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Everything posted by nuune

  1. RUNWAY: Boosaaso: 5.4KM : All aircraft can land & take off, 3.4KM diyaaradaa ku carareysa(heavy one's), the remaining 2KM are the safety/approach area, 1KM from East and 1KM to the west, or on both ends. Berbera: 4.14km: All aircraft can land, Russian spaceships used to land here Mogadishu: 3.8KM: All aircraft can land here, heavy airlines have little room for safety/approach area Kismayo: 3.68KM : All aircraft can land and take off easily, no safety area as well but job can be done easily like Mogadishu. Jigjiga: 2.5KM : Not all aircraft can land or take off, unless squeezed by experienced pilots. Hargeisa: 2.4KM: Not all aircraft sizes can land here or take off, recently, we have debated the Hargeisa airport project saga to death. So Boosaaso will have the longest runway in Somalia, the design was changed from 2.8KM to 5.4KM, this is what caused the delay, the airport manager said. But I hope they build a nice terminal, we don't need cariish ama mundul terminal.
  2. Gabre waxaa iigu dambeysay asagoo Hiraale & Madoobe dhax dhaxaadinaayo, that was dullinimo dullinimo dhaaftey. iley waa la uleeyey baan maqley in Minneapolis, my insider information is telling me the man is a walking to be prisoner in June, u soo fiirso by June, waa lala kacayaaa isla dowlada itoobiya ayaa xabsi galineyso, this information I received from a reliable sources in the government (received a tip).
  3. ^^^ Ninkaan Che Nairobi meel uma dhaafo markuu Africa yimaado, and by Nairobi, I mean Islii ehehe
  4. As I am sure you know too well there aren’t many Somali scholars of African studies in academia the founders of this journal must have struggled to find ethnic Somali contributers Tallaabo, Abti, see waaye camal, I can list you more than 20 Somali scholars I know haduusan qalinka iga murkacanin intaan magacyadooda soo aruurinayo and what their speciality is, again, waligaa hoos ha isku dhigin, and thanks to Safferz for catching those tuugo la qabtey talo ma leh. End to in magaceena lagu qaraabto, and end to the notion that there is no Somali scholar of whatever field.
  5. Che, politically, every point you made is true, also the richer in Ethiopia gets richer, and the poorer gets poorer, the same is happening everywhere in the world, but in Ethiopia, the one party system is killing people, soon there will be an election, the one party that supposed to run was told to leave the country the other day, so simply there will be an election where everyone chooses the current party, election maba la dhihi karo. Also, the articial gov in Jigjiga, is holding election where only the current party will run for election, last month, a group of youth established a party that will run against the current one, one by one, waa loo imaadey and told them, don't you ever think about it, khalas, sheeka waa dhamaatey.
  6. ElPunto, having only came back last week from Ethiopia, the booming is not only in Addis Ababa, but in Dire Dawa, Nazreth, Jigjiga, Harer, Mekele, Axum, and many other cities. Spent most of my time in Dire Dawa, and having visited the same city 2 years ago, I could not recognise how fast Dire Dawa is going, itused to be a quite place. I still don't know the driving force behind this booming, but one thing for sure, the government has enforced a tax system on everything, and the benefit of this is being invested on many projects such as the Dam, Roads, construction etc. Example: Every shop I have seen has a cash register(enforced to use) which is connected to the internet(or other real-time systems), and every sale is being communicated to a central unit(revenue) where the revenue knows what to collect and when. That kind of system never existed 3 years ago and slowly every business is converted and enforced to use the cash tax register, it is amazing thing to achieve for a country that has more than 90 million people.
  7. This is a sad topic indeed, debating same thing we have been saying on SOL since 2002. Ilaahey dhamaanteen qalbi wanaagsan oo hufan ha iskugu keen keeno.
  8. War Mosuud-kaad nagu wareerisey siduu u imaadeyba Arsenal wuxuuba noqdey Tabcaan fowqal madax koryeeri, PL maba ahan stylekiisa, PL waa orod waxeeda iyo xoogsi. lool@xaj bilaash ah. Hope Axmadey survives the fierce parliament vote on Saturday. Che ma ku soo gaadhey, Amesterdam uu transit ku ahaay asoo dhaxda u dhuuqsantahey.
  9. And your name is: Mēgan McNellis, the connection with your name to the meaning of the word you are looking for! Safferz gave you the explanation, Miicaad Miigan is a famous actor, not with us anymore.
