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Everything posted by nuune

  1. honey206,are u series about that,actually it is as u put it,but it depends what planet u are in :eek: !!
  2. yes really this country needs us,am in anyway!! SOOMAALAAY FADHIGA KA KACA
  3. lool@ATTITUDE_SISTA, i like your attitude,keep it up :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: no way am gona have a chick with a child NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENES!!
  4. lool@ATTITUDE_SISTA, i like your attitude,keep it up :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: no way am gona have a chick with a child NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENES!!
  5. lool@ATTITUDE_SISTA, i like your attitude,keep it up :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: no way am gona have a chick with a child NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENES!!
  6. lool@ATTITUDE_SISTA, i like your attitude,keep it up :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: no way am gona have a chick with a child NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENES!!
  7. MMA,abaa dhiitis lee maad kujiree,waabad soo xadee miyaa shactirooyinka,acuudka,adaaba keenay war! that was really funny,especially the last bit!!
  8. ShayShay,ha ha haah,maxaa kugu dhacay,ka kala aayar gabarta, :eek: :rolleyes:
  9. ATTITUDE_SISTA, welcome first!!!
  10. ATTITUDE_SISTA, welcome first!!!
  11. iam enjoying everyday by recieving ahaadiith and i want you to get benefit of it by subscribing to them. click here to recieve hadith everyday
  12. that was good lesson indeed,i like the last two bit!! i will add this: how are you: shian shu wam hello: nie hao naga tag waraa: bin juan wan shing jung
  13. If work is simply the place you earn your bread and punch in your hours, why not redefine it this Ramadan? Make your workplace the scenario for Da'wa, especially in the current tension-filled atmosphere of misunderstandings about Islam and Muslims. Here are some ideas that can help you share Ramadan with your boss and coworkers this year. 1. Begin informing people about it as soon as possible Start telling bosses, supervisors and coworkers about Ramadan now. Bring it up in the course of conversation casually. In terms of when Ramadan starts and ends, just give the projected date (i.e. for Ramadan this year, it's November 5). Don't get non-Muslims involved in the technicalities of finding out the correct date. Do the same for Eid. You can decide for yourself which date to start and stop fasting on. 2. Post it up On your office or department bulletin board, put up a factsheet on Ramadan, with a short introduction of yourself and which department you are from. Don't just give the facts, but also include a few sentences about what this blessed month means to you (i.e. spiritual growth, closeness to God, being more generous, etc.). 3. Get an article printed in your local newspaper and circulate copies This will not only be good Dawa - it may even promote department/company pride (i.e. one of our employees is a writer too!). Post it up with the masthead of the newspaper on top. 4. Negotiate your lunch hour with the boss This is another task that needs to be done as soon as possible. Explain that you will need a short break for prayer and then you will take lunch break at Iftar time. 5. Talk to the office cafeteria people about your Iftar needs If you normally buy lunch at the cafeteria, explain to the cafeteria staff that you would like to arrange to have your lunch saved for Iftar time. Ask them to keep one serving of lunch in the fridge so you can pick it up at Iftar time. 6. Create a "Ramadan corner" at your desk If you have your own desk at work, dedicate a corner of it that is accessible to passersby the "Ramadan corner". Put a basket of dates, sweets, written information on Ramadan and maybe a small frame of eye-catching Islamic calligraphy on it. Post a note inviting coworkers to the free sweets and information. 7. Have a small Iftar gathering at your desk Invite coworkers to a snack of dates and fresh fruits during Iftar time. At least once, have a more formal meal ready for everyone (check with your boss before you do this). 8. Distribute written material on Ramadan If you've got a central location in your workplace where people can pick up free newspapers, get permission to stack a factsheet and pamphlets on Ramadan. You can also leave the sheets on the Ramadan corner of your desk. 9. Get a Ramadan greeting from your boss Have your boss, commanding officer or head of the department issue a public notification that Ramadan is coming up or is here and they and the company congratulates all Muslim employees on this occasion. 10. Put an article about Ramadan in the office newsletter If you have a company or department newsletter, write up a personal article about why you are looking forward to Ramadan and what Ramadan is. Then arrange for them to publish it. anyway,i got this information from islamic website,enjot it! :eek:
  14. lefty,ani kuma jiro adiga lee waaye saad yeeli laheed naag gaaban oo kuusan hadanaa madax gaaban leh!!! Baydan, sure there a lot of females with cali fallaax kastuumo,actually i haven't checked them personally but really u can figure out that they are wearing a big cali fallaax!!!! :eek: :eek:
  15. Dela Cruz,lool,welcome first,you have started a good place indeed!! to me,here is my list: 1-naag aan isbaalo waaween laheen 2-naag gaaban,iam tall anyway,she must be tall so we can do things perfectly. 3-naag kuusan. 4-naag qaaxuubad ah 5-naag qumaya ah 6-naag afdheer oo asbaxad ah 7-naag juudaama qabta 8-naag cali fallaax gashato 9-naag aan aqoon si wax loo kariyo ama aan rabin in labaro 10-naag sixirooleey ah 11-naag markasta kufeeso hadday kaba dhaadheer gashato they are many,i will add the rest next time....
  16. lakkad, please what was that,ha ha ha ah,wuu ku dhaxmirqaa kulahaa acuudka!!
  17. am gonna add: Araweelo(she played an important role) Oday Biiqe Cigaal Shidaad(total comedian) and recently: Carays Ciise Kaarshe(i just like all his peoms and afareeys)try the one: Hooyada waa lama huraan by him.
  18. that was coincident,she didn't mean that this would be a big viberator. but anyway ha ha ha ha,that was funny loool!!
  19. nuune

    MA luv

    welcome to somaliaonline. very nice peom indeed!
  20. wallstreetwiz fisrt welcome. i can say most of the nomads here are webmasters.
  21. wallstreetwiz fisrt welcome. i can say most of the nomads here are webmasters.
  22. i like to see those damn warlords to be sentenced to death,when will i see that happen,probably not too far!!
  23. lol@Nadiira,actually not many of us said that we hate your question,and heey by the way i didn't answered your question because i didn't want to answer!! but if you said you wanted for an essay you should told us so we can share what we know about the question. anyway take it easy!!