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Everything posted by nuune

  1. Protocol, you must be one Star Trek fan, got ye now! No beam transporter for any near future sxb. There is Jet engine test going on right now for 14 years, whereby the journey from London to Sydney would be just 5 hours, even this one is not ready yet.
  2. lool@ ibriiqa shaaha, who needs to go to restaurant for a date, everything is movin with you, even the cup of tea
  3. ^^^ "25.Great distances will be traversed in short spans of time " Think or airlplanes, space rockets, cars etc.
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: Here is Che ready to go on a date. You surely killed the thread, waa isku dhamaatey
  5. lol@mac ku seexo, wax la'aan ay dhaantaa ma ahoo, halahaas uu nafta ku ceshtay habeenkii Rooble, update us sxb since you started this story, we need to know the end part of those dates if it would have promotion to another level, mise another cheek kalaa soo socda
  6. JB, wafaxafaan ufumafalafeenifi ifin cafadafan lafagafa hefeesafaayafo, qafalafam jafalafam afaadafan fafaarafax Afro, fa'kaan lake leema lakaa goola dahlaa oo aaw fa' daa ool qayaano, aaw go'ahay ni'aa hatay reer sikmaayood Ms DD, adiga waa la fahmaa dheh, mana soo qoreesid, dhucdhucleey waaxid, fluent aa loogu hadlaa, waad la yaabi ayadoo lagu hadli hadaad aragto, mana fahmeesid, only qoraalkaad yara fahmeysaa which everyone does.
  7. Aaliyah, these are two kinds of Afjinni, one you add extra letters to it, the other one you read it backward but not totally backward, system baa jira.
  8. Aaliyah, dee adaa igu yiri just kiddin, but I admire your sheikhah side, inoo soo wada cudee sisterina Ms DD, xamaa riti qof sakta aaw qayaanaa yimaa fa'kaan, aaw nurtaa gooxaa aw dufudyahay kaalin ni'ta daban aaw uk da'agtahay ni'ee hafmaan, Afro, wajaxajaan ujumajalajeeniji ijinajaad kajasajeesajo faja'kajan ajaan hajadaja qojorojaayajo aranarigara, wajalajee ajanajigaja wajaan kajaa qajeelijiyajaey wajaad tajaqajaanajaa wajax kajastajoo laja sojoo qojorojo.
  9. nuune

    Jilib in 1966

    Grant, I must say, the pictures you took those years are precious and had to be preserved, again, thanks for sharin with us, these are just wonderfull pictures, by any means, would you have picutures of other town.
  10. Good to hear dat, it is rainin none stop here so dat is why am stuck at home today, and kind cantarabaqshing/trollin other than dat, everythin is cool. I thought u do Sunday Madrasa and teach Quran at local Masjid mise maanta break aa ka qaadanee
  11. Heey Aaliyah, welcome, must bein early mornin for you, how r u today
  12. Afro, kan madaxa ka kawi, kiyaawo iyo kashawiiito ku qaraac lafahiisa aa u qabtid hangaraarac dhutinaayo, waa runtaa, saaka koolba aaryo xun aa heeso, waraa maraq dooro cab waa caafimaadee maraxyahow
  13. JB, saacadan baad dooneysaa aniga iyo Ms DD inaan fuquburaalaha, ruuxaamaha iyo booramaha kaa shidno intaan cuud iyo jaawi iyo dhushuqya kaloo la kala garan waayey kugu uumino, oon abbaay sitti kugu daarno, war hooy waa lagu sitaa anu unbaa ku garan e. Ms DD, fooxa iyo luubaanta ii diyaari, xoogoow timir iyo jaawina sii habee, ninkan aan maskaxdiisa nadiifinaa. JB, Awliyaduna ka xishoo adeer
  14. nuune

    SOLers on Facebook

    Saalixa, wlcme back to SOL, I guess u got lost somewhere. Afro, dat curvy is surely curvy, waa moolto fitamiina aan ku dhahay
  15. Khalid, soo dhawoow, JB, waryaa gabdadha Afro daa baan ku iri, loota iyo qonof baad iga raadin hadii kale
  16. Ngonge, the shiisha crew startin to unfold, da new shiisha-girls!
  17. lool@he would throw it at the wall to see if is ready. Rageedi wallaahi. Stoic, whatever you do, adoo gaajeesan ha seexan, there are lots of short cuts and easy stuff u can make for urself in just less than 10 mninutes.
  18. looooooooool@Stoic, Maskiin, first of all, da water in da pasta don't dry unless u had 4 kg of pasta there at least, or u didnt have enough water there. You can have one liter of water and half kg of pasta at least cooked together nicely, so it is one thing, you forgot to put water in the Digsi and had just pasta there roastin and boilin by itself Try canbuulo, it will pay off
  19. Sky divin is an experience that needs to be explored, you will enjoy it alot, and would love to do it again. Try it girls.
  20. Cirdey, I don't think Duke have clear understanding of what's going on, he is now happy Ethiopia leavin there, I don't get it, he said interest of Abdullaahi Yusuf, whattttt. Duke, Adeer are you ok!!
  21. Ngonge looooool, tell ibti, xaal baa laga rabaa. Cirdey , gabadhaas waa inaan raadinaa niyahow PS:, Didn't know there was lady called nuuna in SOL, how come she escaped on my sight, should have bombed into her, still can nuuna aka Runaway bride, dear, whereever u r, come