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Everything posted by Dalni
Serious matter!
As reason is supperior to irrationality, so can non-rationality to reason. All matters are either Rational, Irrational or Non-Rational. Non-rationality is anything above and beyond the expanse (as in revealation)of logic and reason. Thus reason is my nature restricting and the sole dependence of it has similar effects as irrationality.
BICC paper 39 External Actors in Stateless Somalia A War Economy and its Promoters by Sabrina Grosse-Kettler http://www.bicc.de/publications/papers/paper39/paper39.pdf Enjoy the read! PS: Its a long paper but also indepth and insightful. Worth the read, especially for Economics, Business and Dev. Studies students.
Juma, the link you provided isn't working. Maybe you will provide us with a working link.
“my wife is a partner, not a competitor in this hassling and wheeling World, and that is what I needed†That sums it up, brother.
^^^ Bambina lol I think going off-topic has become the new trend! Even the entirety of this section is now called: Off-Topic .
Dawoco - sorry! I am talking to the guy
Hey you, the dude with the nick: Qacbaro, I am talking to you, yes you! Why don't you speak for yourself rather than speaking on behalf of another person? Even though you share a suffix, still that does not make U an advocate for another man! The difference lies in the 'Bool' and not the 'baro'. You 'baro' guys seem to be a new breed of men that stoop to the levels of womanfolk! What happened? When did you abandon the manly protocols all-together? Get a grip men!
According to Antonio Gramsci, anyone who 'knows' how to use a "yaambo" is an intellectual as much as I am an intellectual since I excel in the 'knowledge' of typing a response - however 'shallow' this may sound - to you.
Originally posted by EzMaCiL: Thanks to Allah... That it is not a compulsory to marry more than one. I can't even find the one, let alone thinking of two or more. Any luck yet?
This topic deserves a revival.
Lets talk about Virtue again please. And this time, Farah, please indicate what type of virtue you ask whether it can be tought or mastered. Intellectual Virtue based on experiance and instruction or Moral Virtue based on the habitation of good practices.
Interesting topic.
After reading the entire thread, I noticed a 'slight' contradiction. At the begining of this page, brother Lander wrote: "Yasmine,You do tend to write with a little too much emotion, this is not a contest of who can come up with snappy lines in order to belittle the opposition, if that was the case, Somalilanders would have lost long ago. Instead this is more about reasoning and realism, some traits the somaliweyn camp lack very much. " After Lander urged Yasmine to employ reason, rationality and logic in her arguements, sister African says: "Yasmine, Neither logic nor reasoning works to express your views in this forum. The currency is emotions and every time you use rational for exchange of ideas you will have more emotions thrown at your face." African, aren't you confusing Yasmine here. And it seems you have only read responses of your opponents, rather than both sides so that you could reach a reasonable conclusion. The reason why I think so is because you are contradicting what your fellow SLder (Lander) has written over the mix-up of emotion and reason in regard to Yasmine's responses. African, I think it is only fair to give opinions a fair judgement and consideration. But will phrases like; "After this thread I didn’t debate in this forum and I only recently contributed to two threads" merit you to say: "The base of my above response was brothers v sisters and how some brothers resort to “male chauvinism” when they cannot argue on merit. The two quotes I referred to were the only two I read on the Politics forum where the brothers started to belittle the sisters as a WOMAN rather then debating their cases." ..and make expect people to believe that you " really wanted to exchange ideas with my fellow Somali brothers whichever region they are from, but it seemed that hate consumes their daily lives and they cannot see beyond it"? The answer is reasonably no sister. "Sadly some of them came off the list for the simple reason of belittling their sisters". Yes its sad.
MMA/Amneenah I thought Bar-Nomad and other folks were all along advocating to preserve the same thing you two seem to enforce, a Somali unity? Saying Puntland wouldn't seek independence from the rest of Somalia for it doesn't have the agenda do so?
And how stup!d is the human race How unknowing, mean and disgrace How wastefully used is the seamen Which all humans from none begun whatever rightfully humans own Is bound soon or late to be shown By their wordly manner worldy way Their young and even their old Are valued best for what they hold They buy their joy from the store sometimes from the nearest whore This is how humans want to dwell This is story history shall tell If this is the fate for humans all There is no cure but to rot in hell
Shayhem I think it is you who needs to learn alittle bit more about the geography of the African continent. Who told you Somalia isn't part of Eastern-Africa? Go check it out.
Globalisation Vs Nationalism: which side are you on?
Dalni replied to KritiKal-Mind's topic in General
That photo has different meaning. It asks "Somalia, a failed state?" and the man sitting down is wearing a Gucci T-shirt which got there by means of globalization. -
Lets not make the same mistake over and over, xamar is scarred forever.... we shouldn't have any capital city but federal system that empowers each region. Every city should be a capital city of its own.
