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Everything posted by VivaSomaliaa
He used to be a State Minister, State Minister's have absolutely no control, nor access to funds . They simply getpaid their salary and do their jobs. The head of the Ministry usually has that type of room to manoeuvre. He is known for being credible, a man that has the support of his region despite coming from a different tribe. Puntlanders at large understand and appreciate the work he has done for their region. Setting Puntland on the international stage, welcoming Key EU Ministers to the region and established strong ties with neighbouring countries. He is one the most successful Puntland Ministers we've seen, one that the international community admires and Mogadishu should be happy to have him. Also, this man was the ONLY representative from any Somali entity to stand up and defend his country at the Rome Contact Group Conference. Even Dayniile.com writes highly about him. http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=daynilee+c%2Fqadir+cabdi+xaashi&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCwQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dayniilecom.com%2FJulay12%2F1julay1024.htm&ei=Wn1ZULH3C4TTigKZgYHYDg&usg=AFQjCNFDOQLGDVPfapRsX9kSP2fwaetbEw&sig2=ddzfrufjdu8E58md2wF_S Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah dowlad goboleedka Puntland C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi, ayaa shirkii maanta ay yeesheen kooxda xiriirka caalamiga ah & dhinacyadda Soomaalida, wuxuu dood adag ka galay qaar ka mid ah qodobadii lagu soo qoray warmurtiyeedka ee la soo dhex dhigay ergadu in ay ka doodaan, waxaana qodobadda uu ka hadlay ka mid ahaa qodob uu soo jeediyey mas'uul ka socday wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Talyaaniga oo ku taliyey in dastuurka Soomaaliya loo sameynayo lagu muujiyo qodob ka hadlaya xorriyada diimaha, iyadoo markii la soo jeediyey qodobkaasina ay ka aamuseen xubnihii ka socday dowladda federaalka, Galmudug & Ahlusuna, waxaana qodobkaasi gaashaanka ku dhiftay wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah dowlad goboleedka Puntland C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi oo si cilmiyeysan kaga hadlay in aysan jirin baahi qodobkaasi loogu daro dastuurka. "Soomaalidu waa dad isku diin ah, mana jirto xorriyad & xorriyad la'aan diimeed, haddii sidaas loo dhigana waxaa ka faa'ideysana dadkan xag jirika ah, waxeyna keeneysaa kuwa dhex-dhexaadka (moderate) inay u galaan Alshabaab & wixii kale oo xag jir ah" ayuu yiri wasiirka C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in Soomaalidu tahay ummad 100% dad muslim ah, oo aysanna jirin qolo gaar ah oo in ay gaalo yihiin darteed loo dilayo, hasse ahaateen arrinta diinta ay tahay mid aan Soomaalida lagu sanduleyn karin, waxaana qodobkii loogu qoray war-murtiyeedka sidii uu soo jeediyey wasiir C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi. "Soomaalida meelaha loogu hiiliyo ma ahan in idaacadaha laga hadlo, meelaha ay tahay in dadkaaga aad ugu hiiliso waa fadhiyada caalamiga ah ee ay isugu imaanayaan dalalka caalamka, oo ay dhici karto in ergooyinka dalalkaasi ay qaarkood ku xadgudbaan waddankaaga oo ay u arkayaan dad aan laheyn dad difaaca" ayuu yiri Xassan Axmed oo ahaa aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed oo ka mid ahaa marti sharaftii kulankaasi maanta ka dhacay Talyaaniga goob joog ka ahaa, wuxuuna xusay in Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah dowlad goboleedka Puntland C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi uu yahay shaqsi diyaarsan oo istaahila in geesinimada uu diintiisa & dadkiisa ku difaacay lagu abaalmariyo. "Waxaa laga hadlayey qodob diini ah, waxaana madasha fadhiyey madaxda dowladda & Ahlu sunna & Galmudug ma jirin cid ka hadashay, isaga ayaa difaacay Soomaalida & in lagu xadgudbo diinta Islaamka" ayuu yiri Xassan Axmed, wuxuuna xusay in aysan madaxnimadu aheyn oo keliya in {suit} inta la gashado la fadhiisto shirar balse loo baahan yahay in aad ummadda aad la hadleyso aad tusi karto in Soomaalidu ay dhibban tahay, oo ay dhibkana ka bixi doonto, dadkeeduna ay yihiin kuwa aan qaadan karin in dhibaatadaas ay ku jireen darteed lagu waxyeeleeyo
Any updates on when and who will be the Prime Minister of the Somali Republic?
