring country in capacity building activities in Somaliland and the country offers scholarship opportunities to citizens of the Somaliland. “There area private universities in Hargeisa like Admas University College educating Somaliland people and we call on others to continue investing in the education sector”, he said. “We want to maintain our sound relations and call Ethiopia to continue its good deeds to the Horn of Africa in stabilizing peace strategy and hosting neighboring refugees,” he added. As far as the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) of the government is concerned, he said that Ethiopia can achieve this ambitious plan owing to its wise leaderships. The Ambassador finally said Somaliland welcomes Ethiopia’s interest to utilize its ports as it helps to cement the economic and political ties between Ethiopia and Somaliland. Since the declaration of independence in 1991, the Somaliland has conducted four national elections and could transferred power peacefully. With over 3.3 million people, Somaliland is politically stable and calls the international community to recognize its independence.
  7. It is good that President Silanyo is currently visiting Ethiopia. It will go a long way in patching up the bruised relationship between the two governments. But contrary to what Ngonge suggested, Silanyo is receiving the same treatment his predecessor, Riyale, did. Nothing pompous. New Somaliland president arrives here Addis Ababa, November 17, 2010 (Addis Ababa) - The new Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamud Ahmud arrived here on Wednesday for a three-day official visit. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn and other higher level government officials welcomed the president upon his arrival at the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport. President Ahmed told journalists on the occasion that he will discuss with Ethiopian senior government officials on bilateral issues between Somaliland and Ethiopia during his stay in Ethiopia. Existing bilateral relation between Ethiopia and Somaliland is getting strengthened, the president said, adding, the two parties are working closely on issues related to security, peace, trade and communication. He said the present visit to Ethiopia is aimed at exchanging views to further enhance existing relations between Ethiopia and Somaliland. Hailemariam on his part said Ethiopia and Somaliland have been working together in the efforts to maintain peace and security. He said the present visit is intended to exchange views on issues related to security and peace as well as further strengthen diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Somaliland. The president will discuss with Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and other senior government officials on bilateral issues. President Ahmed came to power in July 2010.
  8. Hmmm…let me see. Bashir Maktal- A man who had a decent job in Canada, even by Canadian standard, chose to abandon his job, go to war torn Mogadishu (thru Eritrea) and "open used clothes selling business". When Xabashis and Abdullahi Yusuf's men took over Mogadishu he fled to Kenya. Kenyan Seucrity forces caught him at the border, and after interviewing him, handed him over to Xabashis. So if you think I will buy your nonsense or Bashir Maktal's flimsy excuse for being in war torn Mogadishu, you're out of your mind. Bashir Maktal is exactly where he belongs. Some day Xabashis will let him go. It will be on their timetable, not yours. You can freak out all you want here, but you'll only hurt your self kiddo. :cool:
  9. Ethiopian PM asks for brisker Korea-African cooperation Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, center, talks at a press conference during the Chungcheong Forum at the Lotte Hotel Seoul, Thursday. Also participating are the forum’s Chairman Sung Wan-jong, left, concurrently CEO of Kaengnam Enterprises, and former Prime Minister Chung Un-chan. / Courtesy of Kaengnam Enterprises Win-win solutions offered under stronger alliances By Kim Tae-gyu Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi asked for far stronger partnerships between African states and Korea, the country with many lessons and much knowhow to share with the former thanks to its fast growth over the past few decades. As the head of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), an economic development program of African states, Zenawi made the point at the Chungcheong Forum held in Seoul, Thursday. ``Korea must share its development experience with African countries, so that Africans can select and adapt what is useful to them,’’ said Zenawi who has been elected Ethiopian Prime Minister four times consecutively since 1995. As Korea has a history of taking advantage of outside assistance to evolve from ``rags to riches,’’ Zenawi said that Asia’s fourth-largest economy has to offer a helping hand based on its unique knowledge. ``South Korea knows better than almost anyone else what type of external assistance works and what does not work. It knows better than almost everyone else how to make good use of such assistance,’’ the 55-year-old said. ``South Korea is now rich enough to provide development assistance of various types. It must do so on the basis of the lessons of its own successful experience. It must provide the type of assistance that can over time obviate the need for such assistance.’’ Zenawi said that the partnership between Korea and Africa is not merely about one-sided aid but also about a win-win solution involving the former’s rich funds and the latter’s abundant resources. ``It is also an environment where Africa’s natural resources are in greater demand than ever but where a lack of adequate savings is constraining Africa’s development,’’ he said. ``There are obvious complementarities between Asia in general and Korea in particular that can be the basis of a mutually beneficial partnership. Africa needs Korean investments in infrastructure, manufacturing and the development of natural resources. Korea needs African markets and natural resources to continue its extraordinary growth.’’ G20 Summit Zenawi said that Korea is already doing well in supporting developing countries in time with the G20 Summit in Seoul, which takes place on Nov. 11 and 12. ``I am very pleased to note that South Korea has already started doing all of the things I have suggested today. South Korea’s sponsorship of the development of poorer countries in the context of the G20 is a case in point,’’ Zenawi said. ``Thanks to Korea, among others, the G20 has for the first time taken up the issues of growth and development in the least developed countries. South Korea has taken a leading role in c*****ng a new and progressive agenda for growth and development.’’ Zenawi, who will be also part of the G20 gathering as head of NEPA, suggested Korea will continue to represent the voices of developing states. ``South Korea has put its money where its mouth is and is assisting many African states in a manner that is consistent with the framework that is expected to be endorsed by the G20 in its Seoul Summit,’’ he said. ``We Africans can thus say thank you to South Korea for its support and cooperation and encourage it to stay the course in spite of obstacles that will inevitable emerge.’’ Long-time allies As the leader of NEPAD, Zenawi talked about the future of Africa and Korea. As the leader of Ethiopia, he expressed strong affection for Korea because the two countries are long-time allies. In fact, Ethiopia was one of the 16 countries that sent troops 60 years ago when the Korean War (1950-53) broke out. Back then, South Korea was one of the world’s poorest countries and Ethiopia was a potential-laden player that was expected to chalk up fast growth as one of the most powerful forces on the African continent. In particular, Zenawi himself has a special connection to Korea as amply demonstrated by the fact that he received an honorary Ph.D. from Korea’s Hannam University. ``We Ethiopians have longer and deeper cooperation with South Korea than most other Africans. ... South Korea has provided substantial assistance to Ethiopia’s development and South Korean companies are beginning to enter the Ethiopian market in a very significant manner,’’ he said. ``We thus have the basis to forge a partnership that can be a model for South Korea-Africa cooperation. We are eager to build on what we have achieved so far and to contribute to the further development of cooperation.’’ A few Korean companies have waded into Ethiopia spearheaded by Kaengnam Enterprises, a powerhouse in the construction industry. In response, Chungcheong Forum Chairman Sung Wan-jong, also chief executive at Kaengnam Enterprises, showcased his wishes for the two countries to create a stronger alliance down the road. ``Ethiopia is a strong ally of Korea ― the former dispatched its troops 60 years ago in order to safeguard South Korea’s democracy,’’ Sung said in a speech during the Chungcheong Forum. ``Despite the close relationship, the economic ties of the two are unsatisfactory. After this forum, I hope that the two nations will generate stronger communications in politics, economics, cultures and social affairs.’’ Around 600 members of the forum, which was initiated in 2000 to attract a total of 3,500 members over the past decade, took part in the forum. Also taking part were a number of high-profile participants including former Prime Minister Chung Un-chan; Chung Jin-suk, presidential secretary for political affairs; Rep. Ko Heung-kil from the governing Grand National Party; and Rep. Jun Byung-hun from the main opposition Democratic Party.
  10. Pasha/Zack Don't worry. Bashir Makhtal will one day be released and be free to go back to Mogadishu and restart his "used clothes selling business".
  11. Government Frees detained ONLF members Jijiga, November 11, 2010 (jijiga) - The government on Wednesday released detained members of ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Somali Regional State President, Aro Abdi Mohamod Oumer said. The chief told journalists that the detainees were freed in accordance with the agreement the government and ONLF signed last month. Senior officials of Somali Regional State and also ONLF Chairperson, Engineer Salahadin Abdulrahman were in attendance on the occasion. Several detained ONLF members were released following the agreement last month.