Iibsi Lacageed ...Ismaaciil Mire Nimanyahow awow iyo awow iyo abkaan sheegto iyo aniga abidkay ma arag iibsi lacageede Adduun buu lahaan jirey raaggaan ka isirraa waaye Ololahaan wax kaga qaybsan jirey ululuf duullaane mar uun baan amaamuday waxaan aabahay faline afar waxaan u dhaxay tuuladii awrta loo raraye albaabkii Burcaan tegey anoo aaladii sida eh Amminkiiba lay yimid sidii eegta lay yahaye Ooggii horey nagu kaceen adhi dillaalkiiye Dar iimaanka laga qaaday baa noo aloogsadaye Amankaagay goortay wankii adhaxda tuujeene Inta weeye iyo maahadii la is ilaaqaayey Asaraartankii baa qalbiga aad wax ii dhimaye Afka reer magaaluhu yaqaan waan ka oodnahaye Ii-maroojihii bay khatalay kii aan aaminaye afar bawlad laga gooyey bay igu aluubeene Anigoo arkaayaa gacmaha laygu iibsadaye kuwo boqonta ood laga sudhay ila ahaayeene usha, jeedal iyo suufaf bay igu illaaweene Ashcaartaba rag baa iga badshee idinku weydiiya. ------- Kulligood adoomaha rabboow qaybsha kibistiiye Qof kastoo kabtiya ama kalaha ama kur dheer fuula Bad kalluun ku jirra kollay ku tahay amase ama koob shaah ah Ninba kadabkii loo qoray Ilaah wuu la kulansiine Inaan ruuxna soo korodhsanayn kaa ha la ogaado Ninkase koob nimca ah fuuqsadee kadin irmaan maala In karuurka uu qubo horay kaafka ugu tiille Killigiiba Reer-Hagar anaa kiin ah baa rogaye Kamma Sugulle maankii sidii kuray carruureede Kas xumaa hoddaye naagta way kala fogaayeene Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Lixda koos ee Reer Cali-gariye kaw iskaga siiyey Kasi waaye wuxu waa qabaal waadna kabataane Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Kaysaha adduun Ina Amaan kuma qarraacnayne Ragbaa keeno gali buu is yidhi waad u koraysaaye Misna kama fileyn mana hadayn kii Israa'ilaye Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Af xakame karkabadii u ay iyo kulaylkiiye Ka dambee Calluu yidhi intuu Kaaha guursadaye Isna kaal u tumay weyn intuu kariyey waabeeye Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Kalmadduu lahaa Ina Galaydh kohay gadaashiiye Kaarkuba ma joogeen hadduu keeno tuluddiiye Baallacad kalyaha kuma jareen kii uu quudhsadaye Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Cartan dhuurta kooraha markuu kor ugu laalaayey Garaad Faarax dhay iyo karuur kala macaanaaye Misna kala khadhaadhaa dhunkaal kulankii goobeede Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Adaa dunida kaligaa leh buu Koofil eersadaye Kashiisaba ma galin wiilalbaa keebka kuu qabane Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Kaakici wadaadkii dagaal laguna kaalmeeye Kumanyaal laguug duub cad buu keenay Beerdhiga e Waxse kadabkii go'ay maalintuu kaday raggiisiiye Kabaalkiisii baa jabay markuu kariyey Reer Kheyre Ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado Mid kuwaa ka dhigan baan arkoon kibis u laabneyne Inta uu kashbacay oo kibroo kamman wan weyn yeeshay Yuu niman karaamiyo colba leh kiish ka buuxsadaye Kashib dhaha Islaamoow naftii kii ladnaa gadaye
!!!!!!!!ARE WE IN DANGER OF EATING HARAM PRODUCTS!!!!!!!!!!!! By Yasir Muhammad Khan & Sheikh Sahib There are many products containing pig fat which we might not notice in the ingredients. Sheikh Sahib have worked in the food department of France for ten years. His duty dealt with the registration of food and cosmetic items. Before launching the product the manufacturer would bring a specimen to me with a list of components used in it. I would send the specimen to laboratory for examination. Then I would compare the ingredients appearing in the laboratory report with the ones mentioned in the list submitted by the company. If there were no discrepancies, I would issue the registration letter. I noticed that some of the component lists submitted by the companies carried some codes like "E141" and "E904". In the beginning, I was very surprised at reading these codes. When I asked my senior officers about the codes, they said, 'check only the components and don't consider these letters'. This increased my curiosity and I started investigating at my own. I came to know startling facts. My investigation revealed that pig meat is eaten in all Europe, America and Far East. In these countries, there are millions of farms for breeding pigs. In France alone, there are 42 thousand such farms. When the pigs reach a certain age, they are slaughtered and their meat is supplied to the markets. People eat pig flesh. In Europe and America, people do not eat fats at all while pig has a lot of fats. Some two hundred years ago, pig farms and slaughter-houses were formally set up and pork was supplied to the consumers under supervision big problem to dispose of the fat. In the beginning they used to burn the fat but later they thought to use it in products. So, the pig fat was melted and used in making soap. The experiment was successful. Then, plants were set up to process the fat. The packed fat was brought in market where companies would put the fat for using it in food and drinks. In the beginning of this century, quality control was systematized. European countries started to introduce quality control over food, drinks, lotions and drugs, and directed the manufacturing companies to print a list of ingredients and their effects. The companies started printing "Pig Fat" on the wrappers and bottles. But when these products came to