President Shariif oo kulan la qaatay guddomiyaha cusub Mr Jawaari
VivaSomaliaa replied to oba hiloowlow's topic in Politics
Oh he smiles. -
Former Puntland State Minister of Planning & International Cooperation tweeted @MinisterHashi: "I took the Oath of Office for the Somali Parliament. I look forward to serving my country at the National level. There are many educated members in the new Parliament. I am optimistic that we will quickly move the state re-building agenda forward".
New generation of Puntland leaders enter parliament...
VivaSomaliaa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
New generation of Puntland leaders enter parliament...
VivaSomaliaa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
New generation of Puntland leaders enter parliament...
VivaSomaliaa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
This man was a game changer for Puntland. Mogadishu should be happy to have him. -
Puntland Minister set to join new National Parliament. Thoughts?
VivaSomaliaa replied to VivaSomaliaa's topic in Politics
Puntlandi.com Liiska Xildhibaanada cusub oo beri si rasmi ah loo aqbali doono Iyo Wasiiro, Ganacsato, Siyaasiyiin Aqoonyahan iyo Rag Macno kuleh Siyaasada Puntland oo kasoo dhex muuqan doona….(Warbixin). Posted by nbi on August 11th, 2012 Waxaa la filayaa saacadaha soo socda gudiga farsamada ee kujira diyaarinta iyo ansixinta xildhibaanada cusub ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya inay si rasmi ah u aqoonsadaan una ansixiyaan Baarlamaanka cusub ee Soomaaliya iyadoona Xubnaha baarlamaanka cusub ee Soomaaliya ay ka muuqan doonaan Wajiyo cusub oo siyaasada dawlada dhexe aan ka muuqan jirin. Wararka ay Puntlandi ka helayso Muqdisho ayaa xaqiijinaya in ansixinta iyo diyaarinta liiska xildhibaanada cusub ee Baarlamaanka cusub la rajaynayey inay maanta (Jimce) dhacdo balse wadanka oo jimcada aan la shaqayn darteed waxaa dib loogu dhigay maalmaha soo socda iyadoona wararku ay sheegayaan in gudigu uu dhameeyey badi howlaha xildhibaanada cusub ayna dhawaan ku dhawaaqi doonaan. Wararka Puntlandi ay helayso ayaa xaqiijinaya in liiska cusub ee xildhibaanada Puntland ku matalaya dawlada cusub ee Soomaaliya si rasmi ah loo gudbiyey islamarkaasna la saxay meelo gudigu uu ka cowday oo ay kamid ahaayeen xubnaha Haweenka oo beelaha qaarkood laga codsaday inay badiyaan maadaama aad loo yareeyey Waxaana wararku ay sheegayaan in si rasmi ah liiska baarlmaanka cusub uu usoo bixi doono maalmaha dhow iyadoo la saxay. Puntlandi ayaa sidoo kale ogaatay in Xildhibaanada cusub ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Puntland ku matalaya uu ku dhacay isbedelkii ugu badnaa iyadoona ay aad u yaryihiin xubnihii horey ugu jiray Baarlamaanka ee kusoo noqday dhanka Puntland, Dhinaca kalena xildhibaanada cusub waxaa kamid noqon doona Wasiiro xilal muhiim ah Puntland ka haya, madaxda ururada dhanka ganacsiga ee Puntland, Aqoonyahano macalimiin ka ahaa jaamacado caalami ah, Siyaasiyiin xilal ka qabatay Puntland, madaxda qaarkamid ah firqooyinka diimaha ee dalka kajira oo Puntland kasoo jeeda, Haween badan, Siyaasiyiin xilal ilaa heer Ra’iisul wasaare Soomaaliya kasoo qabatay iyo xubno kale oo aad u yar kuwaasoo ahaa xubnihii awal Baarlamaanka ugu jiray Puntland oo aan sidaas u badnayn. Xildhibaanadan cusub ayaa la rajaynayaa inay qayb muhiim ah ka noqdaan Ololaha uu doorashada ku galayo Ra’iisul wasaaraha Imika ee dawlada Soomaaliya oo ah musharax u taagan Xafiiska madaxweynaha Dr.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas oo laftiisa la hadal hayo inuu kamid noqdo baarlamaanka cusub ee Soomaaliya. Faahfaahinta raga kusoo biiray Baarlamaanka ee Miisaanka culus leh Puntlandi kala soco. -
