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Everything posted by nuune

  1. Wax waalan, planting trees kulahaa, why the need for that when people or goats will consume it. What allegations the maid made against you, I can only guess one thing, and that is she refused to wake you up for suxuur or didn't cook you for suxuur
  2. Thanks for reviving this thread, looking forward your trip to Garoowe(u will be lost in the wilderness), maybe ttat needs another thread I guess but keep this one alive, and stop praying Isha at 2AM, and pay that damn maid her monthly ijaar, it is already 23th of August.
  3. ^^ Waxaasoo dhanaa, Abti mandhaazi iyo munguko mingi iyo mungaazi kiimbo iyo weewe ayaan ka dhargey, laakin inaa saa dooro u jecleyd maba moodeeyn, kaligey dooro kalliifkeed inaa aamo aa isku heestey camal.
  4. I am just wondering, what has Siilaanyo & Faroole have done for their brethren whom famine had striken so badly, I haven't heard the two leaders talking in public about the famine, remember, tomoro it would be you if not today!
  5. ^^ Ready to Quraan saarid you, even ready inaan kugu akhriyo abbaay siti faadumo jannaay
  6. boiled snake doesn't taste great, but I will had the roasted one anytime, one time I coudn't even finish a whole snake, but nothing was left except the tiny tail, intaas soo hartey ayaa ciil iga hayey wallahi, had I started from the tiny tail, I wouldn't have any left over, cuz I know the snake head is addictive cuz you spend around 15 minutes eating the head only, its very hard but delicious, I think of other snake heads when I am already munching one.
  7. Waan ogaa inuu surprise come back sameenayo, ama biyaajadii lixaad uu ku rjuucayo
  8. Gues garee bal, kolleey wax kheyr leh ma soo wadidee ehehe
  9. Half for afur, and half for suxuur, qaar baan ku siini hadaad rabto
  10. Thinking of having AFUR for this tonight
  11. ^^ That is the new party you formed 9 maalin ka hor, laakin astaanta aad u sameesey baan ka soo horjeedaa, waxey u egtahey calaamada yahuuda, otherwise its design is perfect for new change.
  12. ^^ Anaa garanayo sababta aad ugu gaabnaatey reerka, hadaad i weydiiso sababta aad u gaabnaatey garan maayo waayo sababtaas hadaan ogahey waan kuu sheegi lahaa, adoo gaaban hadaad nin gaaban guursato ilma dhaadheer oo ashuun gaaban la eg ayaad dhaleysaan, hadaad adoo gaaban nin dheerna guursato waxaad dhali kal iyo mooye
  13. ^^ Ngonge, Waligaa signaturekaaga ma cuntey, I did xalayto, gaaja xun ayaana ka qaadey, Ilaah amarkii. Val can cook, I don't believe it, talaw maxey karisey, doorshe gubtey, ibriiq ooyey, yaanyo oloshey, saxan niikiyey, yaa ogaado xuubka yixaaskuu ahaayee waxa digsiga saarnaa. Edit: labada jeer maxey u so baxdye my post, I thought iney qaruumaha bisha Soonka xirnaayeen
  14. ^^ Ngonge, Waligaa signaturekaaga ma cuntey, I did xalayto, gaaja xun ayaana ka qaadey, Ilaah amarkii. Val can cook, I don't believe it, talaw maxey karisey, doorshe gubtey, ibriiq ooyayey, yaanyo oloshey, saxan niikiyey, yaa ogaado xuubka yixaaskuu ahaayee waxa digsiga saarnaa
  15. Nina Fox, ummadeena ma tihid, Ilaah amarkiis, and those fanaaniin waa Kooxda waaberi, I used to have that riwaayad video, they were singing in Chinese as well as Somali. Ooh, found the video, not the full version, but it is the one: Famous FACES there, no need to name them, aah yeah, qiiradii adduunkaa igu dhacdey,
  16. Aawey JB, waa dirty minded, he would have thought women crying was something else hehe
  17. Just had my suxuur, hopefully will leave this crazy timing by tmoro and head off to the GMT timing zone, xagee lagu arkey waxan, my afur was exactly one hour ago, and now suxuur, maalintii koobaad ayba dhaantey 2 hours camal aaba u dhaxeesey, yaasiinka iyo burdaha
  18. is the correct url, the other one Cons posted is also OK. Thanks Cons.