Islamic countries, the Muslims boycotted them. You must know the background of the freedom war in 1857 in India. At that time, rifle bullets were sent to India from Europe via sea. During the six-month journey in the sea, the bullets would get moisturized due to humid and salty air of sea and were no longer usable. Britain would put a coating on the bullets to preserve them. To use the bullets, the soldiers would peel the fat coating with their teeth. This continued for some time, but when the local soldiers came to know that the coating was made of pig fat, they revolted. The revolt turned into the freedom war of 1857. Muslims around the world learnt that the European, products had pig fats, and the sale was adversely affected. The manufacturing companies raised a hue and cry and the European governments allowed them to print "animal fats" instead of "pig fats". Now the companies declared that their products used animal fats. But westerners kill the animals in a violent manner by electrocuting them or cutting the neck in one goes with machines. The Muslims slaughter the animals in Islamic way and believe slaughtering through electrocution as haraam, and do not eat the flesh, fat, etc of an animal slaughtered in such way. The European companies renamed the "pig fats" as "animal fats", but the Muslims refused to accept as halaal all the animals slaughtered by the Europeans and started boycotting the European products having an animal ingredient. This was the time when the companies had taken the shape of multinational companies and their products were being sold in the seven continents. The companies did not want to lose a one-third of their buyers. Secondly, the number of products and the output of companies had increased so much that it was nearly impossible to arrange for the fat of halaal animals or corn oil. If the companies had obtained the fats of animals slaughtered in Islamic ways or used corn oil. Their budget would have been affected and the cost would have increased. Thirdly, the pig fat would have gone in waste. After prolonged deliberation, the European minds devised a solution that the companies should not mention "fat" on the ingredient list. But there was a problem that under the law, the manufacturers were bound to print the names of ingredients. To solve this problem, they defined codes for animal ingredients used in the products. The codes represented which animal's ingredient was used in which ratio. The list of codes was sent to food departments of different countries. Since then, the companies mention only the codes and thus make billions of dollars profits every year. It is a pity that the Muslims are unknowingly using these products. One major reason of the increasing obscenity and debauchery in the Muslim countries is the toothpaste, chewing gums, chocolates, sweets, biscuits, corn flakes, packed fruits and vitamin tablets in which fats of haraam animals have been used. These are the only E codes you may detect in a product which has a haraam ingredient. Please print a copy and take it with you on every shopping trip. E-100 E-110 E-120 E-140 E-141 E-153 E-160a E-210 E-213 E-214 E-216 E-234 E-252 E-270 E-280 E-325 E-326 E-327 E-334 E-335 E-336 E-337 E-422e E-430 E-431 E-432 E-433 E-434 E-435 E-436 E-440 E-470 E-471 E-472a-e E-473 E-474 E-475 E-476 E-477 E-478 E-481 E-482 E-483 E-491 E-492 E-493 E-494 E-495 E-542 E-570 E-572 E-631 E-635 E-640 E-904 E-920
It is like Blacks calling themselves "Nigro", and thats OK. But when a white fella calls them "Nigger" damn, punch-ups are guranteed.
In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people can be. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "It was great, Dad." "Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked. "Oh Yeah" said the son. "So what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father. The son answered, "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them. " With this the boy's father was speechless. Then his son added, "Thanks dad for showing me how ungrateful we truly are" Too many times we forget what we have and concentrate on what we don't have. What is one person's worthless object is another's prize possession. Makes you wonder what would happen if we all gave thanks to Allah(swt) for all the bountys we have, instead of worrying about wanting more.
In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful Moderater Note: Like everygood matter it is from Allah and its no difference with beauty more you obey Allah more beautiful you become and Allah knows all matters and Allah is all wise seek the obedience of Allah and Allah will make you satisfied with every matter having trust in Allah(swt) and being patient due to that trust Aslamaa'Alaykem For attractive lips Speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, Seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, Share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, Let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For poise, Walk with the knowledge that you will never walk alone. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anybody. Remember, If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, The figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. And the beauty of a woman, with passing years, only grows!