Wasiir ka socday Puntland oo ku guuleystay in la saxo qodobo si qalad ah loo qoray oo ku jiray war-murtiyeedkii maanta ka soo baxay Talyaaniga. Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah dowlad goboleedka Puntland C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi, ayaa shirkii maanta ay yeesheen kooxda xiriirka caalamiga ah & dhinacyadda Soomaalida, wuxuu dood adag ka galay qaar ka mid ah qodobadii lagu soo qoray warmurtiyeedka ee la soo dhex dhigay ergadu in ay ka doodaan, waxaana qodobadda uu ka hadlay ka mid ahaa qodob uu soo jeediyey mas'uul ka socday wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Talyaaniga oo ku taliyey in dastuurka Soomaaliya loo sameynayo lagu muujiyo qodob ka hadlaya xorriyada diimaha, iyadoo markii la soo jeediyey qodobkaasina ay ka aamuseen xubnihii ka socday dowladda federaalka, Galmudug & Ahlusuna, waxaana qodobkaasi gaashaanka ku dhiftay wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah dowlad goboleedka Puntland C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi oo si cilmiyeysan kaga hadlay in aysan jirin baahi qodobkaasi loogu daro dastuurka. "Soomaalidu waa dad isku diin ah, mana jirto xorriyad & xorriyad la'aan diimeed, haddii sidaas loo dhigana waxaa ka faa'ideysana dadkan xag jirika ah, waxeyna keeneysaa kuwa dhex-dhexaadka (moderate) inay u galaan Alshabaab & wixii kale oo xag jir ah" ayuu yiri wasiirka C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in Soomaalidu tahay ummad 100% dad muslim ah, oo aysanna jirin qolo gaar ah oo in ay gaalo yihiin darteed loo dilayo, hasse ahaateen arrinta diinta ay tahay mid aan Soomaalida lagu sanduleyn karin, waxaana qodobkii loogu qoray war-murtiyeedka sidii uu soo jeediyey wasiir C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi. "Soomaalida meelaha loogu hiiliyo ma ahan in idaacadaha laga hadlo, meelaha ay tahay in dadkaaga aad ugu hiiliso waa fadhiyada caalamiga ah ee ay isugu imaanayaan dalalka caalamka, oo ay dhici karto in ergooyinka dalalkaasi ay qaarkood ku xadgudbaan waddankaaga oo ay u arkayaan dad aan laheyn dad difaaca" ayuu yiri Xassan Axmed oo ahaa aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed oo ka mid ahaa marti sharaftii kulankaasi maanta ka dhacay Talyaaniga goob joog ka ahaa, wuxuuna xusay in Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta & iskaashiga caalamiga ah dowlad goboleedka Puntland C/qaadir Cabdi Xaashi uu yahay shaqsi diyaarsan oo istaahila in geesinimada uu diintiisa & dadkiisa ku difaacay lagu abaalmariyo. "Waxaa laga hadlayey qodob diini ah, waxaana madasha fadhiyey madaxda dowladda & Ahlu sunna & Galmudug ma jirin cid ka hadashay, isaga ayaa difaacay Soomaalida & in lagu xadgudbo diinta Islaamka" ayuu yiri Xassan Axmed, wuxuuna xusay in aysan madaxnimadu aheyn oo keliya in {suit} inta la gashado la fadhiisto shirar balse loo baahan yahay in aad ummadda aad la hadleyso aad tusi karto in Soomaalidu ay dhibban tahay, oo ay dhibkana ka bixi doonto, dadkeeduna ay yihiin kuwa aan qaadan karin in dhibaatadaas ay ku jireen darteed lagu waxyeeleeyo. Xafiiska Warqabadka Dayniile.com Webmaster@dayniile.com Tafatiraha Wabka Dayniile.com Deyniilecom@hotmail.com Webmaster@dayniile.com
Puntland Minister's twitter page attracts Key Foriegn Ministers.
VivaSomaliaa replied to VivaSomaliaa's topic in Politics
Agree, for all we know it could not even be Siilanyo or Hashi on these twitter handles. I just thought it was interesting to point out. Night guys. -
Puntland Minister's twitter page attracts Key Foriegn Ministers.