  19. bilan;739194 wrote: may be Nuune is kidding, but it seems a lot of us always blame other people. laakiin Jiirka cararaya ma AS, i do not think kuwaas inay that easy ku tagayaan, soon they will start inay wax qarxiyaan, hadayba ka xun yihiin since no one knows meesha ay aadayaan, tolow Godane tuuladiisa maku noqday?? Dear Bilan, I am aware that no one can be blamed for our trouble, I kid a lot, and I did listened to that muxaadaro bari dhaweyd, waxaa is weydiin mudan, who invites these foreigners whatever they are, soo un anaga ma ahan un, hadee blame kale ma jiro huuno oon anaga aheyn, 20 sano we failed our country, we as in me and you and everyone else, and those khaasatan in the country, war illeen anagaa wax aragney, waxaan aaminsanahey dhibaatada wadankeena wey sahlantahey sidii loo xallin lahaa, laakin sidii aan geyd quraca hoostiisa ku soo wada fariisan laheyn ayaa la rabaa in laga shaqeeyo, qofkii ka shaqeeyaana dahab ceyriin iyo mid bisilba wuu muteestey.
  20. So what is the increase for just when Alshabaab left, wasn't theyir whole point securing Mogadishu together with TFG forces, when the objective has being achieved, why increase instead of decreasing. Increasing troop levels and forces from other African countries only prolongs the civil unrest in Somalia, which creates new faction groups opposing the forces from those mentioned countries, you will hear soon groups of different names emerging, and that is what the international community wants, aawey Zack and Oba, ila akhriya waxaan idinkaa siyaasada qurquriyee.
  21. ^^ wiil iyo eedadiis, can be true, how about gabadh iyo aabaheed, story happened just early this year, she was 21 years of age, and he was a young man of 47, bomb, I don't want to continue this story but inteyna sheekada dhabqin ayaan soo kala dhax galney aniga iyo daris kale, sheekada meher bey gaartey xataa oo wadaadka la ballansadey.
  22. Nothing new, Alshabaab was instructed by their MASTERS to vacate the city, that is all, oh yeah, their masters as in United States of America. No conspiracy theory, but that is the fact, America has being under constant pressure from the international community for failing to help the famine in Somalia, no word from the State department on the Alshabaab cuz no need for that, waa qiiq isku qaris, tmoro or after few days they will say something like America welcomes such a move. When will we learn that it is outside interference that keeps Somalia the way it is. Also, final point, the news of Alshabaab leaving Mogadishu has interrupted the Ugandan general who was handing the job to another one, there was big feast at Villa, of course no one expected Shanbaad leaving Mogadishu, it was an order from the United States of America telling Alshabaab to disapear for a period of Honeymoon when the famine is over, and come back later with adduunyooy xaalkaa ba'. War bahasha barta,
  23. I don't see anything is wring with meeting someone online, before waan la yaabi jirey, but now, Somali people are all over the world, and the one you think is your other half might be in China, so how would u meet her or him, of course online, or if you can avoid the $2700 return ticket several times a year. war naga tag
  24. nuune


    lol@gowska gadaal ka qoslo, adigaaba sidii habraha u hadlaayo, joking, wlcme to SOL yaa Princess. Ps: Just so you know why ay dumarka ganfuurka u wada taagayaan, mid kasta waxey aaminsantahey marka masjidka lagu jiro iney tan kale ka ajar badantahey, hence ganfuur taaga, waa kaa cibaado badnahey waaye camal.