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Everything posted by nuune

  1. ^^ Turkish anniversary yaa Abbaas lool why're they doing this, really, our president was not having a good day while they were enjoying the moment
  2. Che, there are many of them pictures of our president being squeezed by the Turks, this was a recent visit of him to Turkey, visit Radio Muqdisho website and you will see loads of them, also on his way back, he flew with Turkish Airlines daily passenger jet to Mogadishu loaded with Somalis, and he was greeting them on board, well, what can you say!1 Abbaas, that is one of many pics, sxb Most of the pictures are identical, cheering Turks, with our president NOT having fun, clearly depressing pictures.
  3. In Istanbul yesterday: That is not an image I would like to see in the media, but the media that displayed this picture is non other than our own Radio Muqdisho which represents Villa Somalia, Radio Muqdisho is NOW located inside Villa Somalia, I have sent an email to Radio Muqdisho to replace that image of our president with Yuri Kagarin.
  4. ^ Kolleey kuligeen oo la isku darey Abtigiis aa hal iyo eber na wada diraayo That is right, dhafaruur and hobhob, khaasatan hobhobta waxaa laga keeni jirey Beledweyne illaa Godeey, saan xasuusto safara nooga imaan jirey xagaa iyo Bari inta badan hobhob ayaa hadyad naloogu keeni jirey, wixii dhafaruur ahna jubooyinka illaa Xagar iyo Amuume, labaduba ummadeena ma ahan macaankooda waad ashahaadan. Anigu waxaan kaloon cuni jirey oo inta badan cayaalka ila yaabi jireen miraha geedka Ontorka, qaar baa dhihi doona ma miruu leeyahey, tii-tiinkana mirihiisa asna waan laba liqi jirey walaw dadka ay inta badan qodxihiisa dartiis u nici jireen, miraha garaska isna qolyaheyga ayuu ku jirey kolleey MMA dhowr jeer buu ka soo dhacey geedka garaska asoo is leh soo cantoobso mirihiisa. maxaa soo harey, gobka iyo alaabtii kale ee beedaanka iga daa yaakhey xasuus mina janno aan galeyba, buunjigana shaaha ama biyaha aan ku darsan jirney aka minal wareeraati, geedkoo oo asna magaciisa ii gooyey waaba dhuuqi jirey sidii sigaar intaa u daarano gudihiisa aa waxaa ku jiro alaaba qalabeysan even cayayaan dhintey iyo kuwa nool oo marka la daaro sanka aad ka sii deyni wax u eg qaacii hiroshima
  5. ^^ Maskiin, mircoodka xilli kasta wuu baxaa, and can withstand heat as far as I remember, geedkiisa waa mature umana baahna hawo qaboow iyo roob toona laakin ooga dari meyso roob iyo wax qaboow, either way, mircoodka innaba caadi ma aheen, you remember well that dheecaankiisa haduu shaati cad kaaga daato inuu hallaabi jirey unless used some heavy stuff to remove it which was hard.
  6. Alpha Blondy;983096 wrote: MMA, is the term canuuni derived from kalmada cunug? Guavabanana is your answer to your question inaar. Canuuni has being my favorite fruit after of course Mircood iyo Misqool iyo Murug iyo Dhafaruug & Hobhob
  7. Bull-shaadh, never heard what that means, but I take your word for it inaad ka wado lawkuus, ma maqashey that bull you are talking about and malmal yaa qadhaadh, only Qansax can get this oraah, yacni labaduba waa qadhaadh aan caadi aheyn, that I am waxaad sheegayso is heyhaata heyhaata limaa tuucaduuna, anigu xundhurteyda waxey ku aasantahey Balcad, Oba ayaan goofaf isla wadaagnaa camal, waxaad sheegaysana maan fahmin, waa saan kuu sheegay wax aan suuqa xoolaha Garissa aheyn ood ka sheekeynayso ma jiraan hehe
  8. ^^ Adiga unbaa adeegsada erayada qalaad eed ka dhawaajisey = Adiga unbaa isticmaala erayada ajaanibta eed ka dhawaajisey. Hadaad adiga ka deyrisey Afkaaga hooyo yaad kalood eeda saareysaa, iska biloow adiga muga hore.
  9. ^^ It is not about dysfunctional relationship, HAATU happens to be my Abti, and your Abti, too, and I am ashamed to have any associates with him, but his ignorance of not seeing the light outside Affeey is really disturbing, even though HAATU never met Affeey in his life, but he likes to bombard us that he shared a house with him and thus is ok to disrespect other NFD prominent politicians such as Yusuf Haji and Dawaara but tries to avoid Affeey in that context because he happens to be ......., of course, Haji & Dawaara achieved more than what Affeey had achieved in his years of MP in some parts of Wajir and later as Safiirka Kenya ee Soomaaliya, marka our dear HAATU not only happens to be ignorant of the current developments in NEP but he also lacks the knowledge of how demographic NEP is, marka ii daa ninkan aan bakooradeestee si aan jidka siraad ugu soo daro, sida ka muuqatana waad aragtaa wali ma uusan xuub-siibanin oo wali xataa ma uusan yeelanin habeedii geela, our Suuqa Xoolaha Garissa expert shoudl only talk about that 500 meter square suuqa xoolaha only, kolleey suuqii hada sidiisi hore ma ahan lo'leey baa xaaraan ku heesan jirtey waayadn dambe digaaga xataa waa la keenaa, waxaasna HAATU and co ayaa ka masuula iney geelii ku badaleen digaag.