VivaSomaliaa replied to VivaSomaliaa's topic in Politics
Naxar Nugaaleed;846192 wrote: So are from now on to measure wither or a provincial admin has established in the international community by twitter followers. Ashton kutcher must be the most established Person on the planet. No one was talking about the quantity of followers but rather the quality. Influential, prominent leaders! Oh, and the statement regarding Puntlands influence in the International community was not an opinion, but a fact. Don't stay bitter, get better. -
Puntland's State Minister for Planning and International tweeted earlier that: @MinisterHashi: "Impasse with #Puntland resolved. Large government and Civil Society delegation en route to #Istanbul. Private plane expected to land here anytime. Turkish Airways plane to pick up #Puntland delegation from Djibouti late this afternoon. Istanbul ll conference for #Somalia on track again. #Puntland has assurances that the final communique will be consensus driven. Principals of the key stakeholders will drive the agenda."
Latest update: @MinisterHashi, "Impasse with #Puntland resolved. Large government and Civil Society delegation en route to #Istanbul. Private plane expected to land here anytime. Turkish Airways plan to pick up #Puntland delegation from Djibouti late this afternoon. Istanbul ll conference for #Somalia on track again. #Puntland has assurances that the final communique will be consensus driven. Principals of the key stakeholders will drive the agenda."
@MinisterHashi writes, #Turkish Ambassador in Addis Ababa met with President of #Puntland last night in a bid to resolve our concerns about Istanbul II. A senior diplomat #Turkish Embassy in Addis Ababa is now sitting with the Puntland delegation. Depending on outcome, #Puntland may attend! For #Istanbul II for #Somalia to succeed, it has to be thoroughly inclusive. It has to also adhere to the Roadmap not deviate from it. #TFG Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and the #PM have both expressed grave concern over the biased selection of the Civil Society reps.
European Forces Strike Pirate Base in Somalia By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN Published: May 15, 2012 NAIROBI, Kenya — The European Union, which had vowed to take a tougher stand against the scourge of Somali piracy, took the fight to the pirates’ home base for the first time on Tuesday, destroying several of their signature fiberglass skiffs as they lay on the beach in a notorious pirate den. The Europeans hit via combat helicopter, with forces never actually landing in Somalia, and European officials said it was likely that therewould be more strikes in the future. “This is a fantastic opportunity,” said Lt. Cmdr. Jacqueline Sherriff, a spokeswoman for the European Union’s antipiracy force. “What we want to do is make life more difficult for these guys.” Another European force spokesman, Timo Lange, said that only one helicopter carried out the assault. But residents reached by telephone in Xarardheere, the pirate den that was attacked, said more than one helicopter was involved. Some residents spoke of the deep unease they felt over the past few days as aircraft believed to be European spy planes buzzed over town and patrol boats spied from offshore, apparently in preparation for the raid. “Two nights ago, they came with small speedboats to the seashore of the town, but they went back without shooting,” one resident said. Another spoke of the early-morning raid and of having his livelihood interrupted: “We were preparing to go in the sea for fishing last night, but we heard the noises of helicopters moving upstairs in our sky.” Both residents spoke by telephone from Xarardheere and were too frightened to give their names. Residents also said that the European helicopter attack that strafed the pirate skiffs, which the pirates call their hunting boats, destroyed several old-fashioned Arab dhows, wooden sailboats sometimes used by the pirates to ferry supplies to captured ships. In March, the European Union toughened its antipiracy mandate to allow forces patrolling the Indian Ocean to attack bases on Somali land. Before that, the forces were allowed to pursue pirates only at sea. The mandate is explicit, though, that the European forces are not supposed to step ashore. A statement from the European Union emphasized that “at no point did E.U. Naval Force ‘boots’ go ashore.” European Union officials said no one was wounded in the attack. A pirate interviewed on Tuesday said the pirates had heard the sound of helicopters coming and had run away. Somali pirates have hijacked hundreds of ships in the past few years, everything from a sailboat skippered by a retired British couple and rusty fishing trawlers to a 1,000-foot-long supertanker owned by the Saudi government. The pirates have netted hundreds of millions of dollars from the hijackings, money that they often reinvest in weapons and men. Recently, they have attacked ships as far away as Sri Lanka, more than 2,000 miles from home. Their standard operating procedure is to swarm a vessel with a bevy of skiffs, each packed with armed men, gain control of the ship, steer it back to a pirate base like Xarardheere and then demand a ransom from the ship’s owner, the families of the crew or both. Often the ransom money literally falls from the sky. The favored way of making payment these days is to drop a brick of