  12. Haatu tutu, Tell A Osman April fools day is one day in a year, not every day.
  13. If there is one person that should be banned it is you. Waite a minute, weren't you banned from SOL? Hmmmm...Liibaan-the same old bugger in a different nickname.
  14. Pasha aka Zack, Tell your boss, A Osman, to stop farting online. Forget 253 soldiers, A Osman is incapable of killing a goat. Region five's Special Forces have effectively neutralized the kamikaze boys. Things are looking up for Somali region of Ethiopia. The only thing A Osman can do is churn out mendacious press releases while cleaning Isaias Afwerki's sandals in Assmara.
  15. NGONGe, the thread initiator is fully xabash fooqal xabash, this has been proven by Zack I. C. Investigation team. IP addresses of the Internet Cafe he logs in from also indicate that. Obviously lying comes naturally to Admiral Osman's boys. Then again, who knows , even your shadow is xabashi these days. Meles/Ethiopia doesn't like Siilanyo or his administration, this has been clearly pointed out before.Its ridiculous to suggest that there is disagreement over the welcoming ceremony, Ethiopia has never extended this gesture to Somaliland or any of the regional goverments.There is underlying tension between Somaliland and Meles,Siilanyo is resisting influence coming from addis ababa and wants to assert his own independence and lay-out his own policy instruments.Ethiopia wants Hargeysa to continue business as usual.Despite Silanyo praising the relationship between Sland-Ethiopia, things havn't developed the way siilanyo desired.Meles can be very demanding! I don't think xabashis care whether Silanyo charts his own policy. It is rather his association with unsavory characters, like Al Shabab, that concerns them. They also don't believe that Admiral Osman's kamikaze boys slipped through Somaliland without the knowledge of Silanyo's administration. And contrary to what is reported in the media, it was region five's intelligence officers that got wind of the Kamikazes who alerted the Ethiopian defense forces. The federal troops along with Somali region’s special forces moved to the border. It was only then that the Silanyo government publicized the incursion, which Xabashis weren’t happy about either. They wanted to deal with the hapless boys stealthily. Hence, xabashis became increasingly uneasy about the old pan-somalia Islamist in Hargeisa.
  16. Clearly some of them in SOL suffer from small man syndrome. It is not good.
  17. Puntlanders, Don't blame Ethiopia for Somalia's misfortunes. You should blame your own villians- Siad Barre, Farrah Aidid, Ali Mahdi and the other warlords. By the way, why are puntlanders involving themselves in a Somaliland-Ethiopia affair? :confused:
  18. Passerby, what is Meles's phone number ? Ask Silanyo, he will tell you.
  19. i am neither of those and know no one who ascribes themselves to that Go easy on the qat, my Puntland friend.
  20. Sayid*Somal My question was directed to Somalilanders on SOL, not Puntlanders.
  21. If I recall Somaliland's foreign minister visited both Djibouti and Ethiopia. One can infer from it that he was preparing the groundwork for his boss's visit to the two countries. Something must have happened in the meantime for the publicized visit to Ethiopia to not take place. I am just wondering what the reason was. Ngonge suggested that Silanyo was looking for the kind of reception he received in Djibouti to be replicated in Ethiopia. He will have to wait until kingdom come for that to happen. What makes the old man think xabashis will bestow upon an Islamist Siad Barre wannabe a lavish reception when they didn't afford that sort of treatment to their best ally in the region, Riyale?
  22. Xaji, Wasn't you who told us Silanyo was going to visit Djibouti and Ethiopia? Did he miss the flight ot Addis Ababa? Mayaani, I think you are trying to tell us that Silanyo is really old.
  23. No amount of "Tigray Propaganda" will convince Admiral Osman's boys that things are looking up for region 5. So your reaction to this eye opener program is as expected, and to be honest, IRRELEVANT. The program is garnered towards Somali Region's Diaspora community who by in large are eager to go back and take part in the development process.
  24. Silanyo's first trip outside of Somaliland was supposed to take him to Ethiopia after Djibouti. There is no indication he made it to Addis. Many are wondering if Meles refused to see him until he accounts for Admiral Osman's misadventure through Somaliland to Ethiopia.