  10. Didn't know Rageh inuu naag cadaana faaganayo!!
  11. *Blessed;982715 wrote: ^Oh.. that's what it means lol. Thanks. loooooooool Alla Blessed, hees aadan aqoonin qoraalkeeda baad iskaga raaxeesan jirtey, kaligaa ma ahan, anigaba meesha bustaanka waxaan u maleyn jirey banaanka dhaxdiisa bood-boodooy mar unbaan banaanka kjaa heli, bal fiiri inuu AF Soomaaligeyga tabcaan yahye, banaankeyba joogtaa to begin with banaankana waan ka heli baana ugu dhaaranayaa hehehe, actualy it was only 1986 that I thought he was actually saying bustaanka, too late, 12 years ka hor of 1986 ayey heesta soio baxdey, 12kaa sano banaanka dhaxdiisa boodboodey ayaan iskaga baashaalayey hehe
  12. ^^ Actually Leezi-Gaal is no longer on SOL because she now works at E! Network, also her PM cannot be enabled because atheists would be chasing her(surprised about atheists chasing her supernaturally!!)
  13. ^^ Ibti those dayz are gone dee hehe(can you imagine Solers back 2005 & now, you will not see old Solers posting such filthy stuff here), people don't know the that Somali men who are married to ajaanib women outnumber Somali women who are married to ajaanib men. trend kulahaa, what is trend about Somali women marrying niman ajaanib, soo iyadu ma lahan waxa lugaheeda hoosteeda ku jira
  14. ^^ Could be true Qoryo Lacag, but that is not commonly used, the most common used are: Miro gurato or miraha geedaha ka soo daato iskood oo la gurto miro faagato instead of dahab faagato, miraha dhulka ku jira ee la soo faagto Gabdhaha kaligood miro gurato ma ahan, nimankaaba ugu daran, all the men I know rely on women for money, mind you then men work as well like the ladies.
  15. ^^ He just forgot the plain big Somali flag on top of the Puntland one at the Press Conference, and yet he calls Puntland Soomaali diid all the time, wa taa maskax!!
  16. malistar2012;982183 wrote: Somalia is heading the right direction . how is Somalia heading to the right direction while in fact, by tomorrow or the next day you will be calling the same people these ministers are meeting shayaadiin nabad diids, or your obsession with Somaliland & Puntland, Soomaaliyada aad sheegaysid hadaad ka saarto Somaliland, Puntland, & Jubooyinka maxaa kuu soo harayo bal, inta soo hartey miyaa Soomaaliya kuu noqon, war caqli isticmaal niyahow waxaad iila egtahey ilma yar aan wali caqliga yaree uu leeyahey aan garaneyn sida loo isticmaalo.
  17. Che -Guevara;982226 wrote: Every time the SFG goes to Kismayo, the visit is followed by skirmishes. And worse, Jubbaland President Barre Hiraale wasn't there at the airport to welcome these ministers, the President sent his juniors to welcome them instead!
  18. ^ Apophis, I do like that angle of your thinking regarding the KDF looting from the rich, but they could have looted and rescued people at the same time, they have devoted their whole time drinking and looting, remember, there were no hostages at all, and their knowledge of CCTV cameras were zero, have you seen how the attackers where knowledgeable of the CCTV in that video, they checked the ceilings several times, and even shot dead one big CCTV camera. Qansax, agree with you, no surprise there, but we are reminding some people about their beloved KDF soldiers who protect Garissa(Haatu seems satisfied that few KDF soldiers frequently raid Garissa residents in the hope of protecting the region, and he claims, soo galootiga ayey ka ilaalinayaan wadanka).
  19. I think you meant to post this picture:
  20. Alpha Blondy;981867 wrote: :D Shiekh Nuune - abti, so diyaar garow aad sii kala shaandhaysid wixii caqliga gala iyo wixii aan caqliga galayn eh. o Ar bal tan yar eega, after 6 months when I told you aan kugu meheriyo gabadha you only answered my post now markey Wadani iyo kuwa kale wadnaha ku karkariyeen oo maseyr kugu yara dhashey, ar bax na dhaaf, Safferz boos kaagama banaano waraa ee orod hoogayeey dheh, afor your info 3 weeks ka hor baa la dafey ee sidaa ula soco, inaar biggest tacsi inaa dhigato waaye, and you can only blame yourself because sidii diinka ayaad u socotaa for all your matters noooh
  21. Graphic video showing attackers shooting shoppers one by one in as close as less than one meter apart The video was from the very first day, the attackers seemed to have come from the car park relaxed!
  22. ^^ There are worse videos than that, I am actually following this very closely, our friends Tutu, Haatu, Apophis(not sure) all think it is OK to loot while rescuing people and shooting attackers because the soldiers happened to be from Africa and not Europe!! These are the latest facts admitted by Kenya: KDF soldiers never rescued one single person KDF soldiers never killed one single attacker KDF soldiers lost 13 soldiers, killed by only one attacker The biggest looting took place in a jewelery shop where 3 soldiers took $500,670 worth of diamonds Kenyan people lost interest of their KDF soldiers, they demand withdrawal from Somalia asap
  23. ^^^ Talk about double standard, why no one is NOT asking you about your little fortress of ajaanib girls that you hold hostage in most of the time against their will by luring them into offering them good salary and healthcare, is that fair, inaar, dib iskugu laabo, abti
  24. ^^ He worked hard to get the required points to get into the said university, something you have failed to achieve while sitting in your higher school exam back 2009 in Prague!