  10. lol Cumar Buur, wallee Xaaji Xeyraan magac waa bixiyaa, abdiwali sheikhna magacii uu ugu wici jireyna waan hilmaamey, madax koryeeri miyuu ahaa!
  11. Libaax wax waalan iga dheh, warkan war la hubo ma ahan(maybe am spoiler here), and that post is not for our MMA, or anyone of his immediate family, would have liked him to hold that position even though his Cardif City team always lose, he supports the worst team ever in the Premier League, well they are in the division now ehehe. Mida kale, maamulka Jubbaland wasiiro ayaa ka banaan oon wali la qaadan saan maqley and I heard Che is been called up there to hold wasiirka Dakadaha iyo dhirta iyo daaqa lool, warkan isna lama hubo laakin waxaan kaloon maqley in Xaaji Xeyraan isna looga yeedhay maamulka loo dhisayo gobolada dhexe, am wondering, Xaaji iyo gobolada dhexe, ninku fara badnaa ma faraanfar baa.
  12. ^^ Wuu riyoonayaa miyaa, war umaba hayo in Soomaalidii Kenya in maalkooda iyo naftoodiba la dhacey, faanka ma fiicna, faanka badana marbuu faruurya geela kuu yeelaa, Diktoore, bal dib ugu noqo hadaladaada, sxb.
  13. Safferz, you do know certain someone is already heartbroken of hearing you staying in London then in Ethiopia for good, I hope inuusan qosol gariir ku dhicin, okey, sxbkey Alpha faraha ayaan ka qaadayaa lol Anyone, the whole of London is filled with hotels of different budgets, so, all you have to do is go to websites like or, or Trivago, then you will find cheaper one's of good quality of course. The point is, the mentoned websites had hotels that are good quality, at least from my experience in booking hotels in many cities I have been to. Other than that, Jigjiga is your final frontier miyaa, caadi ma tihid, for somehow, this city is not my type, but Dire Dawa all the way is my fav city for many reasons, okey one of them is the quite, the weather, no nonsense attitude(Jigjiga worst in this category). Enjoy your studies & Research.
  14. I know for sure Wasaarada Haweenka iney wax qabad badan soo bandhigi doonto, already she does talk with her weekly achievement on Puntland TV and on her Ministry website, lets wait for her on that day, she will steal the show, a fellow Minnesotan waaye camal. Also, there are other wasaarado who did achievdved something, like the sports and youth one, by holding few football tournaments, he is cool guy by the way. Then there is this wasaarad which also did something laughable, by firing Rugta Ganacsiga ee Puntland ee waligeed soo jirtey een siyaasad shaqaba ku laheyn sir yo caad, lets wait for him to speak, waa wasaarada Ganacsiga. Then there is this wasaarad which only exist by name only, lets wait for him to speak that day too, waa wasaarada duulista, oh wait, he is busy building Boosaaso International Airport, that is one un-finished achievement since he took office 11 months ago. Then wasaarad kale ayaa jirta o ayadna wax la taaban karo sameesay, waxa ay abuurtey dhowr geed outside Boosaaso plus exporting the largest camels outside the country(500,000 thousand camels in 6 months), waa wasaarada xoolaha, Dhirta iyo Daaqa Wuxuu ku faantami doonaa, geelii ugu badnaa ee wadanka ayaan u direy Sacuudiga, for him, this will be an achievement! Also, there are some wasaarado who did NOTHIGN at all, it would be really entertaining to listen them bmumblin and bubling for nothing. This is nuune, reporting from Garowe.
  15. This is the work of Wasaarada Waxbarashada iyo barbaarinta ee Xarunta Horumarinta Manaahijta(sorry, waa the work of Dowladii hore). Waana qaamuuska eray bixinta ee Fisikis, published in 1987. Please share with students and anyone interested to know what physics words mean in Somali language. Somali Physics Dictionary From the book: Capacitor = Madhxiye Resistor = Caabiye Diode = Laba Qotinle Transformer = Dooriye
  16. Tallaabo, abti, xataa Maashaa Allaah waad quuri weyday miyaa, these boys, I think they number around 13 would be fit and enough to terrorize Kenya from the air, add another 13, then Ethiopia will be in danger, if you add another 13, then we are only behind Egypt and South Africa when it comes to who has the highest number of Fighter Jet Pilots in Africa, being third place is not bad at all. By the way, the Nigerian air force is experiencing the highest corruption of its time, the bloody corrupt system last month awarded Pilot License for Fighter Jets to 19 people, they never flew an aircraft, the result, loss of life and 3 figter jet accident this month. Hope the so called Somali Government avoids such things to happen.