shrink-wrapped cash from a small plane and let it drift down by parachute to the pirates. Because so much of Somalia is lawless, the pirate gangs have dozens of hiding places where they can hold hostages with impunity. But this year the piracy business seems to have taken a hit. Though Somali pirates are still holding around a dozen vessels and several hundred crew members, that figure is sharply reduced from a few years ago, when the pirates had dozens of captured ships under their control and nearly 1,000 seamen to ransom. The combination of strengthened foreign naval patrols, an increase in prosecutions and some progress toward a stable Somali government appears to be hurting the ability of the pirates to operate. Somalia has languished without a functioning central government for more than 20 years, though in recent months the transitional government seems to have been gaining momentum and doing a better job of controlling at least the capital, Mogadishu. Somali officials commended the raid on Tuesday, saying they had given the Europeans approval to take whatever measures necessary to stamp out the pirates. “The end of eradicating piracy far outweighs whatever costs involved,” said Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi, a minister in the semiautonomous Puntland state government, in northern Somalia. “Piracy is a criminal industry which has the potential of becoming a serious security problem with serious global repercussions.” Some would argue it already has. Recent studies indicate that with all the insurance increases and protective measures, Somali pirates are now costing the world more than $5 billion each year. It was not clear how the pirates would respond to having the tools of their trade destroyed. They possess dozens, if not hundreds, of boats, and European officials estimated that they destroyed only five on Tuesday. In the past, when pirates have been raided by Navy Seals or attacked at sea, they usually did not retaliate against hostages, because keeping hostages safe and in relatively good condition is the key to big ransoms. Still, one pirate said on Tuesday, “we will try to stop this kind of attack from the deep Indian Ocean by any means.” Paul Geitner contributed reporting from Brussels, and a Somali journalist reported from Mogadishu, Somalia.
Wasiiru-dowlaha Qorshaynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ee Puntland Prof. Cabdulkadir Cabdi Xaashi ” Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun” Birmingham, UK (RBC, Radio): Wasiiru-dowlaha Qorshaynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ee Puntland Prof. Cabdulkadir Cabdi Xaashi ayaa wuxuu tacsi u dirayaa dhamaan Qoyskii, Walaalihii, Ehelkii & dhamaan Shacabka Puntland ee uu ka geeriyoodey AUN marxuum Dr Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale. Wasiir Prof Cabdulkadir Cabdi Xaashi ayaa ugu horayn ALLE uga baryaya ugana tacsiyeeynaya Qoyskii iyo Ehelkii uu ka geeriyoodey AUN Marxuum Dr Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale in uu samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo waxaana uu leeyahay ” Naf waliba way dhadhamineysaa dhimashada waqtigii ALLE u qoreyna dhaafi mayso ee ku samra”, marxuumkana ILAAH uga baryaya inuu Jannadiisa ugu naxriisto. Sidoo kale wasiirku wuxuu tacsi halkan uga dirayaa dhamaan Hayadaha kala gedisan sida Xukuumada, Baarlamaanka iyo Maxkamadaha ee Dowlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed oo uu ugu horeeyo Xukuumada uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Dr Cabdirahmaan Sh. maxamed iyo Golaha wasiirada ee uu ka tirsanaa AUN marxuum Dr Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale waxaana uu Leeyahay “Waxaa naga dhintey Walaal, Saaxiib, Aqoonyahan waana ognahay ka Xukuumad ahaan iyo dhamaan Shacabka Puntlandba masuuliyadii iyo howshii adkayd ee uu u hayey taas oo ahayd mid aan marnaba la hilmaami karin, markaas waxaan ILAAH ka baryayaa inuu samir naga siiyo dhamaanteen, marxuumkana waxaan ILAAH uga baryaya inuu Jannadiisa ugu naxriisto” AAMIIN,AAMIINAA;MIIN………. ” Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun” Birmingham West Midlands of England , UK RBC, Radio
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
VivaSomaliaa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Great to feel a sense of unity. Hope it lasts!! -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
VivaSomaliaa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Puntland Minister praises President Sheikh Sharif leadership today via twitter: Abdulkadir Hashi @MinisterHashi: "Current TFG President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed displayed unmatched leadership by accompanying the body of his former political enemy to Puntland. President Sharif's gesture of good is set to bring Somalis together and will go a long way in reconciling the war torn nation. Congrats! -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
VivaSomaliaa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
I guess word hit home. Puntland State Minister of Planning and International Cooperation recently tweeted: @MinisterHashi "President Yusuf's death marks a huge loss for the Somali people and especially for Puntlanders. He was a great patriot and friend. My family and I are truly saddened by his passing. Our deepest condolences to Mme Yusuf, and the larger Yusuf family.
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