  17. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> its a shame because of this feminist mantra, adovocting girls education and other related mashruucs, our population levels are dwinderling at a faster rate than ever. what we require are procreation centres. Seems like you missed out the Black Friday super deals, abti.
  18. Maskiin, Umal oo ka hadlaya arrinkan maba daawan mana akhrin dadka unbaan ka maqley inuu video duubey ku saabsan ninkan, laakin buuga waan akhriyey laba jeer. Wadaada aan Umal aheyn oo ka hadleyna wey jiraan oo diinta iyo axaadiithta aad u yaqaano. Xadiithyada hordhaca uu uga dhigey ninkan buugiisa waxey yihiin saxiix ama xasan ama daciif halkan ka akhriso Sheikh aad taqaano ayaa si fiican kuugu kala dhig dhigayee. SHEIKH MAXAMED IDRIS, CLICK HERE. BUUGA OO DHAN HALKAN KA AKHRISTA, CLICK HERE
  19. Safferz, of course he fears for his life after he called Rasuulkeena Bililiqo-ku-nool, or womeniser(how is that related to the topic of his book), anyone who says that in front of me about Rasuulkeensa dharbaaxshadii/feerkii adduunka ayaa sidii hoobiyaha ugu daadanayo. ps: Read the book abaayadiis, xataa Aayadaha Quraanka ayuu ciyaar-ciyaar ka dhigaya ama ku jees-jeesayaa asoo many times oranaya waxaa laga soo min-guuriyey Kutubtii hore, again, not related to the title of his topic.
  20. lool Alpha, you are one of a hell gaangiistar, but our Dictoore needs a Pasta Makarooni, malmalaado ansalaato faankuulo suugo.
  21. The article is misleading, this bank is not NEW, it has being there since last year. They were advertising JOBS last year, click here And now, after a failed mission, claiming it has being launched today with the help of head of a state. Madaxweynaha is being used for xayeysiis purposes, or he is one of the new investors. The message is good and is welcome, we need more banks, laakin misleading we don't like it.
  22. ^^^ How many gabdho oo liberal ah do you follow, you seem to know all of them. inaar ii warran, soo ma fiicnid, heard you are hosting endless guests in there, how big is your fortress niyahow you seem to accommodate everyone there. I don't even read books let alone reading poetry, as long it is not afareey then there is no hope.
  23. This picture was taken on Wednesday in Nairobi, and it is our president Hassan suing Kenya over the the claim of Kenya on Somalia's territorial waters. Yes, he is disputing with Uhuru Kenyatta as you can see.
  24. Ismahan, welcome back, and long time not seen, hope all is good. Thanks for providing that information, it is now very clear to everyone what is happening right now. 24 sano ka hor, Kenya waxey Soomaaliya uga cabsan jirtey si aan caadi aheyn, inta loo hanjabo ayaa lagu dhihi jirey Soomaalida NFD dhibka hadaa ka deyn weysaan Nairobi ayey ciidanka Soomaaliya ka qadeyn doonaan, markaasey cabsi darteed la kala carari jireen iyo please, waa taariikh qoran, maantana, ayaan darro, wa kaa cabsidii tradionalka aheyd ay naga baqi jireen iska daayee dhulkeeni iyo badaheeni ayeyba u hanqal-taagayaan ama sheeganayaan, marka strong leader baa naga maqan soo ma ahan, wax naf la caari ah ayaa madax ku sheeg inoo ah hada oo xataa baarlamankii ka dhuumanaya because waxa uu ogyahey iney haraati ku dhufanayaan his letter to the court, madaxweyne kolba shimbir baa meel ku dhuustey la dhaho ka soo qeeb galayo, hal todobaad oo isku xigto waligiis Xamar ma joogin waa inta uu madaxweynaha yahey, lugahaa dixiri uga jiro safar ayuu u carari, safar jaceyl ka weyn waxan! Madaxweynaha wuxuu dhax dabaashey ama ku dhax jiraa khayaano qaran, dadkii, dalkii iyo dhulkiiba wuu khayaamey, waana in la iska celiyaa haduu sidan ku sii socdana barrito China ama Carabta ayuu siini dhul wabiyoodka oo dhan(waana hubaa in uu sidan sameeni inta uusan xiligiisa dhamaanin).
  25. ^ That picture is an insult to Somalis and Somalia in general That picture translates that there is no such thing as Somalia as the symbol of Somalia is missing. In that picture, Kenya sees you as just being a rogue member of IGAD, nothing more, you forgot your flag, you are regarded as retard!